
Pokemon: The Primal Soul

A young man finds himself stranded in a world he thought only existed within fiction, the world known as the World of Pokemon! Armed with an ability that he can already see will allow him to truly understand a pokemon’s life, how will the people of this world react to his incredible prowess? Along with his new partner, he will take the world by storm!

TrueRisingFTW · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

A New Arrival

A/N: A short starting chapter just to get the idea of the story out there first.





"Okay, these stats are just ridiculous, Piplup. What in the world is with that?"

The voice of a young man could be heard from within what appeared to be a forest as said person was sitting atop of a flat rock.

The young man appearing around the age of twelve as he had fair skin and a lean yet defined build, despite his young age.

His clothing was that of a tight white t-shirt that stuck to his body, and also a pair of tight black pants and white running shoes.

A few other things were on him as well, one being two black armguards on each arm that reached just below his elbows and almost to his wrists.

The last thing being what appeared to be a strange white band that was on his left wrist, holding a light blue crystal on it.

This male was Yuki Azura, a young male who had found himself in this fictional world not too long ago, the world being the World of Pokemon!

Many people would dream of being able to explore such a wonderful world, and Yuki was no different to any of them.

When he first figured out where he was, he was absolutely ecstatic, but also concerned about how he even got here in the first place.

In the end though, he knew that he needed to stay calm and think things through. Panicking and being too excited isn't good for the situation.

Though, he was surprised when he found that he had a black and blue backpack suddenly given to him, well more like appear to him.

He had found it laying next to him when he woke up, and inside were the items that every trainer would need to survive out in the world.

Including a Pokedex!

The most surprising thing he found was a Pokeball that was actually holding a pokemon! Which brings us back to the pokemon that he was speaking to right now.

That very same pokemon appeared to resemble that of a small penguin, being blue in colour and staring up at him with its large eyes.

The pokemon was none other than a Piplup, the pokemon that he recognised as being one of the starter pokemon a person could choose in the Diamond and Pearl games.

He was currently looking at the Pokedex he had and was looking at the stats that Piplup had, the penguin having a proud look on its face as it nodded.

That was another thing, it seemed that he was most likely in the anime world, so the Pokedex he had was most likely also unique compared to others.

Not only that, he had noticed something strange about himself when he woke up. He felt a strange sensation whenever he looked at other pokemon that he had encountered before arriving on this rock.

He wasn't entirely sure what it was about, but he could figure it out later. He could only hope it wouldn't be something bad.

Anyway, he was currently looking at Piplup's stats on the Pokedex. To say he was surprised would be an understatement.

Name: Piplup

Level: 5 [Stage: Beginner]

Gender: Male

Ability: Torrent

Hidden Ability: Defiant

Moves: Water Pledge, Ice Beam, Bubble Beam, Pound, Peck

"Those moves are anything but normal for a level five Piplup, except for Pound, but everything else is... how?" Yuki said to himself as Piplup puffed his chest out with pride.

It wasn't like he was going to complain as it seems that Piplup is his starter pokemon when coming into this world, and he didn't mind it.

Not at all.

"Also, what the heck is with this Beginner stage thing?" Yuki couldn't help but wonder as he didn't recognise the term ever used to describe a pokemon in the games or anime.

He didn't really know much about the anime as he was more of a gamer, so maybe it was something from there. He didn't know.

"Whatevs, it's not like I'm going to complain." Yuki shrugged as he switched the screen that showed Piplup off. "So, does thing have a map at all?"

Yuki narrowed his eyes and gave a small frown as he was searching through the functions of the Pokedex, though was having no luck.

He wanted to find out just what region he was in, being in a forest doesn't exactly help too much in finding that out.

He could say that he was in Sinnoh since he had a Piplup, but that evidence was far too simple for it to be completely reliable.

After a few seconds of searching, he sighed as he couldn't find one. So, he closed the Pokedex down and put it away in his pocket.

"Who makes a Pokedex with so many functions, but not a damn map?" Yuki asked rhetorically as he looked forwards. "Eh? Where the hell did he go?"

Yuki blinked as Piplup was suddenly seen not sitting down in front of him, so he quickly looked around before spotting a familiar figure in the water.

"Why are you in the water?" Yuki wondered curiously as he walked over to see Piplup just relaxing while floating on his back. "I guess I can't blame you, I do that sometimes."

Yuki could only chuckle as he remembered liking floating on his back in the water, it made him feel so peaceful and relaxed.

He then shook his head as now wasn't exactly the time to be reminiscing about his past, he needed to find civilisation!

"Piplup, get up and out of the water. We need to get to business!" Yuki stated as Piplup blinked before rolling onto his stomach and staring towards him in confusion.

Piplup then stood up straight and began swimming back over towards him before walking over and staring up at him.

"We need to locate the nearest city, or any settlement of humans. It'll help us figure out what region we're in. So, you ready to head off?"

Piplup smiled and nodded his head firmly before quickly climbing up onto Yuki and stopping when he arrived on the boy's right shoulder.

Yuki chuckled at the act.

"Alright, let's get going!"
