
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Videojogos
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29 Chs

7. VS N

Lellouch and the gang featuring N arrived at the Battle Stadium of Aspertia City, Dedicated place for any certified Pkmn Trainer or not, to battle their Pokemon againts each other, the places is huge and can hold quite many battles at the same time, and every arena installed with the latest virtual reality technology every Region, that can changing its stage types to each preffered choices like aquatic, forrest, vulcanic, dessert, normal etc. just like the official battle the arena can only hold for maximum 3 vs 3 team battle...

the others is in awe except N, who goes to the receptionist to booking an arena for 1 vs 1 with only 1 Pokemon for each trainer, then the receptionist tell N to wait because the stage was being prepared, then N go back to the gang

N:"fortunately guys, theres some avaible stage and we can use it right now" he smile to the gang

Rosa:"eh wait, what about the rules?"

N:"dont worry the rules is simple, the terrain is normal, and can only use 1 pokemon just like i said earlier" expalined with smile

Lellouch:"ah, what about the rent fee? and the bets?"

in this world for battling pokemon you can bet with the person your battling with, and for using battle stadium is not free, the price for battling is varied, for uncertified Pkmn Trainer is more cheaper than the certified, but the certifed Pkmn trainer get better treatment like theres no different prices for chosing stage types, and can hold match other than 1 vs 1 battle, which uncertified can only rent for 1 vs 1 battle, in short certified Pkmn Trainer get more choices relating to Pokemon...

N:"its my treat, and dont worry about the bets, this is as my apology for being rude earlier" smiled

Lellouch:"hmnm...you sure?" i sighing seeing N nodded "okay then"

seeing N like this hes seem like a proper guy, dunno if hes just like the game version or just some evil in disguise, i hope not the latter..

N name got called because the arena is ready, then the others follow, but Lellouch request Rosa to buy him some snacks because hes really hungry and Rosa accept his request to go to the foods court in the Battle Stadium, with that the others go to the stage first..


Battle Stadium Aspertia City

the arena is huge and can acomodate 3 vs 3 team battle, the terrain is normal no type advantage, just like the arena in Juniper Pokefarm, theres PokeField Barrier that protect the trainer from energy based attack from the Pokemon as long as the Trainer stay outside...

Hilda and Hugh in the sideline, theres even some curious onlookers that want to watch N and Lellouch battle..

Hilda:"*whistling* i didnt expected theres will be quite many onlookers, ill be nervous if im in Lulu position right now..Hey Hugh-" she stoped seeing Hugh focused on the arena, she smiled and stop bothering Hugh

Hugh:'too bad i cant fight N eventho i want it damn, but this. ' seeing the other onlooker and unconsciously ignored Hilda, Hugh just smiled 'so what will you do Lellouch?, hate to admit but u are a better trainer than me right now, hope u will not lose Lellouch, and tell him not all Trainer is bad like that old creepy fuck said'

in the arena

Referee from Battle Stadium:"if you two ready please call out your Pokemon"

N:"Purrloin please~" he summon Purrloin with a gentle throw his pokeball to the arena

Lellouch:"Riolu you know the drill" Riolu jump from my right shoulder to the ground with few roll in the air and land with Ironman pose, and giving me thumb up eventho Riolu didnt really have thumb before entering the arena

many onlooker approved seeing Riolu like that Hugh:"*snort* what a show off" seeing the duo like that, Hilda chuckles..

before Referee start speaks, Rosa running to Lellouch bringing some snacks..

Rosa:"here Lulu, i bought u some dorayaki and for the others too" she even offered to N in the distances but decline with a friendly gesture

Lellouch:"thx Rosa love you~" and he take one dorayaki after that Rosa walk to the Hilda and Hugh and giving them too

Referee:"*ahem* okay From the right side is the challenger Pkmn Trainer N, From the left side is Pkmn Trainer Lellouch, the rules is one on one with only one pokemon, the pokemon will lose if the pokemon cant continue or getting out of arena...in count of three, three, two...one *bang*" start signal with starting pistol

Lellouch:"Riolu take your time and careful!"

Riolu:"Rio!" he start crossing his arm in the chest and waiting Purrloin

N:"...Purrloin try taunt him"

Purrloin:"nyyiaaw~" then hes start taunting Riolu...but failed, then Purrloin maintain distance

Lellouch:"because u are seem like a good person, i suggest to not try to bait him, my Riolu is even better emotionally than me you know" with smile, many onlookers, and referee surprised hear that even the gang too, yeah Riolu being trained by Darkrai is no joke afterall even tho only basic survival, having a dark in his name is without a reason..

N:"!?, what a surprise..thx for the suggestion tho, then i wont use any useless mean anymore, Ok Purrloin use Fury Swipes!"

Purrloin:"nyiaw!" he start running to Riolu

*swipe,swipe,swipe,swipe,swipe* all the attack are evaded by Riolu easily..then Riolu grab one of Purrloin arms and start slamming Purrloin to the ground followed by kicking him in the stomach and Purrloin flew back to N side..

N: surprised seeing his pokemon got trhashed easily he fix his hat and back to his usual smile "your Riolu is really strong, you even didnt even need to command him.."

many onlookers realize and surprised because Lellouch really never command his Riolu

Lellouch:"yeah i only command him when i need too, right Riolu?"

Riolu:"Rioooou!" 'seriously dont compare me to some brainless mongrel!' with a howl

N:"hmm you guys really interesting"

Significant Female in the onlookers:'hmm what a crazy way of battle, i never knew u can battle with that way...even more hes quite handsome too-gahhh why did i think of that!?' then she calm herself and focused to battle

back to arena

Lellouch:"so N what will you do?"

N:"well-well this is really hard, but i still believe in my pokemon, Purrloin! use Sand Attack and carefull!"

Purrloin:"nyiaw!" with a roar he rush to Riolu carefully and sand attack him wanting to obstruct his vision

Riolu: just stay calm in his position with crossed arm 'want to obstruct my vision? if this mongrels know what ive been through from Darkrai-shisou...Heh! what a laughable' its what he thought then he start close his eyes and received the sand attack

Lellouch: seeing Riolu receive the sand attack without bothering to evade he sighing 'man~ why hes such a show off, even tho i want to low profile, sigh~' Lellouch know Riolu want to go to Blind Mode

N: seeing his attack landed, he puzzled why Riolu not evade or block it, but chances is a chances "now chances Purrloin! go Fury Swipes but still carefull!"

Purrloin:"nyaaaawww!!!" with a roar he start to Fury Swipes but....suddenly Purrloin getting uppercut in the chin from Riolu

Purrloin:'NYANYII!!??' (nani!?) he got flew back but Riolu chasing it with Quick Attack, then...


Riolu:"ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA...." {a/n:Riolu litteraly saying ora but with cute voiced} with an quite fast continous punch, that Lellouch show it to Riolu on a whim when Riolu still 2 years old...even Lellouch didnt expected Riolu memorize that

Riolu:"ORA!!" with the last powered punch he make Purrloin flew back to near N and point his arm to Purrloin "rioorioorio!" (omae wa mou shindeiru!) with that he turn arround and back to his position then crossed his arm again..

Purrloin:"nyi--nyiaaw" (a-arienai) then Purrloin pass out

Rosa, N, Hilda, Hugh, and the other onlookers shocked, surprised, even amused seeing Riolu like that..

Lellouch:'NANI!? he still remember that even tho thats just a joke when i play with him years ago, didnt know i must be happy or not, at least i got a name to name him when he evolve to Lucario someday'

Referee:"....Purrloin cant continue battle, Rio-i mean Pokemon Trainer Lellouch Win!" with that the PokeField Barrier turn off

suddenly Riolu jumped and kick Lellouch face and make him fall, many chuckles and giggling bcoz turn of event

Riolu:"Rioo!" standing in the face of Lellouch proudly

Lellouch:'sigh~ fukouudaaa{such misfortune}'

Rosa smiled helplessly

Hilda giggling

Hugh lost in thought after seeing the battle

some Significant Female hoping to get acquainted with Lellouch

N:'Lellouch and his Riolu hmm? what an interesting bunch' then he call back Purrloin to his BALL "thank you for your hardwork my friend" then put the ball to his waist bag...

{A/N:Purrloin status can be seen at the aux chaps}