

Chapter 66.

After Serafall successfully got herself free from the super hug of death that Gabriel had her capture in, we all moved to Rias's office who had offered it to use for an impropt meeting since Serafall didn't want to take Gabriel to our home.

She even said so to her face which made the Archangel pout and I honestly did not know what to say about all of this, I can tell that Serafall really didn't hate her per say it was more like she didn't want to deal with her.

Sort of like what I feel with Sirzechs but I'm not going to comment on it, that way led to madness I can tell.

In any case it didn't takes us long for all of us to reach Rias's office and she was about to leave along with Sona since this seemed like very important business between Faction leaders but Gabriel told them to stay since what she had to say involved them as well.

So I ended up having to expand the room so we can all comfortably fit inside while Serafall took a seat at the desk and so did Gabriel, the rest of the devils all took a seat on the couch which I also expanded and began to drink tea and such while the meeting began.

Serafall scratched her head and sighed "alright Gabriel, can you now tell me what's going on here? why would an Archangel be walking around with a couple of Exorcist on devil territory?".

Gabriel looked down and sighed "a week ago Kokabiel of the Fallen Faction with the help of some Stray Exorcists broke into the vaults were we kept the Excalibur shards and stole three of them... we have reasons to believe that he's headed here".

Serafall turned her head towards me and I nodded knowing what she wanted me to do, I closed my eyes and extended my senses and Aura sense "... he's not anywhere in Kuoh right now... he might be hiding somewhere else or he hasn't arrived yet" I opened my eyes and stared at Serafall.

Serafall nodded and sighed, she didn't think it would be too easy to find him, he is a veteran of the old war so he isn't stupid, Serafall turned towards Gabriel "well? what is he planning?".

I noticed how Xenovia frowned and seemed annoyed, she likely didn't like how Serafall speaks to Gabriel but the Archangel herself didn't seem to mind and in the that's really what matters here.

I really hope she doesn't start any shit because I have no patient for stupidity right now and speaking about stupid, I've been keeping an eye on Kiba and the idiot is already foaming at the mouth in rage.

I had telepathically told Celebi to stop him if he even tries to take a step forward, Gabriel then spoke up "I believe Kokabiel wants to kill Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory with the Excaliburs to force you and Sirzechs into declaring war on Heaven and the Fallen Faction".

Serafall frowned while Sona and Rias gasped in surprise "well shit... I knew that Kokabiel was a Warmonger but I would have thought that Azazel would keep him on a tight leash...".

I sighed "I'm not surprised though, Azazel clearly has no control of every member of the Grigori we did have to deal with a bunch of Fallen Angels a while ago after all".

Serafall nodded and then spoke to Gabriel "have you contacted Azazel about this? perhaps he knows something about all of this".

Gabriel began to nervously sweat and smiled which made Serafall's eye twitch in annoyance "... that face tells me that no you didn't! Gabriel come on!".

Gabriel awkwardly laughed "I'm sorry?".

Serafall huffed "fine whatever... what is it that you want from us exactly? I'm sure you didn't come here to just warn us about all of this".

Gabriel nodded "I would like to have permission to investigate in Kuoh town~ I wanted to ask the Sitri and Gremory Heir but I'm glad that you're here! having permission from a Maou and my best friend is even better~".

Gabriel smiled so brightly that Serafall literally flinched back "ack! it's so bright! stop smiling like that you crazy evil angel!".

I couldn't help but chuckle at all of this, it's not often I see Serafall acting like this and it's funny, Gabriel then tilted her head and seemed to think about something for a few seconds "... is this what the Japanese call being a Tsundere?".

I snorted and I could see Rias choking on her tea after Gabriel said that, Serafall gasped and then stood up "ahhh! I can't deal with you! and don't call me Tsundere!".

Gabriel just smiled while Serafall was fuming and pouting, I just shook my head and then patted Serafall on her head to calm her down which she did, she quite literally sat back down and close her eyes enjoying my headpat.

Gabriel tilted her head towards me while Serafall was distracted by my headpat "I meant to ask earlier but would you mind if you tell me who you are? you seem rather important to Sera-chan, I've never seen her calm down so fast".

I was about to answer that I was no one important when Serafall suddenly stood up and hugged me "this is Rean! and he's my boyfriend~ he's very strong and awesome! too bad your still single Gabriel!".

*Whoa! I think I just saw Gabriel's eyebrow twitch a bit* Gabriel was still smiling but that smile looked kind of agreesive or something like that "oh~ congratulations of finding love Sera-chan... this is wonderful news!".

I sweatdropped a bit because I was very sure I detected a bit of venom Gabriel's voice which seems like Serafall detect it because she suddenly and maliciously smiled "don't worry Gabriel! I'm sure you'll find love and then we can go on double dates and oh! oh dear that's right! you can't because you're a goodie two shoes Angel and can't date without falling! me on the other hand I have graduated into an adult woman with Rean!~".

*Oh... Gabriel is definitely pissed now, that eyebrow is twitching non stop now!*.

[Oof! quick Rean buy a Burn Heal for Gabriel! that burn was nasty!~.]

I sweatdropped at the fact that Astrea was enjoying this a little too much, Gabriel still continued to smile and tilted her head "oh dear... would you look at the time! I believe it's time that I begin to investigate! so... do we have permission to do so?".

*And Gabriel seems to choose to escape to fight another day! a good and logical decision on her part!* Serafall gleefully smiled most than likely she crossed this as a victory or something like that "sure you can! oh! and Kuoh town is Leviathan territory now so do behave okay!".

Gabriel just smiled with her eyes close, she seems to have taken a Critical Hit with Serafall's comments, Xenovia suddenly stood up "enough of this nonsense! look just stay out of our way, this is church business and we rather not have to deal with devils at the same ti-".

But Serafall cut her off "your pretty stupid huh? and inexperienced as well, you should know not run your mouth or speak when you not spoken to child now sit down! you haven't been dismissed yet!".

Xenovia tensed up as Serafall raised her power a bit Gabriel opened her eyes and pulled down Xenovia back to her seat "Xenovia... I told you to keep quiet... I'm sorry Sera-chan, she's still young and has a lot to learn about the world".

Serafall sighed and nodded "it's fine, we did get carried away bit but do make sure you get that attitude of hers fixed, that tongue of hers will get herself and your Faction into trouble someday...".

Gabriel nodded "yes your absolutely right, I'll make sure to have a very serious talk to her later... can I ask you if you find anything about Kokabiel could you share it with me? I really want to resolve this as quickly as possible".

Serafall gave Gabriel a little smile and that told me that despite how they act with each other there's seems to be actual respect between each other "as a matter of fact I was planning to investigate right Rean?".

I grinned at Serafall "I'll have the Pokémon look for Kokabiel and anyone involved with him, I'm sure they will find him quickly enough".

Serafall nodded while Gabriel seemed confused by my words but seem to think better of asking and just smiled instead "Mr Rean I would appreciate it if you would inform of anything you find out".

"Sure, now that I've met you I already know how your energy feels so I can find you anywhere, I'll let you know when I find anything".

Gabriel nodded and stood up and began to walk towards the door but Sylveon seemed to have gotten curious about her and approached her, she then stood up in front of Gabriel and smiled up at her.

Gabriel smiled and bent down to pet Sylveon who smiled and closed her eyes "what an adorable creature~ what is it?".

I smiled "that's a Pokémon, a Sylveon to be exact, she seems to like you quite a bit you should be feel proud, Fairy types are very picky about who they take a liking to".

Gabriel nodded and smiled at Sylveon, but suddenly a voice caught my attention "your Asia Argento are you not?".

Asia nodded and smiled "that's right".

Irina shook her head "no way! you used to be a Saint of the Church right? why are you hanging out with the devils?" Irina discreetly took a look at Issei who looked confused because he didn't recognize her.

Xenovia frowned "to think that an ex Saint of the Church would surround herself with devils, it seem you really have become a witch".

I narrowed my eyes and so did Sylveon's and Celebi's which Gabriel noticed and was about to speak but Asia beat her to it "please do not speak like that about the Devils here... they're wonderful people and I live with Serafall who is a very caring and loving harem sister".

Serafall brightly smiled at Asia while Gabriel raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Serafall in surprise, Xenovia scowled and reached for her Excalibur "what a shame it seems like you have truly fallen allow me to kill you so you may repent in g-".

She didn't get to finish because Sylveon used one of her ribbons to wrap Xenovia's ankle and pull her away from Asia who widen her eyes in surprise, it was here that I noticed that she had already summoned her bow and was getting ready to defend herself.

Xenovia grunted in pain as her face hit the floor when Sylveon pulled her back, Irina summoned her Excalibur and was about to try and cut Sylveon's Ribbon but I appeared in a blur and caught the sword with my bare hand shocking her and Gabriel as well.

In the corner of my eyes I saw Kiba grin and begin to walk forwards but Celebi who was on sitting on top of Yunyun's head hit him with a Leech Seed which wrapped him tightly and dropped him on the floor unable to move and barely conscious.

But no one noticed him because everyone was busy gaping at the fact that I stopped an Excalibur with my bared hand, Irina looked up at me in surprise "what?... how are you able to touch my Excalibur?!".

But I just stayed silent since right now I was very angry, not only did they insult Asia but this idiot just tried to hurt my Sylveon, I knew this could happen but I was hoping that Gabriel,s presence would have deterred Xenovia from opening her mouth.

*I should have known better than to hope, an idiot will always be an idiot...".

*Rean... that sword... what have they done? they mutilated the me from this world... how disgusting, Rean please destroy that thing! it's crying and screaming to be set free! destroy them all!*.

This is the first time ever heard Excalibur so distraught, she has never asked anything from me before and I'm not about to denied a request from my partner.

I received a Quest Notification as soon as I decided to fulfill my Excalibur's request but I left it alone for now.

So I glared at Irina and then clench the fist that had caught Irina's Excalibur and easily shattered it, the sound of Excalibur Mimic breaking as if it were cheap glass made everyone freeze and stared with wide eyes full of shock at what I have done "Sylveon, throw the blue haired idiot outside I'll deal with her in a moment".

Sylveon nodded and lifted Xenovia into the air and slammed her into the ceiling and then against the ground causing the young Exorcist to grunt in pain, after that Sylveon whipped her Ribbon around and then threw Xenovia through one of the windows of Rias's office into the backyard.

I then grabbed Irina's face and lifted her off the ground where she squeaked and flailed around "I don't take kindly to anyone trying to hurt one of my Pokemon regardless of the fact that you're little toothpick you call Excalibur wouldn't have been able to hurt Sylveon on... Thundershock!".

Irina screamed as I practically tazed her, I had to keep the power of my basic Electric type move so I wouldn't kill her but I made sure it still hurt like hell.

I let my attack shock her for a few good minutes before I dropped her on the ground *Rean! stab my blade into that Excalibur's core! I want go make sure no one can ever mutilate and abuse it again*.

I summoned Excalibur into my hand and stabbed her into Excalibur Mimic's core and my Excalibur absorbed it, I got a notification but I ignore it from now and turned around.

Gabriel just gaped at what I had done and she must be really stunned because she couldn't even mutter a word but right now I had other things in my head so I ignored her for now.

I teleported outside and appeared in front of Xenovia who was slowly trying to get up, she looked up at me and glared "are you insane! do you want to start a war!? your a Maou's lover! do you think you can get away with assaulting a member of the church?!".

"Do I look like I care? the church can come here and start shit but then I'll just destroyed them all, I'm certainly not afraid of you or the church".

Xenovia gaped at me and stared at me as if I was crazy or something but I don't care, this girl just tried to attack Asia and Excalibur asked me to destroy the Excalibur Shards and that's what I'll do.

Gabriel immediately rushed towards the now broken window while everyone else but Yunyun, Asia and Serafall were stunned with what happened except Kiba who was still on the floor and unconscious while drooling on the floor.

Gabriel turned towards Serafall who walked up to her side "Sera-chan! you have to stop Mr Rean! please".

Serafall shook her head "I'm sorry Gabriel but this is out of my hands now, even if I wanted to Rean is not one to let anyone who threatens who he loves and cares about go without punishment... be happy that at the very least he doesn't seem to want to killed them".

Gabriel frowned and was about to jump out the window to put a stop to this but Serafall grabbed her arm and made her turn to look at her, Gabriel stared at Serafall who shook her head "trust me Gabriel, do not get in Rean's way... hes not someone you want to get angry at you just watch for now okay?".

Gabriel stared into Serafall eyes for a few long seconds and then nodded with a frown on her face, she didn't like it but it seems like Serafall wants her to just wait and watch for now, despite everything Gabriel knew she could trust Serafall and so she tried to calm down for now.

Serafall smiled at Gabriel while the rest of the devils except Kiba ran to the window to watch what was about to happen.

Xenovia frowned and then reached for the bundle behind her and drew Excalibur Destruction, I could instantly feel disgust and sadness from my own Excalibur and I don't blame her.

Now that I wasn't distracted I was able to scan the Excalibur shard before me and it was very sickening to see what was once a very beautiful and powerful sword become something so twisted.

This sword wasn't even reforged but the church had to use Alchemy to semi restore it, I can only guess what they must have chosen to sacrifice in order to make it what it is today but whatever it was, it had tainted the sword.

Xenovia got into position "I'm not surprised that someone who loves a Maou could be this blasphemous against the Lord and the Church! you will be destroy in the name of the l-".

She stopped talking the moment I decided to make my move, the speed I had moved with must have been a shock because she could only gape as I reappeared in front of her and grab hold of her wrist and twisted it forcing her to drop Excalibur Destruction "Agghh! let go!".

I just glared at her and then threw her against a wall of the O.R.C club building where she bounced off the wall and landed on the ground with a grunt, meanwhile I looked down towards Excalibur Destruction with a frown on my face.

Not wanting to keep looking at it I then stomp on it and easily shattered the blade, I saw the core roll away a bit after I broke the Excalibur and walk up to it, as soon as I got close to it I stabbed it with my Excalibur who absorbed it right away.

I received a notification a few seconds later but I ignore too, I turned my head towards Xenovia who was shakely standing up while grabbing her wrist in pain, I think I broke it when I twisted but in the end I really didn't care "Sylveon!".

Sylveon's immediately jumped down and softly landed in front of me while glaring at Xenovia who flinched "... make it hurt".

Sylveon grinned at Xenovia and took off running at high-speed with Quick Attack, Xenovia didn't even have time to blink and was hit by Sylveon in her abdomen and sent flying backwards.

But Sylveon quickly caught her by the ankle with one if her ribbons and pulled her back towards her, as soon as Xenovia got close to Sylveon the Fairy Type Pokemon hit her with a Headbutt attack in the chest while whipping her whole body down and slamming Xenovia into the ground.

My Sylveon like all my battle Pokémon is quite ruthless and unforgiving to our enemies, despite being adorable she was quite dangerous and the fact that she has the ability Pixilate which increases the power of Normal Type moves by 30 percent and turns them into Fairy Type attacks makes her extra dangerous.

Something that Xenovia was finding out first hand right now, Sylveon jumped back and took some distance away from the downed Exorcist girl and watched her closely as Xenovia groaned in pain on the ground.

I walked up to to her and looked down at her "you ever threatened anyone I love again and I will not hesitate to kill you...".

Xenovia looked up at me and slowly nodded, it seems like she understood where she stood against someone like me, I then began to float up while Sylveon walked up to Xenovia and then smugly sat on her chest.

Xenovia grunted in pain and just closed her eyes while Sylveon just sat there on top of her chest, meanwhile I floated onto the window where everyone was watching and spoke to Serafall "change of plans Sera, my sword wants me to destroy the Excalibur Shards and seeing how horribly these blades were mutilated and corrupted I decided to do so".

Serafall shrugged "sounds good to me, I really could not care less what happens to those swords and besides! your partner asked you to do it~ you really can't say no right?".

Serafall winked at me knowing that I was speaking about my Excalibur, I grinned at her and then turn my head towards Gabriel "I will take care of Kokabiel and the Excalibur now, if Heaven or the Church have a problem with it then tell them to come to me and I'll deal with them...".

But Gabriel was intently staring at my Excalibur "that sword... what is it? something about it seems familiar but I've never seen a Katana like that before...".

"That doesn't concern you, take your Exorcist with you and keep them on a tight leash, next time something like this happens I won't be merciful".

Gabriel pouted at me but nodded and went to pick up both Irina and Xenovia while I turned my head towards Rias "and Rias, keep Kiba under control, if he gets in my way or becomes a problem I won't hesitate to deal with him".

Rias frowned but nodded "yeah... I saw what he was a about to do... it was pretty stupid of him to try to do anything while there's two Faction leader in the room, I'll take him to the underworld and leave him with mom... I'm sure she can keep him out of trouble while all of this get resolved".

I nodded at her and I'm glad that she seems to be more calm minded, I guess since I'm practically a family friend thanks to Sirzechs and the fact that her dad and mom are protecting me had made her willing to listen to me more.

Rias then turned around and went to a towards where Kiba was laying unconscious and still drooling on the floor, she bent down and picked him up.

Rias then put him on her shoulder and turned her head towards me "thank you from stopping him Rean, I don't know what I would have done if he had gotten involved in all of this mess".

I nodded at her and smiled, Akeno walked up to Rias and together they teleported away with the help of their magic circle, Serafall then turned her head towards Sona "you will stand down and not get involved in any of this Sona".

Sona frowned but Serafall narrowed her eyes at her causing Sona to flinch back "I'm being serious Sona, Rean will deal with this but with three more Excalibur shards out there and with Kokabiel targeting you I don't want you anywhere close to this problem, I don't want you to get hurt okay?".

Sona stared at Serafall for a few seconds and then nodded, suddenly Gabriel's voice caught our attention "please pretty Pokemon! can you move!?".

We all turned around and watched as Gabriel was begging Sylveon to get off the stilled downed Xenovia, Sylveon just deadpanned at Gabriel and refused to move while Gabriel pouted at her "please? she's very hurt...".

Sylveon closed her eyes and huffed but still didn't move, Serafall laughed at the pouting Gabriel while I smiled at my Pokemon, it looks like she's still mad at Xenovia and I don't blame her but we had things to do "Sylveon get off that girl, I rather she get picked up and taken out of here".

Sylveon opened her eyes and looked up at me and gave me a big bright smiled, she then got off Xenovia but not before stepping on her face and then took off running, she suddenly jumped up all the way to the second floor and through the broken window where I caught her in my arms causing her to happily called out her name.

I smiled at my Fairy Type Pokemon and then handed her to Asia who hugged Sylveon against her chest with a soft smile on her face, Gabriel just picked Xenovia off the ground and then nodded at us and took off flying "... she didn't say anything against me destroying the Excalibur, I wonder why?".

Serafall shrugged "Gabriel really doesn't care much about things like the Excalibur, I'm pretty sure she's not happy about what became of the version of this world plus she gets distracted easily".

I nodded and then turned my head towards Yunyun who was still wearing Celebi on her head like a hat, I smiled at the small Legendary Pokémon and gently pat her head "good job stopping that idiot from intervening, he would have just gotten in my way".

Celebi nodded and brightly smiled, I then turned to the other devils while sending Excalibur back to my soul "well I'll see you guys at school but for now I have things to do so later".

I waved at them a teleported away, Serafall giggled and then turned towards Yunyun and Asia "what are you guys doing now?".

Yunyun smiled and then answered Serafall's question "were going to go help at the Sweet Shop! I'm sure Wiz is very busy right now".

Serafall grinned "oh~ I will go with you guys! it's always fun to dress up as a maid!".

Yunyun and Asia nodded, then Serafall turned towards Sona and her Peerage "go home and do not interfere okay?".

Sona nodded along her Peerage and then Serafall, Yunyun and Asia teleported away to go to Wiz's shop.

Sona frowned and looked down "he got stronger... it was only for a second but when he stopped that Exorcist's Excalibur with one hand his power flare up...".

Tsubaki nodded "yes... I noticed as well and it's seems like it isn't only Rean who got stronger, his Pokemon did so as well, Sylveon was holding back a lot but she still downed that Exorcist with a few basic moves".

Sona nodded and turned towards Issei "Hyoudou, Rias said that Ddraig warned you all off of Rean, do you know why?".

Issei shook his head "no but Ddraig has a great deal of respect for Rean so if I we're you I would listen to his warning, Senpai is a good guy but he can be quite merciless against those who pissed him off".

Sona frowned and was about to say something but Issei's Boosted Gear manifested and Ddraig began to speak "Sitri Heir, leave Rean alone for not even your sister would protect you from his wrath you do not know who or what your dealing with child".

Sona flinched from Ddraig's tone of voice and looked down with a frown on her face, Issei shrugged his shoulders and then left, he was sure that Rias will look for him when she came back from wherever she was taking Kiba.

Sona turned her head and looked out of the destroyed window in Rias's office in silence while her Peerage stared at her worryingly.

I teleported to my backyard and stood there thinking on what to do next *if I go after Kokabiel now there's a chance Valper might just run away with the Excaliburs Shards or if I go after Valper Kokabiel might escape and caused even more problems later on... I doubt they're hidden in the same place and they're not hiding anywhere close by either*.

[More than likely he's hiding in a pocket dimension or he might be even be working from the underworld, I'm pretty sure he has many safe houses in Fallen Angel territory for him to hide in.]

*That's true, he might just teleport directly to Kuoh or something like that... I think we're going to have to wait for him to show up and attack Kuoh Academy, that way we will have both the combined Excalibur and Kokabiel in the same place*.

[That would be the most efficient way to go about this, you already know that he's targeting Rias and Sona, once the Excaliburs Shards are merged together you can also fulfilled Excalibur's request!.]

*Speaking of Excalibur's request I better check that Quest Notification I got and the other ones as well*.

Mentally I opened my menu and looked at my recent Notifications.

[Ding! Ding!.

The Church hasn't only mutilated but also corrupted what was once the most powerful and beautiful Holy Sword in this world, now the pieces of Excalibur are drowning in sadness and begging for someone to destroy them so it can rest in peace.

Find and destroy all Excalibur Shards and have your own Excalibur absorb their cores.

Objective 1: Destroy Excalibur Mimic. (COMPLETE).

Objective 2: Destroy Excalibur Destruction. (COMPLETE).

Objective 3: Destroy Excalibur Nightmare.

Objective 4: Destroy Excalibur Blessing.

Objective 5: Destroy Excalibur Rapidly.

Objective 6 : Destroy Excalibur Transparency.

Objective 7: Destroy Excalibur Ruler.

Secret Objective 1: ?.

Secret Objective 2: ?.

Reward 1: 2 Common Pokemon Tokens.

Reward 2: 4 Common Pokemon Tokens.

Reward 3: 6 Common Pokemon Tokens, 1 Pseudo Legendary Pokémon Token.

Reward 4: 8 Pokemon Common Pokemon Tokens 1 Mythical Pokemon Token

Reward 5: 1 Starter Pokemon Token, 1 Mythical Pokemon Token.

Reward 6: 2 Legendary Pokémon Tokens.

Reward 7: Avalon The Everdistant Utopia (Fate Series.)

Secret objective Reward 1: ?.

Secret objective Reward 2: ?.]

I raised an eyebrow at the rewards, I'm a bit surprised at all of them especially the last one since is one of the most power Noble Phantasms to exist in the Nasuverse and I'm definitely interested.

But the fact that I'm getting all of this as rewards shows the seriousness of the situation, doing this will put me in the spot light of Heaven and the church.

It is selfish of me but I can't deny this from Excalibur not when she had never asked for anything of me before so I will go ahead a do this, me and the girls already decided to follow the ideal of freedom after all.

So whatever consequences comes out of our actions and decisions we will face them together as a family, still those two Secret Objectives are nagging at my mind right now, just what sort of thing will I discover now?.

* Thank you for doing this for me master! and I'm sorry for being selfish... I just couldn't stand seeing the version of me in such a state...*.

*No problem Excalibur, I understand how you feel... when I got a closer look at Excalibur Destruction I became disgusted with what it had been done to the you of this world, why would Heaven allowed such a thing to happen to Excalibur is beyond me*.

I could feel Excalibur's agreement within my soul, I smiled and then decided to check the other two notifications I received.

[Ding! Ding!.

By absorbing the core of Excalibur Mimic, your Excalibur has awakened to a new skill.

Skill name: Object Mimicry.

This skill allows Excalibur to turn transform into any sort of object not classified as a Weapon for easier transportation, it would also facilitate the evolution of current Weapon forms but into what and what extent remains to be seen...]

[Ding! Ding!.

By absorbing the core Excalibur Destruction, Your Excalibur has awakened to a new skill.

Skill name: Mana Burst - Starlight.

Mana Burst is the increase in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it.

It comes in all sorts of elements and attributes and they all have all sorts of effects, Rean Hayashi's Mana Burst is of the attribute of Starlight.

Starlight is the power of the stars given form and as such all creatures even Divine Spirits are weak against this attribute making all attacks Super effective against all creation.]

*Well shit... these are every useful but dangerous skills, especially Mana Burst: Starlight that skill alone makes me a full on all slayer*.

I summoned Excalibur into my hand and then tried her new Object Mimicry Skill turning her into a bracelet with her color scheme of Purple and Gold.

*Whoa! that felt weird but at least I can be out with you all the time! this is going to be a lot of fun~*.

I chuckled at Excalibur's excitement, I will wait for Kokabiel to show up and I'll deal with him and the Excalibur Shards soon enough, for now I'll have my Pokemon keep an eye out and prepare for what's to come.