

Chapter 64.

It didn't take long for Mewtwo to erase the memories of the few children and none combatants woman from the Hayashi main Clan house and teleport them to an orphanage or something in Tokyo.

I really couldn't care less, I might not want to kill them but I really didn't care about them enough to want to know what will happen to them, their lucky as is that I decided not go full on blood bath.

After finishing doing what I asked him to do Mewtwo teleported right in front of me and nodded letting me know that he was done.

I smiled at him and nodded back "thank you Mewtwo, great job! now I'm about to blow this entire Clan Compound, want to hang around with me and Charizard and see the fireworks?".

Mewtwo grinned and nodded which made Charizard give him a thumbs up and me smile "alright then lets get high into the sky for this since we want to see everything go boom!".

Me, Charizard and Mewtwo took off into the night sky and once we were really high we all look down into the Hayashi Compound and stared at it for a few seconds.

I frowned as memories of the prejudice, the judging, whispers and back handed comments rushed through my mind of everything that the Original Rean Hayashi went through living with the Hayashi.

It all seems so long ago and I've come so far from that small and helpless child the Original Rean used to be, I raised a hand and conjured up a simple blue Ember attack.

Charizard noticed and raised an eyebrow at me while softly growling, which made me chuckle "I know this is a very low level attack but I wanted to try something".

Both Charizard and Mewtwo tilted their heads in confusion while I stared at the small Ember attack in my hand "I haven't been able to try to use a lot my power so I'm going to do so with this small attack and since I want to destroy the Hayashi Compound this gives me a chance to let go and see what happens".

Mewtwo crossed his arms and nodded understanding my intention while Charizard grinned and growled at me "huh? well I'm going to charge this Ember attack so I'm sure it will cause a big explosion".

Charizard seems doubtful but I knew better than to underestimate my Stardust Energy and power level or at least I think so "well let's just give it a try and see what happens but first just to be safe lets put an energy bubble around the Ember attack".

I used my energy to engulfed the blue Ember attack in a transparent bubble of energy that will act as a barrier "okay now I'm going to charge th Ember with my Stardust Energy and let see what happens".

Both Charizard and Mewtwo nodded and I began to charge my weak Fire Type move, the Ember immediately turned shinning purple and began to grow at an accelerated pace.

Not wanting to let it grow too much I began to condense both the heat and flames within the Ember attack while both Mewtwo and Charizard look in fascination as they sensed the power behind this small Fire Type attack.

I kept doing this for a while and without noticing my Argonaut Perk activated, the skill I copied from my friend Bell began to make its well know sound of Bells tolling.

The Bell's sounds echoed through the night sky as the Ember attack turned pure white as white whisp of mana began to flutter and fly around me until the Fire Type attack in my hand no longer was flames but white plasma instead.

Within the energy bubble the white plasma began to shoot off purple arcs of lightning but the energy bubble prevented the purple lightning from escaping.

I grinned happy that I was able to easily and successfully do this, sure the activation of Argonaut took me by surprise but since the Perk has a chance of activating at random I took it in stride soon after.

Both Charizard and Mewtwo stared at the attack in my hand with awed expression on their faces which made me chuckle "well we can't really call this an Ember attack anymore right?".

Both Charizard and Mewtwo grinned and nodded while I stared at my new attack in my hand trying to come up with a name for it.

Suddenly Astraea spoke up from within my soul [Rean, the moment your new technique detonates every single Supernatural being in the world will sense it.]

*Huh? well that could be problematic... but I do want to see what it does though... would they be able to track me down if I use it?*.

[No, they will be able to sense the enormous amount of power and energy in the attack but not its nature or where it came from, not with me cloaking you but even I have my limits and your very powerful now Rean so they will be able to sense it in some way but not be able to tell where it came from or what it is.]

I hummed as I thought about the consequences about all of this, more than likely it will cause panic among the Supernatural world but a part of me no longer cares, the talk I had with the girls earlier let me know that they would support me on anything I do.

Even if somehow someone was able to track me down or find out it was me who used this technique it wouldn't matter, My Pokemon, the girls and I will deal with it.

We won't let anyone try to ruin our life and much less try anything against any of us, we have decided as a family that we would stand against the world if we have too.

Even Serafall and Yasaka would abandon their Factions if they had to, just so we could all stay together as a family and that made feel like I can do anything now.

After all the girls reminded me that freedom was the reason we all been training and getting stronger all of this time, the ability to do anything we want, whenever we wanted had become our family motto.

But before all of that I first have to deal with my past so I have to destroy the Hayashi, I will erase them from the face of the planet and truly be free.

With this new technique I will put and end to the bigoted and stuck in the old ways Hayashi Clan and give birth to the Hayashi Family, our family where is us against the world.

So with a smile in face I slowly tilted my hand and let my new technique fall towards the Hayashi Compound and as I watch it fall I called out its name "White Catastrophe..".

Charizard, Mewtwo and I watched as my White Catastrophe dropped towards the ground and in a few moments crashed against the ground, the bubble of energy around it pop setting free my new technique to slam against the ground and detonate.

There was a big flash of white light and silence, but then came the massive pillar of white plasma that spread out from the point of impact while also shooting out massive arcs of purple lightning all over the area.

My Pokemon's and my eyes widen in surprise as the implosion hit us, though it didn't do anything to us we still felt it and then came the big loud boom as my new technique made the planet its self shake from the force of its power.

In Heaven the angels began to scramble around everywhere as God's system began to let out a loud and scary trumpet like sound, the Archangels immediately rushed into God's throne room to see what was going on.

Only to stare in shock and fear as God's system was making all sorts of sounds and going crazy and then they felt it, the massive mass of energy that hit them so strong that all of them dropped on their hands and knees.

Michael had even throw up and the rest of the Archangels were having difficulty even breathing "Michael! what is happening!?".

Michael wiped his mouth clean and sighed "I don't know sister but something or someone new, someone terrifyingly powerful has appeared and done something".

Suddenly there was a flash of white and a loud bang which made everyone in Heaven scream in terror, Michael covered his eyes and in the distance he could see a giant pillar of white blowing a hole through Heaven.

Uriel gasped "that's not possible! there's no way something happening on earth could be seen in Heaven! we're on a completely different dimension!".

Michael just stared at the Pillar of white in utter shock, throughout all his life he has never seen something like this before, such devastating power but even he can't denied the beauty of this white pillar.

In the underworld the Devil were all running in a panic as the entire underworld shook, each and every devil was scared out of their minds even the so call nobles were screaming in horror.

But it then got worse when there's was sudden blast of energy so high and powerful that every single Devil in the world drop to their knees and hands unable to move.

However to the surprised of many the children seemed to be fine for some reason, no one would know this but Astraea had made sure to protect the children and normal humans from Rean's technique and its effects, she did this for Serafall who cares about the devil children.

However the adult devils were not having a good time since they were even having difficulty breathing, in Ajuka office where Ajuka was on the floor and grunting in exertion when each and every machine and monitor began to violently explode.

But the green haired Maou couldn't do anything but watch as his lab was being devastated by whatever was going on right now.

Suddenly a massive pillar of white sprouted somewhere far away in the old and abandoned Lucifer lands, many devils scream in fear thinking that someone came to attacked them.

In the Grigori headquarters the same thing was happening to Azazel who was on the floor unable to move as his lab was being destroyed by whatever force was hitting them.

Vali was also besides Azazel on his knees and hands unable to move or do anything really "Azazel! what's happening!? Albion is screaming his lungs out in fear for some reason!".

Azazel grunted and shook his head "I don't know kid but whatever is going in big! grrr I can't fucking move!.

But then a pillar of white burst out from somewhere far away in the underworld and both Azazel and Vali watched with awed expression on their faces.

Every Fallen Angel watched in fear and disbelieve towards the massive pillar of white, no one knew what was going on but most were scared, though some seemed very excited for some reason.

In Kyoto many Yokai looked up towards the massive pillar of white alighting the night sky in awe, no one here was affected by Reans massive energy or effects of his power and all of them were free to watch how the beautiful pillar of white reached to the night sky a fair distance away.

In Kuoh both Devil Peerage and their kings watched in awe at the massive pillar of white as it reached high into the sky and even though they can tell that it was very far away they can clearly see it.

They couldn't believe what they were watching and even though they weren't affected by it in any way they were still very afraid of what's going.

But what really creep everyone out was the fact that Issei's Boosted Gear manifested and Ddraig began to laugh loudly from within saying something about 'he finally did it!'.

They didn't know what he was talking about and when asked he would ignore everyone and continue laughing like a maniac.

On the backyard of Rean's Home the Pokémon were loudly calling out their names towards the massive pillar, the girls who were also outside and watching all of this happening smiled knowing who had done this.

Serafall giggled and shook her head "looks like Rean is having a bit of fun, it certainly looks amazing and beautiful but I wonder what it is? I don't think I've seen him used something similar before".

Yasaka grinned "fufufu whatever it is it's very powerful, even without being affected by it I can still sense the power behind whatever that is".

Yunyun narrowed her eyes at the pillar of white and then brightly smiled "it's plasma! white plasma for that matter! amazing I've never seen anything like it~".

Wiz giggled and nodded "I can even see arcs of purple lightning lashing out from around that pillar of white plasma what a truly powerful technique".

Asia smiled clapped "it's so pretty! the entire night sky is being given light by Rean's technique!".

Sakuya looked up the pillar of white plasma and smiled proudly "I think my beloved master has reached a power beyond the denizens of Gensokyou".

Tiona and Tione were in awe at Rean's technique, Tione softly smiled "it's so beautiful... it's like Rean is making a statement to the world and showing how bright he can shine!".

Tiona began to excitedly hop from foot to foot "wow! how cool and pretty! hahaha yeah! Rean show the world who and what you can do!".

Ryuu smiled and watched in silence at the beautiful declaration Rean was making to the world "... Rean".

Artemis giggle in amusement "looks like Rean wants to show off a bit, what a truly magnificent technique... one worthy of a Dragon God, congratulations my beloved".

Kunou was loudly cheering "hahaha! yeah daddy!" she then turned to Yuki and excitedly grinned at her "I hope daddy teaches me how to use that technique~".

Yuki sweatdropped and hope that Rean wouldn't teach Kunou's that massive technique, she already worried a lot about Kunou blasting a whole in the continent by accident with a Legendary signature move.

Ophis watch as the Pillar of White Plasma shined brightly, she could sense the power behind this technique and that it was powerful enough to kill her but instead of being afraid she felt safe for some reason.

Without her noticed Ophis unconsciously smile a small and soft smile and she silently watched as Rean let the world know he exist.

All over the world mundane and Supernatural alike bared witness to a massive pillar of white plasma though the Supernatural world got a taste of the massive pressure and were dropped to the ground by it.

The mundane humans were free to watch the beautiful Pillar of White Plasma, though many were curious as to what was going and quite a few were afraid though no one felt anything wrong with what was going.

But no one will ever find out what had happened and many governments would investigate but they won't be able to find out anything about the Pillar of White Plasma the only thing that would be known for sure was that the white pillar was originated from somewhere in Japan.

The Supernatural world sensed and were oppressed by the massive energy signature but to their frustration no one could sense the origin or nature of such incredible power.

It was made worse because no one could even move from the sheer pressure of such power so no one was able to even go and investigate, the only thing that would be known was that this happened in Japan in the outskirts of Kyoto.

It wouldn't be until way later where it would be revealed who had caused this and why but by then no one could do anything about it, however this wouldn't be the last time a strange event would happen somewhere in Japan.

Both Charizard and Mewtwo were still gaping at the cheer devastation brought about by my new technique created by a simple and small Ember attack, I on the other hand sweatdropped because I wasn't expecting that much destruction.

[Errr Rean... that technique punched through multiple dimensions of this world, it was lucky that it did though because a lot of excess power and energy bled out into those dimensions otherwise this technique would have cause major damage to the planet...]

*What?... but I didn't even used too much power and Ember was the basis of the technique and your telling me that my technique punched through dimensions?... did I destroy anything important?*.

[No, again you were lucky that where the technique punched through manifested away from anywhere inhabited though pretty much every Supernatural Faction saw and felt your technique.]

*Ah fuck!... I bet I scared the shit out of everyone, good think they can't track me but I have to be more careful with my techniques and perhaps go to another planet to test them before using it here on Earth, thank you for letting me know*.

[No problem Rean and don't worry about it too much, nothing important was damaged you just scared everyone in the Supernatural World and that's just funny.]

I smiled at the fact that Astraea seemed to be having fun with all of this, meanwhile it seems that my technique finally ran its course and began to dissipate into the sky as wisp of white energy that drifted up into the sky.

Charizard growled "huh? I'm not going to do that with a Fire Blast! are you nuts? this technique practically punched a hole though dimensions!".

Charizard just grinned and growled again which made me twitch my eyebrow at him "... okay yes! the explosion would be way bigger than this and I am curious but I won't use something like this too close to the planet".

Charizard just chuckle and grin at me, jeez he can be quite crazy when it comes to explosions, Mewtwo just shook his head with a small smile on his face.

Suddenly as my technique finally dissipated a notification appeared into my vision and I mentally opened it right away.

[Ding! Ding!.

Due to the actions of the Gamer a new skill has been created.

Skill name: White Catastrophe.

White Catastrophe is a skill that takes the concept of Stardust Energy and flames to create a Star Spark, this Spark carries the energy and power of Star according to how much Stardust Energy is fed into it.

Engulfed on a small shell of energy the Skill is dropped upon the target and detonates upon contact unleashing all the energy within, it then manifests into a massive pillar of white plasma that is so condensed that it's capable of punching through dimensions.

It is a truly devastating skill and one should take caution of when, where and how they use it.

Note 1: This skill is especially effective against beings, creatures or entities that exist within multiple dimensions.

Note 2: The power, range and damage can be increased by how much energy is fed to the technique.

Note 3: Caution is advise when using this technique and its advisable to not drop it towards any planet.]

Looks like I created a new skill, a Rean original, I look down and see the destruction brought about my new skill and gaped a bit.

There was only a massive crater where the Hayashi Compound once stood, there was nothing left but red hot magma and destruction and it was something a bit disturbing to see.

It was a good thing I had the powers to fix this otherwise this could cause massive panic and I don't want that right now.

So I floated down towards the middle of the crater I created and looked down at the pitch darkness from the massive and deep crater, I nodded to my self and then clapped my hands together.

Calling upon my Conceptual Domain over Nature I immediately used it to fix the area, the crater began to shift and fill up with earth and stone forming a sort of earthy whirlpool.

Soon enough the red hot magma cool down and the crater was filled, then the ground shook a bit as trees and all sorts of plant life began to sprout from what was once the Hayashi Compound.

Right where the Main Clan House once stood a massive tree sprouted and reached high into the sky and stood majestically above the entire new forest area where one of the oldest and most powerful clans of Japan once stood.

I looked around and then nodded to myself with a small smile on my face "with this the Hayashi are truly gone, nothing of what they used to be exists now and soon everyone will forget them as well...".

I looked up the moon and grin "... let's go home guys, we're done here!".

Charizard cheerfully growled and Mewtwo nodded, together we all took off flying through the night sky towards our home in Kuoh and to our family.

With this I can finally put the past to rest, to what had happened to the original Rean and hopefully wherever he is he can rest in peace knowing that the clan and the man who caused everything bad that he experienced happen to him was dead and so is his entire Clan.

It's been a week since I layed waste on the Hayashi and Serafall and Yasaka had informed me of the sheer chaos and panic that the Factions fell into, no one knew except both Serafall and Yasaka what had happened and who had done all of that.

Many were throwing accusations at each other but many knew that they were just trying to instigate conflict and no one took them seriously.

But the truth of the matter is that someone had attacked each and every Faction territory at the same time and that made everyone very nervous since they didn't know if this was caused by someone or a group.

The only upside to all of this was the fact that no one was hurt or anything destroyed, still that didn't make many feel very good about the situation as it is.

Everyone was so busy trying to find out who did all of that they missed the fact that the Hayashi were gone and were completely overlooked until the Shinto Gods finally noticed that the Clan Compound was gone and not one single Hayashi was found.

This set alarms to go off in the Shinto Gods head and began to panic, according to Yasaka even though Amaterasu was aligned with them she didn't like them much she wasn't happy with what they had become but the Hayashi had already become too important to both Japan and the Shinto that she couldn't just not do anything about the fact that they were gone.

The fact that they were gone was a big deal to the Shinto and the Japanese government since it left a whole in power and many old Clans began to fight and clash for the power they Hayashi held.

Yasaka had laughed at the fact that Amaterasu was scrambling about confused and in a panic for once.

It seems like Yasaka was holding a grudge about how very irresponsible Amaterasu had been with her work as a Goddess but I don't blame her much for that.

But that right now isn't important, no right now, this morning in fact while I was in school, Ray the Siren came flying through an open window and into my classroom scaring everyone including the teacher who was instantly distracted when Flareon jumped on her desk and barked at her.

Luckly everyone calmed down when they recognize her as one of the maids working at the Sweet Shop and immediately went to help her up since she crashed landed a bit, except Issei's friends who were being beaten by Murayama and Katase who weren't keen on letting them get too close to Ray.

Ray looked around and smiled as soon as she saw me and ran to me and I only had a few seconds to prepare myself to catch her when she launched her at me to give me a hug.

I just smiled at her and chuckled at the always friendly Siren "hello there Ray? what has you so excited so early in the morning?".

Ray smiled and stepped away from me "Rean! there's something very amazing happening at the Pokéhome!".

Now that was a surprise and I instantly got curious, with a grin on my face I turned my head towards my teacher who was to busy to notice anything because she was petting Flareon.

Flareon grinned as soon as he saw me looking at me and somehow gave me a thumbs up, I still don't know how he pull that off with paws but with the teacher distracted I decided to ditch class.

I winked at both Asia and Yunyun who giggled knowing what I was planning to do and without any hesitation I jumped out of the window with Ray in my arms.

My classmates gasped in shock and immediately ran to the windows to see if I was okay only to breath in relief when they saw me running through the schools main gates.

Issei laughed and shook his head while Ddraig laughed out loud within his soul, meanwhile our teacher was so distracted scratching Flareon's belly to even notice what happen.

As soon as we were out of sight I teleported me and Ray into my Pokehome right away and I got to admit that I was very curious as to what Ray meant by 'something amazing was happening in the Pokehome'.

Which is why right now I was confusedly staring at a very familiar new building that according to Ray had suddenly appeared over night, still no matter how much I thought about it I couldn't understand why this building was here right now.

But I was quite honestly curious about it, however it wasn't only this building that has appeared, there was also so two more very new buildings within the village the Xenos had built to live in.

They were of course all confused as to how this had happened without anyone's notice but they weren't nervous or even scare, apparently there was this sort of familiarity within these buildings that set them at ease which piqued my curiosity even more.

So without any clue to go with I decided to just stepped into the building in front of me and see what I'm dealing with, as soon as I approached the building the automatic doors slide open allowing me access to the building.

Once inside I looked around at the empty but very technological advanced building and approached the head desk to see what I can find out only to freeze when under the desk and looking for something was a very familiar blue colored girl.

I knew right away who this Xeno is I was just shocked to see her here, Wiene the Vouivre was cheerfully humming while looking for something under the desk.

She found what she was looking for which seems to be some sort of big book and stood up only to jump a bit having finally noticed me.

Wiene eeped and took a few steps back in surprise but then she seemed to recognize me for some reason and smiled "ah! daddy! welcome to Xeno town's Pokémon Center!".

I just froze there confused as all hell and not knowing what to say with what Wiene just said to me, while both Excalibur, Astraea and a very familiar presence began to giggle in amusement within my soul.

Meanwhile in the human an old and creepy Fallen Angel was staring at his prizes, this Fallen Angel was known as Kokabiel a well known warmonger who wanted nothing more than bring war to the three Judeo Christian Factions and have the Fallen Faction show its superiority to the rest of the world .

Which is why he had three of the Excalibur fragments stolen by Stray Exorcist from the church in order to force the church to move and investigate, he hopes to have them follow his trail back to Kuoh.

His plan is to instigate war by murdering the two Heirs of the Gremory and Sitri Devil Clans with the Excalibur to provoke both Serafall Leviathan an Sirzechs Lucifer into declaring war against both the Church and the Fallen Faction.

Right now he was slowly making his way to Japan to accomplish this but something else was on his mind as well, a week ago a massive pressure had brought the Supernatural Factions to their knees and he was excited to find the group or being that had brought fear and panic to the Factions.

He wanted to provoke them into the conflict of the Judeo Christian Factions and cause even more destruction, perhaps he could even convince it or them to help him and join his side.

He had loved the display of power that was shown on that night a week ago and wanted to fight and prove his and the Fallen Faction's power by either fighting this group or being or have it join them to bring the rest of the Factions to their knees.

Lucky for him it seems that this being and group operated on Japan since that was the only information anyone could find about this mystery being or group so he was hoping to draw them out with his plans.

Hopefully they will show themselves once he starts the fun in Kuoh and so with a cheerful cackle Kokabiel began to plot not knowing that the power he was so interested in would be his end.

Meanwhile as Kokabiel was making his way to Japan and then Kuoh, Heaven was in a bit of panic not that it wasn't already in a panic to begin with.

Both the Church and Heaven had been too distracted by th event that took place a week ago that someone took advantage of that and stole three of the Excalibur from the Church.

Excalibur Rapidly, Transparency and Nightmare were taken from their hidden places while both the Church and Heaven were too busy investing who had caused that massive pillar of white that was seen by every Faction.

Heaven wanted to find out who and why they did that since whatever that was had somewhat affected God's System and was now sort of acting strange as if it was afraid of something out there in the world.

Michael was in a complete and total loss as to what would cause God's system to act like this but now they also had to deal with whoever had stolen the Excaliburs.

Michael sighed and tiredly rubbed his forehead, sometimes he really hated to be the leader of a whole Faction, his sister and brothers stared at him worriedly while waiting for him to decide what to do.

Michael looked up to Raphael "any new information as to who stole the Excalibur and where are they headed?".

Raphael nodded "yes, it seem like the Fallen Angel Kokabiel was the one who planned the whole thing and right now has possession of the three stolen Excalibur, he seems to be heading towards Japan...".

Uriel then spoke up "it's strange... it's like he's not making any effort to hide or even cover his tracks. it's almost like he wants us to know he has the Excalibur and where he's going".

Everyone frowned, Gabriel sighed and shook her head "it seems brother Kokabiel is planning to instigate the Devils, it's well known that both the Gremory and Sitri heirs live in Kuoh".

Raphael shook his head "war... he wants to bring war to the three Judeo Christian Factions!".

Michael frowned and looked down for a few seconds "he needs to be stop... have the church send Exorcists to Kuoh and let the Devils that live there know of what's going, we can't allow Kokabiel's plans to be fulfilled... war would devastate Heaven".

Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael nodded, Michael turned his head towards Gabriel "sister you go with the Exorcists as well and make sure they don't cause any trouble in Japan, whoever caused what happened a week ago seems to be in Japan or at least that's where we were able to find out where that white pillar originated from".

Gabriel nodded, she knew that the Church was very busy right now investigating about the white pillar so they might now be able to send someone with experience and she knew that the younger Exorcists tended to be very passionate about their work.

Which often brought trouble to the church and Heaven so it was a good idea for her to go with whoever is chosen to follow Kokabiel and let the Gremory and Sitri know of what is going.

They didn't want to provoke whatever had caused the White Pillar event to happen and set it sights on Heaven or the Church, it was best to make sure everything is kept friendly.