

During his down time Ash had visited Blaine away from the tourist crowd to talk to him about his abilities and what he could do with them. As a scientist Blaine had been fascinated and recorded everything that Ash did before sitting down with the young trainer and telling him his observations. Ash was surprised to learn a few new things about himself that day, especially the new diet Blaine had insisted he followed. The good scientist had even volunteered to test his friends and while they couldn't use aura directly as Ash could, he concluded they were definitely affected by it. The group had shared their own theory of how aura worked making him nod and add it to his observations, Blaine had promised not to tell anyone else about it without their permission.

Misty and Jessilina both showed off their lava badges and Misty's new Wartotle triumphantly by the end of the week before they took a boat back to mainland Kanto. Duplica however decided to stay behind as she wanted her Pokemon to observe the fire types around her and observe how they used their abilities. Misty has pouted but said her goodbye to her with promises of phone calls and letters. Drew had also decided to stay behind and train his Pokemon on the island and promised Ash he would meet him again during the Grande Festival. Ash had hugged him and Drew had hugged him back after getting over his surprise at the sudden hug and let him go after squeezing him. Drew had even given Ash a yellow, pink and white rose showing friendship, care and hope making Ash smile softly.

Ash, "If you still feel about me the same way after we are actual adults then my answer will be yes."

Drew grinned, "I'm glad to hear that."

Ash, "I just want you to promise me something first."

Drew, "Anything!"

Ash, "If you find someone else you fall in love with, you will give yourself and them a chance. Okay?"

Drew blinked before sighing, "I can see why Lucario worries about you so much. You are the type who will step aside if the person you love and care about is happy with someone else, aren't you?"

Ash shrugged, "Maybe?"

Drew shook his head, "Fine! I promise but you have to do the same then."

Ash smiled, "I will."

Drew looked at Lucario, "Watch over him for me."

Ash squawked, "I can take care of myself."

Lucario nodded, -Always!-

Ash, "Seriously?"

Duplica, "Take care Misty! Jessilina! I will cheer you gals on during the league."

Misty, "Thank you Duplica."

Jessilina, "It was a pleasure getting to know you too."

Duplica lowered her voice, "And watch over Ash for me, he cares about others a little too much. Well.....", she amended, "About those he cares about actually and ignores his own health. I worry about him and I don't know why but for a moment I feel like we almost lost him."

Jessilina spoke quietly, "You too, huh?"

Misty frowned, "We'll watch over him, anyway he is returning to Pallet town after the eight badge. He'll be safe."

Duplica and Drew said their goodbyes before going towards the wild area to train together for the first month before separating. Ash watched as the island grew smaller before looking at the flowers he was holding, he was quite relieved Drew was asking for a romantic relationship. He didn't want to hurt his friend by rejecting him as he doesn't want a relationship not before he was twenty at the least. Call him old fashioned or a prude or whatever but he wanted to get a stable career going first before he even thinks of dating. A relationship needs time, attention and effort, three things he rather focus on his Pokemon at the moment, maybe when he is older and more mature enough to handle things he'll date.

Ash smiled, "Well let's get these three dried and saved."

Charizard rumbled and offered to dry them with his tail fire, he would just have to focus on getting rid of the water inside them. Then Ash could use the preservative powder on them and add them to his scrap book where he put random pictures of him with his Pokemon and friends. Ash let them do what they wanted before taking the dried petals and preserving them in his personal scrape book which he put back in his capsule next to his raw drafts for the fourth part of the 'Hogwarts Chronicles' series. Jameson requested they drop in at his home as he wanted to check on his parents and introduce Tomo to them.

Ash looked around the port they landed in, "I am surprised your parents agreed to meet all of us."

Misty, "Yeah, I mean from what you told us, they didn't seem like people who would be interested in trainers."

Jameson gave a wry smile, "They are not interested in you as trainers, I can promise you that."

Brock, "Than why are they... No way, you can't be serious, James, they are thirteen barely fourteen."

Jessilina, "Well Misty's turning fourteen in a month and Ash in three months."

Misty, "Did I miss something?"

Ash watched them quietly groaning, "Oh no! Is it too late to back off?"

Jameson chuckled, "Too late, now come on. I promise they are not that bad and I may have exaggerated a little while complaining about them. Come Tomo let's go meet your grandma and grandpa."

Tomo smiled, "Grandma and Grandpa? Okay!"

Misty, 'I highly doubt it's exaggeration if your Pokemon hate them.'

Ash, 'Nice save.'

They left the port and walked towards a quaint looking little town that were filled with decent sized two storey buildings. Ash noticed they were heading towards the largest building in town and couldn't help but marvel at the old fashioned structure. Jameson rang the bell at soon as they reached the gates and a voice that identified itself as the Head Butler let them all inside. They marvelled at the flower and berry plants growing on the front lawn of the Chateau before they saw two Victreebells, three Weepingbells, a Dustox, a Cutiefly and a Bellossom rush towards them and glomping Jameson and Jessilina.

Jameson laughed, "Hello to you all too, did you miss me?"

Jessilina hugged Dustox, Cutiefly and Bellossom, "I missed you all, how have you been?"

The Pokemon chirped and answered happily before they got up and were greeted by the largest Arcanine and Blissey Ash, Misty and Brock had ever seen. Ash marvelled at their sizes and despite the cute and adorable look, he could see the muscles from the training on their limbs. The two Pokemon happily hugged and nuzzled Jessilina and Jameson getting one of the brightest smiles, the three of them had seen.

Head Butler, "Master Jameson Lapis, welcome back, your parents are waiting for you and your friends in the lunch hall."

Jameson, "It's already lunch time huh! How have you been William?"

William smiled, "I have been well Master Jameson, the Master and Mistress miss you a lot, even though they don't say it."

Jessilina sighed, "They should be more honest to themselves at least. I'm happy they are doing well."

William, "Indeed, who is this young man miss?"

Jessilina, "This is our son, Tomo. He is eight years old."

William's eyes widened, "Oh! Oh! I'm so happy for you Master and Miss, your parents will be so happy too. Young Master Tomo welcome home! If you ever need anything just ask."

Tomo blushed at the attention feeling shy he nodded, "Okay!"

William then turned to Ash, Misty and Brock, "And friends of my Master please make yourself comfortable, if you need anything just say so."

Misty, "Don't worry about us."

Ash, "Sure."

Brock, "Of course."

William opened the door to the lunch hall, "Master, Mistress, Master Jameson and Miss Jessilina have returned with their son and friends."

James's father got up surprised, "WHAT? What do you mean he has a son?"

James's mom's eyes were twinkling, "I'm a grandmother."

Misty whispered to Ash, "They look so young."

Ash nodded whispering, "Yeah!"

Jameson sighed, "Calm down father, mother, and yes this is our eight year old son, Tomo."

James's father, "So that is why eight years ago you refused to marry Jessible. And here I was getting ready to accept you may have been gay and even got a speech ready."

James's mother laughed, "Well all's well that ends well. Come here sweetie, let grandma see you."

Ash sweatdropped, "Wao!"

Misty, "Mind blown!"

Brock, "At least they are not fighting."

Ash nodded in agreement, he had once overheard Jameson fighting on the phone with his father and it made him worry for his friend a lot. Tomo approached James's mother and gave a squawk when she hugged him and started to coo over him and tell him how adorable he was. Tomo introduced himself and his partner, Growly getting an impressed look from both adults, they knew how rare albinism was among Pokemon.

James's father turned to them, "Welcome to the Lapis Chateau, I'm Jellal Lapis and this is my wife Erza Lapis."

Ash, "My name is Ash Ketchum. You have a very beautiful house Sir."

Jellal, "Ketchum you say? I have read your book, it is very terrifyingly fascinating."

Ash smiled, "Thank you."

Misty, "I'm Misty Waterflower the youngest sibling, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Brock, "I'm Brock Slate, nice to be here."

Jellal nodded in approval, "An upcoming successful writer, gym leader and breeder. I must say I like these new friends of yours more than those previous ones."

Jameson groaned, "Father, there is nothing wrong with them also those guys were my coworkers not friends. Ash, Misty and Brock are my friends."

Erza smiled, "I'm happy you got true friends now my Little Jimmy and you even gave me an adorable baby grandson. Wait..... When did you marry?"

Ash, "Huh?"

Jellal, "That's a good question, no grandson of mine will be a bastard. Are you married yet?"

Misty, "Wait.... Aren't they siblings?"

Erza, "Well?"

Jameson, "We are married in paper so you don't need to worry about Tomo being a bastard."

Brock, "Wait why did you tell us you are siblings then?"

Jessilina shrugged, "Trainers are intimidated when it comes to travelling with couples. They act wary all the time."

Ash, "Oh! Yeah, they do kinda do that, don't they? Is that why Misty's sisters and my mom are not so worried about us anymore?"

Jameson nodded, "We told them yes."

Misty looked flabbergasted, "Huh! The more you know! I knew you were hiding something."

Jellal meanwhile was calling William and telling him to prepare a party for the weekend pronto. He was even sending invites despite Jameson's protest, Jessilina told Jameson to let it be plus this way Jessible would stop trying to marry him. Jameson agreed with Jessilina after thinking about it but told his father she better not try something with Tomo or he would not be responsible for his actions. They stayed till the weekend party while training for the Grande Festival which would take place in a month and of course to battle Blue. Jellal requested Ash if he could perform a little for the guest and Ash agreed, it'll be like practice for the festival.

The party soon started and Ash and Jessilina opened it with a performance, Milotic was using her aura to sing while Blissey used copy cat and did the same. The audience were very impressed by it before Lucario came forward and used shadow ball, aura sphere and dragon pulse to entertain them. The three different coloured balls were floating around him as if held there by invisible strings as he mesmerized them with sword dance. It was going well till they heard a scream coming from where Ash noticed Tomo was standing behind Misty scared.

Misty, "What in Mew's name is wrong with you woman? Do you not have manners?"

The woman was red in embarrassment before she shouted, "There is nothing wrong with me. That thing behind you is what is wrong, I will not accept he is my Jimmy's son. I'm his fiance, his wife, Jessible and only my son will be his child! Not that bastard child!"

Misty was flabbergasted, "So you act like an ugly Muk? Huh! Rich people sure have low standards."

Ash covered Tomo's ears, "Tomo is not a bastard child although I can easily tell you are a bitch child."

Tomo looked up at Ash as he let go, "B Big brother. Who is this crazy person? Why is she saying bad things about Mama and Papa?"

Ash, "She is an idiot, do not grow up to be an idiot like her okay Tomo?"

Tomo looked at the enraged woman before nodding and deciding to ignore her, "Can I join you and Mama in performing big brother?"

Jessible spluttered, "Big brother? No! No! NO! You cannot be his son either, no."

Misty looked at her deadpanned, "You need to leave now."

Jessible, "Shut up that bastard child is not Jimmy's child, I know he is not."

Erza was furious, "What did you just call my grandson Jessible Oscorp?"

Jessible came back to her senses and gulped turning around, "Mother! I was just angry that bastard child was claiming to be Jimmy's son and.. "

Erza cut her off sharply, "You dare call my grandson a bastard? Theodore! Pancy! Is this how you raised your daughter? I'm utterly disappointed and disgusted."

Pancy panicked, "Ah! Erza I promise she's not like that, she is just upset, Jameson broke her heart and.. "

Jellal interjected sharply, "Do not blame this on my son, do you think we don't know of her infidelity? Get out unless you want us to show the world exactly what your daughter is like."

Jameson, "You have ten seconds to leave."

Pancy implored James, "Jameson, son, please is this how you treat us? I loved you as my own son."

Jameson spat, "For money, you certainly did, I'll happily call the police and give them proof of your thievery to them. We have cameras everywhere after all, it is not difficult to find out."

Theodore stiffened, "Let's go Jessible."

Jessible, "But Papa! Jimmy."

Pancy talked sharply, "Let's go Jessible Oscorp."

Jessible wilted and left with her parents after giving a jealousy filled look at Ash, Tomo and Jessie who were hugging Jameson. The party resumed with the people talking about what had just happened while Misty and Brock joined Ash and the others to make sure they were alright. Misty couldn't believe the nerve of that woman, first she made fun of her Dewpider then went on to shout at Tomo, that bitch better hope they don't run into each other again. Ash hugged Misty calming her down promising her, they could prank her as revenge on the way out, making Misty smirk and agree.

[A. N.: Okay! I'll bite! I don't know the names of James' parents so I just put one of my favorite ships here! lol]