
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Videojogos
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29 Chs

8. VS N Aftermath

after battling, the gang and N hurriedly get out of building, bcoz the way Lellouch battle got a lot of attentions eventho theres some nice girls that want to asking Lellouch...

outside of Battle Stadium

N:"well thats unexpected but its fun" he smile, and the others smile wryly

Lellouch:"eventho theres some nice lady ask- itee itee yameetee~" my left ear got pinched and pulled by Rosa, btw her Snivy already called back to her ball earliers ago. Hilda chuckles seeing that, Hugh being Hugh, and N amused...

Riolu:'dame dane aibo' sat on Lellouch right shoulder shake his head helplessly

N:"you guys really interesting, and thank you Lellouch for the battle, you two really strong but...as long as pokemon are confined in pokeballs, pokemon will never become perfect beings. i must to changed this world for pokemon, bcoz they are my friends...well then, thanks for the company guys, till we meet again..." with that N left, leaving others surprised even Riolu except Lellouch with that speech....but he stopped and turned back

N:"ah i forgot Lellouch, consider this is a gift from me" he throw something to me accurately. when i catch it,its some envelope but he start running and left before i can ask him...

Hugh:"that N guy..what the hell is he say?, are hes support that cosplay group?" look pissed

Hilda:"Team Plasma Hugh, even cosplayer better than them"

Hugh:"*snort* dont care" Hilda smile helplessly

Rosa:"lets just forget about that, anyway what is he giving to u Lulu?" the others curious seeing the envelope

Lellouch:"maybe its some bomb with the newest high technology..." the others staring at me like looking some stupid creature..

Lellouch:"man~ you guys supposed to be laugh"

Rosa:"mouu! Lulu just open it already, im curious and i think the others too" pouted with cute pose

Lellouch:"hai hai~, as u wish Rosa madame moissele" when i open it, theres only some money inside, i think this money from the battle N lose to him 'seriously? eventho we didnt really betting for that battle..' sighing helplessly....

Rosa:"wha-wha-what?? my Lulu is being liked by another guy? and even giving some money too?..ahh~ noo~ my Lulu cant be this gay" she start being dramatic over some battle money

Hugh:"pffttss..gay really? seriously Lellouch i dont know u like that kind of thing..puahahaha~" he laugh with satisfaction. Hilda close her mouth and hold her stomach with each hands holding her laugh, even Riolu laugh too..

Lellouch:'sigh~ seriously this thot'{a/n:mc likes to call Rosa anything he want and Rosa know that and doesnt really care as long as its mc}. then Lellouch pinch Rosa in the breasts right in her nipple to assert domminance, that make her moan a bit coz of surprised, then he left leaving the gang and an embarrased Rosa behind, coz his stomach starting an live concert

realize Lellouch leaving them, they stop laughing and caught up with him


unbeknown to them theres someone who looking at them from afar

Significant Female from Battle Stadiun:'geehh that woman with dumb braid hair!..why shes so clingy to my prince!!..wait myself!, before presenting ur self to the prince altleast make ur appearance presentable first!' then she take her mirror and fixing her appearance, she didnt know Lellouch and the gang already left..

Lellouch fangirl:'my cute hair checked, my lovely make-up checked, my nice assets checked, okay now im ready to...meet....my...prince...to...became...str..ong...' when she looked back, her prince already gone..

Lellouch fangirl:"OH MY POKEMON!! WHERES MY PRINCE GO? NOOOOOO~!" she hysteria and panicked many other peoples in the street looked at her waryly, realizing what she does, she left embarassedly...