
EPISODE 138: Heart as Strong as Steel!

The stage is ready, the lights are set! It's time for the elimination rounds to begin! Only 32 pairs can proceed to the Duel rounds, and only the lucky 16 can proceed to the Advancements! Many trainers sought their strength to win, their passion for battling has erupted, while the heart of their soul, pounds louder than the cheers of the crowd!

Who wouldn't do their best in front of the Elite four? Every single one of us wants to show our strength and passion for Pokemon Battling! For the Elimination rounds, me and Camellia are number ten.

"This match is over, Joshua and Mark has claimed victory over Selah and Casey, thank you for that astounding battle!" Agatha, the chosen referee proclaimed loudly as the crowd cheers for their name!

"Nidoking, rock blast now!"

"Protect Parasect!"

"Magikarp, let's use splash!"

"You too Feebas, use splash as well!"

"Determination shines through us, Flygon let's go!"

"Blaziken, Blaze Kick!"

"Fraxure, let's do this!"

Dozens of trainers, fight to enter the duel rounds, it's time for match number ten, it's me and Camellia's turn to shine.

"Trainer Kalem... Trainer Camellia, please proceed to the battle stage!" An officer entered the waiting room and called our names.

"Alright Camellia, remember what we practiced. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Got it! I won't make us lose, trust me." Camellia smiled with her determined looks.

"Good morning folks, and we have our tenth match!" Scott announced as the crowd shouted and cheered extremely.

"The chosen Elite to host the competition will be no other than... Lorelei from the Kanto region!" Scott announced.

Lorelei made her way through the stage after sipping from her cup of coffee. Everybody can't wait to witness the tenth match, Camellia gained fame due to the past competitions.

"On my left, we have two trainers wherein one aspires to become a Pokemon Master and the other aspires to become a professor! They traveled together and worked together throughout many trials and tribulations, let's give it up for Camellia and Kalem!"

"On my right... we have two trainers, they are famous for their strong Steel Type Pokemons. Their heart is made out of steel, let me present to you... Tomas and Sergo!"

Each pair walked with confidence towards the battle stage, as the screen hanging over us switched on with our names and pictures seen from above. Tomas and Sergo were known as hearts of steel, fire type can melt them down but I'm not quite sure if I want to use Zoroark from the start. Our opponents were wearing Ace outfits, in other terms... our opponents are Ace trainers.

"Let's see how the young one fights, like his mother I presume?" Lance questioned softly while watching the match. All the elite fours were watching us, especially Ms.Beatrice. "I wonder if there are any improvements with Kalem's battling techniques," Ms.Beatrice questioned her mind.

"Sync pairs, please send out your Pokemons!" Lorelei instructed.

"Bronzong, ring to our heart's content!" Tomas tossed an ultra ball high up into the sky as a bell-shaped Pokemon descended.

"Let's do this right and easy, come out Metang!" Sergo on the other hand tossed out a great ball as Metang comes out with a determined look.

"Glaceon bring upon an icy fervent snow!"

"Wait... aren't Ice-types weak against steel?" Camellia questioned.

"Trust me Camellia, I have a plan." I beamed with determination.

"Um... Ok then, Absol fight along with the darkest veils!"

"It looks like trainer Kalem has chosen a disadvantage against the other pair!" Scott announced. The crowd's attention went to Sergo and Tomas.

"I want a fair fight! The battle shall now commence!" Lorelei lifted her hand and proclaimed 'begin'





"This is going to be an easy win!" Sergo boasted.

"Bronzong, use Heavy Slam on Glaceon!"

"Metang, Gyroball on Glaceon too!"

"Glaceon use Icicle spear and target Metang's arms!"

"Absol, use Shadow Ball on Bronzong!"

"Astonishment! Bronzong has blasted back to his trainer while Metang's arm froze!" Scott announced.





"Bronzong, use confusion on Absol!"

"Metang we don't need arms, use Gyro ball again!"

"Glaceon use Icicle spear on Bronzong's eyes!"

"Absol counter that with Shadow Ball!"

"Bronzong's eyes were frozen! It was unable to use confusion, the attack comes out from Brozong's eyes. On the other hand, Shadow Ball has pushed Gyroball back to Metang!" The referee announced.





"Absol, use Crush claw now!"

"Metang dodge then use Gyro ball on Absol!"





"What madness is this!? Bronzong is getting wild due to its eyes being frozen. If a Pokemon can't see what's happening, accuracy goes down quickly!" Scott announced.

"Glaceon use Icicle spear on Bronzong again!"

"Absol, use shadow pulse on Metang!"

"Both Camellia and Kalem were able to unleash moves that the opponent was unable to dodge! Disadvantages doesn't matter as long as your mind is filled with perfect tactics!" Scott announced as the crowd's attention turned to us.

"Just like his mother..." Agatha smiled while watching the match.

"Bronzong, snap out of it!"

"Metang stand up! We can't lose right away. Please!"

"Glaceon, use Icicle spear on Metang's eyes!"

"Absol, finish Bronzong with Crush Claw!"





"It's all up to you bro, win it for Bronzong!"

"Don't worry, Metang, use Heavy Impact on Glaceon!"

"Oh no... it didn't freeze! Glaceon dodge it!"

"Glaceon was unable to dodge Metang's powerful Heavy Impact! It's super effective!" Scott announced.




"Glaceon don't give up, use attract!"

"Hehe... Metang is genderless you know!"

"I know, I just distracted you, that's all." I teased and smiled as a large twilight ball whacked Metang from behind.

"What a diversion! Using ineffective moves to distract the opponent while the other attacks from behind! A perfect display of teamwork!" Scott announced.

"The tenth match has come to an end. The winners are Camellia and Kalem!" Lorelei smiled and proclaimed.

"Metang return... you did a good job."

"We did at Camellia!" Me and Camellia beamed with joy and excitement as we fist-bumped each other. Sergo and Tomas smiled at us and shook our hands... we were able to give the audience a good show.

"Ma... Mawile is correct, battling is fun with the trainer you trust." Glaceon smiled with joy and purred on my leg.

"Raticate use Hyper Fang!"

"Growlithe use fire fang!"

"Protect Ekans!"

"It's time to mega evolve!"

"Hehe, now use thunder fang Luxray!"

"Roselia use razor leaf!"

Many matches have begun, many have failed, while a few succeeded. I and my friends were able to reach the next level, the Duel rounds.

"And that is the end of the Elimination rounds! 32 pairs have succeeded, will they pass the duel rounds!? Here are your top ten sync pairs belonging to the leading tier based on stats and battling skills!

1. Arc and Krill

2. Joshua and Mark

3. Ronelle and Wreine

4. Spoon and Fork

5. Chair and Table

6. Faerill and Sean

7. Ryan and Bryan

8. Zhery and Glade

9. Louies and Denny

10. Raymond and Linatoc" Scott announced.

"Zhery and Glade... are top eight!?" I beamed with surprise and shock.

"Well, base on rumors I've heard they knocked out their opponent in one shot." Camellia beamed with worry as tingles run across her spine.

"I used a type disadvantage! Our battling skills were great but... how!?" I complained with frustration.

"I guess their's was better. We'll do our best again in the next round." Camellia reassured.

"We're the first match of the next round, and we're up against Raymond and Linatoc, they look like engineers." I beamed with worry and bother.

"Hmm, if they're planning to use Steel type Pokemons again, who should we use?" Camellia questioned.

"Welcome folks, let us proceed to the first match of the duels!" Scott announced.

"The referee for the first match will be Groyle," Scott instructed as Groyle stood up from his seat and proceeded to the stage.

"On my left, we have two trainers who knocked out Sergo and Tomas with diversion and strategies, may we present to you... Kalem and Camellia!"

"On my right, two aspiring engineers, let's give it up for Linatoc and Raymond!"

The crowd's attention was split into two, each cheered for their favorite trainer as the screen hanging over us turned on. Our names and pictures were finally set.

"Ya'll know the rules! I want a nice match, please send out your Pokemons!" Groyle instructed.

"Aegislash, come out and show the power of the Kalos knights!" Linatoc tossed his Pokeball to the sky, as a sword figure Pokemon descended.

"Ferathorn, show them how mighty you can be!" Raymond will be using a Ferathorn for the match against us.

"Mawile, it's time for your debut in the Pokemon Tag Battle frontier!"

"Braixen, sparkle, and shine with me!"





"Let's start the battle!" Groyle lifted his hand and started the match.

"Ferathorn, use pin missile on Braixen!"

"Aegislash, use Aerial Ace on Mawile!"

"Braixen, dodge those missiles swiftly then use attract on Ferathorn!"

"Mawile, let's play with Aegislash shall we?"

"Mawile dodges Aerial Ace swiftly, just like a child hopping in a mud puddle! Aegislash continues to use Aerial Ace but Mawile dodges all of them!" Scott announced

"Now use Fire Fang on Aegislash!"

"It looks like Fire Fang was super effective. Ferathorn has been immobilized with love!"





"Braixen now use Flame wheel on Ferathorn!"

"Aegislash protect Ferathorn and use Aerial Ace on Braixen!"





"Mawile, use Fire fang on Aegislash!"

"Ferathorn stop falling in love!"

"Braixen use Flame wheel again on Ferathorn!"

"Aegislash dodge that fire fang!"

<Aegi! Aegi!>Aegislash tries to dodge Mawile's attacks.

<Maw! Maw!>Mawile on the other hand giggled and swiftly burned Aegislash with Fire Fang.

"I've never seen a shiny Mawile moving that fast before! That is one special Mawile!" Scott announced with awe. Ferathorn in the meantime was unable to dodge the attack.





*Ferathorn snapped out of immobilization!*

"Ferathorn use Quick Attack on Mawile!"

<Come here you little brat!>Ferathorn uttered with frustration.

<You can't catch me! You can't catch me!> Mawile teased while running around with Ferathorn trying to chase her.

"Now use Pin Missile on Mawile!"

<You're dead now little missy! Haha!> Ferathorn mocked.

"Look how Mawile dodges all of the attacks swiftly!" Scott complimented and pointed.

<Cry! Cry! You missed little Mr.>Mawile teased.

"Ferathorn use Pin Missile again!"

<Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you!>Mawile giggled and dodged the attacks again!

"Mawile now use Fire fang on Ferathorn!"

"Ferathorn dodge it then use Gyro Ball!"

*Ferathorn dodged the attack!*




"Ferathorn use Gyro ball again!"

"Super effective! Mawile is also a fairy type, don't forget!" Scott announced.




"Braixen help Mawile, and use Flame wheel"

"Dodge it then use Gyro Ball again!"




"Mawile that's it, use Psychic Fangs this time!"

"Hehe, Ferathorn dodge it then use Gyro Ball again!"

*Ferathorn dodged the attack! Gyro Ball was super effective!*




"Ferathorn use Gyro Ball on Braixen as well!"

"Dodge it Braixen!"

"Not so fast, use Pin missile on Braixen!"

"From Gyro Ball to Pin Missile, such effective moves!" Scott announced.




"Ferathorn use Gyro Ball on Mawile!"

<Maw... Maw!>Mawile tried her best to stand up as fast as she can!

"Oh no... Mawile, you can do this, rise up!" I cheered.

"I'm trying my best... Ah!?" Mawile beamed softly as the attack headed straight towards her. Mawile couldn't stand and instead closed her eyes. She was just like a child who shivered in fear.

"Braixen is unable to battle!" Groyle proclaimed.

"What the!?" Mawile opened her eyes and saw Braixen in front of her. Braixen sacrificed herself to save Mawile.

"Win it for our trainers..." Braixen smiled and uttered slowly as Camellia returned her to her Pokeball. Mawile stood up quickly as vengeance filled her blood. She would do anything to avenge Braixen.

"Great work Ferathorn, now finish Mawile with Gyro Ball!"

"Mawile, dodge then use Fire Fang!"

<Maw! Maw! Mawile!>Mawile's vengeance made her energy return, she swiftly dodged the Gyro Ball and finished Ferathorn with Fire Fang.

"Ferathorn is unable to battle, the winners are Camellia and Kalem!" Groyle proclaimed.

Don't give up easily cause a lot of opportunities rise in the end. That's what my match with Raymond and Linatoc thought me. Thanks to Mawile's hard work, we made it to the advancements.

"Use Hyper Beam!"

"Flygon use Dragon Pulse!"

"Luxray, do your best!"

"Flaaffy, use thunderbolt now!"

"Blaziken, use Blaze kick!"

"Fraxure, dodge the attack!"

Many trainers made it to the advancements, including Zhery and Glade. 16 competitors remain as the battle gets tougher!

"Welcome to the advancements, only the top eight shall proceed to the quarter duels! Who will it be!?" Scott announced and lifted the spirits of the crowd.

"Glade and Zhery moved up the leader board again." Camellia pointed while looking at the screen.

"We're not even in the top ten yet, and we're the first match again! Unbelievable." I complained with frustration.

"At least we made it to the advancements right? Our Pokemon's heart is stronger and fiercer than steel!" Camellia consoled and beamed with determination.

"For the first match of our Advancements... please welcome Draco, the referee of the first match!" Scott announced.

Draco walked through the stage with his stylish hair. He was filled with excitement and enthusiasm for I will battle once more. "On our left... we have Spoon and Fork, which says on their profile that they're 'awesome fishermen?" Scott uttered with uncertainty as Spoon and Fork went out from the left. They were wearing a spoon and fork costume, I think they were trying to advertise spoons and forks, but they said that they were fishermen!?

"On my right... we have the top 13, let's give it up for Camellia and Kalem!" Scott announced.

"Hehe, who among you will proceed to the next round? Each pair... please send out your Pokemons!" Draco instructed.

"Please dive and glide with us Feebas!" Spoon sent out his Feebas, it flipped and splashed over the stage.

"Magikarp, you're up!" Fork, on the other hand, sent out his flopping Magikarp.

"Are these two serious!?" Camellia questioned as her eyes twitched from surprise.

"How did they even defeat their last opponents!?" I questioned.

"Trainer Kalem, Trainer Camellia? Your Pokemons please?" Draco instructed.

"Alright then, buddy... go play with the fish!"

"Petilil, let's use you!"

<Pet? Petilil!>Petilil saw Riolu and beamed with joy as she circled around him.

<Petilil, now is not the time for playing. We have to defeat those two fish!>Riolu instructed.

<Right! I'll do my best>Petilil became determined as her passion erupts inside her heart.

"Battle Begin!"

"Feebas use splash!"

"You too Magikarp, use splash as well!"

*Splash didn't do anything.*

"Petilil use Razor Leaf on Feebas!"

"Riolu, use Vacuum wave on Magikarp!"

*Both Pokemons were badly hurt!*

"Eh? Um... Magikarp and Feebas are unable to battle, so that means Kalem and Camellia are the winners." Draco uttered with shock.

"Yay Riolu we did it!" Petilil beamed with joy as she hugged Riolu tightly.

"Um... hehe," Riolu uttered with discomfort as Petilil's cheeks slightly turned red.

"Kalem and Camellia will proceed to the Showdowns!" Scott exclaimed as the crowd's attention turned to us.





"Eight trainers were able to surpass the Knockdowns! Now they proceed to the Showdowns. After lunch, we will be announcing the quarter duels match up! For now, we bid everyone a happy afternoon!" Scott announced.

Our last match against those two fishermen ended up with a win. After using Magikarp and Feebas, I've concluded that some people joined battle competitions for humor. Now, eight trainers remain! Who will challenge the Elite Four?

The answer's to come as the journey continues...