
Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

Waking up in the Pokémon world as a Ditto is like a wet dream come true... or a nightmare, depending on how you look at it. I'm not sure which is worse - being a slimy, shape-shifting blob or knowing that all raunchy-ass hentai Mangas were actually going to find some use. But here's the bright side, when life throws you some motherfucking lemons, you make some goddamn lemonade. When life gives you a slimy, shape-shifting body, you become the coolest motherfucker there ever was. This is going to be one hell of a ride and I ain't got any pennies in my pocket. ------- This is a wish-fulfillment fanfic, so I would implore you to not take things too deeply. Contains Sexual Content ------- Disclaimer: This Pokémon fanfic is a work of fan-made fiction, and I don't own jack shit. The Pokémon franchise belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, and all those other clever folks who created this amazing universe. I'm just a rowdy degenerate messing around with their toys. Don't sue me, I'm broke. Also, expect some naughty language, dark themes, and general tomfoolery. You've been warned, so don't come crying to me when your precious Pikachu gets roflstomped. Now, sit back, relax, and let's get this wild ride started! Picture Scrapped From Web, Original Artist may inform me(via comment or review) if they wish it to be taken down

NightSpectra · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Angry Bird

I'm soaring through the air, my Pidgey wings beating in a rhythmic motion. The wind rushes past me, whipping my feathers into a frenzy as I gaze down at the ground far below. It's exhilarating, this feeling of weightlessness and freedom.

As I bank and turn, the world around me becomes a blur of trees, buildings, and Pokémon. The sun casts long shadows across the landscape, and I feel alive, connected to the sky and all its wonders.


 My voice echoes through the air as I ride the thermal currents, feeling like I'm one with the wind. This is what it means to be a Pidgey – to soar on the updrafts, to glide effortlessly through the skies, and to feel the rush of the open air.

I spot a group of Spearow below me, their sharp cries carrying up to my ears as they dart through the trees. I dive towards them, my wings tucked in tight, and then pull up at the last second, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I narrowly avoid plowing into their formation.

As I level out, I notice a few more Pokémon watching me from the treetops – a group of Rattata, a lone Pidgey, and even a curious Meowth. They seem to be taking in my flying display, and I can't help but feel a sense of pride as the show-off inside me takes over.

I bank again, this time heading towards a small clearing where a travelling path runs through it.

As I land, my wings folding up neatly against my back, I let out a triumphant "Pegiiiiiioooooot!" and take in the peaceful atmosphere around me.

Sweet relief! This appears to be a human path, devoid of grass and all that jazz. Finally, I can get moving without having to wade through knee-high weeds or whatever nature has in store for me.

I fly along the route, my wings aching like hell (Ditto's stamina is apparently as weak as its movement instincts, and my stamina remains same in all forms... thanks, guy). I take short breaks to rest on a tree branch or two, 'cause flying long-distance ain't exactly my thing – yet.

"Is that a human?" I spot a black dot moving along the path far away. I give it some extra speed and get closer for a better look.

And, of course, it's a human. A boy, to be precise. Unlucky me! I was hoping for a hot babe, but reality's got other plans (sigh).

I perch myself on a nearby tree branch, partly 'cause I'm huffing and puffing, and partly to get a better look.

It's a teenage boy, around 15 or 16 years old. He's rocking the whole "Pokeball belt" thing – those red and white balls are just begging to be used. He's got a white cap on his head, and a backpack that looks like it's about to burst at the seams with all the junk he's carrying.

I'm stuck looking at this dude instead of some gorgeous girl... great. Just what I always wanted – a human boy to stare at while my wings ache in protest. 

I decide to play it safe and don't appear directly in front of the guy, 'cause I have no idea what he'd do if he saw me – maybe try to capture me? No thanks, I'm not exactly looking forward to becoming some trainer's battle slave, especially not for a dude.

'Oh, just a random bird flying by, nothing to see here... don't bother grabbing your balls, trainer boy!' I think in my mind.

A few moments later...

I'm a Pidgey, hear me roar... or at least, hear me wheeze as I struggle to stay aloft without face-planting into the ground again. My stamina is basically non-existent in this form – it's like I'm flying with lead wings and a pack of bricks on my back.

But hey, at least I've got some decent moves to fall back on: Tackle, Gust, Sand Attack, and Quick Attack – the usual Pidgey fare for low-level Pokémon. You know, just in case that dude decides to challenge me to a battle or something (like that's gonna happen... right?).

As I continue flying along, I can't help but wonder what kind of crazy adventures await me as a Ditto-turned-Pidgey. And by "adventures," I totally do not mean getting caught, tamed, and forced into some lame battles against other Pokémon. 

As I try to show off my moves, I quickly realize that my energy levels are laughably low – like, I-can't-even-get-two-moves-out-without-fainting kind of low. And it seems like my stamina and energy are two separate things, because when I use a move, I can literally feel something warm flowing through me...something I should research later.

Grrrrrr, this is so frustrating! But wait, what's that? Ah, yes – my empty stomach!

I haven't fucking eaten a thing since I got stuck in this Pokémon world, and suddenly, the thought of food becomes an emergency. I swoop down, steering clear of the route, and spot a tree with some juicy-looking blue fruits hanging from it.

My eyes (or rather, my bird's eyes) practically bug out as I get closer, inhaling the sweet aroma of those fruits. It's like they're calling my name – "Eat me, Pidgey! Eat me now!" – and I can't resist. I snag one with my talons and land on a branch to savor this sweet treat.

Oh, wow... this is incredible! The juice explodes in my beak, and I feel myself rejuvenated, like a whole new bird (or at least, a slightly less tired one). And then it hits me – could these be Oran Berries? You know, the ones that restore HP in the games? In real life, I'm feeling like a superhero – all energized and stuff.

*Shake Shake*

But my celebration is short-lived, as a Spearow comes flying towards me, looking downright annoyed. Oops, did I eat its fruit? Uh-oh, this doesn't look good...

Hi guys! So how was the chapter? Feel free to comment your thoughts in the comment section

This is a regular chapter And as I told in last chapter, for every 100 power stones, or 100 comments, I will be posting one additonal chapter.

Current Status

Powerstone: 12/100

Comments: 9/100

NightSpectracreators' thoughts