
Pokemon: Trainer SI

Embark on an exciting journey as a medical student is reborn in the Pokémon world with a nerfed AI. Experience top-notch Pokémon world-building, kingdom-building, smart progress, a competent main character, mature themes and unexpected challenges. --- P.S.: While I start weak in Pokémon battles, I am steadily improving as the story unfolds. ----- ------ NOTE: AI will not be the focus of the story. It will be my MC - Archer. He will participate in the Indigo League —————- In my self-evaluation, I can confidently state that this fic boasts some of the best worldbuilding of all Pokemon fanfics. I intentionally depicted the main character as an adult interacting with kid trainers. I'M AN ANIME WATCHER.

KK9494 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 20 : Time in caves






Guided by the watchful Magnezone, I travelled through the intricate network of caves. The environment gradually transformed, with the temperature rising, and the distant roars growing louder, making me realize I was closer to my target.

As we emerged into a vast chamber, the scene was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Various Pokemon of the Charizard line were lazing around, some punching each other. Charmanders seemed to be playing rough with each other.

While Charmeleon, the teenager in this line. Well, they are teenagers, enough said about them.

Fucking hell, teenagers are all about hormones.

I saw Eevee panting from heat, making me roll my eyes, "You are spoiled by me. You know, that I, a human, is taking the heat. What's wrong with you?"

Eevee mewed a few times and smoothened her fur with her tongue. I can more or less understand that her fur is losing its silky texture.



The ear-shattering roar made me look towards a lava pool, that bubbled out and exploded.


From it, I saw a heavily scarred 7-foot Charizard raising, with lava dripping from its mouth. It disregarded everyone and just looked at Magnezone

This majestic Charizard is easily distinguishable as the leader because he stepped forward with an air of authority. commanding the attention of all the char- line. The cavern seemed to pulse with the fires as if to sync with his breathing.

That and the fact that Magnezone, in response, gave a few crackles of electricity.




Charizard roared back pointing at me.

Then started a primal conversation between a Magnezone and the Charizard, a language of roars, gestures, and energies.







The only thing I could understand were movements from Charizard which were nodding and huffing with a cut throat gestures. Though Electabuzz seems to be ok with the conversation as he is nodding and snorting with an occasional gathering of Electricity.


Or that charge may have been a fart from undigested food. I am cutting on Lecha juice for him. Eevee on the other hand is closing her nose in response.


Suddenly, a group of energetic Charmander burst forth from the cave shadow. One of them pointed directly at me, drawing the attention of the entire assembly.




This seemingly innocent gesture, however, stirred a sense of displeasure in a Charizard at the side.

In a swift and fiery response, it unleashed a scorching Flamethrower directed at Magnezone. The move, though painful for Magnezone due to its steel typing, ignited the danger sense in me,

Electabuzz, recognizing shoot, swiftly positioned itself between me and the oncoming flames, using a light screen as a protective barrier.




Simultaneously, the Magnetons, in synchronized motion, ascended into the air, prepared to defend against any further aggression.


The cavern, filled with the echoes of roars and crackling energy, was almost on the verge of becoming a battlefield,

As the standoff unfolded, I couldn't help but feel the Pokemon as a whole are quite similar to humans. With arguments and egos, which are stupid sometimes.

However, they prefer to let the first talk in most cases.

In the face of the situation, I maintained a calm demeanour, knowing that there was a reason the Magnezone tribe stood on equal footing with the formidable Charizard tribe.

The unique talent of the Magnemite line is to send electromagnetic waves over long distances.

[Fun fact- This ability had been harnessed for communication; a point that held until recent technological advancements led to the establishment of signal towers based on reversed principles.]

Due to this innate talent, info about the current situation must have been sent.


Because I saw a surge of electricity emanating from the Power Plant, manifesting as bolts of thunder that pierced the sky.




It was a fucking scary warning, one that the Charizard tribe reluctantly understood.

As the thunderbolts in the black clouds subsided, a small sense of calm settled over the Charizard tribe, their fiery demeanour tempered by the acknowledgement of the power wielded by the Magnezone tribe. - the ability to suck up to their boss.


As I thought back to my past life, vivid memories of Ash's Charizard in the anime flooded my mind. I recalled iconic scenes that were both funny and few, where Charizard showcased its fiery prowess with memorable dialogues.

[Scene: Charizard Refusing to Battle]

 "Charizard, return!" - Ash commanded his disobedient Pokemon during the early days. The reluctance and fierce independence of Charizard were both funny and unforgettable.

[Scene: Charizard vs. Magmar in the Johto League]

 "Charizard, use Flamethrower!" - The intense battle against Magmar, displays Charizard's powerful Flamethrower and determination to overcome tough opponents.

[Scene: Rescuing Pikachu from an Aerodactyl]

"Charizard, go and save Pikachu!" - The heroic moment when Charizard swooped in to rescue Pikachu from the clutches of an Aerodactyl, highlighting its protective instincts.

[Scene: Reuniting in the Johto Journeys]

"Long time no see, old friend." - Ash expresses his joy and relief when Charizard returns during the Johto Journeys, solidifying their bond.

[Scene: Charizard Mega Evolving in Kalos Region]

 "Charizard, Mega Evolve!" - Witnessing the evolution of Charizard into Mega Charizard X in the Kalos Region, showcasing its incredible strength and new form.

In my newfound life, witnessing this group of Pokemon stirred excitement within me that words couldn't capture.

 While Pikachu in this world may not exhibit the exceptional traits of Ash's Pikachu, being generally timid and pacifistic, the prospect of encountering the brave ones among them is still a matter of luck to me.

Surge is a unique figure in this context, being the sole individual with systemic knowledge of the Pikachu species and capable of finding the battlements among them.

In summary, Ash's Pikachu stands out as a rarity itself, surpassing the starter trio - Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle - who live up to their well-deserved hype.

These Trio of Pokemon, with proper breeding care, can evolve to their final stages within a year, showcasing a remarkable strength gain comparable to dragon-type Pokemon.

Notably, their training complexity is relatively less difficult compared to other stronger species, making them the fastest and strongest-growing choice for new trainers. Exceptions like Damian should be excluded from this generalization.


In the aftermath of my unconventional entry into the Charizard tribe's territory, I found myself met with a rather chilly reception. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it as a "hot shoulder," given the fiery nature of these hot heads. However, undeterred by their initial reluctance,

I took it as a mission to win over the trust and camaraderie of the Charizard tribe.

Armed with an assortment of specially crafted Pokéblocks and a repertoire of refined massages, I set out to make a positive impression.

The wild Charmanders, initially wary of my presence, began to cautiously observe my efforts. It was a slow and delicate process, but I saw success in my efforts to bridge the gap between us.

In the evenings, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the cave resonated with the echoing roars of Charizards, I found a prime opportunity to showcase my sincerity. With a careful blend of patience and persistence, I engaged in conversations with the tribe members, utilizing Rotomdex videos of my journey till now.

I'd spend hours seated among them, sharing tales of my own Pokémon journey, emphasizing camaraderie and unity. The Charizards, while maintaining an air of aloofness, started to display a growing curiosity. They were intrigued by my stories and the experiences I recounted, which gradually thawed the icy reception I initially received.

One notable incident involved a Charizard named Blazeheart, the apparent leader of the tribe. During a particularly animated conversation, Blazeheart's eyes gleamed with recognition as I mentioned the legendary battles of Oak's Charizard, the Ace of the strongest Trainers in the World.

As days turned into weeks, my perseverance bore fruit. The once hesitant Charmanders now approached me with curious eyes, their initial wariness replaced by a newfound acceptance. They allowed me to be a part of their daily activities, from observing their training sessions to sharing the thrill of hunting for food in the expansive cave.

The turning point came one evening when Blazeheart, with a resounding roar, acknowledged my presence and extended a roar of flame in a gesture of friendship. From then on, I was no longer an outsider; I had earned my place as a welcome guest among these magnificent fire-breathing Pokémon.

I observed the various Charmanders and quickly discerned that they were in remarkable condition, akin to Pokémon raised by experienced Breeders in other species. The fact that such well-maintained Charmanders existed in the wild was truly extraordinary and could be attributed to their lower P.S Index.

[ AI – Knowledge point: The P.S Index, short for Pokémon Strength Index, is a vital metric within the Pokémon world utilized to assess the inherent strength and potential improvement of different species lines. This index gauges the range of conditions necessary for the enhancement of a Pokémon species. In essence, a higher range on the P.S Index signifies a greater level of difficulty in elevating the strength of a particular Pokémon.

Trainers and researchers often refer to the P.S Index as a valuable tool in understanding the nuances of raising and training Pokémon. It provides insights into the unique challenges associated with enhancing the power and capabilities of each species.

By considering factors such as environmental requirements, training techniques, and evolutionary conditions, the P.S Index contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in nurturing Pokémon to their fullest potential.]


Sigh! The knowledge points are getting bigger nowadays compared to the past.

This lower index indicated a more adaptable and resilient nature, allowing the Charmander species to thrive in the wild with less stringent environmental and training requirements compared to other Pokémon. It was proof of the inherent strength and survivability of the Charmander line, making them worthy to be considered royal starters.

---------Charizard caves, near Rocky tunnel.------

-----------One Fine day------

In the heart of the Charizard tribe's cavernous territory, my heart skipped a beat with anticipation as Primeape, Charizard, Electabuzz, Vigoroth, and I gathered for an intensive training session.

The primary goal was to impart the powerful Fire Punch move to both Electabuzz and Vigoroth, utilizing the collective knowledge and expertise of Primeape and the Charizard family.

The cavern walls served as a makeshift training arena, their rocky surfaces echoing with the roars and growls of the assembled Pokémon. Rotomdex, equipped with its unique video projection capabilities, hovered nearby, ready to assist in visualizing key aspects of the training.

With a firm command, I initiated the session, and Rotomdex projected instructional videos on the cavern walls. The videos, carefully curated to highlight the nuances of Fire Punch, zoomed in under my command to emphasize specific points for both Electabuzz and Vigoroth to grasp.

"Alright, team, pay close attention," I declared, directing the Pokémon's focus toward the instructional videos. "Rotom, start with the basics. Show the proper stance for initiating a Fire Punch."

Rotomdex responded promptly, projecting an animated visual of a Pokémon assuming the ideal stance for Fire Punch. I guided Electabuzz and Vigoroth to mimic the posture, ensuring their footing and body positioning were aligned with the technique.

As the training progressed, I utilized Rotomdex's capabilities to emphasize the importance of proper form and timing. I zoomed in on the intricacies of muscle movement, illustrating the critical moments when energy should be concentrated for maximum impact.

"Primeape, Charizard, show them how it's done," I instructed, calling upon the experienced duo to demonstrate flawless Fire Punches. Their movements were a sight to behold – Primeape's agile strikes complemented by Charizard's controlled yet powerful punches.

The videos on the cavern walls seamlessly transitioned to slow-motion analyses, allowing Electabuzz and Vigoroth to absorb the finer details of the technique. I zoomed in on Primeape and Charizard's clenched fists, highlighting the fiery aura that enveloped them during the execution of Fire Punch.

"Notice the intensity, the focus," I emphasized, my voice echoing through the cavern. "Electabuzz, Vigoroth, let that fiery determination fuel your punches."

Rotomdex responded to my cue by projecting simulations of potential opponents on the walls. Electabuzz and Vigoroth, under my guidance, practised their Fire Punches against these virtual adversaries, their movements growing more refined with each repetition.

The training session continued, with Rotomdex serving as a valuable tool for visualizing and reinforcing the principles of Fire Punch.

-------------Charizard caves, near Rocky tunnel-------

-----------------Day of good bye---------

The day of departure arrived, and the Charizard tribe's cavern echoed with a mix of emotions. Each Pokémon prepared to bid farewell, acknowledging the inevitable separation that lay ahead. Electabuzz and Vigoroth, being the newest acknowledged members of the tribe, received heartfelt farewells from their newfound comrades.

Primeape, in his typically stoic manner, offered a manly farewell together with Electabuzz and Vigoroth to his friends in the Tribe. His strong and sturdy frame enveloped each in a robust hug, conveying a camaraderie forged through training and shared experiences

Kleavor, the swift and sharp Bug-Rock Pokémon, conveyed his farewell with a concise nod. Though his expressions were more reserved, the gleam in his metallic eyes reflected the mutual respect and understanding that had developed during their time together.

Eevee, the graceful and charming Normal-type, brought a touch of enthusiasm to the farewells.

With a series of short waves and playful antics, Eevee expressed both affection and a sense of optimism, knowing that the bonds forged would endure even in separation.

As for me, I approached the Charmander who had become an integral part of our group. Looking into his tearful eyes, I couldn't help but empathize with the emotional farewell he was about to share with his Charizard family.

After a moment of understanding passed between us, I asked, "So, would you like to come?"

The Charmander gazed back at his family, who nodded in approval, acknowledging the potential for growth and new experiences with my team.

Tearfully bidding his family goodbye, the Charmander joined his new family—excitement for the journey ahead and a tinge of sadness for the parting from familiar faces.