
Totem Tyranitar?

John took a deep breath as he stepped onto the second floor of the Mirage Tower. The rocky terrain was eerily quiet, with only the faint echo of his footsteps. Suddenly, a towering Golem appeared, its LV50 status flashing ominously above its head.

"Rock and Ground dual-type? Weak to Water and Grass moves," John murmured, strategizing on the fly.

Without hesitation, he sent out Greninja. The nimble Water-and-Dark-type leapt forward, its movements swift and precise.

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken!" John commanded.

Greninja spun its hands, launching sharp, water-infused projectiles at Golem. The first strike hit squarely, dealing significant damage, but the tough Golem endured, its sheer bulk keeping it in the fight.

"Not bad," John muttered, impressed by its resilience. "Finish it with Water Pulse!"

A glowing orb of water formed in Greninja's hands before it hurled the attack at Golem. The impact was immediate. Golem let out a deep groan and collapsed, defeated.

John tossed a Pokeball at the fainted Pokemon. A few shakes later, the capture was successful.

Inspecting his new catch, John smirked.

"Double perfect IV on attack and defense? This one's got potential," he said, pocketing the Pokeball.

Judging from Greninja's combat power, John felt confident he could attempt the Flame Plan dungeon after leveling it up a bit more. Maxie's trump card was nothing more than a Camerupt. With its glaring Rock and Water weaknesses, his Steelix would make short work of it. At LV50, Camerupt wouldn't stand a chance.

The battle left him pondering the strength of the Mirage Tower Pokemon. With such solid IVs, even lower-tier encounters could contribute significantly to his team or his future breeding farm.

Reaching the third floor, John was greeted by an oppressive gust of wind. Sand swirled everywhere, forcing him to shield his face.

"This is ridiculous," he muttered, coughing as he tried to steady himself. But as he looked ahead, his eyes widened.

In the middle of the room stood a massive Tyranitar—LV52—towering far above its usual size. The dark green armor gleamed like polished stone, and the swirling sandstorm seemed to emanate from its very being.

"A Totem Tyranitar?" John whispered, awe-struck. The Pokemon's intimidating presence, coupled with its sheer size, made it look like a miniature Godzilla.

The sandstorm clinging to its body gave it an almost ethereal quality. Its powerful aura screamed danger, but to John, it also screamed opportunity.

"A Totem Tyranitar in the Mirage Tower… This game really isn't playing fair anymore," he muttered, wiping sand from his brow. "But if I can catch this thing, it'll be the cornerstone of my Sandstorm Team."

John sized up his team. His highest-leveled Pokemon was a Gabite (LV42)—hardly a match for the behemoth before him. Still, he wasn't about to back down.

"Blaziken, let's go!" he called, releasing the fiery Fighting-type.

The Tyranitar turned its piercing gaze toward Blaziken. It seemed unimpressed.

"Blaziken, use Growl!" John commanded.

Blaziken let out a deep howl, its voice reverberating through the room. Tyranitar's eyes narrowed, its annoyance clear.

"ROOOAR!" Tyranitar retaliated with Hyper Beam. A blinding beam of energy shot forth, obliterating part of the tower's wall and Blaziken along with it.

John winced. "Well, that didn't last long." He recalled Blaziken, thankful for the automatic Pokemon recovery system in place.

Still, the Growl had done its job, reducing Tyranitar's attack.

Next, John sent out Lairon. "Lairon, use Metal Sound!"

The metallic Pokemon let out a grating screech, causing Tyranitar to flinch briefly. But its rage only grew.

Another Hyper Beam ripped through the air, hitting Lairon directly. When the light faded, Lairon was down, its job done.

"Defense is lowered, and its attack's been softened up. Time for the real fight," John said, his confidence growing.