
Marshal plans - illusive trap for developing countries.

Mr.Ronny :" let's develop a relief package for ravaged countries in a way that it becomes unsuccessful for them to stand independently again."

Jack: " yes! We will install mega projects in developing countries on the basis of urging them to take loans for installations."

Ronny and jack:" laughed , and in an illusion of being developed they gonna stuck in a debt trap."

The offers are well availed by third-world countries resultantly their economic growth is stagnant. They divulged into a process where narrow elite takes all benefits and they remains empty-handed.

Lets think about the wind mills projects which is a part of Marshal plan in Asia. Number of indigenous labors installed it and earn around $4 monthly at the loan of &48000. Thus,Creditors like IMF and WB are facilitator for attaining huge sums while poor remains at low level of income.