
First Gym Battle Part 1

The next morning Eric woke up early to get ready for his first Gym battle, but one thing was missing. Eric thought about what could be missing from his room for a while and then remembered that he never returned his Pokemon and one was missing. The Pokemon that was missing is Shadow Latias. apon realizing that she was missing he searched his room frantically calling out to her.

Latias where are you?! We need to get ready and go over our strategy again! Now where are you.

As Eric continues to call out to her, Latias wakes up to find herself in a dark place but can hear her trainer calling out for her. She then pokes her head out of Eric's shadow and telepathically asks him why he's crying and calling out for her when she was right there. Apon hearing her Eric asked where she was and what she meant by right here cause he couldn't see her. To which She responded behind you. So Eric turned around and only to see Latias's head sticking out of the floor, to which Eric stumbled backwards when he saw her. Once Eric regained his composure he asked, "When did you learn to go into my shadow?, and how long can you stay like that?" to which Latias just tilted her head to the side and asked what he meant. Eric then explained that she was in his shadow and her head was sticking out of the floor. As Latias heard this she told him that she didn't know she could do this until he said that she was in his shadow and thought of when she may have entered his shadow, then realized that it must have been when she layed down on the bed next to him and felt comfortable and felt like she was floating a cloud. The next thing she knew she woke up in someplace dark and heard him calling out to her. When she told Eric all of this, Eric asked if she could try and go back into his shadow or any of the other shadows in the room. To which Latias did just that and more. Not only did Latias merge back into Eric's shadow but she also came out of the shadow under the table on the other side of the room. Eric was elated at the fact that his third Pokemon not only has shadow movement but can also use this ability fairly well already, and he now as a few new ideas for his battle strategy in his gym battle. As Eric was lost in thought both Latias and Dratini tried to get his attention by jumping on him which worked and Eric snapped out of it and smiled at them.

Ok girls I hear ya. We can get some breakfast.

as soon as Eric said this both Dratini and Latias started to smile and jump for joy that they where going to get food. Eric just shook his head and grabbed there Pokeballs ( along with Medipods) and his backpack which now had his Pokegear attached to it and left for the cafeteria down stairs.

A few moments later and Eric was in the cafeteria with his Pokemon waiting for his order to be ready unawarethat he had also forgottento do something else before going to the cafeteria. While waiting a angry Ashley could be seen bursting through the cafeteria doors and storming towards Eric. As she grew closer to Eric, Eric felt as if he was about to be attacked by an angry female Dragonite, and looked up from his Pokemon to see Ashley really pissed off and storming towards him. At this very moment Eric realized that he had also forgot to do one more thing and that was to wake her up to see his gym battle and breakfast. With this in realization Eric braced for the storm that was Ashley.


As Ashley is yelling at him, Eric notices that the three other people in the cafeteria where stairing at them. One was the cook about to announce that Eric's order is ready for both him and his Pokemon but didn't and instead watched, and the other two was a trainer couple that where now talking and laughing at Eric's predicament. Eric's face started to turn red with embarrassment and started to walk to the counter to pick up his order and as he went past Ashley he told her to look tone I down a little and that they were getting looks from others in the room, and as Eric continued Ashley looked around and saw what Eric meant and she to started to feel embarrassed.

Eric then returned with both his food and his Pokemons food, when Eric sat down at the table he expected Ashley to start up where she left of with yelling at him but instead Ashley grabbed his food and said: this will be payment for yesterday and forgetting to get me this morning. Eric just shook his head and rolled his eyes as he produced another plate of food for himself, along with his Pokemons food. When Ashley saw that he had another plate of food her face became bright red and she asked if the food she took was actually for her to which Eric nodded and said: "yes that plate was for you." but in his head he was thinking that he caught a lucky break ordering two plates of food for himself and his Pokemons food. Apon hearing that Ashley then looked sad and upset with herself for jumping to conclusions without all of the facts.

I'm sorry Eric. I felt like you didnt remember to get me and only thought about battling and training.

It's ok Ashley.

In truth Eric did forget until she showed up. About a half hour later Eric, Ashley, Dratini, and Latias started to make their way to Silver Falls Gym for Eric's first Gym battle. On their way to the Pokemon Gym Eric had both Dratini and Latias out with him so he could discuss their strategy for the upcoming battle.

Time 6:50 AM

Eric: Dratini I'm going to have you start off in the battle while Latias will stay in my shadow until it's her turn to go in.

Ashley: Wait Latias can hide in your shadow? Since when?

Eric: Since last night. I only just found out that she could do that. Now Dratini, I want you to study your opponent before we do any thing once you feel like you understand what type of opponent you facing nod to me and then we'll begin our attack on your opponent. Latias I want you to watch and study as well, but when it's your turn to fight I want you to start off by slipping back into the shadows and then start harass your opponent with Psychic, and when you feel like there's an opening in your opponents defense let me know telepathically and then I'll let you know what to do.

both Dratini and Latias nod at Eric with excitement and anticipation of the up coming battle, because up till now they've only had one trainer battle and dozens of wild Pokemon battles. So they where really looking forward to a real battle.

About 10 minutes later Eric, Ashley, Dratini and Latias were in front of the Gym about an hour before Eric's appointed match time. while waiting a couple showed up one was a young man about 18 years old, with blonde hair, green eyes, average body build, and was about 5' 11" , and a girl about 17 with light brown hair, blue eyes a slim body figure, and was about 5' 5". Eric didn't pay much attention to them until the young man started to approach him and started running his mouth.

Young man: What do you think your doing here kid? This is a place for trainers and those training to be the next gym leader! Not a day care for wimps like you! I bet you dont even have a decent Pokemon on you!

Eric didn't pay attention to this guy and just sat there with his eyes closed in deep thought to try and block out the young man's annoying jibberish, but doing so caused the young man to get angry and was about to slap Eric. As the young man's hand came down to hit Eric, Ashley grabbed the young man's hand and slap him. the girl that was with him was surprised that someone stood up to him and looked like she was deep in thought.

Young man: You disrespectful bitch! I'll show you why you never should have done that.

As the young man reached for his Pokeball a familiar voice could be heard coming from behind the young man.

Mark: Now Jason! What are you trying to do?! trying to intimidate others to leave, or are you Just causing problems like last time!

The now identified young man became very scared and froze like a statue.

Jason: N-no sir! I, I was just saying that they shouldn't be disappointed if they lose too you.

Mark: oh really! Cause from where I'm standing it looked like you were about to send out you Pokemon to attack them just for ignoring you.

Jason lowered his head but still glared at both Eric and Ashley.

Mark: Now Eric since my student was harassing you and your friend, would you like to set him straight with a warm up battle?

Eric opened his eyes and looked at Jason, smiled then looked at Mark.

Eric: Yes I would like to set him straight and teach him to be more humble.

Mark: Good, it will be a one on one battle, not because you have 2 Pokemon but because Jason here only has one.

Jason: Dont I get a say in what happens!?

Mark: No! You have been picking fights with people around town and have become a thug, now it's time your set straight.

The girl next to Jason looked at Mark and Eric like she wanted to say something but was afraid to.

Mark: the battle will be inside the gym shall we go.

Eric: I'm ready, but one thing first.

Eric then stands up, turns and walks up to Jason and punches him in the gut, causing Jason to double over glare even more at Eric.

Eric: that was for not just running your mouth, but also for threatening me and my friend. Now let's get this over with so my Gym battle can get under way.

Eric, Mark, Ashley and the girl start walking up the walkway to the Gym's entrance. the Gym was made completely out of wood, the front had logs with the bark still on then lined up to create the front wall and at the top was what looked like branches with leaves to make it feel like a forest. As Eric and the others entered the Gym the inside was similar but with small trees and bushes scattered around the Gym's battle area. on either sid of the Gym there are stands for guests or visitors to watch from.

Mark: Now why don't you two ladies go sit in the stands while the battle unfolds.

Ashley: Ok, but I think I already know how this is going to turn out.

Girl: O-ok.

As Ashley and the girl walk towards the stands Eric noticed that Jason was glaring not just at him and Ashley but also at the girl he was with. This gave Eric a very bad vibe about him.

Mark: Trainers! to your positions.

Eric and Jason both took their places at each end of the arena and waited for Mark to begin the match.

Mark: This is an official 1 on 1 Pokemon battle between Jason of Silver Falls and Eric of Twin leaf. Trainers release you Pokemon!

Eric: alright girl it's time for you first match. show them what you can do.

Dratini then slides down Eric's arm from her normal perch over his shoulders and sat upright in front of him ready for battle.

Jason: You will regret making a fool out of me! GO Bellsprout.

Mark: Let the battle begin.

As soon as Mark began the battle Dratini slunk into on of the bushes and prepared Thunderwave to paralyze Jason Bellsprout. But as Dratini was doing this Jason ordered his Bellsprout to use ingrain. This made Eric take direct control.

Eric: Dratini! Attack now! Bellsprout is vulnerable while it's planted in the ground!

Dratini sprang out of the bush and charged the Bellsprout who now was trying to whip Dratini with Vine Whip out of desperation to buy itself some more time to undo ingrain.

Eric: Dratini use Wrap then use Dragon Breath on it.

As soon as Eric said this Dratini made another leap at the Bellsprout to get close enough to wrap it up. When Jason saw Dratini leap at Bellsprout he saw and opportunity to knock Dratini back and get an upper hand in this battle.

Jason: Bellsprout! Use Bullet Seed to knock it back.

Eric in turn thought Jason would order an attack like that, so he set another plan in motion.

Eric: Dratini! Use Dragon Breath to destroy the Bullet Seed, then use Smoke Screen.

Dratini was a little delayed on using Dragon Breath and was hit a couple of time by it but still managed to destroy the rest of the attack and then use Smoke screen as instructed to.

Eric: Now Dratini get in close and use Thunder Wave to Paralyze it.

When Jason heard what Eric was planning to do he began to panic.

Jason: Bellsprout get out of there quickly.

But it was too late by the time Bellsprout got its last root out of the ground Dratini had already gotten close enough and unleashed a powerful Thunder Wave, causing the Bellsprout to become paralyzed.

Eric: Now Dratini finish it off useing wrap then Dragon Breath.

Jason just watch in horror as his Bellsprout is completely and utterly defeated. When Dratini finished her Dragon Breath and released the Bellsprout, it was burnt and unconscious.

Mark: Bellsprout is unable to battle, Dratini and Eric win the match.

As Jason returned his Bellsprout Ashley and the girl ran down to the battle area.

Ashley: That was amazing! how did you know that Bellsprout would be vulnerable when it used ingrain?

Eric: both me and Dratini where very observant and noticed that when Bellsprout used ingrain its feet/roots went deep into the battle field which means that it would take a long time to unearth itself to avoid attacks or move in general.

As Eric explained how he knew when to have Dratini attack, the girl walked up to Jason and slapped him hard enough to cause and echo in the Gym. Both Eric and Ashley turned and looked to see what happened to see Jason holding his hand to his face.

Girl: I've had enough of you pushing me around, and now I realize that your nothing but controlling and manipulative, and also my name is Laura. After I saw how she (Luara pointed at Ashley) stopped you from hitting her friend or boyfriend I knew you were not a good person and my friends were right about you when they said that you were nothing but trouble and evil.

Jason: You bitch! You'll both pay for this! (Jason points and glares and Eric and Ashley)

Mark: Oh really Jason! Is that who you really are!? A sore loser, who doesn't take kindly to someone leaving you? If you think for one second that you could do anything to them while I'm around or when they're together you are not the student I trained or raised. Now you are here by forbidden from entering my Gym as either a student or my son!

Jason: Fine! I didn't plan on staying here much longer anyways!

Jason then runs out of the Gym with the anger of a swarm of Beedrills and the facial expression to match.

Mark: Now Eric. Are you ready for our battle to begin or did you want to let your Dratini rest first?

Eric: We're ready.

Ashley: Are you sure that's a good idea Eric? Dratini just finished a battle that took a lot out of her.

Eric: Yes, I'm sure. Dratini even told me she's ready to go another round or two.

Ashley: How did she tell you that?

Eric: That's a secret of mine and my Pokemon's.

Mark: I think I know how. And it involves that unusual looking Pokemon I saw you using yesterday right.

Eric avoided Mark's question and observation by requesting they get the match started.

Mark: Alright Eric we can start.

Mark then motioned for of of the officials that were watching the previous match to come and officiate the Gym battle.

Gym Official: This is a two on two official Pokemon Gym battle between the Gym Leader Mark, and the challenger Eric of Twin Leaf. The rules for this match are as follow. The challenger can switch out his Pokemon at any time during the match, but if the Gym leader does so the that Pokemon is declared unable to battle and cannot be sent out again during the match. No killing of either the challenger's Pokemon or the Gym Leaders Pokemon, doing so will result in the aggressors Pokemon being stripped from them, along with their trainer rank and are forced to leave the town and are not allowed to enter another town or city ever again. ( The reason for this rule is to prevent a hostile takeover and to discourage forced Gym leaders from accepting bribes to kill someone's Pokemon.) Trainers send out your first Pokemon!

Eric: Ready girl?!

Dratini nods to Eric and hunkers down in front of him ready for battle.

Mark: Make this match interesting old friend!

Mark threw a Pokeball out and released a Roselia.

Gym Official: Let the Match Begin!

Eric via Telepathy through Latias: Alright Dratini remember what I told you earlier and win this!

As Eric told Dratini to remember their plan she began an assault on Roselia via Dragon breath and spark.

Mark: Alright Roselia give them a show!

Mark's Roselia then used sunny day causing the Gym to become very bright.

Eric via Telepathy through Latias: Dratini pay close attention to Roselia! It's most likely to use Solarbeam.

And just as Eric thought Dratini looked at Roselia and noticed it was gathering a lot of sun light and was about to unleash it.

Mark: Now Roselia!

Roselia then released a powerful solarbeam at Dratini but missed due to Dratini noticing Roselia gathering Energy.

Eric via telepathy: Dratini, keep your gaurd up. That Roselia can fire another Solarbeam at anytime. keep looking for an opening to strike.

Dratini continued to duck and weave through bushes and the grass on the battle field, and occasionally useing Dragonbreath to test Roselia's defense.

In the stands.....

Laura: How long have you and Eric been traveling?

Ashley: A couple of weeks. We started our journey together and to be honest, he's a bit of a clueless guy.

Laura: What do you mean?

Ashley: Well I've been dropping hints towards him that I like him but he doesn't really notice them. He's still a good guy though.

Laura: Oh. I was just curious. So you two have been traveling for a couple of weeks and he's already this strong.

Ashley: Yeah. He's, well I dont know how to describe it other then dedicated. I mean just look at how he's Remaining cool against Mark. Even on our first day as trainers he knew that we needed to remain quiet as to not wake up powerful bug Pokemon and be killed by them.

Laura: It sounds like he had be preparing for his journey before he even had his starter. By the way what Pokemon is his starter.

Ashley: She out in the battle right now.

Laura: Wait, you mean to tell me he got a Dratini as his starter. What else does Eric have?

Ashley: you'll see. His second Pokemon he rescued as an egg and it hatched about a week ago. Even though she's young she is very powerful and hard to hit.

Back in the battle.....

Mark: Eric you have trained that Dratini well and I now see why you opted to battle me after you just got done with another battle.

Eric: Thanks. I know theres a lot more to improve on though. Now Dratini. It's time to shine.

Dratini then fired a Dragonbreath at Roselia which Roselia blocked with a Solarbeam causing an explosion and covering the battle field in smoke. As Eric, Mark, Ashley, Luara, and the Official waited for the smoke to clear everyone heard another explosion this one smaller but also causing more smoke to cover the battle field.

Laura: Whats going on? I cant see a thing!

Ashley: neither can I, but something tells me that once the smoke clears only one will still be standing.

Just as Ashley said once the smoke cleared only Dratini was standing, but not without several cuts what had blood coming out of them. Roselia was unconscious and the petals on her arms were badly torn or ripped off.

Gym Official: Roselia is unable to battle round one goes to Eric. Gym leader return your Pokemon and send out your last one.

Mark then returned Roselia to her Pokeball, then tossed out is second and last Pokemon.

Mark: Alright, let's get the show on the road.

Once the Pokeball returned to Mark and when the light from releasing his last Pokemon faded away a large bipedal green and red Pokemon appeared. The Pokemon in question is a Grovyle, and it was larger then normal.

Gym Official: Eric are you willing to continue battling with your current Pokemon?

Eric: Not right now, Dratini come back.

Dratini returned to Eric's side and Eric looked down at his shadow and said alright girl your turn. A shadow then appeared in front of Eric on the ground and then Eric nodded to the Official.

Gym Official: Arlight let the second round begin!