
Ch 6 : Viridian Forest

As the Sun Shone Brightly, A Pokemon-Human pair can be seen walking on a Road connected to Pallet town. The man Was Wearing a Makeshift mask made of wood And beside him, A Bipedal Orange Pokemon Was walking at the same pace with him.

This man, Was of course, Ignis together with his newly Acquired Charmander. While walking, Ignis opened His pokedex and Used the Map Feature installed in it. He Swiped here and there before Discovering that the road He was currently walking into will lead towards Viridian Forest. Then after Viridian Forest there's The Nearest city, Pewter City.

After confirming his next destination, Ignis closed the pokedex and Began to ran Together With his Charmander towards Viridian Forest.

On their way to Viridian Forest, Ignis and Charmander encountered and fought Different kinds of pokemons. Ignis, Who was kind of opportunistic, Used them as Stepping stones to strengthen his Charmander. he didnt back down from the challenges and Faced them all head on.

" Charmander, Use scratch! "

< Rattata. Rattata is a small, quadruped rodent Pokémon. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow, red eyes, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. Like most rodents, its teeth grow continuously throughout its life and must be worn down by gnawing. A female Rattata will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur.

Rattata can live wherever it can find food, which it searches for most of the day. Thanks to its sharp fangs, it is able to chew on nearly anything. When it is threatened, Rattata can deliver a powerful bite. Its large teeth are also useful when using its former signature moves, Hyper Fang and Super Fang. Rattata constantly keep their ears up and will immediately scurry away from the slightest sound. Furret is the natural predator of Rattata. Its hardiness lets it live in many environments, although it mainly lives on plains and savannas. Because it reproduces so quickly, a pair of Rattata can quickly colonize an area >


" Charmander, Use Growl Followed by Scratch! "

< Pidgey. Pidgey is a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored. Just under its crest are its narrow, brown eyes. Angular black marking extend from behind its eyes down its cheeks. It has a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. Both its beak and feet are a grayish-pink. It has a short, brown tail made of three feathers.

Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction and homing instincts. It can travel straight back to its nest regardless of how far away they might have flown. It is a docile Pokémon and generally prefers to flee from its enemies rather than fight them. By flapping its wings rapidly, it can whip up dust clouds and create whirlwinds to protect itself and flush out potential prey. Gust and Feather Dance are its former signature moves. Pidgey is very common throughout its range and can often be seen in meadows and temperate forests. Ekans and Sneasel are natural predators of Pidgey. Pidgey preys on Seedot.>


" Charmander, Use ember! "

< Ekans. Ekans is a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose. Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth. While painful, a newborn Ekans's bite is not venomous. This Pokémon grows longer with age.

Ekans lives in grassy savannas and plains, where it moves stealthily through grass. It can also be found in forests and desolate wastelands, where it preys on Eggs from Pidgey and Spearow nests, but will strike other prey from behind. By flicking its tongue out, it is able to detect danger and the scent of prey. Its jaw can detach to swallow large prey, but such a meal can make Ekans too heavy to move or become stuck and cause it to faint. It wraps itself around tree branches at night to rest. If not in a tree, it will coil itself up—a position in which it can defend itself from all directions. It was also shown in the second movie to possess some swimming abilities. Its former signature move is Glare. >


For every Pokemons Ignis and his Charmander faced and defeated, Their information will automatically Register on the Pokedex.

Ignis Didn't Let Rayquaza And the others out for the time being since This road Might have some trainers Walking on it and May see the legendary pokemons so Ignis decided that he will immediately Release them when he arrived at Viridian Forest since the R possibilities of Encountering Other trainers there are kinda low.

On the way to Viridian Forest, Charmander grew more stronger and experienced. He Was now able to Fight on his own or act on his own against attacks like Scratch, Tackle, Pound ot the likes. He didnt Need Ignis' Commands to dodge or counter such simple situations like that. He also learned Ember After defeating an ekans that Ignis have stepped on earlier.

After defeating all the Opponents on the way to Viridian Forest, Ignis and Charmander finally arrived at Viridian Forest. Seeing the towering trees in front of him, Ignis inhaled the fresh air Around him and Walked towards the forest.

Right after entering the forest, Ignis Saw many kinds of pokemons like Caterpie, Metaphod, And Butterfree, Weedles, Kakunas and some beedrills. He also saw Pokemons that he'd seen before like pidgeys, Spearows, Ekans, rattata etc.

After confirming that there is no Other humans around the vicinity even when he ordered Charmander to stealthy Survey the surrounding, He took out The three Pokeballs and Released The Three legendary pokemons.

The three Looked around curiously and Observed their surroundings. Ignis Saw them act like that and gave them the time to Do it. After a few minutes, Ignis Told the three to Train themselves by battling other Pokemons In the surrounding.

" But remember, If you Discover any signs of Humans Other than me Here, Immediately Return back to me and report it. We can't risk you being Discovered At this stage. But dont worry, After We have absolute power to Resist and defeat others, Your are free to Crawl, Fly or Swim however you like to "

The three understood what Ignis just said and nodded in agreement. Their eyes clearly Burned with determination to become stronger since Pokemons like them should be feared and worshiped Than Crouching and hiding from other humans.

The three Scattered in different directions to Train themselves and Ignis, Who daw that, Immediately began His own training to Maintain his Body .

Charmander Watched as Ignis Did dynamic Exercises like push up, Squat, Frog Walk, Frog jump and other Kinds of exercise to strengthen his body. Charmander Stood and copied what he was doing but After a few rounds of Push ups with his small Arms, Charmander slumped To the ground While breathing Heavily. Left with no choice, He asked Ignis if His allowed to Train like how is seniors Did and Ignis Approved his request while Doing Push ups.