
EPISODE 208: Newyear Preparation!

"Camellia, I want you to take care of this dragon amulet. You said you wanted to become a Pokemon Professor one day, didn't you? With your exuberant spirit, I have high hopes that you'll soon discover the mystery behind the dragon power.

Perhaps one day, when you reach the Unova Region. You will understand the great force of the dragon power." In the following day after the events in the Meteor Mines, Professor Goldberg decided to hand over the dragon amulet to Camellia.

"Really, professor Goldberg?" Camellia's eyes start to sparkle while holding the dragon amulet in her grasps.

"Why yes. The world is full of mysterious creatures and phenomena, I'm afraid I'm too old in order to solve the mysteries behind them. Don't worry, you'll be a great professor one day." Professor Goldberg smiles and pats the girl's shoulder.

After the morning wake up call, we now proceed to the town's plaza in order to prepare for the upcoming New Year's Festival tomorrow. It will be an exciting festival for once the advent of a new year commences, two months will remain before the Pokemon League will begin.

As we walk through the town, Camellia stays motivated and determined after hearing the professor's kind words. She held the amulet on her grasp, forever looking at its beautiful glow.

"Future Professor eh? The question is, are you going to the Unova Region?" Kira questions.

"Hmm, perhaps one day I'll be able to travel to a new region. Of course, I want to become a professor, and in order to be one, I'll need to travel across regions." Camellia's eyes gleamed with determination. She couldn't wait but to burst with exuberance.

The grocery store isn't that big but it has the compatibility to suit our needs. Of course every new year, me and my once Riolu love to buy lanterns. We don't use fireworks for it is prohibited by the Laurenburg Union.

Once a new year begins, everyone across the region will lift their lanterns to the sky, it is a symbol of new beginnings and a start of a new life!

At the grocery, Camellia and Kira bought food and meals while I and Glade were in charge of the lanterns. Oh, and I almost forgot that this will be the first time Shaymin will experience the new year festival.

After a long time in the grocery, we now head back to the inn in order to further prepare for the upcoming festival. Me and Lucario set up the lanterns, while my other Pokemons fiddle around. Glade on the other hand helped in decorating the inn alongside with other customers and owners.

Meanwhile, the girls prepare their ingredients for the meals tomorrow. The carrots have been chopped, and the meat has been boiled, only one thing remains and that is for the New Year to take place.

"Camellia, is there anything wrong?" Kira notices a frown on Camellia's face while she chops the carrots on a chopping board.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that this will be my first time to celebrate New Year without my parents. I wonder how things are going back in the Chaos headquarters." Camellia hid her frown with a smile, she then continues to chop carrots in her chopping board.

"Hmm, if you dearly love them then why did you leave?" Kira questions.

"I didn't like what my father is plotting so I decided to escape the island through a raft. I don't want to become part of his schemes to become a God and ruin the whole world.

As for my mother, she just supports my father and that's all." Camellia explains, trying to avoid shedding a tear.

"Hmm, Arville will continue his ambitions. He could threaten the whole world once he becomes a God. I even heard that protests are being held throughout different regions."

"That's what I fear too. He fools the mind of many by thinking what he's doing is right. Anyways, let's not get further on this topic. I want to keep things a secret.

Hopefully, father doesn't commence his schemes in the middle of the Pokemon League." Camellia utters with a solemn voice.

"Pokemon League? What does that have to do with your father?"

"Simple, the Pokemon League is the best place to gather everyone's attention. Therefore, if you interrupt the Pokemon League, no one can escape since the stadium is in a mountain.

Everyone will be forced to listen to my father, but I do hope it won't happen. I don't want to fight him, but if I have to, then I will do so." For a moment, Kira and Camellia remained silent. They continue to do their agendas.

At the end of the day, everything is finally prepared. All what's left to do is to cook the food, and for the festival to take place. Sure, I may not have my parents with me, but one thing's for sure, they'll always be with me even if I can't see them.

Thanks for reading this chapter! For those who are interested, you can read my new Pokemon Fanfic called: Pokemon Blast Off. (Currently 70 chapters)

Unexpected things happens :)

NotUsecreators' thoughts