
Pokemon: The forsaken world

In the world of Pokémon A boy named Grey woke up on the world of Pokémon but it was nothing like what remembered A world where there is cut throat competition and a crazy group of fanatics follow the mc on the journey beyond P.S no potential no pokefillia no Harem no BS this world will not be based on any region for now but it will eventually reach there the plot will be mine and if anyone has ideas or queries regarding Pokémon abilities they can ask my own knowledge is very little and all of it comes from half forgotten anime and some Pokémon games

Duke_Sahib · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 21 Emotions

I woke up early in the morning and then proceeded with the daily training with me and my Pokemon. Beldum had been training to shoot faster using Tackle while Gerninja had been trying to dodge the attacks that were hurled towards him by Beldum and Golett. Golett had been lagging for a while so I had decided to teach him more moves that covered range like Bulldoze and Earthquake. What I had seen yesterday impressed me with the uses of The moves to lower speed or make your opponent stumble. I had also started training Gerninja to use Spikes this is to make traps mid-battle. Spike was a hard move to learn but Golett could teach some tips about it to Gerninja.

I sat there with my Pocketbook which I use to draw ideas about the moves. Pangoro had tried to lift weights to build his muscle and improve his attack stat.

After the morning schedule, I went up to my room and changed into more appropriate clothing for the Academy. Justin had already got himself enrolled the day before while I had just waited to be the last.

The Academy was at the far end of the city it was large almost like a Fort with tall stone walls but inside was one large building in the centre with many smaller ones at the back. The fort looked like it had to see some days the stone was jagged with moss growing out from some areas.

The building was made of bricks and windows with a well spacious area for training and battling in front.

I looked around seeing tons of students of about fifteen to seventeen years walking with their parents or guardians. At the side of the building with hands in my pockets, I went to the registration area

The registration area was packed full of Students some wore a uniform which comprised an archaeologist-type hat, white shirt and dark blue shorts. some wore dark blue pants while the girls had dark blue skirts.

I waited in line for my turn as other people registered. After about Ten minutes of waiting It finally was my turn.

The girl at the registration gave me a bored look and gave me a board with the form attached

" You have to fill out the form and if you have a letter of recommendation then attach one to it. " She droned monotonously

I nodded my thanks then went to sit at a glass table.

The form had the usual requirements of name, age and trainer Id number. After that was about the line I was specialising in Or if I was a Generalist.

I scratched the back of my wrist which had turned red since the encounter with the Zoroark pack it itched from time to time but was still nothing to be worried about after careful consideration, I ticked three boxes.

Dark, Psychic and Ghost

these were the three main fields that I want to specialise in all three of them were hard while Ghost was the trickiest of them. The generalist route would burden me too much with different types of maintenance that types required even now I was merely adequate in taking care of my Pokemon. Beldum and Golett required very less in both the food and grooming department while Pangoro being a panda rubbed his own back or sharpened his claws with logs around the places we stayed. Gerninja was an independent Pokemon who did his own thing and merely required water baths.

Still, my bond with my Pokemon was like the one with relatives nothing too bad or serious with Pangoro being the only one who liked to show me his appreciation by hugging me with those massive burly arms

I winced internally as I rubbed my back as phantom pain lanced through my back. The Academy was only a mere stepping stone in my path. There is usually a competition after the first month with the Gym trainers in this The Duke himself selects some students to become Gym trainers. Now, this won't be easy as much noble envy the place and try to make their children win a spot.

I sighed as I filled out the form this will take longer than I expected. I returned to the receptionist handing her the form who scanned it and then pulled out a parcel.

I raised my eyebrow quizzically

" These are a set of uniforms that you will have to wear while in the Academy" She sighed tiredly

I nodded and turned around to meet a familiar face.

A certain Red haired boy with dusty black clothes and torn red cape.

It was Bishop

I scanned him over he looked to have had a bad three months.

He looked at me and then his eyes sparkled in recognition but then he dashed forward to the emptied counter that was about to close. After that, he returned the form.

I sighed then turned back and tapped him on his shoulder

" How has it been, Bishop?" I asked scanning his brown eyes

His shoulders drooped

" Ah, Grey was it. it had been some rough two months" He said

" What happened " I picked up a piece of fabric from his vest

" Nothing just encountered some bandits on the way " He shrugged

We walked back for some time before I separated from him giving him an excuse that I was going to meet someone.

I placed it on a signpost and climbed to the roof jumping from the top of the roof Following Bishop. the guy had been hiding something but didn't want to tell now that piqued my interest. I followed him to a run-down inn in the slums.

The boy looked back once before going inside and then out in the backyard he nervously looked around and then pulled out his pokeball belt which now hung with Six pokeballs.

He one by one opened the balls.

What showed next baffled me in front of me were very rare Pokemon of draconic descent. One was a Magmar that was the starter that evolved then next to him was a fully evolved Fucking shiny Charizard now that was not the end After that was a Gabite then a Shelgon.

The last two were Tyrunt and Dratini.

I looked down shocked then sat down on the roof looking at the sky.

I fucking cried in envy.

What type of insane luck do you have to get for these many dragon types

After about some minutes while Bishop enjoyed himself with his Pokemon who played with each other biting and snapping each other

I understood how Sasuke should have understood when he saw what Naruto's Rasengan did to the water tank.

I understood who was the Mc of this world. This ridiculous amount of plot armour can only be with an Mc

I sat there contemplating for half an hour

I stood up and ran off towards the inn

it was childish of me to cry at something like that. What Bishop might have endured must have been something to get those Pokemon after all those were draconic and no dragon will give away his cub.

This was real life and there was no plot armour only hard work or luck.

If you don't have luck then try Hard work.

I shrugged off my jacket and placed it on a hangar then went outside lifting a piece of log and then placing it on a stump then swinging the axe trying to suppress the envy. I usually don't show emotions like envy or jealousy but this was the first time I notice being jealous.

Gerninja appeared with a flash as if sensing my distress his black form blending with the night with his red tongue wrapped around like a scarf.

I continued splitting logs silently while Gerninja stood silently staring at me

I sighed and looked back feeling uncomfortable with his gaze

" What do you want, " I asked feeling relieved of the emotion

" Gerninja," He said motioning to me at a stump

" You want me to sit there," I asked diving his speech

He nodded

I looked at the stump and then after a while divided to sit down

Gerninja jumped up and swiftly sat at a branch. then folded his legs motioning me to do the same.

I sighed looking at him then slowly folded my legs and closed my eyes.

I sat down feeling nothing only emotions. Slowly I became frustrated at the time wasted. After a while, I took a deep breath trying again at the futile endeavour.

It happened in parts. the relaxation came not instantly but slowly rising like a tide in me and rushing away a weight.

My head relaxed lolling to the side

then my shoulders

then my chest slowly the feeling of being lightweight entered with something else. darkness with a hint of pink surrounding it.

The pink colour was slowly moving around the darkness trying to avoid contact but still be near it.

and like that, the thing vanished leaving behind a cord. the cord looked like an ethereal rope connecting to the far end of my being.

I slowly tenderly touched it only to be yanked across it.


I woke up with a jolt as if I was rudely awakened by a nightmare. the place was dark with a stony texture behind my back. it looked cold but it was in reality warm. some smoky tendrils wove upward to the ceiling with some embers on the floor.

I looked down to see a pair of blue eyes staring at me with my tongue lolling out. The thing had a tail that wagged with a thump.

Suddenly my vision cleared and the Figure revealed itself. It was the Rockruff that I had encountered in my dream.


What is the relation of the cord?

Does the main character exist simultaneously in two places?

Why is it that this is happening? Who is the cause of this

Is it, Rob


Please drop power stones

and some reviews as well

I am a new writer so please be patient