
Orange Island - Pummelo Island

The group left the resort after talking to the detective, Lance and the three reigning Champions about the plan. There would be a funeral held for the alter egos in two weeks, until then everyone should turn their focus to the new battle. Ash invited Melody to come along with them to Pummelo Island and she agreed, she would be travelling through Kanto first before attempting the Orange League. It had flattered Misty a bit when Melody said she got the idea after Ash had talked about her during the feast.

Misty, "What will you be specialising in Melody?"

Melody, "I honestly don't know, I don't even have a starter yet. My Grandpa said he'll be the one to give me my starter."

Chloe piped up, "Dad gave me my starter, Yamper."

Gou, "I met mine while visiting Galar with my parents."

Tracey, "My best friend gave me my starter."

Misty, "I rescued mine."

Ash, "I found my partner as an egg."

Silver, "My late mom gave me my starter."

Chloe, "So you see, you will be great with yours. Starters can come from anyone or anywhere."

Melody smiled, "Thank you everyone!"

Ash left them with Silver to train for his final battle in Pummelo Island against Drake. Was he nervous? Absolutely yes, he was not expecting it to be aired through every region in the world! Would he give up? No, he would not, his Pokemon worked too hard to come so far to give up now. Ash focused on training all of his Pokemon, not just the six, he had chosen to battle Drake. As he had no idea what sort of Pokemon Drake would have thanks to the obvious differences, he would train his Pokemon to battle and deal with almost every type. Almost every type except for Ground, Dark, and Psychic, he realized he should consider catching one of the missing types but it was not that he could just waltz up to them nilly willy. So far he had:

Steel - Lucario;

Fighting - Lucario, Primape;

Electric - Pikachu;

Water - Milotic, Kingler, Omanyte, Lapras;

Flying - Fearrow, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Beedrill, Charizard;

Fire - Charizard, Chimchar;

Grass - Venasaur;

Normal - Pidgeot, Fearrow, Wigglytuff, Tauros, Snorlax, Miltank;

Poison - Venasaur, Beedrill;

Bug - Butterfree, Beedrill;

Fairy - Wigglytuff, Togetic;

Dragon - Charizard in his mega form, (which they are having a hard time accessing again), Tyrunt;

Rock - Tyrunt;

Ice - Lapras;

Ghost - Phatump, Bannette;

in his arsenal.

Ash, 'My hands are already full whole day taking care of and training them. Should I add the types that I'm missing? Maybe in Jhoto or Alola.'

Silver pressed a chilled can against his cousin's cheek making him snap out of his thoughts, "Poke penny for thought, Ash?"

Ash took the drink smiling gratefully, "Just thinking about the three types that I don't have in my team."

Silver looked at the field where the Pokemon were currently taking a lunch break, "Yeah, you are missing a Psychic, Ground and Dark type Pokemon. Ever thought about which one you want?"

Ash, "Um... No, I mean if a Pokemon wants to come with me I will not say No to them. Also I have not even thought about it till a few minutes ago when I realized I didn't know what Pokemon Drake would use."

Silver, "Not even with your vision?"

Ash, "Huh?"

Silver looked around and seeing no one, "Red told me about your visions when I told him I would be going with you."

Ash floundered, "Ah! Um, they are not exactly hundred percent reliable really. I only get like a skimmed and watered down version of what possibly happens. It's not exactly concrete.", 'Well not anymore at least.'

Silver nodded, "He told me you watched yourself die many times in those visions... I am sorry you have to go through that. It must have been terrifying."

Ash, "It's a major source of my nightmares yes, but I have been handling it and knowing it's not hundred percent accurate helps.... In my vision, I never met you, you know? My mom didn't have a sister to depend on. I didn't have an older brother. I was an only kid who lost his father a long time ago."

Silver, "Oh! Then I'm happy they are not accurate, really. I can't imagine not meeting you or Red. You two are more preferable family members over my old man."

Ash, "I can't imagine not meeting you either, you are a really cool big brother too you know, not just Red."

Silver smirked ruffling Ash's hair, "Glad to hear it, now eat up and we'll train again in two hours. Your battle is two days from now and after that you have to show up to that ridiculous PR stunt."

Ash grimaced, "Don't remind me, Lucario is not happy about that. He says it's like killing off one of my personalities."

Silver, "Hmm, I can imagine."

They got back to training after that and as the end of the week came the Orange Island challenge was aired in almost every region around the world. Ash grumbled about how this was probably blown out of proportion more than actually necessary. Lucario grumbled about battles being sacred not some ridiculous entertainment. Charizard, Venasaur and Blastoise glared and hissed everytime a reporter tried to get close to ask questions before the battle day came. Ash was sure that most of his Pokemon would probably mastered Glare, by the time battle came around. Even his babies were coping the older Pokemon in acting protective and using Glare on the strangers. Soon it was time to battle for the cup.

Announcer, "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Orange Archipelago Battle Cup! We have all been waiting for this day. On one side we have our reigning Champion Drake and on the other side we have our Challenger Ash Ketchum from Pallet town. It'll be a six on six Pokemon battle with no substitutions. The side with the last Pokemon standing wins."

Drake waved and the crowd roared, Ash and Lucario waved as well and his friends and his younger and smaller Pokemon who had joined the stands cheered. The two of them shook hands as is mandatory. Everyone had been curious about the elusive Orange Island League and tuned in to watch, especially Ash's friends in Alola and Kalos. Serena and Staryu were cheering for Ash from her home while Zoey, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Lana and Lillie were cheering from Alola.

Drake, "Ready for our battle?"

Ash, "Definitely!"

Lucario nodded, -Yes!-

Announcer, "Choose your first Pokemon at the same time."

Drake smirked, "Let's go Breloom!"

Ash grinned, "Venasaur let's do this."

Announcer, "Looks like we are having a battle between two powerful grass types. Let's see who wins. Begin!"

Ash, "Sunny day followed by sword dance."

Drake, "Focus energy and close combat."

The two grass types focused on collecting strength and energy before launching their attacks on their opponent. The two grass types were very close in power as they clashed, Ash could feel the strength from where he was standing. Venasaur and Breloom fought using sword dance and close combat getting hit and landing hits on each other. The two separated panting after five minutes of battling each other.

Ash, "Venasaur use inverse aroma therapy."

Venasaur closed his eyes and glowed with the color of aroma therapy before he opened his eyes feeling better, "Saur venasaur."

Drake, "Impressive, but Breloom is not out yet."

Breloom smirked, "Loom breloom."

Venasaur blinked before nodding, "Saur."

Ash, "Energy ball!"

Drake, "Fire punch!"

Ash, "Wait for it! Now eat it."

Drake stayed alert as Venasaur ate the energy ball in one gulp, "Breloom be prepared for anything."

Breloom nodded as he punched Venasaur, "Bre loom!"

Ash, "Now solar beam!"

Venasaur who was starting to feel the effect of the fire attack took a deep breath and turned his back to Breloom. It surprised the fighting grass type, then Venasaur attacked him with a powerful solar beam which Breloom tried to dodge. The attack however caught Breloom on his left making him skid through the battlefield towards the left. The fighting type got up hissing in pain while Venasaur panted.

Ash, "Synthesis Venasaur."

Drake, "Synthesis!"

Ash winced mentally, 'Well this will take longer.'

Ash, "Venasaur use petal blizzard!"

Drake, "Fire punch those petals!"

The audience watched enthralled as Venasaur let loose a powerful barrage of colourful petals courtesy of coordinator training and Breloom used fire punch to retaliate. It looked like a combination of orange fire, pink and white petals were dancing around the battle arena. Ash half heard the commentator say something about his coordinator past and how Venasaur had performed as a Bulbasaur on stage.

Ash, "Now hyper beam."

Drake, "Hidden power."

The hyper beam and hidden power hit creating a blast that covered the entire arena in dust. Both Venasaur and Breloom had started battling with sword dance and close combat before Ash or Drake ordered any attacks. It looks like their Pokemon were getting into the battle as well if they were getting impatient to wait for orders. Ash grinned and Drake smirked when it happened and the audience watched as the Pokemon went at it.

Ash, "Get him using vine whip.... Now!"

Drake, "Escape using iron tail to cut through."

Ash grinned, 'Got ya!'

Ash, "Now heavy sleep powder!"

Breloom looked at his opponent in dread as he tried to escape the ridiculously thick vines he was caught in. Venasaur gave a shit eating eye smile as the flower on his back gave a loud sounding puff. It released a very soothing, soft and relaxing smell that had Breloom yawning. As a grass type he had learned to get immunity against such attacks and tried to stay awake. He could hear Drake telling him to use fire punch and he would have too if the vines had not started rocking and the soft soothing smell made him more sleepy.

Announcer, "Uhhhh.... Well... Breloom is unable to battle. Venasaur is the winner."

The audience was quite before they shouted in cheers for the first battle, his friends who were watching on TV gave a sigh of relief at the first win. Ash gave a sigh and looked Venasaur over, despite the few burns he seemed to be standing strong. His hand itched to go to the pokeball to return Venasaur but if he did that Venasaur was out of the match.

Venasaur, "Saur!"

Ash, "Venasaur?"

Venasaur nodded, "Vena saur."

Ash smiled nodding back, "Alright, let's keep on battling."

Drake returned Breloom, "Thanks bud, get some rest. That's a very powerful sleep powder Ash, almost lethal."

Ash, "Uh yeah. It is sort of, don't worry as long as it's treated within twenty four hours it is harmless."

Drake nodded, "What happens if it isn't?"

Ash, "You get stuck in a sleep coma and the only way to wake up is when the effects run out normally which takes about a week."

Drake raised an eyebrow, "It happened before?"

Ash, "Not to us but that's what Professor Oak recons. I rather not test it."

Drake, "Interesting let's go Macargo!"

Venasaur got ready, "Saur!"

Ash, "Oh dear! Get ready for a hard battle buddy. We aren't going down without a fight."

Lucario grunted by his side he could feel the heat coming, -Powerful.-

Ash, "Yeah!"

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Venasaur use magical leaf!"

Drake, "Retaliate with ember!"

The magical leaf was retaliated with ember that burned through the leaf and hit Venasaur getting a pained hissed.

Ash, "Inverse aroma therapy quick."

Drake, "Oh no you don't. Macargo over heat."

Ash gaped when Macargo didn't have to wait long to release over heat at Venasaur who was trying to heal himself. The overheat burned Venasaur's front leaf getting a shout of pain which made Ash wince. Venasaur's plant was part of his body and therefore had pain receptors in it, getting burned was no doubt one of the worst things. Venasaur fell to the battlefield with a thump, he was exhausted from the previous battle and that powerful over heat did a number on him.

Announcer, "Venasaur is unable to battle and with that both Drake and Ash are down one Pokemon each. Choose your next Pokemon."

Ash, "Return Venasaur, I promise I'll give you extra care later on okay. Thank you for the battle."

Drake, "Good job Macargo."

Macargo, "Cargo."

Ash, "Alright then, fire with fire it is. Let's go Charizard."

Charizard appeared with his black scales shining in the sun, he roared, "Zarrrrrrrrrrrd!"

Drake grinned, "What a handsome boy."

Ash smiled proud, "He is!"

Announcer, "Oh my a shiny Pokemon! That too a rare shiny Charizard. Begin!"