
EPISODE 28: Betrayed and Strayed!

"Are we there yet?" I queried. "No" Glade answered. "Are we there yet?" "No!" "Are we there yet?" "No!!" "Are we there yet?" "We get there when we get there!" Glade said in annoyance.

We passed Covelry town, Cave moon, and now we have to walk one more mile just to reach Norva City. Me and my Pokemon were already pumped up to defeat the gym leader there.

"Hey Irys, who is the gym leader of Norva City?" I inquired.

"Here are some data about the gym leader of Norva City."

[Gym leader: Admiral Brooke

Role: Sea Admiral, water type specialist

Age: 49

Bio: Admiral Brooke is the sea admiral of S.S. Anne before but changed into the sea admiral of S.S. PUMS or the Pokemon Universal Marine Services. He is also a skilled Pokemon gym leader and a fierce one too. He specializes in water-type Pokemon]

"Now that's intimidating..." I fretted as I became worried about my first gym battle. I'm against a powerful sea Admiral named Brooke. The only thing I could do is to train harder with my Pokemon in order to succeed.

"Food's ready!" Camellia called. She's the only person who knows how to cook food between the four of us.

"Thank you for the food!" We beamed as we tried Camellia's dish.

"So... Ummm is it good?" Camellia wondered.

"I don't like it... I love it!" Zhery burst as she savored every bite.

"Zhery's correct... Your food is delicious" I added.

"I could eat this for days!" Glade complemented. "Thank you guys so much! If you want mo-"

"Seconds please!" We beamed and interrupted

"Sure! No problem!" Camellia agreed.

After staying for a nice lunch, we set off again to our journey towards Norva City! But we were shocked as we heard an explosion coming from the east of the forest.

"Come on Scyther! Show me X-Scissor!"

Scyth... Scyth... Scyther Scyth...

"What do you mean you're tired! Get up your too lazy! Train some more!" A trainer shouted to his Pokemon while sitting down beside a tall pine tree.

Scyther... Scyth...

"No! I won't allow you to eat if you won't show me your X-Scissor!"


"Then train harder so you can know how to use X-scissor!"

Scyther... Scythe... Scythe...

"Get up! Don't be lazy or you'll be punished!"

Scyther tried to stand, but it was too injured from the abuses of his trainer.

"Haunter! Use shadow claw on Scyther and teach him a lesson!"

HAUN HAUNTER! Haunter released a powerful attack on Scyther, making Scyther weaker.

"Scyther... Scyther! The Pokemon cried in pain.

"Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself up and learn X-Scissor!"

Scyther tried to stand up, it tried to harness the power to do X-Scissor, but Scyther was too weak to move.

Scyther... Scyther!

"Stand up!"

Sc... scyther!

"I said stand up! Stop making boring excuses! Stand up!"

"Scythe! Scyther..."

"I said stand up! Don't you know the meaning of stand up?"

Scyther tried to stand he tried to exceed his limit but he really couldn't bear the pain anymore.

Sc... Sc... Scyther!

"What do you mean your sorry! Stand up and train Scyther! I don't care how tired you are, stand up or you'll get shot by hunter again!"

SCY... Scyther cried.

"That's it!" The trainer stood up from the tree. "Haunter use shadow claw!"


Scyther fell down because of Haunter, but it tried to push himself up no matter what.

"Stand up and fight Scyther!"

Scyth... The poor Pokemon gasped for air as his body was giving up already. Scyther still stood up.

"Now use X-Scissor!"

Scyther tried to use X-Scissor but failed miserably.

"Haunter attack Scyther again!"


Scyther was thrown and hit on a tree.

Me, Camellia, Zhery, and Glade saw what happened. Krill... Yes, Krill my rival was abusing Scyther.

"What's he's name?" Camellia queried.

"That rude! arrogant! selfish! and careless man! is Krill. He's always like that to his Pokemon." Zhery explained.

"That Krill makes me so angry! He's forcing Scyther to get up! Doesn't he have feelings for his Pokemon?" I badgered.

"That poor Scyther... He's showing loyalty towards Krill. He wants to prove that he loves Krill no matter how much pain Krill does unto him..." Camellia blubbered.

"I feel worried for Scyther, if Krill keeps this up, Scyther might not make it." Glade feared.

"Kalem! I want to battle Krill!" Riolu said with his determined eyes.

"Me too Riolu, so... should we have a rematch against Krill?"

"Yeah Kalem, what he's doing is wrong... I feel sorry for Scyther." Riolu added.

The four of us rushed to Krill.

"Stop doing that to Scyther, Krill! If you don't I'll challenge you!"

"Well if it isn't Kalem, the loser of loserville!" Krill teased.

"And whose the new one?" Krill questioned.

"My name is Camellia and I warn you to stop treating Scyther harshly!" Camellia introduced.

"Are you Scyther's trainer? Huh? Mind your business!"

"It's wrong to treat Pokemon like a slave!" Zhery badgered.

"Pokemons are meant to be slaves, they exist in our world to serve humans!" Krill explained.

"You don't know what your saying Krill! If I were you, you better watch your mouth. There will always be a Pokemon more superior to humanity." Camellia warned.

"Like who? You can't even give one! Come out... Come out wherever you are Superior Pokemon stronger than a human! Pfft! Pathetic... Humans are superior! Period!" Krill teased.

"I want a rematch!" I badgered.

"A loser from loserville challenges me?" Krill teased.

"I'm not done with you! Me and Riolu got stronger! Now we want a rematch!" I commanded.

"You're wasting your time. You know your already a loser right? A loser who won't accept that he's a loser himself? Haven't you proven to me last time how terrible your Pokemons are?" Krill teased.

"Don't you dare speak to Kalem like that!" Camellia caterwauled.

R... Riolu Rio! Rio! Riolu shouted to Krill.

"Riolu wants to challenge you! Accept our challenge! Or maybe your too weak that's why you can't?" I teased.

"Fine! I accept your battle! Scyther look, and observe how to win!" Krill teased.

"I'll be the referee!" Glade volunteered.

"Each trainer will only use one Pokemon each! The first Pokemon to be knocked out loses!" Glade exclaimed.

"Alright Zorua, you watch so you can know some moves."

"Alright Kalem!" Zorua smiled.

"Oh, maybe Ivy can learn something from the battle! Come on out Ivy!" Camellia sent out Ivy or Eevee's name, to observe as well.

"You have an Eevee too? Their cute right!" Zhery burst.

"Yup! They're cute alright!" Camellia agreed.

"Now, I want you and Roselia to observe this match properly!" Zhery asked Eevee.

Eevee and Roselia smiled at Zhery.

"Go Riolu!"

"Rockruff come out!"

"Three... Two... One... Battle begin!"

"Riolu use quick attack!"

"Rockruff dodge quick attack then use bite!"

*Rockruff dodged the quick attack and bit Riolu*

"Riolu are you hurt?"

"Nah! I can do this all day!" Riolu said with determination.

"Riolu use force palm!"

"What the? Your Riolu learned force palm?"

Krill got surprised as force palm was able to hit Rockruff.

"We must cheer for Kalem!" Camellia suggested.

"Your right Camellia! Now I want everyone to cheer ok!" Zhery agreed and asked all the observing Pokemon to cheer for Kalem.

"Rockruff use rock tomb!"

"Riolu dodge Rock tomb!"

*Riolu was unable to dodge Rock tomb*

"Rockruff's speed is incredibly fast!" Zhery observed.

"Go Kalem! I know you can do it!" Camellia cheered.




Fen! Fen!

Pan... Pan!

Luxio xio!

Zor Zorua Zor!

The Pokemons cheered for me as well. Me and Riolu's spirit got even hotter and fired up!

"Riolu use force palm!"

"Rockruff! Bite Riolu's arm then throw riolu to the sky before the force palm reaches you!"

*Riolu was thrown to the sky!*

"Oh no! Riolu!"

*Riolu hits hard on the ground!*

"Riolu you can still fight right?" I queried.

"Yes I can!" Riolu tried to stand up but was too late when Krill's Rockruff unleashed rock tomb.

"Riolu!" Riolu blasted and hit the tree! He still stood up and approached the battleground. He was hit by Rock smash then just like before, it was hit by rock tomb.

"Riolu is unable to battle! The winner is Krill and his Pokemon!" Glade announced.

I picked up Riolu and hugged it really tight. "You deserve a nice rest!"

"Kalem, I'm sorry I couldn't win, please don't scold me..."

"Its ok Riolu, I will never scold you! Now go and rest with the other Pokemons."

"Seriously!? Your really a pathetic Pokemon trainer aren't you? Who in the world says that when a Pokemon loses? You should punish your Riolu if I were you!"Krill advised.

"Who are you, to advise something like that! I don't care if I lost, but I'm here to correct your wrong ways!" I badgered.

"Kalem is right! Pokemon must be cheered, win or lose! It's not about winning, it's about the bonding!" Camellia added.

"Scyther get back to training!"

Scyth... Scyth...

"Now you're being a spoiled Pokemon! Get up and train harder!"

"Hey! Don't you understand that Scyther's weak and needs rest?" Zhery badgered.

"I don't care! I care for myself and no one else! Now Scyther train now! Or you'll never eat!"

Scyther Scythe Scythe... Scyther pushed himself up, as hard as he could.

"Couldn't you realize Scyther's loyalty towards you? Can't you appreciate that! Can't you!?" Glade badgered.

"I appreciate no one but my victories and success!"

"But who won those victories and success?" I queried with an angry emotion.

"My slaves! Who else would? I'm the king of my team now bug off!" Krill teased.

"You really treat your Pokemon rudely don't you!? Your Pokemon worked for you, yet you don't reward them. What kind of trainer are you!?" Camellia badgered.

"Scyther I said train! Are you deaf?"

"Hey you've gone too far with your Scyther!" Glade badgered as Scyther began to cry in fear. Scyther fell. He cried, he tried but Scyther really couldn't do it."

"That's it, I'm fed up with you Scyther! You're weak! You're useless! I should have never caught you!" Krill shouted to Scyther.

Scyther heard what Krill said, and cried deeply. Scyther couldn't forget what Krill said.

"Look what you have done! You just made Scyther's feelings hurt!" Zhery badgered.

Krill got Scyther's Pokeball and threw it on the floor, he stepped on the Pokeball releasing Scyther to the wild forever.

"Don't dare come close to me ever again Scyther! Your too weak!" Krill badgered as he left with his Pokemon.

We rushed to Scyther as quick as possible, Zhery did her remedy for Scyther's aching body, while Camellia gave food to Scyther. As Scyther ate and drank the remedy. Scyther's tears fell down.

"Scyther don't cry, Krill doesn't deserve your hard work and passion for battling! Your hard work belongs to a trainer who deserves you and loves you!" Glade comforted.

But Scyther wouldn't stop crying till the point where we set up camp with Scyther and slept with him to comfort him.

When we woke up, Scyther disappeared. He wasn't near our resting camp anymore. So I and my friends walked to find Scyther.

"Scyther! Scyther!" The four of us searched but we couldn't see Scyther.

"Scyther must have searched for Krill." Camellia guessed.

"This shows how loyal Scyther is! Pokemons will always stay loyal to their trainer no matter the circumstances." Glade explained.

We never gave up on searching for Scyther. We found Scyther sitting on a chopped tree. Scyther was sobbing.

"Hey Scyther, don't cry.... the past is in the past." I comforted.

"Someone once told me Scyther, he was a detective! He said to never lean back to the past!" I added.

"Krill harmed you, he couldn't appreciate your great battling skills!"Camellia added.

"Scyther, don't feel sad..." Zhery comforted.

"Zhery, Camellia, and Kalem are correct Scyther, there are a lot of trainers who will surely love you." Glade agreed.

Scyther still sobbed and cried.

"Hey you know what Scyther!" I exclaimed.

Scyth... Scyther Scyther?

"Your battling skills are great, your just like Riolu and Zorua! Experts in determination... So I'm offering you to come with us Scyther, I'll treat you fairly. I won't be like your past trainer... And together? You and I will become undefeatable!" I added.

Scyth... Scyther?

"We will be closed, of course... we won't train the way Krill trained you. With me and my friends, you are always appreciated! So come and join us Scyther!" I comforted Scyther the best I could.

"You know Scyther, I would trust Kalem if I were you, I promise he'll treat you well. He'll be with you in times of trouble!" Camellia agreed.

"Yes Scyther! Join Kalem! A trainer worthy of your hard work!" Glade agreed.

"When you're with Kalem, he'll never give up on loving and caring for you Scyther," Zhery added.

"So what do you say Scyther?" I asked.

Scyther stood up and hugged me real tight! He began to sob again.

Scyther Scythe!

"Really Scyther? Whenever your ready Scyther!" I told Scyther as I grabbed my Pokeball. Scyther pressed the Pokeball on purpose and didn't hesitate to escape.

"I just caught a Scyther!" I boasted. I looked at Scyther's Pokeball and said... "I'll show you true passion and care... I promise." And that was the day, Scyther joined my team. There are really bad trainers out there who won't give up on treating their Pokemon harshly. Scyther's one of those victims, I will show to Scyther that he deserves love for his passion for battling and his hard work.