
Chapter 9

The day after I won the gym battle Misty and Leaf had their battle with Brock. Misty did not have much of a problem as before she joined us, she was battling other trainers and even before she became a trainer, she had mock battles with her dad and learned a lot about fighting with water types from him but because he only uses water pokémon's she does not know a lot about other types.

Leaf also has the same problem where she only knows how to fight with grass types. so, I had a mock battle with both of them so they can see how a person battles with other types before there gym battle. After a bit of a hard time for Leaf as Brock saw that she only using textbook like moves he used the rollout move like he used with me, so she had to think outside the box but in the end, she won the battle and learned some new things about battling.

When we got out of the gym Leaf told me that battling might not be for her and that she also likes Pokémon breading, so she is looking into that as a path to go down. I looked at her and said "it does not matter what you do as long as it makes you happy so if I can do anything to help you I will"

After I told her this, she looked at me with a red face and said, " Thank you" and then waked a head of me and Misty to our room at the Pokémon center. When my talk with Leaf was down, I looked at Misty and asked her how she liked gym battles and she told me she liked them as they show people different ways to battle and how to use moves in new ways.

As I was done talking to Misty, we walked to the room to get our things and then we sent off to Mt. Moon and then after that we will be in Cerulean City.

After a lot of trainer's battles that I let Aron and Gastly have so they get some more battle in them we got to Mt. moon and right before we went in, I had my team healed at the Pokémon center right outside. As we got inside, I saw all the lanterns lighting the main path but if you choose to explore the cave it is up to you to light the way so you can see.

As Mt. moon for Pokémon fossils and my Aron needs to eat some metals for his evolution and I want to see if he can find any special kind of metal so we can see if it will have an impact on his evolution and if it does, I can tell my dad.

Now for the metal I don't know all the kinds that are in this world, but I will look that up in the next city for now I will just take what Aron can find in this cave and if there is nothing, he likes I can just buy it online. with that said I called out Aron so he can start and not even ten minutes later he found five different kinds and we also found a dome fossil for misty.

Once Aron found the fossil I gave it to Misty and just as she went to put in her bag two smokescreens hit the ground with us making it hard to see so I called out Wartortle out and had him use rapid spin to clear out the smoke and what I saw was two koffing's right in front of me so I had Aron use rock tomb on one and I had Wartortle use tackle to hit the other one and then use bite after she was done it fell to the ground and did not get back up.

Once that one was down, I had Aron use a tackle of his own but right before he hit I had him use harden and this move sent the koffing flying down the cave somewhere and did not come back. When the fight with the two koffing's was done I saw two people with black t-shirts and a red R call back there Pokémon's and once the red beam from the ball lit up the cave a bit, I saw that they took Misty with them and before I could bet close, they jumped down a latter