
Pokemon: The Laid-Back Trainer

Laidback Trainer story written by a lazy writer.

Togepii · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Force and Viridian City


I felt cold and Pichu felt the same. Pichu stood on my shoulder worrying. one human, one Pokemon mutually feeling the same.

'Will the huge ugly plant frog punish me and my human for trying to shock him?' Pichu looked funny, but she must be as nervous as I am. ≧◉◡◉≦

As we went further to areas that prohibit entry before, I could feel this cool atmostphere, energy seeping through my skin. It was refreshing, it was soothing, calming, healing. I do have my guesses but I don't want to assume. 'But this was never really mentioned in the anime and games right? Maybe I missed it or maybe a special episode?' I tried to remember.

"SAUR, Venusaur"

I didn't really get the whole thing but I understood that he needed me to prepare right? But in front of me was just a really colossal tree. It was similar to the World Tree of the Elves in size like in those fantasy anime. This one was really giant though and it exudes majesty.

Suddenly, space cracked and then like glasses shattering, there was a tear in space which started to get larger. Me and Pichu stared at the sight in reverence. I recalled a TM move in Pokemon Emerald. It was given by some weird dude beyond the desert area, and if I'm not mistaken, the move was similar to this.

The move secret power could make secret bases. Is this the same move or maybe the move taught was a downgraded version.? How I wished I could make my Pokemon learn it.

As I followed the Venusaur inside the opened space, it felt like I was in another dimension. A small green elf-like Pokemon I recognized could be seen sitting on its thrown beside a huge altar. Celebi looked smug as I might have given myself, distracted and lost in thought because what I am seeing was undoubtedly magical, even Pichu was mesmerized.

As if on cue, huge force of verdant energy surged towards my every cell covering my whole body in rich green cloud. It was incomparable to the feeling I had when I was just getting inside this realm. Like a whirlpool, my body readily absorbed this thick concentration of aura. I didn't feel any pain, as a matter of fact, I felt lighter.


Celebi, Venusaur, and other Pokemons inside stood there in shock. It was now their turn to be dumbfounded. Obviously, they knew what was happening but it wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

'Shouldn't there be a ritual and agreement between two parties? Shouldn't he agree first to what I have to demand to guard the forest and nature? HUMAN, why aren't you following the usual routine?' Celebi couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Gaining the blessing was a miracle by itself. There were other humans but mostly Pokemon gaining this power every 10 years over the tens and thousands of years within the vicinity and outskirts of Viridian Forest and any other forest blessed by the Nature's Guardian, but isn't this too much?

Celebi never made plans granting its blessing. Only the worthy, the chosen and destined by the heavens for greatness are blessed. The little human was clearly just mooching off the resources of the territory already, not that it really mattered.

Yet it was beyond Celebi's authority to deny what the world has given away. Maybe this was just his fate.


It took more than a minute before the excess energy that covered me dispersed. I calmly stood there, eyes closed. This vibrant energy, that I feel very much compatible with my body, feels so good. I feel at home. I silently stood there for a little more than two minutes before I opened my eyes, inwardly screaming 'Itadakimasu'. I wasn't full but I felt very satisfied. Even Pichu looked vigorous, her eyes shining.

'No wonder my body felt weird to me over these past few weeks. My body felt foreign but it was not. I just thought staying in the forest rich in Pokemon energy does this to everyone's body but I guess not?'

I then looked around and felt the aura signature of the pokemon surrounding me. I nearly pissed myself. 'Are they champion level Pokemon? I havent really seen Lance's Dragonite or Cynthia's Garchomp but these hundreds of Pokemon here are of the same level as them right? This army could could destroy cities already, dafuq'.

Me and Pichu's sweat dropped like bullets. The intimidation they fail to hold back is too much alright? I then focused my gaze again on the cute Celebi floating above the throne. I was right all along, this place indeed involve a legendary pokemon. 'It looks so cute, I wanna pinch her cheeks.'

'Human, you have come. You have surprised me again.' (✿◠‿◠) Celebi said

"Celebi, wow so awesome. I knew I was right. Wait, master Celebi could you tell me what I felt just now? It's something foreign to me and yet my body is absorbing it like sponge. It's as if my body is born for it, will it harm me?"

'No human. What you have received just now was the blessing of the forest as others call it the Viridian Force, Heart of Nature, or the Fairy's Blessing. They are all one and the same. And you don't have to act and sound so surprised, I could read your surface thoughts....." (Celebi)

"Hehe, Ehhhh wait, so this is called Viridian Force, am I in the Viridian Forest then?"

'Yes, yes you are. You didn't know?'

"Well I found myself waking up in the middle of this hell hole. I've got many concerns, and tons of complains. But I don't know if there's even anyone who can answer my questions. I won't expect any either. I'm just happy to have met Pichu here, right buddy?" I said with a sigh as I stared at Pichu on my shoulder.

"Piii" 'Of course' Said Pichu as she rubs her cheeks on River's.

Now that was a surprise and my eyes bulged. How the hell did I understand what Pichu said. 'Is this one of Viridian force abilities?'

'Yes, it is one of the abilities of Viridian Force, which is similar to a Psychic's telepathy. Through this, you could understand more of the intent of the Pokemon around you.'

"Too convenient, too awesome" My eyes were still wide because of this pleasant surprise, and I couldn't help myself grinning.

'Alright, I think you get the gist of it. Now let's go back to your purpose of coming here.

Human, you have a peculiar soul.....

I do not want to pry on your secrets but suddenly arriving on this domain made me wonder of your origin. I am asking this not only for myself but I want to know your intention. I do not feel malice on you and even the world has blessed you. I only hope you use it in noble ways'

"Honestly, I've had the same questions myself. You wouldn't understand and I don't want to say it either. You're fine with that right?

And me suddenly appearing here away from human settlement surrounded by millions of creatures that could potentially rip me to shreds, eat me alive, corrode my organs in toxic, damn I wasn't expecting any of these.

If it wasn't for Pichu or those adorable baby Pokemon here, I would have gone crazy already, honest cross my heart." I tried to sound convincing.

'Fine, I guess there are secrets that should be left alone. I know you're set to leave and I thank you for keeping the children of the forest happy. As gratitude and my gift to you, pick ten energy gems according to your liking.'

A hidden corner that was covered in mist instantly became visible and I could see countless gems of different color placed in ancient looking wooden chests in the ground. 'Damn. I would probably be rich overnight if I sold a couple of these babies right?'

River calmed himself down, thought of the types of gem he wanted to get. These are for his future Pokemon alright?

Psychic gem x 3

Ghost gem x 1

Grass gem x 2

Water gem x 1

Electric gem x 2

Fairy gem x 1

After picking the gifts hastily, it suddenly struck me that I acted shamelessly.

Like when my girlfriend said her parents weren't at home. Of course, I did have a girlfriend. But now I'm excited for my Pokemon right?

Ie was already planning to leave when Venusaur walked towards me and growled.

"He probably wants to talk right? What do you think Pichu?"

"Pi?, Pi" Yeah right? haha probably. I can see Pichu looked sheepishly forcing a laugh.

"Sauuur, saur" 'Human, I have some proposition, how about you take one of my cubs? In return, I could reward you anything from my collection.'

'Dafuq? does it really work that way? Shouldn't I be the one begging?, but LUCKY'

"I, I, I really have liked some of the little ones but I really didn't imagine bringing one out for myself. Hmmm

Can I think about it? Honestly, you're proposition is a huge gift right? No trainer would decline but I do not really know how it'll turn out when I come back to the human towns." I nervously explained, afraid the Venusaur would take his proposition back.

Of course getting one is a huge boon for me but that could also make me a living target for poachers and the others okay? That's a royal starter for arceus sake. I should probably get my ID card for trainer identity first if it's Red or Ash Ketchum's era.

"Sauuuuuuuur" 'You've thought it well. How would you decide it?'

"How about this, I want to stay more in the city nearest here. You know? Get some identity stuff, settle myself a little. Maybe a month or two, I'll be back here, don't know how, to give my decision, is that alright?"

"Sauuuuuur, Sauuur" 'That settles it then, I can feel your presence human the moment you enter the forest. Now for your departure, I could help you with that too'

"Really? How? Is there any secret exits on this forest anywhere?"

"Saurrr" 'None of that, but Exeggcutor could assist you with teleport'

"CUTOOORR" A giant Exeggcutor then suddenly appeared near me, FUCK that scared the shits out of me and Pichu. Pichu nearly fell from my shoulder. It's even grinning smugly in front of us. 'Think you're funny huh?' I thought as my eyes rolled at the smug coconut.

"Hehe. Thank you for that. Can I say my say my farewell to the babies first? It'd be really sad if I left them then right?"

"sauur" Venusaur gave a nod.

We went out of the Secret Realm then ran to the cleared area where we usually play and bond with the residents of the forest and their babies. There the baby Pokemon saw us and ran towards us. Some jumping, skipping while other danced towards us. They really are adorable. How do I break it to them? Here goes nothing.

"Hello little guys. Thank you for playing with me all these time, but now it's time for me to leave. But don't worry, I'll be playing here again, I'll be back thats for sure."

"Piiii" 'Be back'

"Saur""Chiku""Dish""Pip" Cries were heard one after another after River announced his departure. They've gotten attached to me right?

"Saur" A tiny Bulbasaur could not help but bump my legs with tears slowly coming out from its eyes.

"Chiku chiku" A tiny Chikorita, which River remembered to be extra clingy, jumped towards his other shoulder. The tiny baby couldn't help but rub her head on River's cheeks, tears coming out from its eyes wetting River's face.

It was heart breaking to see them like this. Now, I even feel reluctant to leave.

"Alright, alright okay? I'll be back, I promise. We'll play for a whole day and I'll tell you awesome stories again." I said while bending down on my knees rubbing Bulbasaur's head while the other hand busy soothing little Chikorita. It was really hard to see these cuties cry, I feel like a criminal.

I remembered in the Anime, Ash got his own clingy Chikorita. But he did not brought it out in his adventures outside of Johto, not even once. That was heartless, alright? His Bayleef was one of the Pokemon who openly expresses its affection to him.

It really wasn't the crowd favorite. 'Did the Pokemon creators forget boosting this forgotten family in power? They're too much alright? Not even a Mega Evolution? Too bias , too unfair. The already powerful Charizard got not one but two mega evolution, but my little cutie Chikorita won't have any when it fully evolves? That's criminal'

Honestly, I wanted to bring this duo out. Especially this Chikorita. In my past life, Chikorita line wasn't really well favored. It wasn't much used in the tournament battles either. But I give no shit about that.

Training Pokemon? That's a must but I would never despise any of my future Pokemon even if they're as weak as a Magikarp. Who cares right? Do I really have to be the very best like no one ever was? That's burdensome, okay? I just want to live a life of leisure and travelling. Chill and rich, that's how life is supposed to be enjoyed.

I stood there smiling to myself. I wasn't even out the forest yet and I'm immersed already in my fantasies.

"Chiku?" What's he smiling for?

"Bulba" His smile looks weird.

"Chuuu?" Did I shocked him too much last time?


After all of that was over, I prepared everything ready for my departure. My space bag was stuffed of Berries to various stones and gem. I loved this place but this really wasn't where I belong.

"Sauuur" Be ready you two.

"Pi" Im ready

"Pichu and I are ready, lezgo"


Suddenly, our bodies glowed, and we disappeared from the spot.

"Saurrr" 'You didn't overdo it right'

"Torr" 'Not much, it will cost him his breakfast though.'

"Saur" *Sigh*


In the outskirts of Viridian City

"WHAT THE FUUUUCK? BLEEEEEEEERGHHHH, damn that was intentional right? I refuse to believe that Exeggcutor wasnt overdoing it." I felt nauseous and my head ached. Saliva still dripping from my mouth as I vomited the breakfast I enjoyed in the morning.

"Piiiiiiiii blreeghh pii" Im dizzyy blerghh im hungry


A shout brought us to our senses.

Seriously, I wasn't in the mood to be disturbed right now, a bit weary and irritated. But who could we blame? I could instantly recognize the person approaching us on a motor bike. My eyes sparkled.

This was the first human being I have ever met ever since my transmigration. A woman. A beauty at that. She was as beautiful like those beauty queens and miss universes from my original world. I could hardly stop my boner from poking. Wasn't my story for the general audience?

Fucking puberty surge.

I couldn't help it though. It was hard to adjust in this adolescent body and my body urges. I'm experiencing hormonal changes all over again. Can you blame me when this Officer Jenny's a real head turner and there's a whole clan of them numbering thousands.

Ten Jenny's could hit me with their batons for all I care, it's better than becoming a Pokemon master. Yes, I don't mean that.

"Please state your name and your purpose? Hand any identification proof you possess to support your claims" Officer Jenny ordered.

'Well, considering my look. Dirty shirt and tattered shorts, I'd look suspicious to anyone right?'

"Officer, the names River. But you could call me baby"

"PichuPi" Said Pichu, imitating River"

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Growlithe accompanying Officer Jenny growled, annoyed at the flirty remark.

Officer Jenny's eyes glinted. She glared at River saying,

"Better stop with your funny line ups young man or you'll end up eating hard bread in jail for breakfast tomorrow. There are Pokemon thieves roaming around the City stealing Pokemon and committing crimes. There's a gang even using a Meowth to steal. If you can't explain the situation you are in, you're gonna have to spend the night in the precinct." Officer Jenny said, irritated.

River sweated like bullets. Aren't you damn too serious? Anime was not like this right? Officer Jennys' were serious but with cool personalities, right? Have I released the kraken?

River's smile stiffened.

"Officer Jenny, the names River. I just got out of the Viridian Forest you see. I absolutely have no idea how long I have been there, lost and cold, a year at least maybe?" River said with a half lie.

"I have no identification papers to prove my identity though, you see I'm an orphan. I have never seen my parents, and just lived alone in the forest. I lived through eating berries to not starve myself" River said, slowly sobbing. Shameless, what a professional liar.

"Piiii" Pichu mimicked.

Officer Jenny was shock. Of course she knew, thousands of human get lost in the forest yearly and only a few coming back out of luck. She looked at me with pity.

Pokemon thieves wouldn't look this miserable right? It wasn't a meowth accompanying him either. The way that I looked, the stray meowths in the city were even cleaner than me.

"Kid, you're really lucky. Getting out of the forest in one piece. I'll let you off for now, but next time please carry with you proof of identification alright?

Hop in then, I'll bring you to the Center to issue you your Identification papers." Jenny said as he assisted me for a ride.

I then rode the motorbike of Officer Jenny, and lemme tell you, I was inches away from embracing the woman if not for the Growlithe glaring at me, and my dignity.

Mostly it's my self-control holding me back. I claim to be an absolute gentleman, my self-control off the charts. I gently grabbed Pichu off my shoulder and embraced her in my arms. Yes, embracing Pichu's better, no other woman could ever replace.

I had a sigh of relief. No idea what would happen after coming to civilization. Luckily I met an officer. Speeding to the city center, I was issued proof of identification easily and was advised to get a proof of ownership or a trainer card because I owned a Pichu.

Apparently in this world, it is illegal for any person to hold Pokemon without any license. Pokeballs wouldn't be sold to illegal trainers either. These Pokeballs are technologically mass produced and they hold individual bar codes. These are then registered to the trainer after purchase to avoid illegal exchanges and transaction. Through these, the league could monitor everyone's tracks

Acquiring a Pokemon isn't a simple matter either. Makes me wonder how Ash could acquire lots of Pokemon. Maybe those are perks of having Professor Oak as a sponsor? Or maybe his father is part of the governing body? The league laws are very strict in this regard though. Does Ash even exist in this universe?

I thought Pokeballs were like chewing gums easily bought in a Mart until officer Jenny gave me a slap of reality. I really need to get everything settled fast so that I could immediately look for necessary information.

I was then brought by Officer Jenny to the Pokemon Center. Before Jenny could drive off to who knows where, I repeatedly gave my thanks.

"I'll treat you next time to lunch, officer Jenny. Big thanks." "Piii"

I was sincere though because officer Jenny really helped me a lot. There were spare clothes in a lost and found booth that were waiting to rot in the precinct. Not the best look but for now, it helped.

I feel grateful to her and avoided many hurdles in the process and didn't have to wait long. The looks people gave me were disturbing. A lot of looks of pity and disgust, but I really did not have the time for them.

I then went inside the Pokemon Center.

It was very large inside with people I assumed were trainers and their Pokemon out of their ball. After inquiring from a nearby trainer who I could assume was a bug catcher, I was then directed to a counter for trainer license application.

There I met the ever so gentle miss Joy. Damn, there were several of them. They looked similar, not exactly identical unlike in the anime. But the pink hair really runs in their genes right? Or are their hair dyed? They could rival miss Catriona Gray in beauty standards alone.

"Hello young man, what could I help you with?" Nurse Joy said, smiling

"Hello nurse Joy, I'm a new trainer and haven't registered myself yet. I got my Pichu here for a month already but for some personal reasons, it was only today that I could bring ourselves here. If also you could check my Pichu too. It's her first time in a Pokemon center though, I got her from the wild"

"Piiiii, piii?" Are you leaving me River? (╥﹏╥) Tears slowly pouring out Pichu's eyes.

River panicked. He forgot to tell Pichu about the Pokemon center and now she has misunderstood.

"Pichu, I wont leave you alright. They'll just take you for a test to check if you're healthy, okay. I'll be waiting here. Cooperate with the Chanseys alright?" I appeased Pichu while giving head pats which Pichu enjoyed.

Nurse Joy then instructed a Chansey who went with a jolly "Sey Chansey" to take the Pichu to the examination room. Pichu couldn't help but be anxious, looked left and right for potential enemies while being dragged by Chansey on a rolling stretcher into the medical room. I was handed out my application form for my trainer's license.

Name: River Curato

Date of Registration : Feb/ 27/ 35 (Years since the league was established)

Hometown: Viridian City, Kanto Region


Trainer License no.:

After filling out my form, I got my identification papers and ID license, my information saved to be stored in the League database. I was told that it would take several minutes to get the process done.

I gave myself a family name though, a last name I had in my past life. 'I dont think it's weird to give yourself a last name right? Would they care? Maybe not.' I thought.

I sat at the waiting bench and could not help but recall Pichu's anxious look. Ever since the thrilling incident, Pichu and I were always together.

She wasn't used to be around human strangers. I could feel she depends on me a lot now.

Was that a good thing? I have no idea. What I knew is that Pichu is also my emotional support.

To be honest, I don't think I'm that prepared yet for Pichu to go battling. I still get nightmares of the time when I first saw her and my time in the woods. And she does too.

I'm not ready to see my baby pokemon bruised, punched or burned and hurt. But I can't ignore Pichu's urged to battle. As an understanding trainer and partner, I want to support her in every way I can.

I don't really want to spend my trainer life in just battling though. Battling is the icing of the cake. I'd like to live and enjoy my life with Pichu and the possible pokemon I'll have in the future.

To enjoy Cinnabar's hot springs, Ceruleans' water show, visit Pewter's museum, go experience Celadon's urban life and go on a shopping spree, visit the Safari zone where I could probably abuse my Viridian force and catch countless Pokemon.

'Wait, that's a genius idea'.

Then battle in the Pokemon league for fun. Do I really have to think of battles all the time to be the very best? Nada. I don't have ambitions yet of becoming a Pokemon master. Be an Ace trainer? I'll pass. Isn't it enough to live a life of leisure? Lowkey, lowkey, I definitely want to be lowkey.

I thought about it. This is my reality now and Pokemon have emotions too. This is my second life and I want to live it to the fullest. Enjoy the world has to offer. Travel to various regions then after.

I will avoid trouble as much as possible but if troubles come, pluck it by the root. Even team rocket wouldn't escape my claws if they start to trouble me right? Wow so brave. I definitely should have a reality check later.


Minutes passed by as River was on his own world when an announcement brought his attention back to his surroundings:

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Calling the attention of Trainer River Curato. Your Pokemon has been fully healed. Please receive your Pokemon here in Table 5., thank you Ding Ding Ding Ding"

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Calling the attention of Trainer River Curato. Your Pokemon has been fully healed. Please receive your Pokemon here in Table 5., thank you Ding Ding Ding Ding"


I proceeded to table 5 where a Nurse Joy told me that my Pichu was all clean and healthy. Apparently, Pichu's approximately between two to three months of age. No wonder Pichu was a bit clingy?

Or are other Pichu similar to my Pichu too? I was geniuinely shocked. Why is my Pichu's thundershock so strong for a Pichu of her age. Then again, I'll just count myself lucky.

Regarding Pichu's medical report, she was given a dental exam and an exam to determine for presence of parasites. Fortunately there was none. That's good news to me.

The medical fees for Pichu were waived as a benefit for becoming a newly registered trainer. The Pokemon Center also gifted me three new Pokeballs registered to my License number. I was extremely happy for the little incentives.

"You alright buddy? The nurse Joy and Chanseys were nice right?" I asked the smiling Pichu as I patted her. "Piiiiii" She's really enjoying the headpats a lot.

After thanking Nurse Joy repeatedly, I asked where I could buy Trainer items and necessities. The nurse Joy told me that across the center was a Mart.

Not planning to waste time, after thanking the nurse again repeatedly, we immediately headed to the Pokemart.

The PokeMart wasn't similar to the game though. In fact PokeMarts were huge. Isn't that a given? Where would they store and place their stuff then. This is only one of the several Pokemarts here in Viridian, and Viridian is only a rural city in the western Kanto.

I couldn't imagine how huge malls in places like Celadon is but I'm sure to pay a visit there sometime. There must be countless trainer items right? AHHH finally I could see how they looked like. This is a trainer's paradise, depends on the price though or if there were freebies

After a bit of inquiring, I noted the price list of basic items.

Pokeball 1000 LC

Greatball 5000 LC

Ultraball 20000 LC

Luxuryballs 100,000 LC

Potion 300 LC

Basic Antidote 500 LC

Awakening 500 LC

Burn Heal 500 LC

Paralyz Heal 500 LC

Moomoo milk 100 LC

OranBerry 20 LC

And the list goes on...

Games were definitely different. Trainer items were awfully expensive. But this also gives me much of an idea of how precious my resources were. The lowest quality evolution stone in the market costs 500,000 to 700,000 League Credit depending on the type of stones.

These stones of low quality have energy concentration ranging from 50-59%. Yes, there are machines in marts where it measures the quality of evolutionary stones and even battle items. I can just sell a stone or two and my financial problem is solved.

I asked why are items also measured, and the lady over the counter gave me a look, before explaining that battle items expire too. So they do lose their effectiveness, that's logical and helpful.


"Miss, may I ask if I could sell an evolutionary stone here?" I asked an employee standing in the corner, smiling to customers and occasionally offering help.

The employee's eyes went wide at the question of mine, I started to regret as I thought I said something wrong. But the employee explained that it was not everyday you meet a person who would sell willingly their evolutionary stones.

Natural evolutionary stones were very hard to acquire. Sure, there were some made artificially but the naturally made ones were just leagues better.

Only the rich and elite with connections or individuals with relations with the League could get one with excellent quality. Even the evolutionary stones sold in the Marts are not easily obtained by any average trainer.

"Yes, of course. Do you need any help? No employee has any authority other than the manager for the transactions of these items though, would it be alright if I called the manager?" (Employee)

"No worries"

The entire transaction was smooth. The manager gave a reasonable amount of money for two leaf stones and I didn't try to haggle with the prices. I just wanted to get it over with, the stones were of my lowest quality anyway. But they didn't need to know that.

Leaf stones were uncommon but not much as rare than other stones here in Kanto. After the stones were evaluated, one stone had a 78% EC, while another is 79% EC.

Knowing the results, I could see the manager and employee grinning from ear to ear. I knew my stones were precious but are the stones circulated in the market that much poor for them to react like that?

Yes it was, the stones were rare already, much more the higher ones in quality. Natural evolutions like a gloom evolving to Bellossom happen too.

Just that evolutionary stones could help increase a Pokemon's potential so higher quality stones were much sought after.

The manager didn't ask for sources either. Secrets should remain secrets and business is business. There's no need to harm his relationship with a trainer who could potentially help him in his road to promotion and income raise right? He's professional and I approve.

But I really needed to know more about the situation on resources right so that I wouldn't expose myself or get cheated on. I shouldn't just recklessly sell my other stones.

I got a total sum of 3,100,000 on my account now for selling those stones. Now that I'm loaded, I plan to buy the necessities in the pokemart. The employee I asked for help, happily assisted me and even recommended items I didn't even know existed. Much to the envious stares of her colleagues.

I didn't have plans on travelling and camping yet, I've had enough of that at the moment. But I still bought the items I need in case I ever forget.

Vex Silph Co. Waterproof Space Bag (L) - 400,000 LC

Luxury Ball x 2 - 200,000 LC

Laptop x 1 100,000 LC

Drones x2 100,000 LC

Camping Gear Set x 1 50,000 LC

Cooking Set x 20,000 LC

Batteries 10,000 LC

Trainer attire x 2 , casual clothes , pajamas, blankets, pillows

Pokeblock Machine 350,000 LC

Commercial PokeFood 10,000 LC

Miscellaneous 10,000 and a flower hairpin for Pichu?

I nearly spent a total amount of 1,400,000 from my hard-earned(?) money. The items were to be delivered to a later date after I could be settled in my own temporary residence. I'm still unsure if I can stay at the Pokemon Center for long.

My money was given in cash, but I will have to make a bank account so that next transactions would be smoother. I didn't really want to carry so much cash in my bag.

Anyway, Pichu really liked the flower hairpin I gifted her. After looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help herself from grinning, skipping and dancing. I nearly bursted into tears of how cute my Pichu was.

It was nearly getting dark and I decided to get ourselves a meal.

I didn't realize until after all the shopping spree that we didn't have lunch and our stomachs were growling after vomiting our breakfast.

We decided to go all out and went to an Eat-all-you-can-restaurant that allowed trainers have their Pokemon out of their ball, and enjoy a meal with them.

Though they prohibit large-sized Pokemon from joining in and those famous heavy eaters like Snorlax and Munchlax, it did not make the restaurant any less famous and was heavily fancied by trainers.

They enjoy bonding with their pokemon while eating in a fancy restaurant.

Most restaurants and food courts prohibit Pokemon from entering their premises. It might sound sad in a world dominated by Pokemon but there was no other way around the rules.

One offensive pokemove could destroy the restaurant alright?

Anyway, here trainers had to pay extra for every pokemon out. So me and Pichu went all out after seeing different sorts of delicacies.

The manager nearly threw us out. Were we a pair of Snorlax-munchlax in human-pichu skin? That's what I guess he was thinking. It was my first 'human' meal here. Of course I had to take make the owners cry.

I was tired of munching berries in the forest. The thought of a properly cooked meal almost made me drool. The restaurant was just the first of my victims of this road of massacre alright?

I swear I'll research on those cooking videos on the Pokenet too.

After finishing the meal and nearly getting dragged by the manager out from the restaurant, we headed back to the Pokemon Center.

It was a long tiring day for us. But it turned out to be productive. I was happy with how things turned out. I took a long overdue shower, scrubbed myself with scented soap and shampooed my greasy and dirty hair.

Pichu enjoyed her bath scrubs too. 'Is this how a bath feels like? I want it everyday' she thought.

It nearly took an hour for us to get out of the tub amd we treasured every second very much.

We got dressed in our pajamas and went off to bed. It didn't take seconds for us two to sleep soundly after being buried in pillows on a soft bed.


Unbeknownst to them, thin green aura came out from River's body and surged towards Pichu.