
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Return To Kanto

Ran jerked up rapidly. Her blond hair hung loosely on the bed and her face was strange.

"Leonard, I'm sorry," She said while shedding tears silently, Ninetales noticed her dilemma and came out of her Pokéball to comfort her owner. After a series of hugs from Ninetales, Ran finally fell asleep.


"Sceptile, Hurry up and use Leaf Blade!"

"Golem, Rock Wrecker!"

"Arbok, Sludge Wave!"

"Ninetales, Focus all of your energy on Flamethrower!"

The Four trainers called out their attacks and an all-out attack began on the battlefield.

Sceptile who belonged to Leonard arched his hands and unleashed Leaf blade on the nearby Golem, Golem had already begun rock wrecker, and two huge rocks flung through the air heading to Sceptile.

"Slash through them!" Leonard ordered. Sceptile arched his right hand and used the blade to slash through the rocks, the rocks broke apart and Sceptile smirked.

Leonard's blue hair shone as Sceptile's leaf blade attack hit Golem and the Pokémon doubled up in pain.

Sceptile then used Razor leaf and defeated Golem.

Ran on the other hand wasn't having the same good luck as Leonard did, Arbok used Sludge wave on Ninetales and Ninetales countered with Flamethrower which burned the wave of sludge but both of them failed to notice the Final Stone Edge that was coming from Golem.

Ninetales got hit with Stone Edge and then Arbok concluded with a Toxic which turned the tides of the battle, Leonard arched his brows and turned to Ran while handing her a pecha berry.

"Give it to Ninetales and get out of here right now," Leonard said and pointed to the bushes behind the two black clothed goons that they were battling with.

Several more black clothed goons emerged.

"If this keeps on going, We won't be able to hold on for long, Don't die until I come find you," Leonard said and then pushed Ran, "Get out of here,"

"Leo..." Ran muttered.

"GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" Leonard shouted.

Ran fed Ninetales the Pecha berry and ran away with Ninetales, She looked back and shed a tear, She left her only friend behind with those Team Rocket people.

…Ran doesn't know about this...

Leonard's eyes suddenly released a crimson glow and he smirked while raising up his wrist.

"Sceptile, Now that she's gone, Let us show them the power of your Further evolution," Leonard said while smirking, Blood trailed down his eyes and his smirk grew even wider.


There was no Key stone, There was no Mega stone, They were mega evolving with their bond only.

A bright crimson right engulfed the man and Pokémon as they prepared to brave the people in front of them.

That day, Team Rocket lost over 10,000 grunts.

Ran felt her face being tapped, She opened her eyes slowly and saw Cecilia who was grinning happily.

"Are you ready to have fun today?" Cecilia asked.

"Yeah but why are you asking?" Ran asked.

"Your boyfriend just called and said he was coming today," Cecilia said, "I can't wait to meet him and see how he looks,"

Ran blushed lightly.


"Don't worry about it," Alicia said.

"Yeah but I'm really sorry Alice, I promised to stay longer," I said.

"Don't worry about it," Alice said, "Things came up, I'm aware of that,"

"Thanks for understanding," I said while pulling her closer, Once her lips were near mine, I pressed my lips against hers and we started kissing.

"Alright, Enough... but we're coming to cheer you on in the Kanto Champion Tournament, By beating Darkrai, you proved that you're really strong but never think that there won't be stronger trainers," Alicia advised like the seasoned Pokémon trainer she was.

"don't worry, I won't stop training," I said and then she suddenly pressed her lips against mine under the watchful gaze of Alice.

"Ha, Don't worry, I have to take my sister to the Orange Islands for a good vacation and then we'll be heading right to Kanto," Alicia said.

"I'll be expecting you," I said while climbing into the plane, I smiled and winked at them before entering the plane.

The next 6 hours were uneventful, aside from the occasional jokes from Ash and some recipe ingredients from Brock. The plane finally in the Kanto Region, Vermilion city.

"It feels good to finally get out of the plane," I said while I slapped Ash's shoulders, "You guys are going to pick Pikachu up right,"

"Yeah, We are going to pick up Pikachu after I defeat Lt. Surge with Charmeleon and Bronzong," Ash said.

"You got a Bronzong," I said with a sly smile, "You sly fox,"

"At least I didn't spend my little trip talking to girls," Ash shot back.

"I'll see you guys later," I said and then tightened the grip on my bag, "I have to go sharpen some tactics for Lt. Surge,"

Ash stared at me with a face of disbelief.

"Jordan, Since when have you used tactics to battle an opponent," Ash said while folding his hands.


Author's Note:

It took me an entire day to complete this Chapter because of my Limited screen time and my wound so Please Enjoy and give me feedback.

Also guys, Please give this Injured author some reviews so that you can help quicken my recovery, The earlier this book gets rated, The better!!!

Also I have changed Jordan's Image, I'll delete the Chapter Comment when I get the chance, The real Jordan is on the Cover!

Thanks A Lot,


My Patreon is going to be on freeze for the time being, Also the Next Chapter will come out by chance, if I'm free and not tired, I will do justice!

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