
Chapter 31: PTC + Back home


Trainer Card for Archer: Recent Evolution and Achievements Update

[Image Link Here]

Trainer Name: Archer

Hometown: Village of Plains, near Berry Town, Bharatsa

Age: 11

Home Region: country of Bharatsa, Kanto region

Referral for Travel: George Waters, Minister of Commerce, Bharatsa

Gym Circuit: Kanto (Currently)

Issued by: Viridian Gym, Kanto

Badge Collection:

Boulder Badge

Cascade Badge

Marsh Badge

Thunder Badge

Rainbow Badge

Pokémon Team:


Type: Electric

Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Rest, Charge, Light Screen, Discharge, Brick Break, Low Kick, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Flame Thrower, Endure, counter, Protect, Wild charge, Giga Impact.


Type: Bug/Poison

Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Agility, Electro Web, Bug Bite.


Type: Normal

Moves: Yawn, Encore, Uproar, Endure, Focus Punch, Reversal, Counter, Rest, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Flame Thrower, Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Mega Kick, Hammer Arm.


Type: Fighting/Ghost

Moves: Focus Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Rage, Outrage, Quick Attack, Endure, Rage Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Close Combat, Focus Blast.


Type: Rock/Bug

Moves: Slash, Double Team, X-Scissor, Fury Cutter, Agility, Rock Throw, Air Slash, Rock Tomb, Stone Axe, Rock Slide, Focus Energy, Sword Dance, Close Combat.


Type: Normal

Moves: Quick Attack, Double Team, Baby Doll Eyes, Charm, Baton Pass, Bite, Shadow Ball, Iron tail, Double kick, Swift.


Type: Fire/Flying

Moves: Ember, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Thunder punch, Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw, Inferno, Fire Fang, Fire Blitz


Type: Flying

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Drill peck, Taunt, Brave Bird, Air slash.

Achievements Update:

-Discovered three Pokémon evolutions.

-Apprehended Mirage Master Yuuta, rescuing numerous Pokémon from captivity.

-Created the Man-made Evolution item - Electirizer.

-Victorious in Gym Battles against Leaders Flint, Sabrina, Surge and Eleana

Biography: Archer, the ten-year-old Pokémon Trainer from Bharatsa, has not only showcased prowess in battles but also demonstrated remarkable achievements. The recent discovery of three evolutions and successful gym battles against esteemed leaders mark Archer's growing influence in the Kanto region. His courageous efforts in apprehending Mirage Master Yuuta and inventing the Electirizer highlight his dedication to Pokémon's well-being and advancement. Archer's journey continues to evolve, leaving an indelible impact on the Pokémon world.

Bank Account No: CX9494


Author's note: hey guy! You know everyone has a life-defining moment. For some it would be failing in exams, loss of love etc...

For Archer, this is the moment.

I hope you enjoy it.



"Fuck this shit. I can't even call them for answers."

Muttering about how slow communication was in places like Bharatsa. I complained about the difficulty of setting up signal towers. They had to be careful not to disturb certain Pokémon types like psychics, electrics, and ghosts, which are sensitive to signal waves.

Signal waves for these Pokemon will be like loud car horns to even peculiar cases of mating calls. I had the horrific memories of seeing a Manetric in heat from an unsanctioned signal usage. That is one of the many incidents I remember when working as an illegal breeder for funds, Dregen always got the weirdest of cases.



My thoughts seem to be looping towards him nowadays. Such is Death, the greatest reminder,

The Telios Airport buzzed with the sounds of travellers and Pokémon, creating a lively atmosphere that was not felt by me.

After moving through the airport procedures, I found myself at the bustling Pokémon transportation service centre, determined to secure a ride to my hometown, the quaint village of Plains in Bharatsa.

Approaching the counter, I inquired about the possibility of hiring a Pidgeot for the journey. The delivery person hesitated, expressing concerns about the wild Pokémon that roamed freely in Bharatsa. 

"I am sorry sir, the league hasn't yet succeeded in taming the wild yet. We have options for inside Telios, even delivery internationally. For the inconvenience, you can get a 20% discount.

Irritation rose over me as I heard about another one of the problems in Bharatsa, one Dregen was fighting all his life. Then sadness came which was soon pushed back by overwhelming impatience and anger.

"Look, we can handle wild Pokémon," I asserted, growing impatient. "I'll triple the money if that's what it takes. Let me show you my strength if needed." With a confident toss, I released my Pokémon from their Poké Ball, ready to demonstrate our capabilities.

Electivire, crackling with electric energy, stepped forward. I gestured towards the open space and commanded, "Electivire."

In response, Electivire unleashed a powerful Thunder, creating a dazzling display of electricity that illuminated the area.


He then turned to the Person while charging the electricity to his fist. Showing the same irritation and urgency in me.

"Hey, isn't that the kid shown on TV?"

"Yeah, I think his name is Archer or something."

"Yes, Holy HoHo! That must be one of the Pokemon he discovered."

My impatience growing at the lack of movement from him, I released Slaking.

My scarred companion let out an earth-shattering Roar.


The delivery person, now gulping in fear looking at Slaking's Scary Face, nodded in agreement. "Alright, I see. Looks like you've got it under control. Triple payment it is."

With the bill pay completed and the guarantee of Pidgeot's safety settled with my I.D. card.

I boarded the awaiting Pidgeot, a Pokémon capable of swift flight and whose species brought me the dire news yesterday.


My partner felt the same anger, releasing some Electricity in response, scaring the civilian Bird Pokemon.




I took him and slaking back to Pokeballs considering the speed is essential.

"Get going. The faster we go, the sooner you can leave."

The Pidgeot took off, shaking in fear, into the sky. From above, Telios stretched out below, its buildings and landscapes gradually shrinking. The familiar sights of the airport transformed into miniature versions as we gained altitude.

As we soared over the vast landscapes of Bharatsa, I couldn't help but remember the parting words from Dregen.

Dregen, standing tall with a stoic expression, patted me on the back. "Take care, Archer."

 A bland parting considering the pain I felt now. Remembering his personality, I was expecting something like this but not so soon. Not like this.

I turned His face forcibly towards me and asked him again, "When will stop then? Because there always will be problems or tragedies. Do you think you are Arceus or something? Trust me, even Arceus can't permanently end all problems.

Dregen's face scrunched up in despair and inability as he said, "I will stop when I am resting 6 feet under the ground, deader than the trash cleared by me."

He stood by his words; He didn't stop until he was about to be laid 6 feet under the ground.

I observed as some flocks of Spearow and Fearow rose to attack me. It is kind of normal for them to attack their Archenemy, especially if the Pidgeot trespassing into their territory. I would have understood this normally, but not now.

"Charizard, clear the way."


The newly evolved Charizard covered himself in impressive flames that drilled through the attacks of the flock and flock themselves, using Flame Blitz.


I regret the words I said to him back then, perhaps in the depth of my mind I was thinking I could return after journeying all over the world. Thinking Ideally, that Dregen would be safe. A mistake.

"Whoever it is that put Dregen in Grave, I will send you to accompany him."


Dregen Household, Village of Plains, Bharatsa.

Jonathan's pov

The sight of my best friend's casket filled me with sorrow and anger. Each of our friends approached with a garland, tears streaming down their faces. But what irked me more were the parasites, those corrupt politicians, who came along, triggering my former special forces instincts.

There he was, the fat pig of a corrupt politician, spewing insincere words about his supposed friendship with Dregen. "He was a good man, dearly missed. I'll continue his work," he said as if he ever cared.

My castrated shoulder throbbed with pain as he spoke, especially when he mentioned continuing Dregen's work. This pig, who wouldn't sign off on an orphanage renovation without bribes, turning a funeral into an election campaign—it infuriated me.

Dregen fought against corruption all his life, and this was not the tribute he deserved. He was a good man, someone I followed willingly.

Without my former senior officer's help, I might have ended up with criminal records like Dregen. Yet, Dregen's commitment to fighting injustice in his hometown drew me in after I was suspended. Here, I found not just a good cause but love and family.

I turned to my sobbing child, Jon who was crying for his Godfather while consoling his friend Sam. Speaking of son, I remembered another one who inherited a progeny of Dregen's starter.


The screeches in the sky turned everyone's attention upward as a Pidgeot descended. However, instead of landing gracefully, a figure jumped down abruptly, slowing their descent with the help of Sam's Gardevoir.

A figure I recognized as the only child who is outright 'not adopted' family member of Dregen's household.

I still remember Dregen saying, he isn't my son, and I am not his father, but we are family. I was confused by his weird introduction to me. But for me, he is Dregen's Prodigy son, one who was mentioned as a claimant in his will.

Contacting him had been a challenge, as only Dregen had his number. Sam, despite his talent as a trainer, lacked proficiency in education and technology. Making a simple call was beyond him. A sheltered guy, much like Dregen I met the first time, but he is not the son currently under discussion. 

Amidst the murmurs of the crowd, I overheard people discussing the young man's achievements.

"Discovered three Pokémon evolutions."

 "Apprehended Mirage Master Yuuta, rescuing numerous Pokémon from captivity."

"Created the Man-made Evolution item - Electirizer."

"Victorious in Gym Battles against Leaders Flint and Sabrina."

"Not to mention Surge and Eleana."

"Seriously Eleana too. Yes, it was broadcast yesterday."

The focus of the gossip threw some Pokeblocks into the air.

Archer, with an authoritative tone that echoed the gravity of the situation, commanded the Pidgeot circling above, "You are relieved from the job. You can go." The bird Pokémon immediately took off into the sky taking the Pokeblock's into his stomach.

His tone mirrored the day he had amputated my hand to save my life, bringing forth haunting flashbacks. Suppressing the memories, I shifted my focus to Archer who addressed the pig.

"Minister George, it is a pleasure to meet you here."

Addressing the pig with courtesy made my stomach churn. Forget about hearing, even the mere thought of addressing the corrupt official with respect nearly made me want to kill something. It was a task I had left to Dregen, most of the time.

 However, I stood corrected as the 11-year-old continued, "I would like to invite you to a luncheon held in Dregen's honour tomorrow. I also extend the invitation to those who wish to pay their respects. But I must ask you all to leave now; his funeral is a private affair for friends and family."

Some of the sycophants surrounding the politician seemed to protest the request, their entitlement apparent. Meanwhile, some villagers who weren't closely associated with Dregen began to leave.

"Brat who do you think you are?"

"Such disrespect. Kids nowadays are getting worse."

"Yeah, if it was my days, every guest would have been treated with respect."

As tensions rose, I noticed the pokéballs on Archer's belt opening, releasing a surge of glowing light that enveloped him, revealing his famous Pokémon team.

Among them were Kleavor, the evolved form of Scyther, which appeared right in front of the politician's minions. His blades are just a few feet from them.

 There was also Annihilape, the evolved Primeape, and the rare Eevee, alongside the majestic Charizard. Not to forget Rookidee, a Pokémon from an outer region that Archer had rescued from a criminal known as Mirage Master. The authenticity of criminal status was beyond doubt, given that they came directly from the Indigo League, where Goodshow maintained strict control.

I still felt bad if only Bharatsa had joined the Kanto earlier, Dregen's criminal status would have at least been investigated before being issued. Unfortunately, it is done. Because once the crime status is issued, it is a done deal. It can't be revoked to maintain the League's rules.

However, it wasn't these Pokémon that ignited my battling spirit. It was the final two members of Archer's team that caught my attention. The bright lights shifted away, revealing two powerful Pokémon standing on either side of Archer.

First, a fully awake and growling Slaking, radiating an intimidating aura. The second was Electivire, Archer's starter, who exchanged a nod with me, to which I responded in kind.

Yet, the one that truly captured the gaze of me, and my friends was Kakuna, the progeny of Dregen's old Beedrill. I am happy he bred it well, giving respect to Dregen's starter and Ace, who is still collapsed in front of the casket grieving continuously.

His team cast glances at everyone present, and Archer, in his usual blunt manner, repeated his command, "Get out."

I felt a laugh come to me as the trash went pale, under the looks of the pokemon present. I could see them leaving one by one.

Not caring about them anymore, Archer walked to the venue disregarding their passing respects.

I followed Archer when he stopped before the barrister who was designated to read the will. Archer addressed him directly, "Are you the will reader?"

The barrister, looking at the scarred Slaking and Electivire, nodded in a stuttering voice, "Yes."

"Stay. Electivire, bring him in."

The Electric Pokémon grabbed the barrister's head as if it were a mere toy, effortlessly lifting him onto his shoulder like a sack.


Archer's team turned towards him as he issued a command, "Crush anything that dares disturb the funeral."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I followed Archer.

While he possessed the same courage and daring as Dregen, it was clear that he lacked Dregen's empathetic and kind heart. In some ways, which might have been a good thing, considering how Dregen's compassionate nature had fucking killed him. That idiot friend of mine.



The past two days had been nothing short of terrifying. My dad, as usual, went on his numerous 'trips', which I eventually learned were his battles against crime.

I used to think of him as a hero, akin to Sir Aaron in legends. Well, he is a hero, but the real world isn't like the stories.

I vividly remember the day when my innocent view of the world shattered. Dad, Uncle Jonathan, and their friends returned with injuries.

I froze in fear until Archer's shout snapped me out of my stupor. Watching Archer effortlessly save everyone and bring Jonathan back from the brink of death filled me with a mix of wonder and a hint of envy at his incredible skills.

Listening in on their shouting match back, I realized that both had valid perspectives. Dad is a certified hero, fighting for the greater good. On the other hand, Archer, setting his talents aside, his vision is actually like a normal person, more focused on personal gain – fame, wealth, and protecting his loved ones. 

I couldn't help but ask, "Then what about Sam?" 

"He will follow me as a proud son. I will feel happy resting in the spirit world knowing that my son took up my mantle forward, to the best of his ability. Unlike you.

But Dad's despairing voice and his unwavering commitment won me over, making me side with him rather than my loner brother.

So, seeing him coming insider

But I still couldn't resist punching Archer. I soon lifted him to my level while holding his collar and vented my sorrow, "Where were you? Is it so bad to stay back and fight for everyone? Do you know how many times he proudly pointed to you on TV? I couldn't even call you when I heard he died."

My cool and mature prodigy brother, on seeing me, hugged me back with tears in his eyes, muttering apologies, "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry,,,"

I held onto him beside Dad's casket, oblivious to everyone else, pouring out my frustration. "What the hell were you doing? You know how sad he felt when not a single call was answered by your fancy Rotomdex on your birthday."

Archer simply chuckled into my chest, adding, "A Zapdos put me in the hospital."


Jon's Pov

Archer simply chuckled, adding, "A Zapdos put me in the hospital."

OMG, this guy never does things halfway. I still remember this brat who showed up out of nowhere in Sam's life one day. Raising Pokémon and teaching moves so easily.

So, I couldn't resist my pride from proving myself by trying to do the same. But the more I tried, the more I found this guy to be a monster. He was using advanced topics so casually that it took my breadth away. Each of these topics took me days to read and understand.

Even before he hatched that egg of his, I knew he was a monster.

Soon his achievements proved to be true, until I realized I had been admiring this guy from my age group.

Now, it isn't surprising considering this guy so nonchalantly saying his encounter with a Legendary Pokémon. You should know, stuff like that make up bed stories everywhere in the world.

As Archer rose to his feet and looked at Dad, he demanded, "Jonathan, who was responsible?"

Dad narrated the familiar story, "A kid from a nearby town. He cornered Dregen when he was drunk and attacked him."

The air grew tense as electricity spun around Archer's starter, and he snarled, "What were you guys doing? With the constant danger, don't you always stick together?"

"By the time we got there, the kid's Nidoran stabbed him in the stomach while the Old Beedrill was taken back by Dregen. I wish he kept his team and not sent them away."

Dregen's story was well-known in the village. After various clashes, parts of his team died, and he couldn't bear to raise another Pokémon. After the incident, he released the rest of them to live in peace, stepping away from the frontlines.

Archer's frustration erupted, "Then why didn't you get the bastard? With your group's strength, it would have been a piece of cake."

Dad slumped against the wall, explaining, "Dregen made us let him go."


This revelation surprised me too.

"What do you mean?"

"The kid was the son of the couple who used to work for the jerk back then. They participated in the trap a few years back. Well, you know how that went."

Dad's answer while holding his amputee's hand, made my surging anger die down. A cycle of violence, even with good intentions bites back. 

 "What's his name?"

Dad simply stayed silent on the matter. Not willing to say anything.

"What's his name?"

Dad bluntly refuted Archer, "It was Dregen's dying wish to me," His continued silence told me what the wish was about. Uncle was really like a saint, forgiving his murder because the bastard had a valid reason to kill him.

Archer grew silent, his face turning cold.


I watched as he punched the casket, causing it to crack. He then addressed everyone, "Let's start the cremation."

I nodded, and soon, Dregen's casket was lifted by Dad, Gerad, and Samantha – a tradition to accompany the deceased's family and Pokémon.


Jonathan's Pov

As the pyre is burning, I heard Archer telling the Barrister in a cold tone without his emotions, "read the will."

I frowned at the change in Archer but was distracted by the will which read Dregen's words, "Jonathan, my friend Jonaa."

 Tears brimmed in me as I heard the familiar nickname, " I still count myself lucky that my Beedrill disregarded me to challenge your partner, Garchomp back then. Fast forward a decade I got myself a lifelong friend, while there isn't much to say between us, considering you know me too much. I hope you take care of the kids."

 "Gerad, oh you movie madmen. We met that day in Hollywood..." 

Soon every one of our friends was mentioned name by name. With money or properties named to them or their family from the black money, we found and stored at Dregen. I don't know how he changed it, but he somehow turned it legal.

He could have used it for himself, but that thought is like a joke for people who knew him.

"Jon, my dear godson. I am sad to go without actually doing my part in your life. Considering Your dad's Garchomp's son was following Sam. I couldn't help myself from giving you this guy. I got this guy with a single favour, which makes me wonder if I am that great. To get a pseudo legendary just on my word of debt."

 The barrister brought forth an egg in an incubator labelled Gible and shouted the bequeathed items to him, "Dragon fang, Dragon scales ....."

"I hope both you and Sam, fight side by side with your Garchomps one day. Like I and Jonathan" 

Sam's Gabite roared at this part. Jon simply nodded

"I hope you surpass Archer; I believe you can consider he started the same way from an Egg, which I gave, don't forget that."

 There he goes nonchalantly pointing my son's admiration to the boy in question himself, I turned to see the cold expression cracked with a hint of a smile at that part.

"Finally, my son, Sam " Sam stood straight stiffening his back as he heard the will continue, "I am proud to be your father. I am happy to see you fighting for the society.

 It is my final words to say to you, while you are jealous of Archer's talent, it is not wrong. You know, I am much more jealous of him than you. My jealousy for him is only surpassed by my love.

But please do take care of Archer. For all his brilliance, he has his flaws. he is a loner. Sure, he can easily make friends, but they are mostly superficial to him. As far as I know, I can count on both hands the number of people he considers close. "

Archer snorted at that while the Barrister then took out the longest message yet,

"Finally, Archer. You know Jonaa once asked me if you are my son? You know I told him you are not, and neither am I a father. Because no father attempts what I am about to do to you. I Bequeath you the 100 million Pokedollars in the account, with the house to be shared between you and Sam, properties in Telios ...…

I frowned in confusion at the sheer number of things, each more familiar to me. Soon I realized, making me curse my friend, that he wasn't Archer's father.

"...…..finally the favour I owed for Jon's gible. I am sure with your intelligence you would have noticed all of them were the funds and properties from the fights against the scum in Bharatsa. All of them are for the sake of the development of Mother Bharatsa.

Unlike most of my friends, I am not some saint or hero.

Let me tell you from the beginning, after escaping from Johto back then. I roamed Kanto for a while to safely escape the police chase after me. There I saw the region which I knew used to be similar to Bharatsa back change. No, it was changing more rapidly each day. Enough to allow 10-year-olds to roam free of danger. I saw a successful establishment of pokemon-human ecology. 

I grew greedy for that. I wanted the same for my son and the people of my village.

But I am no Oak. I am no Giovanni. Say what you can about them, they are unique. If you don't know Giovanni, he is the Oak of Underworld. Leader of Team Rocket.

The barrister gulped at the news but continued nonetheless, under them, Indigo changed both in the light and dark. Do you remember your words back then?

 I turned His face forcibly towards me and asked him again, "When will stop then? Because there always will be problems or tragedies. Do you think you are Arceus or something? Trust me, even Arceus can't permanently end all problems.

Your words brought me the despair hidden in my depths out to open. I am not a unique guy, except perhaps for my unnatural empathetic ability. I knew that I couldn't achieve my dream. Your words confirmed it for me.

I then flicked his head and explained patiently, "While Bharatsa is backward yet, it is rich in resources, a myriad range of Pokemon from both Kanto and Jhoto. Not to forget the strong trainer population, though it is unfortunate, the trainer population is mired in clan conflicts and gangs. Bharatsa has a population only second to Rota in Kanto. Even if Morals don't cause motivation, Benefits will be the Motivation for the Politicians."


But your own words and vision made me realize, you are unique. Not to forget your talents, while looking at you on T.V. I saw how easily you shined, so happy. But I am sorry, you are my hope to change Bharatsa

I am selfish in this way, each of my gifts and bequeaths are chains to tie you down to Bharatsa, the needle back then, the favour you owe me for helping you with Elekid egg and all these bequeaths.

You know I wrote a letter for you, Sam and Jon for each birthday, for the next few decades for you/ Not just you, but your kids and their kids.

While the content differed in each of them. The endpoint in yours is the same which is my dying wish to you- While your talent is driving you forward, you don't have a specific goal. More precisely it says a dream to die for. So Archer, please take my dream as yours. And lead them.

I watched as Barrister cried out in ending the will reading, a sorrow shared by all for the fallen hero, whose pyre died down signalling his entry to the spirit world.

I watched as the inheritor of Dregen Will went to Old Beedrill.

Archer kneeled beside him, while gently taking Dregen's sword in its hand, "Leave it me."

Kakuna who was beside him soon changed with a flash of light as if the embers of Dregen set alight again. It soon changed under the looks of everyone present. The loved ones of Dregen watched as his sword was unsheathed.

I might be mad, but I soon saw the shadow of Dregen behind the 11-year-old. He and his starter.


Archer just looked into the pyre while saying, "OK Dregen, so be it."