
EPISODE 110: Slithering Blue!

The night was still young, an opportunity to heal a broken body. Everything is coming to sense now, the prophecy... it's real alright, and it just began. "A flower which leads to the light" A friend, with a heart of gold leading me to my dreams, a friend who supports me in battle... "...withers and leads to darkness..." ... but lied to me in the end, will soon "Bloom once more, if the heart of the flower is forgiven..."

That is what the first paragraph of the prophecy states, there is no flower... the prophecy proves that in life, a lot of people will lie and betray you especially those who are closer to you, but only mercy and love can thaw and bloom a withered heart.

"Come on Riolu! Hurry!" I uttered with worry as I rushed back to the bay where I left my friend, where I left Zoroark.

"Trust no one, even the supernatural," I uttered unto myself these words, these reminders which Mewtwo foretold upon me. A warning, an indication of an upcoming threat.

Sweat fell off my face as I rushed as fast as I can. Riolu tried his best to keep up with me, when all of a sudden, from the dark and caliginous sky, a white feather descended.

"What the?" I was put to a halt as I watched the white feather fall on my head. That's when I remembered, a memory from the distant past.

"Once you see a white feather, that would be the symbol of Dratini's return." Those words uttered to my mind all over again.

I picked the white feather from the ground steadily while it shines brightly.

"Khaidra's nearby..." I uttered softly while standing slowly. My head and body were in shock, my eyes rolled upon the surroundings, but all I hear are gushing winds, whistling grass, and dancing waves from the nearby stream.

Me and Riolu started to hear footsteps coming closer to us. It was coming from the east, as a bush began to shake. I and Riolu were in our battling stance, our brains were alerted to the highest peak.

The bush shook three times, and a black tall Pokemon with two sharp teeth came forth. It had a red with a pinch of black hair, and one green pearl tied its long hair. Her claws were red as blood.

"Z... Zoroark!?" I uttered with relief.

"Kalem..." The Pokemon uttered softly, she was nervous while approaching me slowly.

"Zoroark, I'm sorry!" I rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. My eyes flowed with tears and sorrows, I felt sorry for the way I mistreated my dearest Zoroark.

Zoroark was surprised, she wasn't expecting a hug from me, my hug gave her warmth and a happy smile on her face.

"I... I'm sorry too." Zoroark uttered with sorrows.

"Now, the past is behind us, I want you to come with me Zoroark!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"I'll always follow your footsteps Kalem." Zoroark hugged me back while tears flowed slowly from her eyes.

"Alright, it's time to scan you. You're a newly evolved Pokemon, and data is essential!" I beamed with a smile and took my Pokedex. I boothed Irys up and scanned Zoroark!

[Zoroark! The Illusion Fox Pokemon! A dark type. Zoroark is known to be the master of illusions. She can transform into anyone or anything with ease. She could also change her size when she transforms into a Pokemon.]

"Cool, try doing me Zoroark!" I beamed with excitement. Zoroark flipped and transformed herself into me.

"Awesome! Now try doing the size thingy." I uttered with excitement while my eyes were in awe. Zoroark remained as me, but she was able to make herself taller, you know? Like me but 2x taller or so.

"That's amazing! My Zoroark is powerful!" I beamed with excitement and played with her chin.

"Hey Irys what moves does Zoroark know?" Riolu queried.

"I'm sorry, I don't listen to Pokemons. Only humans." Irys uttered.

"What!? Where's the justice in that?" Riolu knelt in disappointment.

"Alright, then I'll do it for you Riolu. Tell me Irys, what moves does Zoroark know?" I queried with a big smile.

"Sure thing, here are Zoroark's current moves:

[Night Daze]

[Throat Chop]

[Night Slash]

[Flame Thrower]"

"Cool, even if I don't have a fire type Pokemon, at least I have a fire type move which eases me in grass type battles." I beamed with excitement.

"Kalem... I have something to show you." Zoroark uttered with a happy smile.

"Sure thing Zoroark! I'm excited!" I beamed with exuberance.

"When I was walking, I saw this." Zoroark showed me a crystal-shaped object. It had a gradiant color of grey and black, the center had a symbol of a bat wing.

"Is this..." Me and RIolu uttered with shock.

"Yes it is, no trial needed!" Zoroark beamed with excitement.

"That is a darkinium Z! It's extremely rare to find one on the floor. About, 0.98%" Irys explained with awe.

"Hmm, let's see! A Darkinium Z can make you use the move Black Hole Eclipse! Which... I want to try now!" I beamed with excitement while reading the handbook Kahuna Hala gave me.

"Not now Kalem, we still have Camellia to apologize upon." Zorua recalled.

"Oh right, I forgot! I guess Zorua... I mean Zoroark, made me excited!" I beamed with excitement as I chuckled out loud.

"I have been waiting for you for the past two hours," A woman with white hair slowly walked towards me.

"Khaidra! Is Dratini with you?" I queried and beamed with excitement.

"Dratini? Don't you mean, Dragonair?" Khaidra teased as a long slithering blue snake appeared from her back. It had a small and tiny horn on her head, and guess what? It had the Poketrans gem, meaning that Dragonair belongs to me!

"Dratini evolved!" I beamed with excitement.

"Yes she did, she worked hard just for you!" Khaidra explained while playing with Dragonair's chin.

"Dragonair!" I beamed with excitement and hugged her slithering body. Tears of joy fell off my eyes while hugging her.

"Do you still remember me?" I looked and smiled at Dragonair's face.

"Of course I do... trainer Kalem!" Dragonair smiled and licked my face.

"She is one of the strongest dragon types I've seen." Khaidra complimented.

I was speechless with my newly evolved Pokemon, pride-filled my body, but not too much. I felt like my team was shaping up!

"Kalem, wanna see my moves!?" Dragonair smiled and uttered with arrogance.

"Of course I do! It's been a long time since I saw your water gun, twister, and wrap!" I uttered with excitement.

"Dragonair knows four moves! Which are:

[Dragon Rage]

[Ice Beam]

[Dragon Tail]

[Hydro Pump]" Irys the Pokedex interrupted.

Dragonair showed off her new moves, it was amazing! I could really feel the passion burning inside her!

"Alright gang, meet Dragonair!" I tossed all the Pokeballs to the skies above and showed everyone Dragonair, a blue slithering dragon!

My Pokemons were able to realize Dragonair quickly. They had fun catching up with each other. Dragonair's timid nature also disappeared, which makes her a strong and tough dragon Pokemon!

"Dragonair's Pokeball is here as well!" Khaidra tossed the Pokeball to the sky which landed on my hand.

"Thank you Khaidra! I appreciate everything." I uttered with excitement while hugging Dragonair.

"Oh, and I also came here with good news." Khaidra uttered.

"Good news!? I can't wait to hear about it!" I beamed with excitement.

"Alright, pick a number, 1 or 2?" Khaidra queried.

"I'll choose number one for top one!" I beamed with excitement.

"Alright then, I wanted to show you this." Khaidra grabbed her Rotom-Phone and showed me a website.

"I... It's my name!" I uttered with determination.

"Yes, in this region, you rank number 1000! If you continue to battle and strengthen, you could reach the top 500 or top 100!" Khaidra smiled and explained.

"Amazing! This means, I'm getting stronger right?"

"You are getting stronger, I see a champ in the making. Or will all of that change once you challenge me in Dracovolt city?" Khaidra uttered with slight arrogance.

"You're the gym leader in Dracovolt city? Meaning I'm up against a dragon master!" I beamed with excitement.

"Dracovolt city is still far from here, but number 2."

"Wait, there are two good news!?" I beamed with excitement, could this day get any better.

"Here, you can have this!" Khaidra tossed upon me a violet Pokeball.

"You're going to Fantasma city right? Why don't you do some catching? Legendary catching?" Khaidra suggested.

"Legendary catching!? Where!?" My body began to burst with exuberance.

"In Fantasma city, lies three towers ahead. Aqua, Magma, and Tundra. You can only choose one tower, climb the tower and you can catch a legendary Pokemon." Khaidra explained.

"But I already have six Pokemons," I uttered sadly.

"Of course you have, that's why, when you reach a Pokemon center, I want you to call Professor Bellice right away!" Khaidra instructed.

"Call her? But why?"

"Tell me Kalem, after this region, are you still going to travel somewhere else?" Khaidra queried.

"Yes I am! I'm going to the eight regions, after Laurenburg."

"And if that's the case, you'll need an official professor."

"Official professor?"

"There are hundreds of professors out there, we have Oak, Birch, Elm, and other tree names of sorts. Only one can be your official professor, meaning, when you catch new Pokemon, you can send them to your official professor. I'll give an example, let's say you're traveling to the Sinnoh region, and you'll need a new team right?"


"Your Laurenburg team can be stored in professor Bellice's lab. From there, you can switch out Pokemons from time to time." Khaidra explained.

"Now I get it, thanks so much Khaidra!"

"No worries, oh... you can't use legendary Pokemons in Pokemon leagues, except for the Sinnoh region. It reminds me of Tobias, he has a Darkrai, and a Latios!" Khaidra uttered.

"Hey Khaidra, what Pokemons will I find in the three towers?" I queried.

"Oh, you'll see for yourself! Don't worry, whatever you choose, you won't regret it!" Khaidra smiled and patted my head.

"Alright, I'll be going now Kalem, good luck on your journey, we'll meet again for sure." Khaidra charmed and left the forest.

"Bye Khaidra! Thanks for everything!" I waved back and smiled.

Riolu clung to my shoulder while my Pokemons surrounded me.

"A legendary Pokemon? Who could it be?" I queried with excitement.

"Alright gang, we're complete again, it's time to show the world what we're really made off!" I beamed with excitement and clenched my fist towards the moon.

"Yeah, yeah! Go and apologize to Camellia first." Riolu smiled and teased.

"Oh right. Hehe, I got too excited there! Let's go everyone!" I beamed with excitement and determination for my future.


"Don't worry Camellia, Kalem is going to return." Zhery comforted while sitting on a log with Camellia. Glade on the other hand was setting up our tents.

"I should've told Kalem the truth..." Camellia uttered while quavering.

"The past is behind us Camellia, look forward, you'll only see pain backward." Zhery quoted and cheered.

"I hope Kalem doesn't hate me for what I did."

"Kalem won't hate you. I know him, he'll return once something bad happens and reminds him of us. It's quite fond of that to happen in times like this. Especially in movies." Zhery teased.

The immortal flower was slowly withering into pieces, it was running out of light and energy.

"Camellia!" I beamed with excitement.

Camellia heard her name being called and stood up right away. Her eyes rolled around her surroundings and saw me rushing towards her.

"Kalem!?" Camellia uttered with shock.

"Something bad totally happened which led Kalem back to you." Zhery teased.

"Camellia, I'm sorry for treating you like that, I was too harsh on you." I apologized with a soft voice.

"Me too Kalem, I should've told you the truth. I should've told you everything right from the beginning. I was scared, I was scared that you might hate me because my parents are your parent's rival." Camellia uttered as tears slowly flowed from her eyes.

It was like time has stopped. Our eyes were in contact with each other. The wind blew our hair, as the grass whistled. We were standing in front of each other, asking and repenting.

"Why would I hate you? You're my best friend. Even if your father and mother are the heads of the Chaos regime, I'll still be your friend." I uttered solemnly.

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?"

"Nope, I'm all fine! Actually, I feel excited for Fantasma city." I beamed with excitement.

"The truth is, you're more than a friend to me Kalem..." Camellia smiled and uttered.

"Yup I know that you're my best friend!" I beamed with excitement.

"No, you're more than my best friend."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Of course, you won't understand it yet since we're still young." Camellia smiled and uttered.

"What!? This was your perfect moment to confess? What kind of move was that?" Zhery queried in shock and uttered those words in her head.

"Um, ok! So Camellia, can you join me on my journey again?" I queried.

"Of course I will! I'll travel with you!" Camellia beamed and smiled with excitement and determination.

"C... Camellia! Your flower is glowing!?" I pointed and uttered with shock.

The immortal flower began to bloom again, the withered heart has bloomed once more.

"I guess that means I'm feeling better now." Camellia teased and chuckled.

"This could end happily ever after if you confessed!" Zhery uttered unto herself.

"Alright then, it's dinner time! Afterwards, it's time to sleep and move on to Fantasma city!" I beamed with excitement.

"So Kalem, what kind of bad event happened to you?" Zhery teased and chuckled.

"Nothing much, Dragonair and Zoroark is back, and I got a master ball!" I beamed with excitement and arrogance.

"What!? You broke the laws of natural occurrence!" Zhery uttered in shock.

A withered heart has been thawed! Camellia and I are feeling much better after apologizing to each other.

"You didn't tell Kalem? That was the perfect moment!" Zhery uttered.

"Soon, I will. Not now Zhery, not now." Camellia smiled and uttered softly.

Here's to high hopes and new events! Watch out Arville, I'm not done with you yet. We'll meet again, on top of Mount Alympus!

As the journey continues...