

Chapter 35. A day of Meetings.

I smiled as both Bell and Hestia sat down on the table, Kunou stayed with Hestia and happily sat on her lap, Yuki sat right besides them looking quite regal, Sakuya then came out of the kitchen and began to serve them breakfast and a cup of coffee.

We waited for both of them to eat some breakfast and then I spoke to them about the changes to the old abandoned church "okay, I bet you guys were surprised this morning huh?".

Both of them nodded and Hestia then began to speak "Rean, you did this in one night! not only that I can feel the magic around this mansion, I don't know what you did but the amount of mana around here is massive!".

I nodded and then began to explain "honestly, this was the first time I ever tried to do something of this scale, even I'm surprised with how good I am with construction and the magic your feeling is the wards I set up around the mansion and the backyard".

Bell the drank some coffee and then asked "wards? what is that?".

Yunyunu clapped her hands and explained "warding is a branch of magic that focuses in creating protection and monitoring around an area, it's usually used to protect large areas like someone's home".

Bell nodded while the girls and I smiled at YunYun who's always happy to speak about magic, I then nodded and spoke up "that's right let me introduce everyone the pretty girl who just explained warding to Bell is YunYun and she's a very talented mage and adventurer".

YunYun waved and both Bell and Hestia smiled and nodded at her while I went on "next is Wiz, she used to be a Lich but she's now a Goddess of water though she's a full Goddess unlike you Hestia".

Hestia's and Bell's eyes widen in surprise but Wiz just softly smiled and waved at them, she then spoke "don't mind the Goddess thing, I'm very new at it and I really don't concern myself with it, I'm looking forward to getting to know both of you~".

Wiz's gentle and soft voice made both Hestia and Bell relax, Hestia then turn to me "you said she was a Lich and then became a Goddess, how? that sort of thing doesn't happen easily you know?".

I nodded "well Wiz is from another world and in that world we met a Goddess that really hated her for being a Lich, she said some very insulting things to Wiz and I didn't like that at all, so I took the divinity out the Goddess and gave it to Wiz as a punishment, the result was Wiz coming back to life and becoming a Goddess".

Hestia gaped "you can take a God's divinity? Rean that's kinda scary...".

Kunou patted Hestia on the head trying to cheer her up which worked because Hestia smiled at her, I on the other hand just shrugged "that Goddess deserved it, Wiz is one of the sweetest woman you can ever meet and she didn't deserve to be treated like that!"

The girls nodded in agreement to my opinion which made Wiz blushed, though she had a small and shy smile on her face, Hestia nodded in understanding "I understand why you did it Rean, don't get me wrong by now I'm fully aware of how protective you are to the people you care about but it is still a scary thing to think about from a God's perspective".

I nodded in understanding "oh! okay then that makes sense but don't worry Hestia I wouldn't do things like that to you".

Hestia nodded and smiled, I then continued on with the introductions "next is this beautiful woman besides me, her name is Serafall and she's s devil".

Serafall cheerfully waved at Bell and Hestia and then spoke up "hello~ it's nice to meet you two, I'm looking forward to getting along with both of you and I like your hairstyle Hestia I approve!".

Hestia gaved a thumbs up to Serafall which she happily returned which caused me to chuckle, I knew they'd get along but wow, Bell however had a question "a devil? you mean those evil spirits ruled by sin? hmm she doesn't look like one though".

Serafall giggled, she must have found the description both ironic and funny, she then said "well I'm devil from another world so I'm pretty sure I'm different from the one in this one but in my world are very human like, the only real difference is our devil wings and our ability to use magic via imagination".

Bell gaped but nodded in understanding inwardly I was very happy that both Bell and Hestia didn't seem to mind the fact that Serafall is a devil, so with a smile on my face I continued with the introductions "next is the super maid, Sakuya".

Sakuya who was standing behind me looking all prim and proper, bowed towards both Hestia and Bell "it's nice to meet you, you can leave the upkeep of the mansion and cooking to me...".

Bell and Hestia nervously nodded, Sakuya can seem a bit intense at first glance but we all knew how sweet and caring she could be, so to make it clear to Hestia and Bell I grabbed Sakuya and then sat her on my lap which caused my super maid to blush, though she didn't try to get up or anything "she might seem to intense but Sakuya is a sweetheart, if you need anything she's more than happy to help you guys, right Sakuya?".

Sakuya shyly nodded but it worked because both Hestia and Bell relaxed and smiled at her, then continued with the introductions "next is Asia, she's our medic and an angel!".

Asia blushed and began to fidget with her fingers "hello, it's nice to meet you both! I hope we can be great friends!".

Hestia and Bell smiled at Asia and nodded in agreement Hestia then spoke to ask a question "medic?".

I nodded and began to explain "Asia can fight like all of us but she's more of a healer and support type so she tends to focus on those aspects so she became the medic of our group, especially when we're training caused sometimes we end up not holding back".

Everyone nodded in agreement to my statement, there were times during our sparing or doing Raid Mode in the Instant Dungeons where we would get too hurt, it was in moments like these where Asia truly shined, Hestia clapped and then turned to Bell "Bell! this is great, you can now go into the Dungeon with even more support!".

Bell excitedly nodded, I chuckled but went on with the introductions "next is Yasaka, she's a yokai from my world, a ninetailed kitsune to be exact".

Yasaka smiled at both Bell and Hestia and slightly bowed "it's very nice to meet you both, I'm looking forward to getting along with both of you from now on".

Both Hestia and Bell nodded but looked very impressed and in awe with how regal Yasaka is, this first impression is normal for her, I smiled at her and Pat her head since she was sitting besides me, which made her blush but smiled content with the show of affection on my part, I then continued on "and last but certainly not the least is Kunou my daughter who you have sitting in your lap Hestia".

Kunou looked up and then smiled at both Hestia and Bell who smiled back at them, Hestia then said "we already met, she's such a cutie!".

I nodded at Hestia in both agreement and understanding, Kunou's cuteness can be overwhelming that's for sure, it's so powerful that she had all the Pokemon wrapped around her little finger even the Legendary Pokemon love and protect her a lot.

After that all of us continued to eat breakfast and spoke amongst ourselves, I was glad that Bell and Hestia were getting along with the girls as they spoke with each other, it made me happy to see everyone acting like a big family already.

Eventually we finished eating breakfast and while Hestia granted her Falna to the girls, Bell and I headed to the backyard to start our training of the day.

Bell the moment he saw what I did with the backyard he froze mid step and gaped at the enormous forest, lake and mountain range I had created, of course his expression made laughed "hahaha come on Bell we have things to do".

Bell snapped out of it and dumbly nodded, as we walked into the forest he began to notice the many Pokemon walking or just being lazy around the trees, eventually we reached a clearing and we stop there.

I turned towards Bell "alright so you want to train but what excatly do you want to learn Bell?".

Bell crossed his arms and began to careful think about what he wanted to learn "well... I want to be able to fight unarmed like you did last night, I want to get better with at using daggers and I also want to learn magic... Bete even though he was really mean did have a point, I'm too weak rigth now and without Ais I would have been dead, I don't want to feel like that again...".

I nodded in understanding, I myself strove to grow powerful to protect my freedom and later the girls so I get where Bell was coming from "alright, I can do that but it won't be easy and you're going to be in a lot of pain, are you sure you want to do this?".

Bell nodded and looked at me with eyes full of conviction I grinned at him and nodded "okay then Greninja, Lucario come here!".

Both of my Pokemon appeared in a blur and grinned at me, I smiled at both of them and then gave them a fist bump "good morning guys, can you do me a favor and help me train my new friend Bell here".

I pointed a thumb towards Bell who was staring at both Lucario and Greninja in awe, my Pokemon nodded and I turned towards Bell "okay Greninja will teach you how to fight while moving at high-speed and how to maneuver around, Lucario will help you with hand to hand combat".

Bell nodded and then bowed at both Pokemon in thanks, Lucario and Greninja nodded to him in return, I then continued on "I'll grant you magic and the beginner rank spells, you can ask YunYun to help you with your magic later on".

Bell nodded at me, I then placed two fingers on Bell's brow and gave him the necessary skills and perks for magic casting, I only gave him the beginner rank spells though, his mana pool is too low right now dor him to be shooting higher ranked spells.

So Bell now knew how to use spells like FireballAqua EdgeStone BlastWind Blade and so on, along with First Aid, since it never hurts to have a healing spell after all.

Bell looked at his hand watching them glow for a few seconds in excitement "you can test out your magic in the Dungeon some other time for now let's train your physical abilities first".

Bell nodded at me and I then placed Bell under a gravity spell while using Time Manipulation to create a time dilation barrier around the area, Bell gasped and grunted from the increased gravity but was still was able to move around.

I then turned towards both Lucario and Greninja, I nodded at them, they nodded back at me and soon after they signaled Bell to follow them, Bell nodded and the trio walked towards the middle of the opening, both Lucario and Greninja began to show Bell how they fight and how to move.

Time passed as Ibsilently watched over them for a bit *hmm Bell seems to be picking up everything they show him pretty fast*.

[Your right, it's almost like he has a Gamer system as well but I don't think the Falna functions the same as a true gamer system.]

*Yeah the Falna seems more simple in regards with functionality compared to the Gamer system, perhaps it has something to do with his skill Liaris Freese?*.

[Could be... that skill might not only increased his growth rate in regards to his attributes but his learning capacity as well.]

*That would make sense, in the anime Bell seemed to learn things quite fast, in any case I think this is good, this way he will get stronger faster*.

While I watched Bell being instructed how to fight by Lucario and Greninja I decided to check the rewards I got from beating Bete.

The Pokemon Starter Token I used it to summon a Bulbasaur (Male) because I needed more Grass Types and I wanted to have all the Kanto starters.

The small Grass and Poison type Pokemon appeared in a flash of white light besides me, I sat down on the ground and then patted Bulbasaur on the head "hello there, I'm your new trainer Bulbasaur lets have a lot of fun together okay?".

Bulbasaur smiled at me and nodded, he then sat besides me watching Lucario and Greninja train Bell while I checked the secret Objective and Reward.

[Ding! Ding!.

Bete Loga has made fun of a member of your Familia! teach him a lesson in humility and show him how weak he is compared to a Heavenly Dragon!.

Objective: Defeat and humiliate Bete Loga.

Secret objective: Force Loki to intervine.

Reward: Starter Pokemon Token.

Secret Reward: Rule Breaker (Fate Stay Night series.]

I could feel my eyes widen in surprise at what I just obtained, this Noble Phantasm is the antithesis of all magic and a very dangerous tool, its not a weapon to be used in battle but that's not the reason its dangerous, its danger comes from the fact that it's a manifestation of the Witch of Betrayal Medea's will, a dagger that can nullify all magical effects *Astraea... just how much power did you gain from the Falna that you can pull out a Noble Phantasm?".

[Quite a lot actually, it actually caught me surprise as well not expecting to be able to do this any time soon but it seems that the more power the Falna gains the more I receive.]

*I see... I wasn't supposed to have access to divinity until after I evolved into a Dragon god but with the Falna I sort jump over somethings it seem...".

*Your not thinking about using such a horrendous thing are you master?... *.

I jumped a bit in surprise at the tone of voice Excalibur just used on me *ah it's not like I really could use it to fight with, this dagger is just not suitable for combat*.

*Hmph! what a useless trinket, say master why don't I eat it! I should be able to absorb its abilities and gain a new form!*.

Thats not a bad idea and its better that having this thing around in my Inventory *alright, that sounds like a good idea*.

I could feel Excalibur sent me a smile through our bond which made me smiled in return, I then opened my Inventory and took out Rule Breaker.

I then took out Excalibur in her Tachi form and immediately stabbed her onto Rule Breaker, the dagger instantly broke apart into light particles which then were absorb by Excalibur.

Excalibur glowed for a bit and then shrunk turning into a Tanto which is a Japanese dagger, I stared at her and then twirled her around on my hand and fingers a bit *looks like I'm going to have to learn how to fight with a dagger, I'll ask Sakuya to give me a few lessons, Excalibur did you get Rule Breaker's abilities *.

*Indeed I did! now you can dispell and nullify any magic with my blade! or arrows, you just need to think about activating the ability at anytime*.

*Oh so it's not a passive abilities but rather a skill, okay that sounds much better and more pactical*.

*I thought you would like it this way master that way you can control when to use that ability*.

I nodded and stare at Excalibur *thank you Excalibur, that was a great idea*.

Excalibur went back to my soul in a flash of light but I could feel her happiness through the bond while a sat there with my new Bulbasaur watching Bell get shown how to move and jump around like a Greninja I couldn't help but smile at what I had obtain.

A few hours later the girls came out of the mansion and went to look for us, my barrier and time dilation were visible so they were able to find us quite easily, Hestia the moment she saw me she ran full force towards me.

I wasn't expecting her to bull rush me like that so when she tackled me down and grab my face with a craze look on her face I just did not know how to react, Hestia however wasted no time to yell at me "Rean! explain why I feel divine natures on some of these Pokemon!".

I couldn't even answer because Hestia was shaking my head quite aggressively but she suddenly stopped when something big landed besides us, Hestia looked up and gaped at Ho-oh who was the one who landed besides us, he's curious as to why was someone shaking me so aggressively so he decided to come down from his flight and find out.

Now Hestia 'who's only experienced with Pokemon was playing and snuggling with Eevees and their Eeveelutions' was completely stunned when a massive colorful bird landed besides her and leaned it's head towards hers.

The fact that she could feel the divinity in this particular Pokemon and how strong it was compared to anything she had felt in Tenkai the realm of the gods, made her even more afraid at the situation she found herself in.

When she had come out of the mansion into the backyard she was amazed at what Rean had done, she had a big forest and a lake on her back yard now, an entire realm within the backyard of her new mansion and it was amazing.

But then she was hit with the divinities of multiple gods, not only that but each one felt complete and entirely over the power scale of anything she had ever felt before.

She felt the sky, the land, the sea, the north wind, life, reincarnation, the moon and the storms even the sun itself within those divinities she can sense and that sent her into a panic.

For a second she though some Gods had broken the laws of this world but then in the far off distance she saw a giant red creature, a Pokemon so massive and with a divinity over the land so Primal and powerful she thought for a second that it was a titan.

So in her panic and fright she took off running to question the only person who can tell her what was going, luckly Serafall and the girls knew where Rean was and pointed her in the right direction.

But now that she found him and began to question him, she unexpectedly found herself face to face to what she could only describe as a complete God in the form of a beautiful colored bird.

Hestia stared into Ho-oh's eyes and Ho-oh stared into Hestia's, the poor small Goddess thought she was going to be blasted off Rean or something worse, she was aware of how much the Pokemon loved him but to think that Rean has Pokemon with divinity was something she had never expected.

But Ho-oh surprise her when he began to rub his beak on her face causing her to giggle, she got off Rean and the rubbed Ho-oh on his upper beak to which the Legendary Pokemon happily thrilled for.

I got up and shook my head " sigh... sheesh Hestia, in any case the divinities you felt come from the Legendary Pokemon I have, the one your petting is named Ho-oh the Rainbow Pokemon".

Hestia turned towards me and was about to say something but then the rest of the Mystical and Legendary Pokemon arrived which caused Bell, Greninja and Lucario stop training to see what was going.

Hestia looked around her in awe as she could see the Pokemon she could sense divinity from, most were massive or gigantic but all of them felt complete, unlike her these Legendary Pokemon were here completely and with their full power.

Serafall, YunYun, Wiz, Sakuya, Asia, Yasaka and Kunou smiled and walked up to the Legendary Pokemon who were very glad to see their master's mates, all of them were immediately petted or given treats by the girls which made them very happy.

Hestia watched all of this in confusion "but they're gods... why are they letting themselves be treated like pets? most gods would have lashed out by now".

I just chuckled which made Hestia turn her head towards me, I smiled at her and began to explain "true, Legendary Pokemon are Gods in their world and when angered they could bring destruction and calamities to the world but these Legendary Pokemon are family to us, we have fought together, ate together, slept together and even learned from each other, these Legendary Pokemon love our family and we in turn love and care for them, as you can see they love the girls quite a lot though there's times when I think they love them more than me!".

The Legendary Pokemon just gave me a grin, the cheeky bastards, while the girls giggled at me, I shook my head and chuckled " what you have to understand is that Pokemon are usually friendly but because of that people tend to underestimate them, thinking they're nothing more than mindless animals, I reality their very smart, I'm sure the Legendary Pokemon are already aware of your true nature as a Goddess but they don't really care since they can feel my connection to you through the Falna, otherwise Ho-oh would have incinerated you on the spot for tackling me down and shaking me like a rattle...".

I gave Hestia a deadpan for that, she caught me so off guard that I couldn't even react, Hestia just awkwardly laughed and scratch her cheek with one finger "tehe~!".

"Don't tehe me Hestia! that only works for Serafall!".

Serafall looked quite smug there while snuggling with Suicune while Hestia just giggled, I just sighed but grinned at her "in any case if you can sense the Legendary Pokemon's divinity then that means that every God in Orario will do too the moment the Pokemon decide to get out of the wards around the mansion".

Hestia nodded in understanding "ah I see the wards you made are preventing the Pokemon's divinity from being sensed but then what are we going to do? this could cause a massive panic among the Gods".

I nodded in agreement to Hestia's words since that would be a major pain to deal with plus it would make them begin to want to ask more questions that I'm willing to answer "hmm... give a few minutes".

Hestia nodded and went to talk to the girls and asked them about the Legendary Pokemon *Astraea is there a way to make sure that the Legendary Pokemon' divinities are undetected?*.

[I think I can hide their true nature like I do with you and the girls, especially now that we got a boost of divinity but to make sure I can continue to do so indefinitely you need to increase the Power of the Falna!.

So go into the Dungeon and grind like there's no tomorrow Rean! the more the Falna increases in power and you Level it up the more power I get and the more I can do!.]

*I see, alright I'll make sure I go to the Dungeon daily and grind Exelia for the Falna, meanwhile start to hide the Pokemon's true nature from now on, if Hestia can sense it, then the Deities of our world can do so as well, I guess we've been lucky that no one noticed it or came to investigate*.

[Oh! it's not that they haven't noticed, Japan is under the jurisdiction of the Shinto Gods and other gods aren't allowed into the lands of others but were also lucky as well, it was made divine law by Izanagi himself that the Shinto couldn't involve themselves with the human world.

Yasaka did tell us that the Shinto gods don't involved themselves with their country or people to let them grow by themselves, this is why even though I'm sure they have sensed the Legendary Pokemon, they haven't gone to Kuoh to investigate, they're not allowed to.]

That's right Yasaka had explain this to me when I asked her if the Shinto gods would do something about the Hero Faction *I see... then we better make sure that the Legendary Pokemon's divinities stay hidden, especially in this world, there's a few annoying gods in this world that I want nothing to do with*.

[Leave it to me Rean! I'll make sure that the Pokemon's true natures are well hidden, for now work on getting triple S rank on all your stats! like Bell you can break the limit so take advantage of it okay?.]

Inwardly I nodded to Astrea and she immediately got to work to hiding the Legendary Pokemon's true natures, which Hestia seems to notice right away "oh? it's gone... amazing! how were you able to hide their divinities so easily?".

"I just used a skill of mine, now this shouldn't cause any problems with the gods when the Pokemon decide to go for a walk or a flight".

Hestia nodded and then turned her head towards the girls "I was able to give my Falna to all of them, even Wiz though she seems to have received I minor domain as a result to my blessing".

A minor domain? that was a surprise to me but not one unwelcome so I decided to ask Hestia what it was "then what domain did she receive?".

Hestia smiled and then proudly said "Home, she receive the minor domain of home, she even receive the unique skill Food Conjuration!".

I raised and eyebrow and then turned towards Wiz who smiled at me and raised a hand, suddenly one of the pastries she famous of in our world materialized on her hand, she then gave it to Kunou who happily ate it while sharing it with Yuki.

I smiled at Wiz because that was the perfect skill for her, I then turned towards Hestia who was still looking pretty proud of herself "did the rest of the girls get unique skills?".

To my surprise Hestia nodded "all of them did! I've never heard of something like this happening before, it's rare that someone gets an unique skill but you and the girls got one, honestly it's incredible".

I nodded since even I didn't expect that "perhaps its a result of us being far stronger than anything in this world".

Hestia nodded in agreement "I think so too, all of you were already extraordinary to begin with so the unique skills are just the Falna giving you something extra or the Falna trying to reward you for your hard work, I'm not really sure, like I said a minute ago, this hasn't happened before".

I nodded in understanding and besides it didn't really matter the why and how, I was just glad the girls got something out of that.

I turned towards the girls and decided to ask them what their new unique skills are "so, what did you girls get?".

Serafall twirled and proudly stated "I got Devil's Luck~ it increases the drop Loot rate and chances of finding really rare Loot".

I smile happy to see Serafall being so excited "I see, that skill suits you a lot Sera, your definitely a lucky devil".

Serafall giggled and then winked, YunYun then fist pump and gave me a bright smile "I got Mana Breath! it increased my mana recovery rate by a lot! and doubles the power of my spells too!".

YunYun seemed very excited, even though I gave her a lot of perks and skills, a Unique skill like Mana Breath is perfect for mages like YunYun, it seems like she never has to worry about running out Mana ever again.

I smiled towards YunYun "that sounds very useful, it seems like you now can go even more wild with your magic".

YunYun excitedly nodded while Sakuya then stepped forward and spoke up "I got the skill Numerology I deals more damage according to the number of successive hits I make".

I winced because ho boy! is that the perfect skill for someone who can stop time and hit you with a hundred daggers before you can even blink and she seems to really like her new skill as well, Sakuya right now had a very vicious grin on her face and that made everyone take a step away from her.

Thankfully Asia came to save the day by distracting us "um.. I got the skill Angel's Faith it heals everyone in my party and increases their defense and magical defense as well".

I smiled and walked up to Asia and patted her head "that skill matches you perfectly Asia".

Asia smiled and blushed but seemed very happy, the girls smiled at her knowing that their friend was really happy with her new Skill, Yasaka then walked up to me and smiled "I got the skill Fox Spirit Dance I can summon nine fire fox spirits and have them attack my targets, they can also absorb mana and vitality everytime they hit a target and give it to me to heal and restore my magical power fufufu this skill reminds me of the stories I've heard of Tamamo no Mae from Inari Sama".

I smiled at Yasaka and then rubbed her ear which I know she likes, causing her to blush and smiled contenly, suddenly Kunou who was done eating the snack that Wiz gave her ran up to us and grabbed hold of my leg "papa! I got a cool skill too! it's name is Fluffy Barrier! it's a defensive spell~".

I smiled at Kunou and patted her head in amusement which caused my daughter to giggle, Yasaka smiled at her daughter and further explained "it is quite the impressive magical skill, when Kunou uses on herself or others it will decrease all physical damaged by a fifty percent".

I gaped at my daughter because that skill of hers is very impressive and super useful though I couldn't help but to smile at how smug Kunou looked right now "well it seems like everyone got something cool out of all of this huh?".

Everyone nodded and cheered, Hestia smiled and clapped to get everyone's attention "what do all of you have planned for today?".

I hummed and looked up to the sky "well I want to go to the Dungeon and go a bit deeper while Bell stays here and trains with Greninja and Lucario, I should also bring the girls to register in the guild too, I'm not sure what the girls want to do after that".

Hestia nodded and then turned towards the girls, Serafall and YunYun smiled at me, Serafall then said "me and YunYun are going with you into the Dungeon, I'm very curious about it!."

YunYun nodded and then spoke up "I'm curious about the monsters and materials they drop! and besides it's being a long time since we had an adventure together Rean".

Smiled at both YunYun and Serafall which they cheerfully return, Wiz then hummed "I want to go to the market and see the type of foods and produce they have in this world, I want to learn some dishes as well".

I nodded and then said "then you should go to the Hostess of Fertility later, I tried some of their food last night and its very good! I wanted to see if I can replicate it so why don't we give it a try together later?".

Wiz brightly smiled and gave me a hug which I returned, I even lifted her and gave her a whirl just for fun which made her giggle, Sakuya them spoke up "I still have to clean up the mansion and set up a few more things".

I nodded and then grabbed her hand which made her blush "alright but remember not to overwork yourself Sakuya, we will all help with the cleaning but thank you for taking care of our home".

Sakuya looked up at me and gave me a smile, Asia then grabbed my other hand, which made me turned my head towards her, she was blushing and very nervous but she looked very proud of herself "um.. I'm going to take care of the Pokemon and then help Sakuya, is that okay?".

I smiled at Asia and nodded "sure but don't overwork yourself either I summoned a bunch of Shuckles and Miltanks so theres quite a bit of things to take care of now, as a matter of fact... Gardevoir, Frosslass and Liligant will help you okay?".

Asia nodded while the three Pokemon I called over appeared in flash of white light and immediately went to stand besides Asia, Yasaka then stretched and yawned "I'm going to go to sleep and not wake up the entire day!~ its been a while since I had a chance to be lazy, I might as well take advantage of this".

Everyone laughed which made Yasaka grin in amusement, she does deserve to be lazy since besides Serafall she was the one who works the most out all of us, Kunou then hugged Yuki who gasped and then deadpan at Kunou for being hugged so suddenly, Kunou cheerfully began to speak "I'm going to train with Mama Yuki! she's been trying to teach me how to use Ice Beam! and I think I almost got it".

Yasaka's eyebrow twitched a bit, this has been a recent development between Kunou and Yuki but I'm not really surprised, Yuki treats Kunou as she was her daughter and we all seen her act very motherly towards her though if she could talk, Yuki would denied it and I can tell that she would, since she was giving a very impressive deadpan.

Everyone smiled at Kunou but then Hestia gasped "oh! thats right! I have a Denatus to attend to... alright everyone I will be gone for three days at max so I'll see you all when I come back".

With that said Hestia ran towards the Mansion to get ready, leaving all of us confused but Bell limped his way towards us, he seems very tired and sore since he's been training for a while with Greninja and Lucario but he seems very happy, when he reached us he then spoke "a Denatus? that's a meeting that the gods have once in a while but it usually last one day... I wonder why Goddess said that she will be back in three days?".

I knew why, she was going to ask Hephaestaus to make Bell a weapon which is good, that way Bell will have two daggers.

But right now me and the girls had things to do, today we officially start our vacation and we were really looking forward to having some fun.