
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Boss Tournament Semi Finals (Part 2)

Erika continued spamming strong grass type moves but Barrier and Protect held them off while Kadabra used Calm mind.

"Alright, Use Knock Off!" Erika ordered.

It wasn't surprising that Victreebel was able to learn a Dark type move like Knock off but it seemed that Maria was ready, If it was any other move, I would have been confident but the way she smirked, It meant she had a plan.

'Teleport and then Fire Punch!' She ordered.

Kadabra glowed and Victreebel shot at it, glowing in an ominous aura. Victreebel slammed Kadabra but before the attack could connect, Kadabra vanished.

I gulped as Victreebel suddenly got covered in flames, red hot powerful flames and then the attacker revealed himself, Kadabra.

Erika returned Victreebel and gulped.

'Her Kadabra is too fast,' Erika thought.

"Here we go, Tangela!" Erika ordered while throwing another Pokemon into the field.

The Pokemon that seemed to be encased in a collection of blue threads appeared on the battlefield.

"Tangela, Poison Spore!" Erika ordered.

Several orange and purple spores came out of Tangela's body, floating in all directions.

'Flamethrower now!'

A blazing red ball of fire appeared in front of Kadabra who concentrated it's energy and then fired a Flamethrower from the fireball right at Tangela.

"Protect!" Erika ordered.

Protect, a life-saving move which many trainers integrated into their Pokemon's move set... well except me of course.

The flamethrower collided with the translucent barrier and then an explosion echoed across the arena, through the smoke, Erika gave an order.


The sun was still active and shining brightly so the move charged instantly and tore through the smoke, crashing into Kadabra's Flamethrower.

The beam of the sun eventually overpowered the Flamethrower and collided with Kadabra who got knocked far across the ring.

"Now, End it with a Solarbeam one more time!" Erika ordered.

Tangela shot another Solar beam attack, It exploded mid-way as Kadabra used Protect before vanishing into thin air.

"Now Tangela, Rapid Spin and then Constrict!" Erika ordered.

Kadabra appeared behind Tangela only to receive a rapid spin in the face and then Constricted by some vines.

'Tear them apart with Fire Punch and then strike Tangela with a Psychic!'

The vines suddenly caught fire as Kadabra's right face was engulfed in a brilliant flame. Before Tangela could retract her vines and create some space, A powerful mental attack was delivered and then she fainted.

"Tangela, You did a good job," Erika said with a smile and then, "Vileplume, Come on out!"

A Vileplume appeared in the arena, ready for the battle ahead.

"Sunny Day!" Erika ordered.

The sun in the ceiling had already gone out and then Vileplume rekindled it.

Erika closed her palms and smirked.

"Cover your opponent in a powerful attack, Use Mini-Forest Emergence!" Erika ordered.

The arena suddenly glowed as several vines, trees and plants emerged from the ground and covered the entire arena.

"Frenzy Plant now!" Erika ordered.

Powerful vines wrapped around and squeezed the life out of Kadabra who was unable to even get a moment to use Fire Punch.

"Solarbeam!" Erika ordered.

Before Kadabra could react, He was being swept away by a powerful Solarbeam.

Maybe, Just maybe Erika would have a chance at winning this... but I was wrong.

"The finals of the Boss Tournament will be taking place immediately between Jordan from the Finance faction and Maria from the Psionic faction!" The announcer said and we entered the self-repairing arena.

To be honest, I planned to finish her off without resorting to Gengar but even I knew that it would be hard to do, Her Pokemon were at LV. 40 and above all, She was a Psychic. Capable of commanding her Pokemon with her mind which was cool in a way.

I smiled at her and took a step back, ready to launch my first Pokemon into the arena.

"Here we go, Butterfree!" I ordered while throwing up a Pokeball into the air.

Butterfree appeared and gave his signature cry, He was ready for a battle.

Maria sent out the Kadabra from before, It was still exhausted from the last fight after barely beating Vileplume...

A unique thing about the Boss Tourmanet was that there were no nurses to heal your Pokemon, Once you lost, You would have to go to the surface to get your Pokemon healed.

So if your Pokemon got exhausted, That was it.

"Butterfree, Poison Jab!" I ordered.

Butterfree shot forward, leaving an afterimage behind him as he zoomed straight at Kadabra, The audience was surprised at how a Butterfree could move that quickly.

Kadabra retorted with Protect and Poison Jab bounced off it like it was nothing.

"Now use Feint attack!" I ordered.

Butterfree fazed into the darkness and Kadabra flinched as Protect went down and he got hit from behind by a powerful Dark type attack.

Kadabra collapsed on the ground while Butterfree... chuckled? Alright, This is weird.


Author's Note:

Power stones and Reviews are needed, Guys and girls. The surprise in Chapter 100 is still eligible so I want us to reach there as quick as possible.