
porn book

I'm gonna be straight with you people i can't Write so sure this book will be titled porn book cuz idk how to change the name but its staying so ha. Got off point there but this book is just gonna be a huge ass joke could be porn eventually you'll find out if you read this amazing book. Also if you get offended with the title of the chapters im sorry don't mean to offend you. eat a egg before reading

Deku_425 · Anime e quadrinhos
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48 Chs

fucking getting creamed in by my step sisters futa dick

i'm back for another chapter today. this aint gonna be happening in a row you stupid fucks, don't you dare think for a moment this means i'm updating more frequently, i just happened to think about telling you people to go fuck yourselves again because there still no porn for you. i'ma say it now before some snowflake gets mad reading this, i mean no offense by anything i say in this book, unless you a snowflake because fuck you. that's a joke still no offense. anyway haha get fucked you horny hippos, i'm calling you readers that from now on, no porn here again hahaha. bye now for who knows how long. until next time in potentially a month or so.