
El comienzo 2 (the real beginning)

Totori:I really didn't see it coming am not ready to die! At least not yet ,

Mom needs me

(Blinking his eyes in fear )every thing blacks out again.

Jedi: wow am finally dead (am in heaven right it's pretty up here )

An unknown voice: no your not😊

Jedi; wait is that GOD no it can't

Unknown voice:u wish

He hears some steps but he can't see anything in fear he moves back looking around frightened.

Jedi: just for u to know am not scared of you

(The step coming closer to him )

Unknown voice: I can see that (the unknown person touches his head his eyes turns green then he fall on his knees

Jedi :your lucky am dead cause if I wasn't you might be in tears right now (sign) if only I can see u

(He try's to touch him)

Unknown voice:your not dead yet my friend all this is our fantasy the more you get to accept the easier for us.

Unknown voice:stop resisting!!! ...


Jeserca: Awch Jadi (She drops down from the car looks around) this place is so dark, she looks around.

Jeserca: what's that (she looks around but can't find nothing) where's every one

Something came close to her;

Guess what it touches her head then she hit the floor she opens her eyes a little and it closes again she opens again seeing something familiar;

Jeserca: jedi is this u (she faints)

Cough Totori wakes up touching his body he looks around in fear grabs his phone try's to switch it on something hit it of his hands. In fear he try's to get a stone.

Totori: who's there I have a gun 🙄

Unknown voice: no your not

Totori: wait guys (something hit his head he started feeling dizzy he knees down trying to crawl)

Totori: what's going on ...

Totori wakes up breathing really fast he looks around in fear

Totori: I hope am not caught by the cave men ooh there all gone .

Voice: what are u scared of