
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Break Through Your Limits (Part 1)

"Congratulations to me for winning," I said while drinking down some booze on the beach, My victory festival was spent like this. Apparently Ran wanted to take a vacation as well so she left with Cecilia to the Hoenn region for a month or two, who cares.

Ash and his companions were still in Vermilion city though but we were all waiting for the S.S. Anne, The luxury liner that went around the world. It would stop in the Kanto region within the next 24 Hours so I had to be prepared.

I sighed, With aura, My alcohol resistance was off the charts.

'What's the use of good drinks when my body will just dilute them?!' I complained inwardly and turned my head to see Ash and Misty playing with each other in the water.

"Couples, I wish my girlfriend was here," I muttered and suddenly I sensed something, An aura signature that entered the beach alongside the aura signature of an Alakazam.

"Oh fuck, Cut me some breaks," I muttered again as I heard Brock's smooth and melodious voice.

"Oh, Such a beautiful lady..." He couldn't get to finish what he wanted to say, He got sent flying into the water, directly falling atop Misty and splashing into the ground.

"Jordan," I heard a voice in front of me and I saw she had already appeared, Lisa.

"What do you want?" I asked while looking into the sky, "Aren't you supposed to be spending time with Giovanni?"

She put her hands on her waist and her frown turned upside down, actually it turned into a wicked smile.

"Are you Jealous? Besides, What's with the new look?" She asked, "You look more handsome like this,"

"Like you care," I said, "Alright, What's the reason for your visit?"

"I came to tell you that the Boss tournament has been postponed," She said and then smirked, "So you have time to train your Pokemon a little?"

"I guess," I said and then shooed her, "Alright, I'm trying to enjoy my victory here so please go away,"

I took another bottle of booze from the bag that was next to my chair, Might as well drain this one as well.

There were 2 bags on the ground, The bag I kept the empty bottles which were reaching twenty now and the bag I kept the filled bottles which were down to 10.

"You know drinking that much is bad for you," She said.

'You don't have aura that dilutes drinks,' I complained inwardly and opened the bottle before chugging it down in one go.

'Once again, Tastes like sweet water,' I groaned and dropped the bottle in the other bag, apparently losing my appetite to drink.

"Why are you watching me like that?" I asked.

"You got a little booze on your lips," She replied as she leaned forward and licked my lips.

I retreated.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What the hell was that?!" I asked.

"I was just helping you clean the drink on your lips," Lisa said.

'What the hell is wrong with this girl, Isn't she supposed to be... you know, Emotionless,'

"Okay," I said.

"Yo Jordan, Come join us!" Ash exclaimed.

Dratini was wrapped around my shoulder as I wore my original clothes and waved the trio goodbye. Might as well visit the forest and get things wrapped up with that dangerous Sceptile.

Once again, I followed the path that I followed before and entered the clearing. The clearing was brimming with aura like how it was before and then suddenly everything turned black.

A Sceptile appeared in front of me with a Leaf Blade attack that I dodged gracefully while throwing out my own Pokemon, Charizard.

Charizard hit Sceptile with a full power Dragon Claw creating a Slight explosion, forcing the Pokemon back. I heard a rustle behind me as a tower of Black grass rose into the air.

"This is strangely cliché," I muttered as I saw a Blue haired boy wearing black overalls with blood trailing down his eyes.

I turned back to Charizard and saw that Sceptile had actually forced the Pokemon back...

"Overdrive Mode!" I cried out and a great amount of aura began surging out of Charizard, wrapping around the Pokemon and exploding outwards.

A Black flame raged at the tip of his tail as his eyes became purple and he lunged at Sceptile, landing a devastating Dragon Claw, slashing the Pokemon's intestines out.

I turned to the Blue haired boy who smiled before uttering two words.

"Mega... Evolve," He said and Sceptile glowed in a bright red light.

"Oh no," I muttered and face-palmed myself before focusing on transmitting aura into Charizard, "Maximum Power!!!"

The two Pokemon roared with primal rage as energies began to fluctuate in the surrounding area, The surrounding didn't seem to be harmed by this and this just clarified my expectations, This was a fucking alternate dimension.

Mega Sceptile stood strong and proud while Overdrive Charizard roared and spewed black and purple flames into the black sky.

"Break through your Limits!" I ordered, fiercely. One mistake and we would be dead for sure.

The aura I was feeling from this Mega Evolved Pokemon wasn't regular, it was chaotic and dark.

"Now Dragon Fist, Don't Hold Back!" I ordered fiercely.

"Impending Destruction!" I heard his rough voice call out.

Charizard's fist glowed in a combination of black and purple aura as he shot directly to Sceptile whose fist exploded with a great amount of pure black aura. The two fists clashed against each other and the collision created a crack in the alternate dimension.

"Shit!" I exclaimed before being thrown back against a shadow tree, coughing out blood.


Author's Note:

This is the first chapter of the week, I hope you enjoy it. Remember,I'll Do your Bonus Chapterr.

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