Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
Chloe walked through the Observatory enjoying the stars above.
She smiles happily practically skipping through the plane
"Where is he," Giovanni ponders in his office,
The absence of sound left much room for thought especially in such a big room.
Half the day already went by but Ayuna still hasn't returned,
Giovanni was starting to grow impatient repeatedly tapping his fingers on his desk as he waits.
_Knock knock_
"Come in," Giovanni said,
Mavery comes into the room the atmosphere grew ever more awkward as they both remained there looking at each other staring in his silence,
"You called, sir?" Mavery asked trying to release the awkward tension.
"Chloe.." Giovanni said,
"Uh, what about her sir?"
"I need you to get rid of her," He finally ordered,
Mavery looked and Giovanni with a look of confusion,
maybe she heard wrong? Maybe he called the wrong person,
thoughts like those ran through her mind as she looked at him,
"Sir, do you mean?"
"Did I stutter?" Giovanni said, calmly staring into her soul.
"N-no sir,"
Mavery left the room leaving Giovanni to his thoughts,
He got up from his desk and walked to the window where he had the overview of the town,
the sky was dark and gloomy as if all the hope was shredded from this town a long time ago,
"Alijah, you better not lie to me," He muttered to himself as he stared.
The Observatory was trashed all of the items inside were either broken or on the floor,
"Woobat, use calm mind!" Mavery commanded as the battle raged on,
Woobat started to store energy and boost its sp.attack while Chloe's Pokemon seemed a bit tired and out of breath.
"Minchinno, use swift!"
Michinno swung its tail and stars flew across the field hitting the woobat directly,
"Woobat use future sight!"
Woobat spreads its wings and started to glow the room shook violently for a minute, and then it stopped.
"Now use Air cutter!" Woobat fly around the field occasionally shooting sharp gusts of wind at Minchinno,
Minchinno was taking hits left and right but remained standing,
Chloe looked at Mavery, with sadness and Mavery's eyes gazed back with pure bloodlust,
'Why,' Chloe thought to herself as she watched Minchinno struggle to stand.
"Why are you doing this?!" Chloe asked,
"It's just ordered," Mavery said looking at her Woobat who was ready to battle again,
"Woobat use a Calm mind,"
"Minchinno use swift!!" Chloe tried to counter-attack but when Minchinno got up to move a huge blast of psychic energy strong enough to blow back both trainers struck her, Minchinno fell on the battlefield unable to move,
Chloe ran up to her Pokemon but Mavery wasn't going to let that happen,
"Woobat use Air cutter on that trainer,"
The Woobat flew straight at her shooting gusts of wind,
Chloe barely dodged the attack leaving a scar under her eye,
using the momentum to her advantage she ducked and rolled, grabbing Minchinno and getting out of the way at the same time.
"You did well," She said to her fallen friend,
She pressed the pokeball on Minchinno's head and she disappeared in the ball.
"Woobat use Psychic!"
Chloe began to float into the air and was slammed against the wall of the Observatory, she fell to the ground in pain, holding her ribs in pain,
"Go, T-toxel," She released Toxel to the field.
"Woobat, use Psychic!" Toxel was raised into the air and was heading straight to the ground, but before Toxel hit the ground Chloe grabbed him,
"You ok?" Chloe asked her friend,
Toxel licked her face and she smiled,
"I'll take that as a yes," She smiled.
The stone around her neck started to glow,
"Ok Toxel," She got up and so did her Pokemon both taking a battle-ready stance,
"Let's do this!"