

Chapter 51. Pass Parade!.

Welf and I worked for hours on Bell's new armor, by the time we were done it was late at night so we all decided to go to sleep, soon after we made that decision I took Welf and Hephaestaus to a couple of guest rooms so they could sleep over and wouldn't have to walked all their way back to their home so late at night.

The next morning everyone woke up early and got ready for the day, Wiz and I cooked everyone breakfast something that made both Welf and Hephaestaus very happy since they instantly became fans of our cooking, while we all ate breakfast together we spoke about our plans for the day.

The girls were going to do their usual, Serafall and Yasaka will be taking advantage of their vacation to be lazy, of course Yasaka also planned to go with Kunou later on to visit the Xenos and see how they're doing with their construction of their own village in My Pokehome.

Wiz would be making breakfast and lunch for the Xenos as well sine they were very busy building their little village, Sakuya and Haruhime are going to be going into the city and buy all kinds of furniture and essentials for the Xenos in the afternoon while Asia was going to feed the battle Pokemon and then go teach the Xenos how to take care of the Farm Pokemon.

Kunou was going to go spend the morning training with Bell and Lili and then leave with her mom to go play with the Xenos later on the day, Hestia was going to hang out with Hephaestaus and probably go drinking which now that I think about she does a lot, it is pretty hilarious to see her drunk though, Hestia is a very clingy drunk.

Welf is going to begin his physical conditioning with Lucario and Greninja, Ryuu as always will be going to go to work in the Hostess of Fertility andthat left me with nothing to do.

Since I'm taking some days off Dungeon Diving I decided to hang out with my Pokemon and just be lazy with them for a change, something we haven't done since we began this crazy but fun adventure that is my life now.

Today though Bell, Lili and Welf will be going to the Dungeon for an expedition so after training they'll be going to buy some item they need and then go directly to the Dungeon.

So I decided to give to Bell the Seika and the light armor me and Welf made for him, so after breakfast I took Bell to my workshop.

Bell stared at the Dagger I just handed to him in awe "Rean! this Dagger is so beautiful! and I can feel it's power radiating from its blade".

I smiled and nodded at him "it should be since its my best work yet, I named it the Seika and I enchanted with Ho-oh's Sacred Fire into it, it's a very powerful Fire Type attack Bell so do be careful with it whenever you use it okay?".

Bell nodded and then sheathed the Seika into a sheath I made for it, he then turned towards the light armor and picked up the chest plate "it's so light... did you also make this?".

I shook my head "no, Welf did while he was teaching me how to forge light armor, all I did is enchant it for you so it can be flexible, Indestructible and grants you a minor regen effect as you move around with it equipped".

Bell nodded "Welf really does make some very good armor! thank you Rean! I'll use all of this today during our expedition today".

I nodded "your welcome ah! make sure you ask Asia to give you three sets of Gels, one for each of you if you feel like you might need more make sure to ask okay? it's best to have extra and don't forget to thank Welf for the armor, he worked really hard to make it".

Bell brightly smiled and then took off running out my workshop while carrying everything I just gave him which made me sweatdropped "jeez... don't run around while carrying sharp and pointy things!...".

I shook my head but smiled nonetheless, with that done and out of the way I turn off the light in my workshop and then walked out while closing the door behind me.

I then began to walk towards the backyard to spend sometime with my Pokemon.

After training Bell, Lili and Welf left to go the Dungeon and after a few hours they had reached the middle floors though Welf looked like he had a bad morning "I don't know how you guys can train like that so early in the morning and everyday...".

Bell chuckled and easily sidestepped a Hellhound that try to sneak attack him, Lili then shot it in its head as it missed Bell and ran past him, the Hellhound instantly turned into black dust "you get used to it but I know your pain well Welf, I remember how sore I was after training those first two weeks! thank goodness the Gels help with fatigue".

Welf then cut down another Hellhound while Bell began to throw a couple knives to a few more Hellhounds that were already rushing forward to them, Lili sighed "Lili would like to request not to be reminded of those days... Lili can still feel the phantom pains from those first few days".

Bell grinned and the suddenly jumped high and dodged a Hellhound that was aiming to slash his back open with its claws, however the monster only hit air while Bell then landed on top of it and stabbed the Hestia knife into the top of it head.

The monster instantly turned into black dust which Bell dispersed with a wave of his arm, Lili then heard something approaching her to side and she immediately turned toward it ready to fire an arrow.

But she then notice that it was an Almiraj which then was joined by two more the little bunny monster tilted their heads as thy stared at Lili, that made Lili tilt her head and smile in amusement "Master Bell?".

Welf grinned when he noticed what Lili was trying to do and decided to join in the fun "yup! that's Bell alright!".

Bell's eyebrow twitched not appreciating that he keeps getting compared to a bunny "that's an Almiraj!".

The Almiraj then growled and jumped up while holding little axes, Welf raised an eyebrow "oh! Bell is attacking!".

Lili deadpanned "Master Bell is so feisty today~".

Bell huffed in annoyance "those are Almiraj dammit! and I don't look like a bunny!".

Bell rushed forward and cut down the Almiraj in a second while Welf and Lili laughed at him a little.

I was sitting by the lake behind the Hearth Mansion while watching Lapras and Milotic swim around in the water besides me is Charizard who was relaxing with me along Blastoise and Venusaur "it's quite the nice day huh guys?".

My Pokemon nodded while Charizard softly growled "your right, it's been a while since we have been able to relax like this but it has been fun right buddy?".

Charizard grinned at me which made return his grin with one of my own, Venusaur then softly growled "hmm well I still have to evolve into a Dragon God but after I think it will be time for is to go home, you'll like it in Kuoh the people there are practically used to Pokemon already andyou can walk around the town in peace".

Blastoise then growled his name and I nodded "oh! I have a masion as big as the one here and a big lake in the backyard too, in fact this whole backyard was based on the one at home so don't worry, you'll have plenty of space to move around plus like I just told Venusaur, you can move around the town in peace".

Charizard then nodded and growled "what's next after that? hmm that's actually a good question, I know there's a few events that happen in Kuoh but other than that who knows? I already changed a lot in that world so things might just happen differently, all I know for sure is that there's plenty of fights coming our way".

Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur then growled excitedly which made me chuckle "yeah its going to be fun guys but remember our family comes first, always".

The Kanto starters nodded and then we went back to relaxing, I even took out a bunch of Pokepuffin for them to snack on while we hang out and enjoy being lazy.

Meanwhile in the Dungeon six Adventurers were running through the a cavern as fast as they can with worry evident on their faces, the five were running as fast as they while the tall man in front was carrying an injured girl behind his back.

The injured girl had a little Almiraj axe embedded in her back which was wrapped by bandages and bleeding quite a bit, one of the female Adventurer turned her jead to look behind her and noticed a trio of Almiraj chasing after them.

Deciding to do something about their pursuers she spinned on her toes and then instantly cut two of the Almiraj in half with a Quickdraw slash in mid air after they tried to jumped her and her fellow Adventurers, she then stabbed the third one in the heart with ease, the monster instantly turned into black dust soon after.

The man who is carrying the injured girl then yelled out at her while still running "come on! don't lag behind!".

The young woman nodded and then responded "right!" she then took off running right after to catch up to her group.

As soon as she caught up with them the man carrying the injured girl apologized "I'm sorry for making you do all the work".

But the young woman shook her head "don't worry about that Ouka, we're a team after all!" but suddenly growls began to echo through the Dungeon catching their attention.

One of the other two men in the group called out "crap! Hellhounds incoming!".

Everyone turned their head to look behind them and noticed the Hellhounds running at them at full speed, Ouka then said "there's a chamber not to far from here let go there!".

Down in the forementioned chamber, Bell, Lili and Welf were fighting off a big group of Almiraj, Welf who had not trained with them for a long time was starting to get tired "damn... they're not giving me any room to breath!".

But both Bell and Lili quickly killed the monsters surrounding Welf and let him jumped back to catch his breath, Lili then decided to help him a bit " don't complain and don't slow down Sharpness!".

Welf felt his strength increase which made him grin and began attacking in earnest again, Bell smiled and drew the Seika which then began to glow blue, Bell then became a white streak as he rushed forward and killed many of the monsters surrounding them in a blink of an eye.

Bell looked around to see if any other monsters were closed by "well this is the middle floors, the quality and quantity of monsters really does increase from here on out, Rean did said that it only gets worse as we keep heading down".

Ouka and his fellow Adventurers finally reached the chamber and stopped a second to watch as Bell, Lili and Welf faced off against a lot of monsters, the young woman caught up to him "Ouka! the Hellhounds will be here soon! we must hurry to the upper floors".

But the young woman noticed that Ouka wasn't paying any attention to her and was staring at something so she turned her head to take a look at what had caught Ouka's attention only to see three young Adventurers facing off against a big number of monsters.

Ouka then suddenly spoke "Mikoto were going...".

This shocked the now named Mikoto "what!? but if we do that then they'll-".

Ouka however cut off Mikoto with his next words "I care more about your lives than the lives of some folk I've never even seen before".

Mikoto could only stare at Ouka in shock and frown while the rest of her Familia members looked down and grunted unhappy about the situation, Ouka then spoke up again "if you want to complain do it later, you can curse me then if you want but right now we have to move!".

With that said Ouka rushed forward with the rest of his Familia following him while Mikoto stayed behind and glared at the wall, she didn't like this at all but then she pushed herself to move and follow Ouka.

Bell was easily dodging the monster's attack and retaliating with killing blows when he noticed a group of Adventurers run past them, he noticed that one of the seemed severely injured and he was about to call out to them so he can offer some help but Lili suddenly called out "huh!? the monsters who were chasing them are going to come after us now!".

Bell sighed and then turned towards the entrance he saw the Adventurers come from only to see a big of number of monsters head their way, Lili then called out again "it's a Pass Parade!".

Welf growled angry that someone had done this to them "you have to be kidding me!".

Lili sighed and shook her head "Master Bell, let's deal with this quickly, we've played long enough don't you think?".

Bell chuckled "I was hoping to let Welf get used to fighting more with us and collect more Exilia but we can't waste to much time in one spot, give me an opening Lili!".

Welf stared in surprise at how calm Bell and Lili seemed even though they were getting surrounded by so many monsters, Lili spread her arms open and the bracelets she's wearing began to glow suddenly a small electric wave was fired from her bracelets which then hit the monsters paralyzing them, Lili smiled "I hope you like that Thunderwave! go master Bell!".

Bell excitedly smiled and nodded "I've been wanting to test this spell since Rean taught it me! I, who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates of hell, Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!".

Welf gaped when a massive magic circle spread underneath them covering a large area and all the monsters, he began to panic when he saw lightning bolt begin to rain down on the monsters but Lili suddenly called out him "relax mister Welf, master Bell's spell won't hit us".

Welf relaxed a bit and then watched when as soon as the lightning bolts stopped raining down a massive one suddenly fell from high above them killing all every monsters around them.

The harsh light from Bell's spell made him cover his eyes with his arm, he then screamed as he heard the massive boom of the lightning bolt echo through the entire Dungeon floor.

A few seconds later he uncovered his eyes and then looked around, there was no monsters in sight but more importantly they were okay, Bell seemed a little out of breath but fine and he even watched him smile as he took out an Orange Gel and ate it.

Bell sighed as the effects of the Orange Gel hit him "hoo! that spell uses a lot of mana! Rean was right. I'm not ready to fire many of those yet maybe when I reach Level 4 I'll be able to handle these level of spells better".

Welf huffed and shook his head in disbelieve"Bell you just killed off a big number of monsters with one spell! a very impressive spell that shouldn't be used by a rookie! and your complaining that you got a bit winded?".

Bell chuckled and then shrugged "well its the first time I ever used a master ranked spell so the amount of mana needed for it caught me by surprise even though Rean warned me about it".

Lili walked up to them "this is why Lili likes to focus on buffs and debuffs, they're cheap to cast and usually have short chants".

Welf grinned "just what is Rean teaching you guys!? and when is my turn!".

Bell and Lili laughed with Welf joining them in the fun, Welf then looked around and sighed "just what was that? did those guys really just Pass parade us?".

Bell nodded "yeah, they seemed to be carrying an injured person with them so perhaps that's why they did that?".

Lili nodded "yeah but still! Lili thinks it was rather rude of them!".

Bell nodded in agreement "yeah... if they had asked for help I would have helped them right away, there was no need fro then to do that".

Welf shook his head "not everyone is a nice as you Bell, they had no way of knowing if you were going to help them or finish them off but your right there was no need to do that".

Bell nodded and hummed ashe thought about what Welf said, it's true that ots hard to trust other Adventurers while inside the Dungeon "yeah... come on, we still have quite a bit more to travel to reach the 18th floor and Riviera, we can rest there and then we can walk to the surface tomorrow morning".

Everyone nodded and then all of them left towards one of the caverns while also keeping an eye for more monsters.

I was in My Pokehome tasting some honey that Ray brought to me, apparently the sole Combee I summoned the other day had began to make a home of its own and produce honey, it wasn't much but it was a start and Ray was able to collect enough for one jar "mmm it's very good!".

Ray smiled and nodded "yeah! I had a little taste and I couldn't believe how delicious it is~ I can't believe such a small Pokémon could make such a delicious treat".

Is smiled at Ray while closing the jar of honey, I must admit that when I first played Pokémon Diamond Version and the Honey item was introduced I was very curious as to what Honey made by a Pokémon tasted like and I wasn't disappointed.

I handed the jar back to Ray "let's put that away, for now keep an eye on how long it takes Combee to produce enough Honey for one jar and then we can start keeping some in stock plus I'll summon some more Combees when I can soon enough".

Ray smiled and nodded she then began to tell me how everyone was getting used to living in My Pokehome and among the Pokémon plus everyone was also having fun taking care of them.

To the Xenos who were hated, hunted down and abused having someone that trusted them enough to teach them how to do all kinds of things was something new and amazing and the fact that they're being taught all kinds of new things just made everything very incredible for them.

I was glad that they felt happy and were having fun, at most all of the chores that had to do with the Pokémon can be finished by noon and then the Xenos can do whatever they want though me and the girls have been teaching them all kinds of things to give them aa few hobbies.

I taught them how to craft things out of wood and how to cook meals, Wiz taught them how to make sweets and snacks while Yunyun taught them how to write and read among other things they'll need like math.

Asia taught them how to pray and they started to do so to Gaea which I found endearing, I wonder if she can hear their prayers in her sleep? she also taught them how to sew and began to help them make clothes for everyone.

Sakuya my super maid taught the Xenos how to clean and keep things organized and clean while Serafall being the cheerful person she is taught them to dance and play, she even had plans to have them star in her show once in awhile which had the Xenos every excited about.

Yasaka taught them manners, how to act and speak in public places and how to be respectful, we did have plans to introduce them to Kyoto so they have safe place to visit but they did have to learn how to behave first since some of them were very feral at times.

Kunou of course taught them all about the Pokémon, what they like to eat and do for fun, what they can do and how to approach some of them since the Legendary Pokémon could be a bit finicky at times.

Thankfully the Xenos were very well accepted by the Pokémon and all of then were quite content to share their place with them, especially since the Pokémon spend far more time with me whenever I am.

However as I spoke with Ray, Sakuya suddenly appeared in My Pokehome and immediately waked up to me with a small frown on her face and I already know that someone, somehow was going to piss me of today.

As soon as Sakuya reached me I immediately reached out a hand and caress her cheek "what's wrong Sakuya?".

Sakuya gave me a small smiled and leaned her face into my hand "we just received a visitors at the Hearth mansion, one if them is speaking with Hestia right now but apparently it has something to do with Bell and his party, Hestia asked me to come get you".

I nodded and turned my head towards Ray and smiled at her "alright, I have to get going but I'll come and visit soon Ray".

Ray nodded and smiled at me, then both Sakuya and I teleported back to the mansion and I couldn't help to wonder what had happened now.

As soon as I teleported us back home I immediately headed to the living room while Sakuya walked towards the kitchen, to my surprise not only was Hephaestus there but also Miach and his only Adventurer Naaza Erisuis.

But what really caught my attention was the Japanese man bowing in front of Hestia asking for forgiveness, if I'm not mistaken this God is Takemikazuchi and with him here I already knew what was going on.

I also noticed his Familia standing behind him looking down in shame except the tallest men of the group, I believe his name is Ouka.

I wasted no time and walked up to the group, everyone turned towards me the moment they noticed my presence, I smiled at Hephaestus who smiled back at me, I nodded at Miach since even though I didn't talk to him much, I knew he was a close friend of Hestias plus he was a very kind man who gave Bell and Lili Quests to do and free potions which we kept just in case.

Miach nodded at me with a small smile in his face Naaza nodded at me as well and I gave her a smile in return I then walked up to Hestia and patted her head since she seemed upset.

I took a seat besides her in the couch, Sakuya then entered the living room carrying a tray with tea ready to be serve and she immediately served me some tea and handed it to me "thank you Sakuya, your the best".

Sakuya smiled and began to serve everyone except Takemikazuchi and his Adventurers tea, I took a sip from my own and then asked "so whats going on? and why does everyone look so stressed?".

Hestia sighed and shook her head "apparently Take's Adventurers were in a bit of a pinch, one of them was sneaked attacked by Almiraj and they had to rush her to the surface for medical attention so in their desperation then passed by Bell and left the monsters that were chasing them to them".

I closed my eyes and sighed " I see... I believe that's called a Pass Parade right?".

Hephaestus and Miach nodded, Miach then looked down "yes... they left the monsters for Bell and his party".

Takemikazuchi sighed and shook his head he then turned his head and stared dissapointedly towards Ouka and his party "my children were desperate but that is no excuse...".

I opened my eyes and stared at the Adventurers before me "who's the one who decided that it was a bright idea to do this to Bell, Lili and Welf".

Takemikazuchi's Adventurers didn't say anything until Ouka stepped forward and stared into my eyes "it was mine but don't expect me to apologize, I did what I thought was right to save my Familia and I would do it all over again".

Takemikazuchi flinched while his Familia behind him gaped "Ouka!".

I narrowed my eyes and stood up my energy flared which caused everyone to jump in fright, Ouka took an involuntary step back when he noticed my the glare I was sending him "... what was it you said? 'I care more about your lives than the lives of some folk I've never even seen before'?".

Ouka and his Familia members jumped in shock and surprised when I spat out exactly what he said to Mikoto inside the Dungeon "I understand the sentiment, I really do since I'm from the same mind... I care more about my friends and family than some strangers, too bad for you... you and your Familia are strangers to me as well and I could care less about you right now".

With that said I summoned Excalibur into my hand and my energy began to dance around me wildly filling the living room with a soft purple light "should I start by killing the girl you so desperately tried to save?".

Ouka panicked and tried to get in my way to protect the girl with the long bands covering her face but I used Psychic to stop him from moving and lift him off into the air surprising everyone in the room.

I began to walk up to the girl while Ouka began to to struggle "next I'll kill each and every one of your Familia including Takemikazuchi... then I'll kill you".

As soon as I stopped in front of the girl and I raised Excalibur into the air, she closed her eyes to await for her end but Ouka then yelled out "stop! I'm sorry okay! I didn't have any other choice!... I'm sorry...".

I stopped mid swing Excalibur a few inches away from the girl's head "okay".

I then send Excalibur back to me soul and let Ouka drop to the ground, my energy settled down allowing the Gods to breath except Hestia who was fine through this whole ordeal and just watched.

However Ouka and his Familia were gapping at me, Ouka then spoke up "w-what? just what happened!?".

I shrugged as I began to walk back to the couch "I wasn't mad that you made that the decision, Bell and his party can handle themselves now, your attitude however pissed me off, next time don't be an asshole and just apologize".

I shook my head and sat back down the couch, Mikoto sighed and then spoke up "but.. how did you know what Ouka had said to me?".

I sighed I can't really tell them that I saw him saying that in the anime but luckly for me I had the perfect excuse "Mew!? can you come here!?".

Suddenly the pink cat teleported into the living room and began to excitedly float around until she stopped and sat on my lap where I began to pat her head "can you show us how Bell and the others are doing?".

Mew nodded and then her eyes began to glow, suddenly everyone's eyes began to glow as well and they could see that Bell and Welf were fighting a pack of Hellhounds and winning with ease while Lili was chalantly picking up Magic Crystal behind them, the could hear them joking around as they fought the monsters.

Suddenly the images stopped and everyone turned to gape at me which made me chuckle since their faces looked rather funny, Hephaestus who was sitting the closest to me decided to ask me "what was that?".

"That was Mew doing something called sightsharing its a psychic ability and what you just saw was something that happened a few minutes ago this is how I knew what Ouka had said".

Hestia smiled "ah! you had Mew follow Bell, Lili as Welf down the Dungeon! the question is why?".

I smiled at Hestia and nodded "well after Bell and Lili got jumped by the Soma Familia and later on by Ottar I decided to keep a closer eye on them whenever they go to the Dungeon just in case, at least until they're strong enough that I don't have to worry as much, Mew is just supposed to let me know whenever they're in serious trouble or help if she feels ots needed".

Hestia nodded at me while Miach smiled at Mew "what a cute and useful creature, you called it Mew correct? I believe this is one of those Pokémon I heard so much about".

I nodded at Miach "that's correct, now as all of you can see, you don't have to worry about Bell and the others they're fine, I would only asked that when they arrive back all you apologize to them including you Ouka...".

The Takemikazuchi Familia vigorously nodded including their God, Hestia smiled and then spoke up "and do try not to do this again, even though I understand why you did it it was still a very cruel thing to do, okay?".

They nodded and all of them bowed to Hestia while apologizing, I then poked Mew on her belly causing her to giggle "alright, can you go and continue to keep an eye on Bell and the others?".

Mew nodded and then float up "and do let me know when they reach Riviera okay?".

Mew mewled her name and then teleported back to where Bell, Lili and Welf are while I turned towards the group in front of me " with that taken cared of I'm going to go to my room and take a nap! I am supposed to be taking it easy after all~".

With that said I got up and left to go to my room while the Gods and the Takemikazuchi Familia watched me leave, Mikoto then suddenly said "so that's the one who killed the entire Freya Familia...".

Hestia nodded "he did though he did it with the help of his Pokémon but as you can see, he's more than powerful enough to have done it by himself".

Hephaestus hummed "he certainly is something else but it was weird, for some reason I couldn't sense the origin of his power, it was Iike someone is cloaking him or something...".

Hestia smiled knowing exactly why no one can really sense out the origin of his and the Pokémon power, she then shrugged "who knows?! but anyways! as you can see Take, Bell and the others are fine and they should be back by tomorrow so you can apologize to them after that".

Takemikazuchi nodded "of course I'll make sure all of us come and apologize, right Ouka?!".

Ouka flinched but nodded, his Familia members laughed a little at him while Miach and Neeza smiled at them glad that nothing bad had happened.

Everyone was worried about how Rean would react but it seems that he had everything under control all along and seeing how cheerful Hestia is right now he knew that everything was gling to be fine.

A few hours later Bell, Lili and Welf reached the seventeenth floor, Welf seemed tired and beat up compared to Bell and Lili who seemed fine, Welfl looked ooled around the seventeenth floor "hmm I've never been this deep into the Dungeon before... but damn everything hurts!".

Bell and Lili grinned at him while Welf just shook his head and then smiled "you guys don't think we have to fight the Goliath right? cause I don't think I can do it!"

Bell shook his head "I don't think so, the Loki Familia should have defeated on their way down and with its respawn time we shouldn't have to worry about it".

Lili nodded "besides we have taken it down before".

Welf raised an eyebrow in surprise "you have? you mean to tell me that you've been this deep into the Dungeon before?".

Bell nodded "yup, wehave gone gone deeper before too, I think the lowest floor we've been into has been the 26th floor, right Lili?".

Lili nodded "that's right master Bell if Lili remembers correctly we went that deep with Master Rean to look for some fruits we heard grow down there".

Bell smiled "oh yeah! they were very delicious and juicy too! I think Rean took some to plant and farm".

As they talked they began to walk towards the cavern that lead to the 18th floor Riviera, Welf then spoke "then why did we walked all the way here? we could have teleported right?".

Lili nodded "we can teleport yes but you aren't ready for the the monsters on those floor, the monster spawn rate down there is increased ten fold and Lili and master Bell can't fight and protect you at the same time".

Bell then spoke up "besides this way you can grind Exilia and get materials to forge with right?".

Welf nodded "thats true, we did get quite the good haul of drops plus the amount of Magic Crystals we found will get us quite the bit of cash!".

Lili fist pump in victory " Lili thinks that getting a good amount of Valis is always good thing!".

Bell chuckled and nodded in agreement "not like we need to worry about money for a while with the amount of Valis, Rean and the girls bring were pretty much set for life though the paperwork and accounting of all that money is a pain to deal with...".

Welf and Lili grinned and Bell just huffed he then noticed they reached the cavern and he smiled "well! were here, let's go down and camp out outside of Riviera, tomorrow we'll head up!".

Welf and Lili fist pump and cheered and so Bell's party jumped down and headed to the 18th floor on their first expedition together as a party.