
Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

A journey of a Prince, his little Princess, and their companions in the world of Pokemon. Warnings: • Do not expect a canon Storyline. • AU. • There may and may not be (Poke)Game Elements. • A few OCs. • No Reincarnation or SI. • INCEST! Release Schedule: Not specified (On a Hiatus. One Piece FanFic is active right now.) If I have some free time on my hands, I might write a chapter on the other days of the week as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/t2gPEt3 P.S The Cover does not belong to me.

FateDevilAce · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
139 Chs

Pokemon Power Levels (Minor Spoilers)

God: (Arceus)

Power Level: 10.

Primal Legendaries (e.g. Creation Trio, Weather Trio, Life&Death Duo...)

Power Level: 9.

Empyrean Legendaries (e.g. Tao Trio, Light Trio, Sword&Shield Duo, Progenitors, Lake Spirits, Mew, Zygarde...)

Power Levels: 7-8.

Noble Legendaries (e.g. Tower Duo, Guardians, Regigigas, Dream & Nightmare Duo, Eon Duo...)

Power Levels: 6-7.

Minor Legendaries (e.g Titans, Swords of Justice, Manaphy, Shaymin...)

Power Levels: 5-6.

Mega Pokemon (e.g. Mega Gengar, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Metagross, Mega Gardevoir...)

Power Levels: 4-6.

Psuedo Legendaries (e.g Garchomp, Hydreigon, Metagross, Salamance, Dragonite...)

Power Level: 5.

Normal Pokemon (96% of all Pokemon.)

Power Levels: 1-4.


I have used the scale of 1-10 to make it simple to understand.

There will be no Mythical Pokemon, all will be counted as Legendaries in this story.

This story is AU, and I have set up these Power Levels according to what I am writing. These Power Levels shall not be considered as Canon. Thank you!

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