
EPISODE 175: Secret Mission!

<Gzz... Gzz...>On a dark room, with a small wooden desk, lies a small table lamp, which served as the only source of luminosity in the room. Axis, the boss of the Masked Revelations sat down on a small chair with three wheels on the legs of the chair. She carefully groomed her Persian while waiting for Arville to answer her call. In front of her and the desk, was a big screen, which would be the source of communication between the Chaos Regime and the Masked Revelations.

"Axis, what do you want?" Elanor answered the call instead of the fallen king. Her silhouette displayed on Axis's screen.

"I saw the kid you were talking about. He ruined our heist alongside with an A-class connoisseur. Arville is correct, the boy is strong indeed."

"You do know that Arville wants the kid right? He'll be mad to hear that your mission failed."

"Why do we need to find the boy in order to reach Mewtwo? We can find the Pokemon ourselves right?"

"Through the boy's mind we can pinpoint Mewtwo's location since we believe that the boy has come in contact with the Pokemon. I'll be reporting your failure to the king."

"Wait! I have another plan, and it will surely work if your goal is to reach the boy."

"Go on... I'm interested."

"Arville told me that his daughter is traveling with the boy right?"

"Yes, why?"

"If we use the daughter, to lead the boy to us, the boy would surely trust the girl right? Since they're friends after all."

"You do know that the boss hates it when his daughter gets involved with our missions. How will you persuade the daughter to return to us? The boss on the other hand wouldn't agree with the plan since he doesn't want his daughter in trouble, or else the queen would scold him again."

"We don't need the daughter. I only need her image."

"Advanced Holographic Imaging(Technology)?"

"Through her image, we can recreate a clone. Same voice, look, and posture. The kid will surely believe the clone."

"The plan seems interesting to me. The boy will surely trust the cloned daughter. I will ask the king to approve your plan, don't worry about today's failure, your secret's safe with me." Elanor smiled and declined the network.

"Hehe, our plan is working perfectly Persian. Soon, we'll be the richest organization that ever existed. Mom and dad will be proud of me." Axis smiled arrogantly.

<Per...>Persian licked his paw, and purred unto her trainer.


<Knock knock knock!>Elanor knocked softly unto to Arville's royal doors. Two Elite grunts opened the doors, Arville was sitting on a chair while reading a book.

"Your majesty, the Masked Revelations has proposed a plan." Elanor knelt down and reported.

"A plan? What kind of... plan?" Arville closed the book he was reading and placed it beside the small circular table. He grabbed his helmet and wore it.

"Advanced Holographic Imaging. We can use your daughter-"

"Dismiss. I don't want my daughter to bother our goals."

"No your majesty, we won't use your daughter, only her image."

"Go on..."

"Through her image, the Masked Revelations could create a clone of your daughter sire. Same voice, same posture, same look. She'll drag the boy to us. Since the boy and your daughter are friends, the boy will surely believe the daughter."

"I disagree with the plan." Xeryll, the wife of the king interrupted from the bed she was lying on. She listened to their conversation while taking a sip from her coffee.

"I on the other hand agree with the plan." Arville neglected her wife's statement.

"Arville, our daughter's reputation will be destroyed, even if it's not our real daughter." Xeryll warned.

"Let it be. Reputation serves no purpose. I do not care if the boy thinks he has been betrayed again. I don't want them to be friends in the first place, that's why we left the town remember?"

"Arville, this is too much. I told you not to include our daughter, may it be an image of her or our real daughter. Her life will be at stake when a police spot the clone. I support your ambitions, but keep our daughter out of this."

"Eight years... For Eight years I have been searching for those two-generation Pokemons just to become a God and prove those who wronged me that they made a wrong decision! For eight years, I've been chasing my dream!" Arville infuriated.

"Arville, for eight years I followed your footsteps, all I ask is for the safety of our daughter to prevail. She wants a great future ahead of her, and I want her to achieve that too. If our daughter will be listed on the police records due to the actions of her clone, then her future, her dream, will all disappear. I support not only your future, but also her future because we are a family."

"Fine. Forgive my arrogance and my stubborn attitude. I have been blinded by my ambitions again. Elanor, meet me outside the room. We'll think of a better plan." Arville stood up from the chair and walked outside his room alongside with the executive. After stepping out of his room, he closed the doors of his room in order for the queen not to be distracted from her coffee drink.

"Elanor, you have been one of my most loyal members of this regime. Continue the plan proposed by the Masked Revelations."

"But sir, I thought you disagreed."

"I won't let anyone become a hurdle to my dream. Even if it means my daughter or my wife. This plan shall remain a secret, meaning only you, me and the commanders will know about this. Not even the queen should know about the secret mission."

"Your majesty, if the queen realizes that you did this plan without her knowing, wouldn't you end up with a big argument or even a conflict with your wife?"

"Then so be it, she'll thank me once I become a God. Go now, and tell the commanders about the plan. I shall send the image later." Arville instructed.

"Of course your majesty. Leave it to me and the commanders."

"Oh, and also continue operations on searching for Hemera. She's a disadvantage against this plan since she was a former member of the Chaos Regime."

"As you wish sire."

"I do not believe in wishes anymore. You know that."

"Of course your majesty. Oh and by the way, the Kanto and Johto have been news blackout. Commotions have commenced between the two regions, one of our spies reported.

"Perfect, everything is going according to plan. The people will soon repent once they realize their mistake! Where will they lead themselves? To me!"

Elanor ordered all the commanders to gather at the conference room in order to discuss the Masked Revelation's plan. A plan secretly done behind the back of the queen.

"Good Afternoon commanders. The boss has accepted a plan from the Masked Revelations. Through Advanced Holographic Imaging, we could clone the king's daughter and use her to lead the boy to us. Once the boy is captured, we will gather his information about Mewtwo through a Necro cable. Once Mewtwo is captured, operation Omega shall commence, the last operation wherein our names will be scattered throughout the entire world, The Chaos Regime will be known everywhere, and the ones who betrayed and wronged us shall suffer the consequences of the new God, Arville."

"Using the king's daughter? I never knew that the queen approved that plan." Nyx uttered softly.

"The queen didn't approve the plan. The king has ordered the mission to be a secret, meaning only the king, me, and the four of you will be the ones to know about this mission."

"Working behind his wife's back, the king truly wants to achieve his ambitions." Lunar giggled.

"Oh by the way, the boy is about to challenge you, Gym Leader Lunar." Zylon interrupted while the king burst into the room.

"Say that again." The king instructed.

"Sire... um, the boy, is heading to Glacevelt city next. He's obviously going to challenge the gym leader." Zylon's voice trembled with fear while explaining.

"Perfect timing. I guess the plan can commence once the boy reaches the city." Arville beamed with joy and pleasure.

"Lunar, you know what to do. As for the rest of you, here is my daughter's image. Send it to the Masked Revelations so that the plan could commence once the boy reaches the Regime's secret city." Arville instructed.

"Yes sire!" The commanders alongside with the executive saluted and agreed to the king's plan...