

Chapter 9. A giant Frog Massacre!.

Then next morning after clearing the Mine we got up close to noon, we were still a bit tired about fighting and traversing inside the mine but we were happy none the less by our sucess.

We eat a quick breakfast and then left to return to Axel, our journey back was uneventful besides a few monsters that popped out formt time to time but we easily took care of them.

While we were walking back i was checking the notifications i got yesterday, first was the confirmation that we had cleared the mine quest and that i have received the rewards.

The first reward was the spell Drain, from the Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Series, this spell is of the Almighty Element which i didn't have and it drains the mana and the life force of a target and uses it to both heal and restore energy.

What makes this spell amazing is the fact that it's damage and the amount it heals is dependent on your intelligence stat and since it's from the Almighty Element it's unblockeable.

Next was the Cancel Abnormal Condition perk, this skill makes me resistant to status conditions like Paralysis and poison, this made this skill very useful a great addition to my arsenal.

But my next notification was more important than my rewards, i had finally reached Level 85 and with this new level came a new Dragonoid perk, Dragon will.

This perk was incredible, not only did it reduce the amount of experience points i need to level up but it also increased the experience points i get from battle, sure right now it was weak but overtime it would grow to become my most important ability yet, the perk also had the affect of increasing the power of all my dragon and dragon like skills, spells and techniques.

Needless to say that i was in good mood was an understatement, YunYun noticed it and asked me what had me in such a good mood so i told her that i learned some good perks and skills.

She seemed interested so I showed her Drain and she immediately asked me if she could try to replicate it since it would be very useful for a magic user.

Of course I told her to go ahead and she began to work on it, by the time we got back to Axel Town she had already succeeded in replicating it and had been testing it out against any monsters we could find.

As soon as we reached town went straight to the guild to report back to Luna who we knew would be shocked to find out what we did and flund in that mine.

As soon as we entered we headed right for Luna's counter, she smile at us the moment she saw us and we smiled back at her.

Luna then turned to look at YunYun and grinned "so you were able to successfully ambush Rean, good job YunYun".

YunYun blushed and panicked while I sweatdropped at that statement but i decided to poke fun of YunYun a bit "yeah she scared me half to death by catching me by surprise".

Poor YunYun was so red and was covering her face in embarrassment but Luna just giggled "but you were able to join his party right YunYun?".

YunYun nodded but she was still blushing crimson red, I just chuckled and patted her head while I turned to speak to Luna "yup were a team now and I got to say, I'm glad to have her covering my back".

Luna nodded "I'm glad, she's a good girl and adventurer but she's so shy and has a habit of letting her nerves get to her causing even more misunderstandings but I'm glad she was able to finally find some one to work with, I was really getting worried for her".

YunYun teared up a bit when she heard that Luna was worried about her, while i smiled "don't worry, I'll take care of her and make sure to have her back too".

Luna smiled brightly "great! now how can I help you today?".

I closed my eyes "we just returned from completing the Mine purge quest but i think it's best if we give you our report in private".

Luna frowned, she could already tell that she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear, she then nodded and then proceeded to walk with us to her office behind her counter.

We all took a seat and YunYun and i began to tell her everything we found in the mine, by the end of it she was very pale "dear me... if you guys wouldn't have taken care of them then those monsters could have come to Axel town and no one would have survived...".

I knew that wasn't really true since Wiz was here but i was sure she didn't know about her power, either way if those Goblins and Trolls were allowed to keep growing who knows what would have happened.

YunYun looked down in thought "I do wonder why they chose that mine and why a Black Goblin was there of all thing... those types of Goblin are not only very high level but they belong to the Demonlord's army".

I closed my eyes to think for a second "there has to be a reason for them to have chosen that mine, Luna what do they usually mine there?".

Luna tilted her head "they only mine Iron there, there hasn't been anything else found there but that mine does supply Iron to a lot of places, not only for weapons but also for everyday items like farm tools".

I open my eyes "but that still doesn't make sense, there were hundreds of monsters there and that Black Goblin was powerful... it had a very fancy armor and its sword was heavily enchanted too, I think the guild should investigate further, there's something in there that caught their attention we just need to find out what".

Luna though about for a minute but then nodded "alright, it seem like the smart thing to do so I'll make sure to send a group to survey the mine in depth, especially the main chamber".

YunYun and i nodded while Luna then gave us a smile "but either way, I'll make sure you guys get fairly rewarded for this quest, not only did you take back a very important resource but you also protected everyone from that army of monsters, thank you Rean, YunYun!".

We smiled and nodded at her, a few minutes later she got our money and i split it evenly with YunYun who was extra excited about having done a quest with someone.

Afterwards Luna asked us what we were planning to do next and I told her that we would be taking a small break and that then we would be back to take another quest.

Luna nodded and informed us that the Giant Frog season was about to begin in a couple of days and that the guild would be issuing a kill quest since they're a menace to the town and that it payed good.

I told her that we would be back to take it part on it since good money is always welcome, plus i knew that with those frogs arriving canon would officially begin.

After that YunYun and i had some lunch in the guild's bar and ate in peace, afterwards YunYun then seemed to have decided to ask me a question "hey, Rean where are you staying?".

"Hm? oh! in a small inn not too far from here, the rooms are small but cozy plus it's cheap".

YunYun nodded and then began to fidget with her dress "would you mind if i rented a room there too? that way we can be in the same building and be able to organize better!".

I smiled at her which made her feel embarrassed "sure let's do that".

She then fist pump but she noticed what she was doing and got embarrassed which made me chuckle, she pouted at me for laughing at her but then she began to laugh too.

After we finish laughing we decided to go ahead and rest for the rest of the day, YunYun came with me and like she said she would she rented the room next to mine.

That night we fell asleep while we kept talking through the telepathic chat about our plans for tomorrow and the kind of adventures we might have.

The couple of days were spent training and buying supplies since they used quite a few things during our six day round trip to the mines.

So they needed to buy more food and camping supplies plus training together made them get accustomed to fighting in all kinds of situations since each Pokemon brought a different style of battle.

Eventually Rean decided to take YunYun to Wiz's shop to see if she could find something that she could use.

As soon as they arrived they saw Wiz dancing around the shop while dusting everything, she seemed to be having a lot of fun but we did need to shop so i cleared my throat to catch my attention.

However to her misfortune YunYun liked the way she seemed to been having fun by dancing that her eyes began to glow in her excitement which was the first thing Wiz saw when she turned around.

Well the poor Lich was scared out her mind and she let out a scream "Kyahhhh!".

I sweatdropped at the entire situation *wow... i just saw Lich scream in fear caused by a pretty young girl...*.


Even Astraea didn't know what to say, YunYun was dejected that she scared the pretty dancing lady but i patted her head and she cheered up while i waited for Wiz to recover from her fright and to come out from under her counter where she had jumped to hide.

Eventually she took a peek and i waved at her "sorry for the scare Wiz, we came to shop but you seemed very distracted".

Wiz then completely popped out from behind her counter and shakely smiled "i-its alright, i really should have been paying more attention, it's nice to see you again Rean! who's you're friend?".

Well she recovered quickly, i smiled at YunYun who seemed to be glowing at being call my friend "her name is YunYun, we came to see if we can find something for her in your shop since you have some very good stuff".

Wiz smiled and nodded "go ahead! and take a look I'm sure you'll find something good for her to use".

I nodded to YunYun who immediately went to see the staffs and accessories while i went to Wiz to talk to her "how's business Wiz?".

Wiz smiled "better since you came and bought the bracelet and necklace! as a matter of fact i wanted to find you to see if you could help me with ideas about how to improve sales".

I raised an eyebrow and scratched my chin, i decided to be blunt since i think honesty would be better here "well... okay, I'll be very honest with you here okay?".

Wiz gulped but nodded, i nodded back and pointed at the shelf where Megumin's father things were put up "don't ever buy stuff from who ever sold you those things, theyre useless and can accidentally kill your customers that's a big no no Wiz, those things are trash and whoever is selling them to you is robbing you".

The poor Lich looked heartbroken "but if i just throw them away i won't have anything else to sell plus i already payed for them".

Ah that's a big problem, but then i remember about all the drops i got from the last three quest i did, i was planning to just sell them since i didn't have any need for them but i could just give them to Wiz to sell, some of the things i got were low level weapons and crafting materials that she could sell for a good price plus the adventurers of this town will be able to afford them.

I pat the poor Lich on her head since she seem so sad "tell you what, i got a bunch of drops from the three quest i did recently, i was going to sell them but instead I'll give them to you so you can replace that garbage and you can sell them at good prices".

Wiz seemed surprised "really, you would help me like this?".

I nodded "sure! i don't have a need for any of this stuff, here let me show you what i got".

I opened my inventory and began to take out the weapons, armor and materials i had gathered, they were all in good condition and had minor enchantments so they were great to sell, Wiz's eyes sparkle in excitement "are you sure i can sell these?".

"Yeah I'm sure and every time i get more drops I'll come here and give them to you, like i said i get good money from the quests so i don't need more plus i already have good equipment so i don't need more, might as well give it to someone who can use them or in this case sell them".

Wiz's teared up and walked around her counter and then gave me a big hug which i returned "if you need more help, let me know okay?".

I felt her nod on my chest suddenly YunYun appeared and squeak in indignation "ah! i want a hug too! no fair Wiz!".

Wiz and i laughed a bit as she let me go and i open my arms to YunYun who immediately ran forwards and hugged me tightly, it made me frown to think that this was probably the first time she's been hugged by a friend and i promised to myself to show her more affection.

Soon after she let go blushing but smiling widely, i smiled at her happy that i was able to make her a bit happy "did you find anything you want to buy YunYun?".

YunYun nodded in response to my question"yes! that black staff increases the power of elemental spells and that ring there help increase mana growth!".

"Ooh great finds YunYun! how much Wiz?".

Wiz was practically glowing "the ring is 60,000 Eris and the staff is 70,000 but I'll give you a discount and sell them for only 100,000 to you".

"Thanks Wiz, you're the best!".

Wiz actually blushed a bit which made no sense because she's a Lich but I'm not about to complain about it, so i took out the 100,000 Eris and handed them to her while YunYun grab her new staff and ring.

After that we spent a couple of hours helping Wiz decide a prize for all the things i gave her and to decide what to do with all the stuff she bought from Megumin's father.

Afterwards we just hanged out with her, YunYun seemed very happy to have made a new friend and Wiz was happy she was able to sell some things and get new wares.

Overall today was a good day for the Lich, the Arch Wizard and the Gamer Pokemon Trainer, one of many.

The next morning we we're finally ready to take on the Giant Frog kill quest, each frog we bring back will net us quite a bit if cash so we already had plan to go ahead and kill as many as we could plus we had five days before the quest ends.

My inventory will allows us to easily transport the big ass dead frogs and will free us so we'll be able to kill as many as we want, plus YunYun was excited to go to another quest with me.

Soon enough we reached the guild and went straight to Luna who was more than happy to give us the kill quest for Giant Frogs, she did tell us that we weren't the only one that could take the quest so she recommended us to take advantage of it right now before more adventures began to actively hunt them, since the guild wants as many of them gone because they're a danger to the livestock and children of Axel.

We nodded and immediately went to the fields where the Giant Frogs are known to hunt as we walked i decide to ask YunYun about them "so these Giant Frogs, any weakness i should know about?".

YunYun tap her chin with her finger "hmm well they're generally very weak so any beginner Adventurer could take them down, they particularly weak to metal so any kind of metal weapon should make things easier though they're are somewhat resistant to blunt damage because of the rubber like skin".

"I see, I should be fine with my Tachi then and you have your sword so we should be set, plus I'm calling Charizard to give us a hand, i did promised to let him help on the next quest".

YunYun nodded while i called out for Charizard, after he materialized in a bright white light he roared and stretched his wings, he then turned toward me and grinned at me which I returned with one of my own "okay Charizard, today were hunting Giant Frogs, so go crazy but don't use fire type attacks use attacks that do slashing damage alright?".

Charizard nodded and growled he then immediately flew away to go find Giant Frogs to kill *Astraea can you set the Frog's bodies to be transported directly to my inventory as long as one of us kills them?*.

[Sure! I'll set that up for this quest Rean! happy hunting!.]

*Thank you Astraea*.

I turned towards YunYun and smiled at her "alright lets get started!".

YunYun nodded "right!".

It was a bit past noon, me and YunYun were resting a bit while waiting for Charizard to come back so we can have some lunch.

While we we're waiting we suddenly heard a commotion and turned to take a look to see what was going, only to sweatdropped as i watched Kazuma being chased by a Giant Frog "err... YunYun you said that any beginner Adventurer could take down this Frogs, how do you explained that?".

I pointed at the scene before us while i could see YunYun deadpan at the scene before her "... I have no explanation for this Rean, i have a question though, why isn't he using that sword in his hand to fight back?".

I had no answer, i don't know if it was either because Kazuma still hasn't adapted to this world or he just forgot that he was holding a sword, either way we continued to watch as Aqua began to speak and flaunt her power or whatever catching the attention of the Giant frog.

We silently watched as the Giant frog suddenly approached the distracted goddess and then proceeded to eat her.

i honestly did not know what to say while YunYun just gaped at was going on"... um Rean, should we help them?".

I shook my head "I rather not get dragged to whatever this is beside they won't learn if we help them".

YunYun nodded and we continued to watched as Kazuma fought and then killed the Giant Frog saving Aqua, who was now on the floor crying.

Suddenly she got up all pissed off and rushed towards a pink skinned Giant Frog just sitting a distance away and enjoying the sun.

I saw her gather energy on her fist, scream some nonsense about how this technique carried all of her anger and sorrow or something like that and then proceeded to punch the frog.

Only for the frog's rubber like skin to absorb her attack, I got a notification and honestly I'm not sure if I should even check the skill i just got from this scene.

But i know i had too so while Kazuma was trying to save Aqua again, i decided to check the skill.

[Skill acquired via perk Mimicry!.

Skill: God blow learned.

Note!: due to lack of divinity the skill is looking for alternate source of power.




Alternate source of power found, blood ancestry found!.

Renaming skill!...

Changing attributes and effects!...

Success! the skill Divine Dragon Blow acquired!.

This skill allows the user to charge one's fist in divine dragonic energy, this makes this skill especially affective towards anything considered divine in nature and thanks to the user's Dragon God ancestry this skill also bypasses all defenses and resistances!.]

*Holy shit... I'm actually glad I was here to witness this nonsense, i just got my first god killer skill!, I'm going to grind this to hell and back when i get the chance!".

Suddenly a familiar roar echoed throughout the grassland and we all looked up only to see Charizard rocketing towards the pink Giant Frog with a Shadow Claw at the ready.

Then he reached the pink Giant Frog and slashed it's stomach open and then landed on the ground and roared while the Frog fell backwards dead.

Kazuma gaped at the sight before him and i sighed because i really didn't want to deal with this guys, YunYun just giggled and patted my back, i smiled at her and then began to move forward to get Charizard so we could eat lunch.

Kazuma gaped as he watch a goddamn Charizard roared at his victory "... but how can a Pokémon exist here? damn i wish i had a Pokeball...".

The Charizard must have heard him because it turned to glare at him causing Kazuma to flinch, suddenly a voice attracted the Pokemon attention "you can't steal another person's Pokemon, don't you know that?".

Kazuma turned to looked at who had spoken only to gape at the tall black haired guy walking towards them, a beautiful red eye girl was walking besides him.

The Charizard then ignored Kazuma and walked towards the guy and actually fist bump him!.

I smile at Charizard while i fist bump him "did you had fun?".

The Charizard grinned and then bump his head on my chest while i rub his chin "I'm glad you did but it's time for lunch and you know how YunYun gets when she's hungry".

YunYun blushed "hey! i don't act out when I'm hungry right Charizard?!".

Charizard actually nodded to her causing her to brightly smiled and smugly smile at me "traitor, betraying your best friend for a pretty face!".

Charizard didn't even try to look guilty as he grinned while YunYun giggled since she was already used to the way we are with each other.

I then took a look at the dead frog "well be taking that since Charizard killed it".

After having said that the frog's body suddenly disappeared freeing Aqua from its stomach and dropped her on the floor.

Then we all turned around and began to walk away but then Kazuma voice called out to me "hey! you're from another world right? was having a Charizard what you choose as your one power?".

I turned around and stared towards Kazuma, i really didn't want to say anything to him so i responded with "something like that, if you would excuse us we're hungry and want to eat.

Kazuma stared for a while wondering just what was going but he pushed it aside and went to help Aqua up.

YunYun, Charizard and i then had lunch and afterwards we continued to hunt Giant Frogs we got a total of 28, they were easy to kill but not to find since they like to borrow underground plus we were taking it easy and having a lot of fun.

At the end of the day got a total of 140,000 Eris that i split in half with YunYun then we decided to drink and eat at the guild to celebrate plus i wanted to try how these frogs tasted.

We did see Kazuma and Aqua complianing about how much the got which it seems to be around 10,000, they must have found another frog and killed it before they left but then i ignored them since our food got here besides i knew they were going to recruit for party members starting tomorrow so I wasn't interested in their conversation and we began to eat in peace while we enjoyed the lively sounds of the Guild.

The next day we stopped by the guild to eat breakfast, it was then that we noticed the flyer written by Aqua about looking for advanced class adventurers to join their party.

Of course me and YunYun ignored it and headed straight to an empty table and ordered to some food, i noticed both Aqua and Kazuma sitting on a bench and waiting for adventurers to ask to join their party but i ignored them.

Though i could feel Kazuma stare at me for a few minutes, he must be curious about me but meh, I'm not concerned with it.

As we were eating a familiar face appeared and approached the downtrodden pair, i could see YunYun began to sweat profusely when she noticed none other than Megumin appeared.

She gave her over dramatic introduction which made Kazuma, Aqua and i sweatdrop, i turned towards YunYun who was desperately grabbing her head and blushing deep red in embarrassment.

Mid sentence Megumin dropped to the ground in hunger and i lost all the will to continue watching all of this unfold, plus poor YunYun seems to be close to crying "YunYun?".

My red eye friend turned to looked at me with her eyes shinning with unshed tears and i just smiled at her "lets go, we have a quest to do okay?".

YunYun vigorously nodded, got up and then grabbed my hand and pulled me away as fast as she could, it seems that she was really embarrassed about the quirks of the her fellow villager, i don't mind but she was cleary uncomfortable so i decided it was time to leave.

Sometime after, me and YunYun were killing a couple of Giant Frogs while Charizard was flying above us looking for more frogs to kill.

Soon we defeated our respective frogs and they instantly disappear into my inventory, suddenly a couple of voices catches our attention "huh? who's that?".

YunYun looked around to see if she could find where the voices were coming from, after a while she pointed to a small hill some distance away "i thinks its coming from the other side of that hill".

I nodded and then i realized it must be Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin, they must be here so Megumin can show off her Explosion spell.

I decided to take advantage of this so i can obtain the Explosion spell and so i turn towards YunYun "lets go check it out".

YunYun nodded and i whistled to Charizard to follow us close behind, we went over the hill and took look, YunYun sighed and looked down when she saw Megumin down there, i patted her head to cheer her up and its seems to work while Charizard landed right besides me.

I then watched intently while Megumin began to use her favorite spell on a far away Giant frog while i ignore the nonsense going on with Kazuma and Aqua.

Suddenly Megumin began to chant as an alarming amount of mana began to surge from the petit Arch Wizard " Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark.

I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.

The time of awakening cometh.

Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,

appear now as an intangible distortions!.

I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force,

a destructive force without equal!.

Return all creation to cinders and come from the abyss!, Explosion!".

As soon as she finished chanting she then pointed forward with her staff, i could see the mana twirl around the frog, then the mana dangerously began to crackle and spark suddenly it detonated with an impressive force "Charizard use protect!".

Charizard immediately did so while i grabbed YunYun and used Protect on myself to protect YunYun and i.

The force of the explosion sent a vicious burst of wind and debris everywhere, i even saw the frog who had Aqua on its mouth get sent off flying, until everything finally settled down.

Charizard and i let our Protect dissipate and i took a look *damn... that is certainly impressive*.

I let go of YunYun who was blushing from being hugged so closely but she still asked "were you able to copy it?".

I checked the notification i received the moment the spell hit and nodded "yeah, i have it, it is very mana expensive, i can probably used it around seven times before i run out of mana but my medical gels can help me with that, it seem that i also don't need to chant which is great because i don't really want to say all of that".

YunYun nodded in agreement, she also wouldn't want to have to say all of that either, she was already embarrassed enough from listening Megumin say it.

Kazuma seemed impressed but well i can use Aeroblast and that skill is right now way more powerful and destructive than the Explosion spell plus since i have been grinding it for a while and its way cheaper to use too.

I sighed when i noticed another frog come out of the ground, Kazuma noticed it too and turned around to ask Megumin to use Explosion again but she had already collapse from mana exhaustion "while my mystic art, explosion magic possess tremendous power it also consumes a tremendous amount of magical power, in other words i used magic exceeding my limits, so now i can't move a muscle".

I watched the frog begin to hop towards Megumin while Kazuma just gaped at her in shock while Megumin continued to speak "i never expected a frog to pop out so close by, this is bad, I'm going to be eaten, sorry but could you help-".

*And the frog ate her too sigh...* i signaled Charizard to help Aqua while i help Megumin, i rushed forward while drawing my Tachi "First Form! Helix!".

I jump forward as begin to spin like a drill while deep blue flames begin to spin around me while i drive myself forward through frogs belly and coming out on the other side where i land on my feet and swing my blade horizontally to dissipate the blue flames still lingering on the blade of my Tachi while the Giant Frog dropped backwards dead.

Charizard charged his claws with dragonic energy and used Dragon Claw to slash open the Giant Frog belly which instantly dropped dead too.

Kazuma gaped at how fast we killed the frogs while i pull Megumin and Aqua out of the dead frogs mouth with telekinesis, I'm not about to touched them when they're completely soaked with frog spit.

YunYun approached Megumin and i frowned, i know Megumin likes to bully and ignore YunYun and i didn't like that, especially now that she's my friend.

YunYun approached Megumin to ask about her well being "are you okay Megumin?".

Megumin then turned towards YunYun and deadpan at her"who are you?".

YunYun looked embarrassed and hurt about being forgotten so i decided to speak up "you know full well who she is, you both come from the same village and I'm sure you seen each other before, don't pretend you don't know who she is".

Megumin twitched and turned to looked at me "sigh... fine, it's my self proclamained rival YunYun!, I'm fine just drained from the use of my most amazing spell but who's that with you YunYun?, is he a memberof your party, oh wait! there's no way he is, you're too shy and awkward to actually join a party!".

YunYun was happy Rean stood up for her but now Megumin was trying to embarrassed her in front of him and she didn't like that as a matter of fact if she could compare the two, Rean would be better example of what she expects from a friend.

I didn't like the fact that she looked so arrogant and spoke to YunYun like that, when she was the one on the floor, dripping with frog spit, I know for a fact that YunYun would never fall to a Giant Frog like that "your quite cocky huh? especially since you're on the floor after casting one spell and only defeating one Giant Frog, I know for a fact that YunYun can take down multiple targets with one spell and keep fighting for hours, honestly she doing you a favor for consider you her rival, why don't you just use some other spells if Explosion is too much for you?".

YunYun blushed and stood up and pull on my sleeve letting me know she was thankful and to draw my attention, i smiled at her as she began to speak before Megumin can start talking about her nonsense about only being able to use Explosion because is the one spell she loves the most "err Megumin doesn't have any other spell... she used all her skill points on Explosion and she refuses to learn any other spell.

Kazuma just deadpanned while is just scoffed "so she's an idiot sigh...anyways you can keep the frog's bodies, come on YunYun let's go, we still haven't had lunch yet".

YunYun nodded and didn't say anything else so we left quietly while we walked away i could feel Megumin's gaze on my back but i didn't care.

Once we were far away YunYun pull my sleeve again to catch my attention and then she spoke "thank you for defending me Rean, Megumin has always been like that with me and up until recently i thought that was how friends are supposed to be with each other but after these few days with you i can see that she wasn't a good friend at all...".

She seemed sad about realizing that Megumin was never her friend or rival, i frowned because i didn't like seeing her sad "it's alright YunYun, you don't need her anymore, you have me and my Pokemon plus I'm sure Wiz and Luna consider us friends too".

YunYun smiled and grabbed my hand and then pull me as she ran ahead "yes! you're right, i have friends now! hahaha let go visit Wiz and help her with her shop some more!".

I nodded and let her pull me along as she ran back towards the town so we can visit the kind shopkeeper Lich.