
Pokemon: The Rise of a Legend

"Finally, after all of this fighting, I can finally rest." Or so he thought "Well Hello there." Said the being who would kick start Cyrus' next life, leading to the rise of the Legend himself Cyrus Lockhart "The King of Pokemon" --------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, I hope you all like my story and if there is anything I can improve on please let me know along with any recommendations or comments, all feedback is welcome! As a heads up, I will not have a concrete release schedule, I am writing this for fun so it all depends on my available time. Some weeks I may write 4-6, while others I might release 1-3. So please bear with me! Just a heads up this world is an AU, while its nothing over the top crazy, there are still a good amount of AU elements I do not own the cover art or any of the characters in the story except for my OC’s

LazyCaveman · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Meeting some relatives

"Ok Cyrus, now, calm yourself, clear your mind, and just, feel. feel all of the heat in your surroundings, feel how the fire energy is all around you, once you grasp that feeling, grab it tight and never let go, you must remember, the art of Pyrokinesis is all about forcing your will onto nature."

It had been around a year since the incident where Cyrus whooped Alexanders' ass had happened, currently, Cyrus and Elias were sitting in one of the training rooms that is specialized for those who can control and create fire, or more simply, Pyrokinetics.

After that incident where Cyrus had unconsciously wrapped his fist in fire as he was going to beat Alexander black and blue, Elias had taken the initiative to help teach Cyrus how to control his new power and how to hone it as well.

A little over three hours later, Cyrus was standing in the training room with his dad while holding out his hand, in the blink of an eye, an orangish, almost red, flame suddenly came to life and settled on Cyrus' hand while passively flickering.

"Amazing job son! You're a natural at this stuff, it took me several days to create a tiny ember, meanwhile in just days worth of training you have already produced a sizable flame, once again, well done Cyrus." Elias praised as he watched his son mess with the flame with eyes filled with pride.

"Oh before I forget, your grandfather told me that we are going to be having some company for the next few days, I hope you can be on your best behavior, and do try not to punch anybody this week," Elias explained while throwing a small jab at Cyrus toward the end

"Sigh, yes Father I know," Cyrus said with an annoyed look but a small smile since he knew his father was just poking fun at him.

"So, who is this company going to be, will it be some business associates of Grandfather, or will it be someone who is close with the family?" Cyrus asked as he was quite curious who the company could possibly be, especially since they would be staying for the better part of a week.

"Hmm, I guess it will be fine to tell you, it's not like it was a surprise or anything. The visitors we will be hosting are the grandchildren of your grandfather's younger brother. Or in other words, your second cousins, Oliver II and Vivian." Elias explained while sporting a smile as he himself was quite interested in seeing what the little brats of his cousin Derick were like now that they were older. The last time he saw them was around 7 years ago during a Lockhart Family Reunion.

Now that he's remembering the reunion, Elias couldn't help but wonder how his cousin Lukas Jr and his kids were doing, last he heard, Lukas and his wife Irene had welcomed their third kid into the world, a daughter if he remembered correctly.

Elias couldn't help but laugh when remembering how his cousin and his wife had been hoping for a daughter after having to deal with their two rowdy twin boys.

Although he would like to go see them, They lived over in Kalos which was on a whole different continent. Although it wouldn't be too terribly hard to travel over there, he had certain duties that tied him to the region.

Turning his attention back to his son who was looking at him like he was crazy for spacing out all of a sudden, Elias cleared his throat, and taking that as his queue, Cyrus decided to ask one more question.

"Father, what are they like? Great-Uncle Oliver I and his family that is." Cyrus asked as he was quite curious about his second cousins and the rest of the family by extension.

"Hmm, well, your Great-Uncle Oliver is the former Gym Leader of the Cherrygrove Gym, a Pokemon gym that he ran for around fifty years before passing it down to his son, my cousin, Derick, who also specialized in Electric Types like his father."

"Besides Derick, there is also the oldest of us cousins, Cedric, the first son of your Great-Uncle. Since childhood, Cedric had always been a bookworm, he much preferred to study Pokemon that go out and become a trainer."

"However, Cedric still loved Pokemon in his own way, which is why instead of becoming an assistant professor like your uncle Elijah did, Cedric became what is called a Pokemon Researcher. To put it simply, while professors and their assistants work in labs, facilities, and whatnot, researchers are the ones who go out into the field to observe wild Pokemon and their different behaviors."

"As for Derick, ever since he took over for his father at the Gym, he has been one of the most powerful gym leaders in all of Johto, his Pokemon are even estimated to be just below if not at the same level as the Elite Four in power."

"Your second cousins, Oliver and Vivian, are the two who will be visiting us and they are Derick's kids, from what he told me, Oliver, the oldest of the two, is going to enroll in the Frontier Explorer Academy once he is old enough, apparently, he grew up on the stories of your grandfather and his many adventures out in the wilds alongside his pokemon, so, after a lengthy conversation over Pokegear with your Grandfather, Oliver decided to follow in his footsteps."

"As for Vivian, the younger of the two, She is planning on going into the Pokemon Ranger Rookie School, or PRRS for short. Ever since she was a little girl she looked up to her mother, Isabelle, who is a decorated Pokemon Ranger and is quite high up in the ranger hierarchy. So, after she entered a trainer school when the Pokemon Ranger recruiters came in one day for a seminar, she jumped at the opportunity." Elias explained as he went on to tell Cyrus a few more things about their personalities and their hobbies and likes.

(The Next Day)

*Fear! Row! Fearow!*

"Ugh, I hate this stupid-ass Fearow alarm clock, why did Mother ever think this was a good idea for a gift?" Cyrus said to himself as he woke up and got out of bed and slipped into his slippers.

'I wonder how long until Oliver and Vivian arrive, Father did say they were going to travel by teleportation, so it can't be long before they get here.' Cyrus mused in his head as he brushed his teeth and later, his face.

'Sigh, despite being a decently advanced world, they still haven't invented deodorant, at least they have this "Spritzee Spray, it smells quite lovely except it doesn't last for very long.'

As Cyrus was going through his morning routine, he next took a shower and clean himself before stepping out of the shower to dry himself off. As he did that, Emily knocked on the door to his bathroom.

"Good morning honey, I just wanted to let you know that Oliver and Vivian will be here soon, so please, hurry up!" Cyrus' mother said as she kindly told him to hurry his ass up

Deciding not to take any chances, Cyrus complied with his Mother's deman- ahem, request, and hurried his routine.

(A few moments Later)

"So Oliver, I hear you are wanting to become a Frontier Explorer, what kind of Pokemon are you hoping to capture and train alongside with, and where do you think you will focus your exploration around, or will you bounce around like Father did during his days as an Explorer?" Elias asked as he and the two kids were sitting on the couch accompanied by Emily, who was at Elias' side, and of course the Patriarch of the family, Silas.

(Oliver Lockhart, Cyrus' second cousin --->)

"Yes that is true I do wish to become a Frontier Explorer, and to answer your first question, I'm thinking of going for a more rounded team composition, I know Great-Uncle Silas chose to mainly focus on Fire and Electric Types, but I wish to have a team that can cover any situation we may find ourselves in."

"And to answer your second question, I'm thinking of focusing more on the Sinnoh area, since Great-Uncle Silas had only made a few trips around there, I was hoping to make a name for myself somewhere that hadn't been touched by his greatness!" Oliver responded while his eyes were glowing like stars as he looked toward his greatest hero in the world.

"Haha, I see, well isn't that a fine goal for a Frontier Explorer in the making!" Silas boomed with a hearty laugh

"Say, Oliver, how do my little brother and your father feel about your hero being me? I mean, it must've been quite the hit when you told them your reasoning for following my footsteps." Silas asked with a mischievous glint in his eye as he always loved messing with his little brother

Silas still fondly remembers the pranks he and their youngest brother Lukas Sr would pull on their brother. Even though it had been a little over a decade since his death, Silas still likes to look back on the good days when the three brothers used to have all sorts of fun, especially when they were young trainers.

"Well, Father and Grandfather sure were, um, surprised when I told them," Oliver said while rubbing the back of his head remembering the hurt looks on their faces, it was almost like some kicked their Growlithe

"Hahaha, oh I wish I could've been there!" Silas said with a smile and a laugh

"Hey honey, can you go and see what's taking the kids so long?" Elias asked his lovely wife, only to be given a mean stink eye by his wife that practically screamed, 'Do it yourself this time!'

As if he was waiting just for his father to get in 'trouble' Cyrus came walking down the main staircase and headed toward the living room to go and greet his second cousins who had come from the next region over.

"Ah, there he is!" Elias said while a small drop of sweat rolled down his forehead as Emily continued to stare a hole through him

"Hello, Oliver Viuvian, Im Cyrus, It's a pleasure to meet you," Cyrus said with a trained elegance as he greeted the two

"Hey Cyrus, it's nice to meet you two, I hear you are quite knowledgeable about Pokemon, care to tell me what you can about my partner?" Oliver asked with a proud grin as he loved showing off his Pokemon that Derick, his gym leader father had gotten for him through some connections, although he was proud of his starter, he wasn't trying to rub it in that he had one, and not Cyrus, in fact, he was actually quite interested if Cyrus could tell him anything that he didn't know about his little buddy.

"Sure, I don't see why not, as long as Grandfather is fine with it?" Cyrus said while looking over toward his grandfather who only smiled and gave the okay with a single thumbs up.

"Awesome, come on out buddy!" Oliver exclaimed as he took out a single Pokeball, pressed the middle button to enlarge the ball, and then threw it up, and out came his Pokemon.


Hey guys! i hope you liked the chapter, feel free to leave a comment and give me your feedback!

Make sure to add this story too your collections and make sure to use all of those stones!