
Pokemon Rejuvenation

Ray a 17 year boy from the Unova journeys to the Aevium region with his guardian Nancy, however on arrival they are ambushed and he is left on his own in a new place, she finds new friends and falls in love with a young girl, however tragedy strikes when the organization which tried to kill him targets the girl, will he be able to protect her? ADAPTATION OF A FANGAME OF THE SAME NAME BY JAN AND CO

Ibrex2000 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Ray's side adventures 1

Before the major plot continues here's a bunch of short stories involving the main character Ray and other weird characters of the day... Enjoy(it's not filler I swear).

Story 1- save starly

As Ray was strutting along the roads of Gearan feeling accomplished after receiving his starter Pokemon Piplup (AKA Pip), he stumbled upon a blue building called ,"the help center".

Ray entered the building to see people in blue uniforms moving up and down, there was a closed door to the right that seemed important. He moved to the brunette receptionist wearing a blue apron and P cap.

"Hi there. so what exactly is this place?" Ray asked curiously.

"Oh a new trainer! Wonderful! What we do here is accept request from people in need, pin them on the request board next to me, and qualified trainers come here do those jobs for a reward" she answered straightforwardly.

"Oh sounds good!" (The money Nancy gave me is almost gone too) Ray said as he thought of killing 2 Pidoves with 1 stone, helping people out, and getting paid.

"Wonderful just look for a request on the board bring it to me and your all set" the woman said with a wide smile.

Ray walked over to the request board and picked the first one he could find, it was about a girl who got her Pokemon stolen from her and she needed help the fee was low at a rate of P300 but he still took it.

He brought the request to the receptionist and she told him to find the girl at Gearan labs, and so Ray returned.

East Gearan laboratory

Ray walked into the huge building and saw a raven haired little girl wearing a red dress talking to the nurse joy there, he walked over to her and she asked him...

"Are you the one who accepted my request" she said nervously.

Ray nodded and said "Yep?" Full of energy.

The girl sat down with Ray on the waiting area and explained in details about the job.

"I had a Starly, they are pretty rare in Aevium so am extra careful with him... However yesterday when I was taking a walk in Oceana pier, 3 thugs blocked my path and stole Starly.... I.... w...was too scared to fight back..." She began to sob.

Ray stood up and patted her head and she looked up to see him smiling.

"Don't worry I'll get him back for sure" Ray said removing his hand and left the lab for Oceana pier.

Oceana pier

3 suspicious looking grown men were hovering around a small black bird.

"When the hell is boat getting here?!" One of the men with long red dreadlocks shouted.

"Just be patient Rick, besides I doubt the cops are on to us" a cue bald with a blue denim jacket said.

"Hold up!" Ray ran towards them as he headed through the pier gates.

"You just had to open your big mouth huh Mike!" Rick shouted at the bald dude.

"Mmmmmm nmmm" the third thug mumbled at his friends, he wore a black cap and wore torn clothes.

"Shut up Chuck!" Both Rick and Mike snapped at Chuck.

"If you guys are done with this farce, how about handing over that Starly huh?" Ray asked nicely as he put a hand on his backpack.

"Like hell kid! You have to take me on! Rick, leader of the Road bugs!" Rick declared as he sent out two pokeballs from his balls.

Ray quickly checked his pokedex and identified them.

Wimpod(water/bug) a shellfish like bug Pokemon with silver armor and 6 legs.

Grubbin(bug) a bug Pokemon with huge pincers.

"I guess I'll have to teach you guys a lesson, Pip slide in!" Ray commanded as Piplup was actually hiding in the ocean and sled up next to the pier.

"Wimpod struggle bug, Grubbin string shot" Mike ordered as both bug Pokemon shot out attacks, wimpod shot at multiple green sparks hitting Piplup and grubbin shot a long web od slick, both attacks lowered Piplup's speed and specials resulting in....

"Pipppp!!!!!!!!!!" Piplup shouted as he grew stronger from the decrease in stats thanks to Defiant.

"Pip retaliate with peck! Full power!" Ray joyously shouted.

"Pipppp!!!!!!" Piplup ran it's enlarged beak through the two bug Pokemon knocking them both out immediately.

"Holy shit kid what the hell is that bird?" Rick yelled in surprise.

"This is Piplup the best penguin in the world!" Ray praised his bird as pip gave him a flipper up(thumbs up).

'Phuuuuuuuuuu' a sound infiltrated thee area as a white and red boat came to the Port.

"Quickly Chuck get the Starly on board" Mike shouted.

"Mmmmmmn mnmmmn mmm" Chuck mumbled as he picked up the struggling bird Pokemon.

"No No don't fly away!" A womanly voice came to attention, all the people present turned to see a woman on the roof with wild shoulder length brown hair in green and pink armor.

"Gemaharuga!" The woman says with green energy flowing from her hand.

Suddenly the boat was penetrated with 3 sharp rocks that emerged from the bottom of the ocean,

"What?!" Ray said in utter shock.

The thugs no longer seeing any hope let Starly slip from their grasp and it ran all the way to Ray on the wooden pier floor.

"Okay boys you three will be coming with me, I'll give you proper slave training" the woman said with a menacing smile.

"Shut up bitch! who do you think you..." Mike retorted until...

"Aevogia!" The woman said again in a devilish tone and all 3 thugs were levitated into the air.

"Quiet Charles! That's not a proper way to answer your mistress." The woman said as she teleported to the floor near Ray.

"My name is Rick!" Rick declared.

"Later Charles, Nicolas and Sheldon" the woman then sent all 3 flying to an unknown location.

Ray quickly lost sight of them and focused all his attention on the woman.

"Don't be scared Dove. I simply helped you with saving this poor bird even though it's the trainer's fault for being careless" the woman spat out.

"She wasn't careless, it was a little girl vs 3 thugs with a Starly!" Ray defended the girl.

"Yet a young boy with an inexperienced Piplup beat them huh?" The woman retorted.

Piplup looked annoyed at the woman as he held Starly in his flippers.

"Well whatever... boy your interesting, my name is Karen am.... No let's leave that a secret for now" she said with a smile forming on her lips.

"Am... Ray. was that magic you used before?" Ray asked curiously.

"Garufa magic to be precise, you'll encounter more of it on your journey little Dove... Till next time you should go return that bird, I'll take care of this stone mess" Karen said as she placed a finger on her chin and looked at the destroyed boat.

Ray quickly hightailed it out of there before the woman went berserk on his ass.

Gearan laboratory

"Thank you so much you saved Starly!" The little girl said cuddling the bird in her arms.

"All in a day's work for a future champion" Ray rubbed his nose as he puffed out his chest.

"I want to get stronger like you! So I'll be able to defend myself next time!" The girl declared with fierce eyes and so did her Starly.

"That's great I'll be looking forward to your progress" Ray smiled as he pat her on the head.

After Ray returned to the help center collected his reward and took another quest.


Story 2- Missing Mom

Lilgant salon

Ray entered a building with green leafy being as the logo. Inside was a girl with long braided pigtails wearing pink dress and black skirt and humanoid Pokemon dressed with leaves like a madam.

"We're closed right now, sorry" the girl said with a sad expression on her face.

"Aren't you Sasha? the one who wrote the request to help find your mom?" Ray asked confused.

"Oh so you're the one who accepted my request, forgive my rudeness, let's begin" Sasha said as she gave Ray a chair to sit on.

She explained to Ray that her mother hasn't been seen in 2 days and she's worried, Ray then goes around town asking about Rosa the missing mom.

He gets a lead that she was last spotted at the Oceana pier and both Ray and Sasha go there.

Oceana pier

Sasha leads the way to a familiar looking iron warehouse.

"I feel like I've been here before" she says as she opens the warehouse door.

The scene in front of her and Ray was of a brunet woman with a lime green dress giving hair cuts to 6 little kids.

"Miz rossa, cwan yo bwaid my hair" a girl of about 5 years said with a cute smile.

"Sure thing sweetie" Rosa said with glee.

"Mom what the hell, you've been missing for days and your here giving free haircuts!" Sasha shouted giving out her presence to everyone.

"Sasha?! No you don't understand, these orphans... I had to do it in secret since our boss the major of Grand dream city is so strict" Rosa tried to defend herself.

"You know what! Forget it!" Sasha turned her back.

"Oi! am also here, not a fan of seeing a parent and child fight so how about I pay for the orphans" Ray stepped in holding P600 in his right hand.

"You would do?" Rosa asked confused.

"No Ray you don't have to!" Sasha said agitated.

"I insist, it's a small price to pay for the kids" Ray said smiling.

"Yayyyyyy!" All the children cheered.

Sasha collected the money and made up with her mom to Ray's pleasure, after collecting the reward from the center Ray also gets a free haircut the next time he comes to the salon


Story 3- love letter

Ray begrudgingly took this quest as matters of love weren't his strong suit, however taking this might help him learn about it.

Ray entered the south gate area and goes upstairs to meet the client.

"Huh so you're the one who doing my request?" A guy with raven hair wearing a red tracksuit said.

"Yah that would be me! So what's the job" Ray ask with a monotonous voice.

"Am Eric by the way, could you come here and check out this telescope" Eric asked nervously.

Ray looks through the telescope and sees another guy with dark skin and white hair buying stuff.

"That's Cameron he entered a battle with a lot of fire types, am presuming he went to buy a burn heal but couldn't, so please buy a burn heal with this money and hand him the love letter too for me" Eric spat out as he handed Ray P250 and a pink letter.

Ray heads over to the shop and buys a bottle of red liquid (a burn heal) he then locates Cameron and hand him the items.

"A love letter kinda archaic but thoughtful, also how'd he know I needed a burn heal?" Cameron asked Ray confused.

"Hey don't ask the messenger, am just delivering the stuff" Ray raises his hands and backed off comically.

"Well I've seen him around and his pretty cute so tell him, we've got a date" Cameron said putting a finger on his chin.

Ray walked all the way back to Eric and gave him the news, Eric jumped in joy and thanked Ray.

"Thank you so much Ray, I'll have to work on my confidence next time so I don't rely on others" Eric said as he left.

Ray then put a fist on his chest and said "Confidence huh, at least I got something out of this weird exchange".


Story 4- Dangerous Pokemon

Oceana pier

Ray wonders into the pier once again to deal with a pest problem. Walking into an alley in between 2 apartment buildings he sees 3 cat like Pokemon eating garbage so he takes his pokedex out.


The lion cub Pokemon

Fire and normal type

Strong headed, they'll attack any foe even if they know they'll lose.

Ray brought out two pokeballs from his pocket and sent them out, from the blue light two forms came forth.

Pip the blue penguin and Woo the woobat a blind bat with a pig nose.

"Okay let's take care of these street cats" Ray cracked his knuckles ready to battle until.

"Oops! I just dropped my super evolution item!" A voice from the top floor of the left apartment cries out.

A weird stone drops on one of the Litleos morphing it.

"What the hell!" Ray cries out as he sees the litleo grow bigger and checks his pokedex again.


The Royal Pokemon

Evolved form of little, the females are hard working while the males are lazy but strong, their manes are extremely warm and sensitive to water.

Ray observed as the huge maned beast looked sluggish and it's red and yellow mane was swaying in wind.

"Pip bubble On the left litleo, Woo gust on the right one!"

"Pip lup lup lup!" Piplup used it's hated bubble attack on the brown lion cub knocking it out.

"Wooooooo" woobat also used it's black wings to created a small tornado throwing the other cub into garbage bin.

"Pyyyyyyy roarrrrrrrr!" Pyroar let out a strange roar that affected Pip and Woo somehow.

"It lowered their stats with roar? Crazy!" Ray looked amazed by the power of Pyroar however....

Piplup flared up as it charged at the male lion.

"Pip peck! Woo use gust to push Pip forward!" Ray ordered his Pokemon.

"Wooooooo! , pipppppp!" cried the two Pokemon as woobat sent Piplup flying with it's tornado at Pyroar.

"Eoarrrrrrrrr!!!" the lion let out a stream of fire engulfing Piplup but....

"Pippppplup!" the penguin cried as it cut through the flames with it's enlarged white beak and struck Pyroar in the forehead.

"Pyyyy!!!!!!!" the lion cried as it ran away with a litleo running behind him.

Ray then ran to his partners side and said "Yo bud you okay?" He then rubbed the ashes off Piplup's feathers while Pip protested.

"Littttt" a Litleo with a goofy smile came towards Ray happily.

"Huh? What?" Ray looked at the lion cub as woobat sat on his head.

"Lit lit Leo!" Litleo jumped up and down while looking at Ray.

"You want to come with me? Sure why not!" Ray happily accepted as he threw a pokeball at Litleo.

Starts appeared on the ball and Ray lifted it up into the sky and shouted

"Alright i caught a Litleo!" With Piplup and Woobat now joining him in his silly pose.

"Wow that's great and all! but why don't you leave already!" The woman who dropped the Stone shouted.

"Screw you! Lady it's your fault this became harder!" Ray retorted.

"Blah blah! cry me a river kid" the lady laughed as Ray walked away furiously.


Story 5- The hidden library and the shadows

Ray had another odd job to do by asking a history teacher, the asshole receptionist from the Chrisola hotel and the notorious gang leader Karrina about a hidden library.

The conclusion he made was that it was hidden somewhere in Gearan but it wasn't accessable to people thanks to the Garufa tribe's magic.

He relayed the information to his client and collected his reward.

Ray then went to the normal library made of redbricks and met up with his proclaimed best friend and rival Ren.

"Yo bro what's up?" Ray asked Ren as he took a seat.

"Just researching on this shadow Pokemon stuff hear this..." Ren said as he told Ray some important information.

Shadow Pokemon are beings that have closed off their hearts, and are extremely powerful, the only way to purify them is to open their hearts and enter a pure area away from malice AKA the spring of purification.

The two boys continued to read up until a commotion upstairs about a woman called Zumi interrupted them.

"Hey Ray shouldn't you be on your way to meet Melia?" Ren asked confused.

"Damn that's right!" Ray said with his face blushing up.

"Don't worry about me I'll be here reading more about this stuff" Ren said with a yawn.

The two friends exchanged their goodbyes and Ray went off to meet Melia.


Next time the main story continues.