
New Life

The week went by spent between classes, study time, assignments, class work and home work. The teachers tried to finished up the largest part of the study courses as much as they could before the last day of school was over. Ash and Green gave a shout of "Freedom", much to the amusement of Leaf and Gary once they were outside. They had a weekend to relax and enjoy before camp started and decided to watch movies and simply hang out together. Red and Blue could not join them this time as they had to help at the lab, which meant they could not go out to the riverside. Gary pouted a bit but he accepted it and enjoyed the time with friends.

Gary, "Hey Leaf, Green, did you know if parents sign a consent form then kids who are not trainers can keep Pokemon?"

Green, "What? That's a thing?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah, we read about it and asked mom and Professor Oak if we could have a Pokemon."

Leaf, "Did they allow?"

Gary grumbled, "No, they said there were many Pokemon both wild and caught at the ranch. They said, 'learn to care for them first as practice for future'. If we do well they will consider it next year when we are older."

Green sighed, "So I can't pester our parents for one."

Leaf bonked her twin on her head, "Green!"

Green pouted at her, "What I really want a Pokemon okay!"

Leaf huffed, "You can get one when you become a trainer."

Ash laughed at their antics remembering another pair of orange haired twins that made him double take. Gary noticed his odd behavior and looked at him concerned. Ash noticing the look shook his head signaling he was okay getting a sceptical look from Gary.

Ash sighed, 'I need to be more careful.', "I'm fine, I just had another thought for the book that's all."

Gary, "Really? That's it?"

Ash nodded, "Promise!"

Gary looked at Ash before nodding, "Fine, I can tell you are not lying."

Green turned to Gary, "Not lying about what?"

Gary, "Writing the book..... Say what will you name it anyway?"

Ash, "Huh!"

Leaf, "Yeah Ash, what will you name the book?"

Ash, "Um I was planning on completing it first before deciding on the name."

Green, "Make it something catchy!"

Ash laughed nervously, "Sure!", 'If only I remembered the name.... I can remember the storyline but not the name. Whyyyy?'

Leaf, "I can't wait for the camp next week."

Green, "Ah! I know right? It'll be the first time I'll get to see many more Pokemon that are not Spearows or Pidgeys or Rattatas or Butterfrees. Not that they are bad or anything but I want to see more Pokemon."

Ash smiled, "It'll be fun, that's for sure."

Gary, "Best part we get to do it together."

The group of four friends spent their weekend before the camp talking about all the things they could do together. There were many day time activities like Pokemon watching, searching, learning how to camp, how to make simple but delicious camp food for both human and Pokemon, etc, to night time activities like sharing stories around campfire, watching nocturnal Pokemon etc. The night before camp Gary grinned sitting at the dinner.

Gary, "I can't wait for tomorrow."

Samuel, "Sounds like you are excited for tomorrow Gary."

Gary grinned brightly, "Sure am Gramps... Say Gramps, I have a question."

Blue looked at Gary, "What's wrong baby bro?"

Gary, "Well... How was your first camp experience like?"

Samuel gave a smile, "Back when I was a kid, I'm afraid we didn't have any summer camps."

Blue's jaw dropped, "What? How?"

Samuel sighed, "Back then, Pokemon were considered dangerous. So camping outside was forbidden unless you were a trainer and if you were a child.... Well children were seldom allowed to leave the town or city."

Gary's smile fell, "I'm sorry Grandpa. I didn't know."

Samuel waved his hand, "No nothing, do not apologize Gary. Pokemon were feared for a reason you know. Unlike us humans they are capable of wielding strength and power that could change the very face of nature."

Blue nodded, "That's true. Is that why you insisted on us going on a journey at the age of thirteen instead of ten?"

Samuel, "Yes, I did. Once you are out there, it's just you and your Pokemon against heaven knows what. It could be poachers, thieves, earthquake, rainstorms etc. You never know who or what your opponent is."

Blue hummed, "Guess that makes sense."

Gary nodded in agreement before turning to Blue, "Hey Blue, have you thought about which Pokemon you want to catch with the Heal ball?"

Blue, "Huh... About that I was thinking of catching a Pokemon with the ability to heal or use healing moves like aromatherapy so Chansey is a big yes followed by Bulbasaur or Paras or Chikorita. Actually I might get more Heal balls and catch them."

Samuel, "Having someone who can heal your Pokemon when a Pokecentre is not around sounds like a good plan."

Blue looked away embarrassed, "Yeah, I know!"

Gary giggled watching his older brother trying to act nonchalant, "I think I'll do the same thing big brother."

Samuel, "I must warn you though learning to heal is harder than learning to attack so it may take longer than others to become stronger."

Blue gave a cocky smirk at that, "No problem, I enjoy a good challenge anyway."

Gary, "I know you can do it Blue."

Blue's smirk softened, "Thank you Gary. I will do my best. Speaking of healing abilities, Bellossom from the Oddish line can use aromatherapy too. But I'm not sure how to evolve a Gloom into one. I know a leaf stone is needed to turn into a Vileplume."

Samuel, "You need a sun stone for it. I would suggest you go to Mt Moon sometime after you get your Pokemon that way you can collect the stone required."

Blue nodded at that and mentally added that to his plans for the future. The dinner ended without much fanfare with Gary and Samuel taking care of the dishes as it was Blue who made dinner. He had become better at making meals after many practices and accidents under Mrs Ketchum's guidance. Gary sat on his bed wondering how the camp will turn out to be, will they make new friend or friends or will it just be Leaf, Green, Ash and him.