
Chapter 18 – Pikachu’s Family

Announcer "Here we have Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and has reached D+ rank as the Winner. And we call Gym leader Blaine to give the trophy and reward"

Blaine "Thank you Ash is from the town where my friend lives and he has got his starter from there so Ash congratulations"

Ash "Thanks"

He showed the trophy to everyone and everyone cheered and clapped.


As he was walking with his friends towards the Pokemon center.

Misty "Spoke Ash bring out Eevee"

Brock "Yeah"

Pikachu "Ash let's see the new member"

Ash first looked around and saw they were in and alley with no people and then released every of his pokemon.

Ivysaur "Ash you kept us waiting"

Pidgeot "I hope it is a female"

Charmeleon "Ash why are you waiting"

Ash "Okay guys here you are"

Then he released Eevee and she was looking Ash curiously.

Ash "Hi"

Eevee "You must be my trainer right…"she said and looked at his shoulder there was a shocked Pikachu and she too gasped "Brother"

Pikachu "Is that you sister" he said and Jumped in front of her.

Ash "Pikachu is she your sister"

Pikachu didn't spoke and then just hugged Eevee and cried.

Misty "Awww so cute"

Wartortle "Oh so he too had a caring side"

Everyone laughed.

Eevee "Hey it's embarrassing"

Pikachu "Sorry and Ash yes she is my sister"

Ash "Then hi"

Eevee "Hi Ash"

Brock "Pikachu your one Parent was an Eevee or an eevelution"

Misty "But you said that you were from Chu clan"

Pikachu "Yes my father was a Pikachu and my mother was a Flareon and that was the reason I was hated in the clan"

Ash "You said you were caught in the volcanic Explosion"

Pikachu "Yes as we were suffering in the clan so father took us away"

Then Eevee spoke "As we were living peacefully the volcanic explosion separated us and we thought you died"

Pikachu "Same for me"

Ash "So how did you come on Cinnabar Island"

Eevee "We were soon caught by group of people with the name Team rocket" Then she realized "How can you understand me"

Then Dexter spoke "I am translating"

"Oh hi"

But Ash was shaking "Team rocket"

Pikachu "After that" said with some anger in his voice.

Eevee had tears in her eyes "We were put in a cage and were hit by whips and they were asking us to listen to them." And then she explained other things

Ash and his all pokemon were shaking as they had seen the torture methods of team rocket.

Brock spoke "Ash and everyone control your self"

Pikachu said "Ahead"

Eevee "So that old man Blaine soon saved us from a ship and treated our wounds and said that I should find a good trainer and Mother and father too agreed"

Pikachu then released a sigh of relief "Where are they"

Eevee "They are living in a cave near beach"

Pikachu "Ash can we go and see them"

Ash "Anytime Pidgeot"

Pidgeot had tears in her eyes and she shook her head when she heard Ash "Yes"

Ash "Misty, Brock you are coming"

Brock "You should go we will wait Pidgeot will have problems for three of us"

Ash "Okay" then he returned everyone leaving Pidgeot, Eevee and Pikachu and Dexter went into his Pocket.

He boarded Pidgeot with Eevee and Pikachu on his shoulder and she flew towards the beach.


Ash "Eevee do you know the direction"

Eevee "East"

Pidgeot turned to east.

Pikachu "So how are your injuries"

Eevee "Mine are fine but"

Pikachu "But what"

"But Father's Electric pouch was wounded heavily and he still cannot use electric attacks"

Pikachu "Team rocket just wait for some time I will come and find you and don't ever come in front of me"

Ash "Pikachu now is not the Right time"

Pidgeot spoke "Eevee your Mother"

"She is okay"

Pidgeot sighed "Good you were found by Blaine"


Pidgeot thought [I am now more worried of team rocket Eevee you don't know how powerful your brother is]

Then Eevee pointed "There"

Pidgeot "Okay" And she dived down and landed in front of the small cave where only small pokemon could enter.

Ash got down and nodded to Eevee.

Eevee went in the front of the entrance of the cave and said "Mother Father"

Then a female voice came first "Eevee is that you"

"Yes mother"

Then another voice came "I said that you should find a trainer did you ran away"

Eevee "No first both of you come out and see who has came"

Father-Pikachu "who"

Then two pokemons came out one was a Flareon and other was a Pikachu with a scar on his cheeks.

Flareon First looked at Eevee then at Ash "Oh your trainer"

But Father-Pikachu was looking at something else and he said with a weak voice "Son is that you"

Flareon jumped "Where is he and he is alive"

Eevee "He is alive Brother why are you hiding"

Ash "Hey Pikachu"

Pikachu "Um hi Father Mother I am sorry…"

Before he could finish Flareon jumped on him and Father-Pikachu came and stood by his side.

Then all Ash's Pokemon came out.

Kabuto said "Family reunion"

Ivysaur "This is the best Family I have got"

Charmeleon "Yup"

Pidgeot "You can repeat that for me"

Wartortle "Same here"

Kabuto "I can't imagine more"

Dexter "A Photograph is needed"

Eevee was smiling at the side and Ash to sat down at the side with his Pokemon.

Flareon the said with tears "Fool why are you sorry it is great that you are alive"

Father-Pikachu "So this must be Fate that you both found same trainers"

Pikachu the wiped his tears and said "Team rocket I will see you soon"

Flareon then scolded "No son they are too strong"

Pikachu just smiled.

Father-Pikachu "Yes son you will put yourself and your trainer in danger they are too strong"

And then he turned to Ash and said "And thank you for taking care of my son"

Ash replied "No Problem he is my friend"

"What you can understand us"

"Yes I have Dexter to translate"

Flareon "Yes and please don't let him go to find team rocket"

Then Charmeleon said "Hey Pikachu this is too much you should tell your parents your identity first"

Father-Pikachu "Means"

Pikachu then spoke "Father mother do you know the recent Volcano here"


Pikachu "Do you know which pokemon stopped it"

Eevee said suddenly "I know there was a masked trainer who was called The Gym Destroyer and his pokemon were Pikachu, Pidgeot, Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Wartortle and two other one shaped like a shell and other made of some triangles"

Father-Pikachu "Yes I heard about them form the pokemons here and they were powerful to explode the volcano and that Pikachu was too strong so is he your idol"

Pikachu just fell down.

Flareon "Son what happened"

Pikachu "Check my trainers pokemon first"

Then trio looked at Ash's pokemon a Pidgeot, Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Wartortle and two other one shaped like a shell and other made of some triangles and then back at Pikachu with shocked face.

Eevee spoke "Am I dreaming"

Flareon "Is this true son"

Pikachu just nodded.

Father-Pikachu asked "How?"

Pikachu just looked at Ash and said "Because I started my journey with him"

Flareon "We were just separated for just a Month"

Then Pidgeot spoke "A month can change everything if it is around Ash"

Ash "Was that a joke or compliment"

Wartortle "A Joke" and then everyone laughed.

Father-Pikachu "So that's the benefits of trainer but he is just what ten"

Ash nodded.

Pikachu "Father these are the benefits of a special trainer okay that's enough introduction for now how is your injury"

Father-Pikachu sighed "I can't use electric attacks from now on"

Ash "You can if you evolve"

"Thunder stone is rare finding a firestone for her was already too difficult"

Ash then looked at Pikachu and Pikachu said "Can you both travel with us"

Father-Pikachu had hopes in his eyes first but spoke "But we are weak"

At this reply All of Ash's pokemon including Ash and Pikachu laughed.

Then Charmeleon spoke "Do you think when we met him we were different than you"

Father-Pikachu "Means"

Pidgeot "First me I met Ash when he just started his journey a month ago and Pikachu was his first Pokemon and I was second so he saved me from a trio of Spearows who were bullying me and then we were chased by Spearows for nearly half an hour and we were saved by lightning bolt which boosted Pikachu for one attack"

Ivysaur "I was Ash's third Pokemon and I too was saved form Team rocket by Ash and I was way too weaker than both of you"

Charmeleon "I am Ash' fourth pokemon I was left by my first trainer because was weak and then Ash raised me"

Wartortle "Same here as Charmeleon but I was searching for Ash because he was my first human friend before I was bought by a trainer"

Dexter "I am what born ten days ago"

Kabuto "I am revived by Ash like day before yesterday"

Father-Pikachu Then looked at Ash with shock and spoke "If you are willing then I am fine with it"

Flareon "Me too"

Then All of Ash's Pokemon including Ash sighed in relief.

Eevee "What happened"

Pikachu "Now we have a way to hide our identities"

Flareon "Means"

Ash "To be away from media I always need to wear mask"

Father-Pikachu "Oh that good at least we are of some use"

Pikachu then took out two different poke balls and kept in front of his parents.

Ash "Oh Cherish ball good choice"

Pikachu's both Parents then went into the pokeball.

Ash "Pikachu should we wait and tell stories here or we should first get a thunder stone for your father"

Pikachu "Healing father is important and Ash you fulfilled your Promise"

"Hey that was nothing hard" he said while returning his pokemon leaving Eevee and Pikachu.

Pikachu "But it was important for me"

"Okay" then he turned to Eevee "Come on my shoulder and which you both decide"

Pikachu just went on his normal Left shoulder and Eevee followed on right. Then Ash Boarded Pidgeot and she flew towards Pokemon center.

Eevee spoke "Hey Ash thunder stones are rare you should keep one for brother"

Ash spoke "He doesn't want to evolve"

Eevee "Why"

Pikachu "It's better on his shoulder"

Eevee laughed "But I still don't believe it that my brother is so strong"

Ash "Everyone is same until they battle him."


At the pokemon center.

Misty "So how are they?"

Pikachu "Good"

Ash "They are coming with us"

Brock "Oh that is good"

Ash "Where can we find a thunder stone"

Brock "Why"

Ash "Pikachu's Father's cheek injury"

Brock nodded "Yes that is the only way to heal it"

Misty "Blaine must have it or ask Nurse joy"


Ash went to Nurse Joy and asked "Hey Nurse Joy do you have a Thunder stone"

Nurse Joy looked at him and said ���Yes"

Ash "Good then I will buy it"

"Take it for free as gift for saving the Island"

"Err you know it"

"So why do you need it to evolve Eevee or Pikachu"

Ash spoke "Their father"

Nurse Joy "So you both are siblings"

Both nodded.

"You are connected by fate to them Ash"

"I think so"

"Their Father had cut on his cheek right but we didn't had Thunder stone at that time"

Ash "No Problem Nurse Joy Those Rockets are much of a pest I have found the identity of some of their top brass and I will go after them after Gym challenge"

"Yes they were Exterminated by Previous Champion but after he went missing they started again as Elite four don't know there whereabouts"

Ash then shook and Nurse Joy saw this.

"What happened?"

"Nothing just remembered father means the so called champion of Kanto."

"You are Red's son that explains your talent but you are way to good then him. And Sorry"

"Nah no Problem" He then took the Thunder Stone and left.

Nurse Joy sighed "The reason he is so good and helping is his father I think"


Eevee then asked Pikachu.

"Brother what happened"

Pikachu replied "We only know that he was pulled into a different planet six years ago"

Eevee "We will find him"

"That's my Promise to Ash"


As he went into the room he gave the thunder stone to Pikachu's father.

Ash "Are you ready"

He nodded and touched the thunderstone and then he glowed and there was a Raichu standing there the wound on the cheek was gone.

Ash "Try using electric attack"

Raichu "It will harm you"

Ash "Pikachu's ability is Lightning Rod"

Raichu "Oh then its fine"

Then he focused and launched a thunder shock which got absorbed into Pikachu.

Pikachu spoke "Way better than uncle"

Then Flareon came out "You look good dear"

Raichu "Thanks and you met your uncle"

Ash "Met you should see this Dexter please"

Dexter "On it" then the trio watched the video of Pikachu toying with a Raichu and then the destruction of gym.

Eevee just laughed, Raichu had a smile on his face and Flareon scolded Pikachu.

Ash "We first didn't know he was his Uncle but he used to bully other trainers so we had decided to teach a lesson"

Flareon "He is the same but that was too much"

Dexter "I don't think so"

Raichu "Why"

Dexter "He has Defeated Over two thousand Spearows in just one move"


Ash then looked at Raichu "Hey Dexter I think Raichu has reached C rank"

Dexter nodded.

Ash "Okay we are leaving tomorrow we have a gym battle in Celadon you three will battle as using others will be over kill and if you want to learn some moves then Ask others and I will check then and Pikachu Now we have to focus on defense Light Screen and Protect."

Dexter "As they can't be taught you need Tm or they are learned already."

Ash "We will get in Celadon"

Eevee "What should I do"

Ash and Pikachu said together "Speed"

The Eevee was confused "Why I have heard that others increase attack and defense"

Ash spoke "Why should we bother to defend if we can avoid it"

Flareon spoke "That's right Ash is Charmeleon free"

Ash "He has just evolved so he will train to control his powers only so he is free"

Raichu "Hey son what is that move you have created"

Pikachu "Volt Bomb"

"I need to learn it"

Pikachu said "You need to make a mental block first like me and Pidgeot"

Eevee "Why Pidgeot"

Ash "You know she did not used hurricane to on the Volcano"

Pikachu continued "That was a Flame hurricane and it has the Power to wipe quarter of Cinnabar"

Raichu nodded "Okay I will"

Ash "Now rest we have a long journey tomorrow"


Next morning they boarded a container ship which was going to Vermillion City.

The pokemons trained for the whole week and on the last day of the journey.


Dexter beeped "Ash we have a Problem there are Gyarados ahead running havoc in the Port"

Ash "Okay wait for me to change"

Then he Changed into his hood and mask.

Ash "Misty, Brock I am going ahead to clear the Path and Eevee return"

Misty "Okay Ash no Destroyer"

Then he released Pidgeot and boarded her.

Ash "Pidgeot first go straight up and then dive towards the Port"

"Got it"

Then She made an almost vertical takeoff and after reaching the clouds she went subsonic towards the Port.


At the Port.

The manager "Has any trainer come"

"No sir everyone is scared of Gyarados and the Gym leader is finding it hard to control them"

Then a boom sounded and a Pidgeot flew down from the sky.

The Manager "Finally someone"

The other person was excited "Destroyer he is Destroyer"



Ash "Six Gyarados Pikachu Use thunder Bolt to fist make them run towards the Sea and then Pidgeot normal Hurricane as that is the best without any damage just rain"

Pikachu "Yup" then he launched thunderbolts to make the Gyarados flee and when the Pokemon saw a difficult opponent they fled but then as they went a kilometer away they were caught by wind and thrown fifty Kilometer's Away.


Then manager sighed "That was better than destroying everythinh"

His PA then Picked an umbrella and opened it.

"Hey it is not that sunny" then suddenly rain fell for a minute.

"That was the after effects of him and it was the best of all"



Surge looked up at the Pidgeot coming towards him and his Raichu was cowering behind.

Ash asked "So bulling any one"

Surge shook his head.

"Good hey Raichu Know three of them"

Then he released a Raichu, a Flareon and an Eevee.

Ash's Raichu said "Brother"

Surge's Raichu "You how did you are with this monster"

Flareon then burned him "My son is not a monster"

Raichu retaliated with an electric attack but it was absorbed by Pikachu.

Pikachu "I am still here"

Raichu cowered again.

Ash's Raichu spoke "What about Chu clan"


So that's Pikachu's Family.

Next Chapter: Chapter 19 – Rocket Base in Celadon