

Shallow Green. Hitting level 50 is no longer impossible then. As for innate ability Instinct, would it stick with me across my reincarnations?


And how good is Instinct now?

[It mainly helps host Instinctively dodge or counterattack most surprise attacks and aid in move learning and mastery]

So it is just an upgraded instinct.

[Instinct's secondary effect strengthens your premonition while weakening the tension given from it]

That explains why I my body has begun to relax and my mind is no longer screaming at me to leave. Thanks to this, I don't have to worry that every time I fight it will be my last.

Ignoring the corpses in front of me and the sounds of combat from the surroundings, I stared at the Fearows and Fearly gliding around the battlefield. My instincts were telling me something will happen there. Proving me correct, 8 Fearows, 5 Skamories, 4 Noctowls, 2 Pidgeots, 2 Crobats, and 1 Jumpluff entered the sky.

Although my Sense Smell can't pick up their smell to sense their level, my instincts helped me learn that only 4 Pokemons are Senior Elite. That lineup might kill 2 or 3 Fearows.

"Little brother take care," Mars and Jack were rushing into another battlefield.

Shouldn't we rats like our lives the most?


I need a smoke. Using Quick Attack, I ran off looking for a new target.


After 10 minutes of evasion and searching, I found a new target. The trainer was a Bug type specialist, his Scyther, Beedrill, Ariados, and Heracross were in a frontal battle against 4 Beedrills and 2 Arboks. Besides him are Butterfree and Venomoth that was giving his Pokemon distance support.

Getting closer I use Sense Smell to learn their levels. Luckily everyone on the battlefield is a Senior Pokemon with only a few being a few levels higher. That being 2 Beedrills, with one being a shiny, their level was 31 and 37 respectively. An Arbok at level 31, Scyther at level 31, Venomoth at level 36, Butterfree at level 34, and Heracross at level 35.

Looking at the battle, I question if I'm even needed.

Heracross was currently poisoned and had Guts activated facing the Shiny Beedrill, there isn't much hope in Heracross winning that fight. 2 Beedrills of opposing sides are facing off, the battle would be equal if not for the trainer's commands. Scyther was against Arbok and was already poisoned, it won't take long before it's defeated.

Ariados was against a Beedrill, winning because of String Shot. The last two being Arbok and Beedrill were charging towards Butterfree and Venomoth while attacking with Acid Spray and Poison Sting respectively. Venomoth's eyes shone blue preparing a psychic type move while Butterfree flew in front of Venomoth counterattacking with a wind of dust and Bug Buzz.

[Silver Wind]

System does any of the Pokemons currently on the battlefield have a method of sensing a target underground?


Great. I use Dig, a compression of Ground Type energy in limbs to allow the speed of digging to remarkablely increase. 3 seconds later I arrived underground and dig forward towards my goal.

Sadly, as one would expect Sense Smell doesn't work, but I had never planned on relying on that. After digging for a minute straight, I used my ears, these are cases where simple response works like a charm. Hearing the collision of the forces repetitively, I assumed I'm by Heracross and Shiny Beedrill.

Recalling their previous positions, I move in the direction I presume the trainer is. Not long after I felt the amount of Ground Type energy used to dig in my limbs weakening. With Dig running out of effect, I simply used it again.

It didn't take me long to arrive at my destination, above me I would occasionally see dirt falling from the trainer's step. Taking advantage of this fact I learned from my past life, I began to dig above me carefully. I didn't want him to realize the ground underneath him was hallow, though I felt certain he wouldn't recognize that.

Like that, all preparations were completed, it didn't take me more than 3 minutes. Going into a cave I made near ground level, I use Scratch to cut off the last major layer of dirt under the trainer.

"Heracross use-"

The ground in front of me collapsed, Seeing as the trainer fell in, I out of my little cave and use scratch.


Landing at the bottom of the hole along with the trainer's decapitated body. I got annoyed at how much blood sprayed on my body.

"You don't see our blood spilling everywhere when we die," I complained, tearing off the Pokebelt off his waist and entering his bag.

"Hahaha, Energy Root," I said dragging it out with my mouth, resting it down, and entering the bag once more.

4 Potions, 1 Super Potion, and 5 Antidotes. I found a Rich trainer. Putting the Energy Root as my held item, I bit onto the belt and climbed up my premade staircase. Poking my head outside the hole, I saw Venomoth, Butterfree, Arbok, and Beedrill staring at me.

"Bye-bye," Slapping at the Pokeballs on the Pokebelt, Venomoth, and Butterfree was returned. I threw the Pokeballs onto the ground and smash them with a Sucker Punch.

*crack* *crack*

System where's the level up?

[Not enough experience]

"Hey, aren't you the Rattata I and brother met?" uncertainly spoke a feminine Beedrill. Isn't she the female Kakuna from before?

"You're that Kakuna from last time," I said lackadaisical, my eyes scanning the battlefield.

Heracross and Scyther are dead, Ariados and the enemy Beedrill are still... never mind, they're dead. Pity I lost some good exp.

"You've gotten so strong in such short a time,"

I'm just doing what I got to do to survive.

"That makes it easier for Pokemon of a similar level to beat him," The shiny Beedrill said, with the two Beedrills flying behind him.

"Ahh, how delightful his screams will be," The last figure, sadly being 'that' Arbok arrived.


Meanwhile, Feara's grave.

As more and more people and Pokemons die on the battlefield, the Ghost energy on route 1 increases, becoming nutrition for the Ghost type Pokemon that's forming. The

The temperature around Feara's grave dropped immensely. The grass, the dirt, and even the trees in the surrounding area were frozen.

"It won't take long before the world gets a new Guardian level Powerhouse," A short human-like shadow was sitting on top of a frozen tree. "Shouldn't you be happy Daniel?"

The gloomdweller Pokemon, Marshadow said turning around to look at the figure floating behind him. The figure clicked his tongue before teleporting away.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanks for Reading.

Hope you enjoyed.

FryKnightcreators' thoughts