

After Brock's first victory in the competition, Ash and the others celebrated his win in one of the more famous diners that Celadon City was known for. They stayed for one more day at Celadon to check out the new line of Erika's scented massage oils made specifically for Pokemon, each type had a specific oil made for them. Pikachu picked the tomato scented one making Ash snort, while Lucario and Primeape went for the pine scent. Bulbasaur chose a sandal scented oil, Krabby did not have any preference and went for the normal olive oil and Charmeleon chose a pepper scent based oil. Phantump just like Krabby had no preference and decided to let Lucario chose for him. Lucario even chose bottles of massage oils for the others, in fact Ash was pretty sure by the end of the shopping spree he had a bottle of every scented oil available in his bag.

The total had come up to 1200 pokedollars for Ash even with the discount available for buying the entire lot making Lucario grumble, 'expensive but worth it', over and over. Ash sweatdropped hearing it and gave him a small amused smile which made the aura, Pokemon pout more at him. Misty had brought the four water based massage oils for her Pokemon after choosing a honey scented one for the two Butterfrees making her total 420 pokedollars. Brock meanwhile spent extra 200 more than Ash getting himself the recipe for one of the oils after buying a bottle each. Gou, Ritchie and Horace decided to buy only for the Pokemon they had in hand, making the three spend 600 pokedollars each. Jameson and Jessilina decided to try out the massage parlour instead and had a meeting with Erika about having it as an expanded business in other cities and towns.

As they left Celadon City, Ash smiled to himself, at the changes, he was ahead of the original as they didn't always get lost. And a lot of things were turning out differently, starting from the breeder's competition to Ritchie's Zippo being a Charizard and traveling in a large group. He knows once they reach Fuchisa city the group will be going two separate ways but still, enjoy when it lasts he supposed. As they were leaving they came across a town called Hop Hop town and just like in the anime Ash, Misty along with Gou and Horace did the hop.

Pikachu rolled as well, "Pika!"

Ritchie laughed, "It's just a name you guys, the town does not actually hop."

Brock laughed, "Yeah!"

Jessilina laughed, "It is very misleading."

Jameson, "Come on you lot, it's already afternoon, let's find the centre and get a room for the night."

Meowth yawned, "It's h'larious is wat it is."

Ash, "Do you have work to do here?"

Misty, "Yeah, you were in a pretty heated discussion with Erika."

Jameson, "Something like that, yes, we were thinking about investing in one of Erika's business actually."

Horace, "Oh! Sounds like you have a lot to do."

Jessilina, "Just a few meetings, we have one today and another one in the next town day after tomorrow."

Meowth, "Dun worry bout it."

Gou, "You know Green and Leaf told me about this town before."

Ash, "Yeah? Wait I think she was talking about it in the group chat, after we got our pokenavs and phones."

Misty snorted, "By talking you mean bitching and complaining."

Brock, "What happened?"

Ritchie hummed, "It was a month after we started the journeys actually, the two of them came here after hearing about kids going missing."

Gou sighed, "As it turns out, a Hypno was helping some of the stressed out adults, go to sleep but the constant use of psychic energy, without any breaks was affecting the Pokemon and children."

Ash sweatdropped, "The Pokemon around here entered a sleep like state while the kids thought they were Pokemon. I wonder what Pokemon I would have been."

Misty grumbled, "Don't even think about that, Ash, Green thought she was a Pokemon too after she stood infront of Hypno to prove that particular theory. Leaf was worried sick as she started to search for her twin along with Officer Jenny and the leader of the club who was flabbergasted by the turn of events. At least he didn't completely disregard the problem."

Jameson looked contemplative, "Oh! I heard about this, didn't they find the missing kids in the park south of the city?"

Jessilina was fascinated and disturbed, "And I heard, they were acting like they were Pokemon?"

Ritchie, "Yes, that's that's the one, Leaf was bloody furious and she demanded they either have more than one psychic type to control the output or have a dark type to neutralize the effects or they disband the club entirely. I think we all know what they chose.", Ritchie pointed to an advertisement showing the club at the end of the sentence.

Horace looked it over, "I think some of them have a dark type Pokemon and some have other psychic types now. The club apparently helps the adults and workers get some much needed rest so they were reluctant to disband."

Gou, "Yeah, I heard about that too, is that wise though after what happened? And would they not be addicted?"

Lucario, -As long as they are not creating more trouble, it's fine, I think.-, he pointedly looked at Ash, -Also Hypno is actually known for putting people and Pokemon into a natural sleeping state. So no there would not be addiction, if anything if they time it right everyday, they could have a proper schedule to sleep instead.-

Pikachu cooed from Ash's shoulder, "Pi pika."

Brock, "I agree with Lucario, Hypno does help in falling asleep naturally, it's the reason why their dream eater move is the most dangerous among psychic types. The control they have is something else also sleeping on schedule is actually important if you want to do your best."

The group soon found the Pokemon centre and booked a room as well as one of the battlefields for themselves to train on. Ash and Gou went first and had a mock battle, followed by Misty and Brock and last was Ritchie and Horace, who had some very interesting tactics. Ash had decided to send Charmeleon and Primeape back as Primeape's pack was apparently getting rowdy according to Professor Oak and Charmeleon's sire wanted to see him, in Lance's words, his Charizard wanted to fight with his successor. Misty sent her Cloyster and Poliwhirls back to have Clamperl and Goldeen with her, she also came across a Psyduck who kept following her around for some reason making Ash giggle. Jessilina and Jameson left them to train as they went through the meetings and came to an agreement with the others on where to open the business and how much would they get.

Ash, "Alright then! Pidgeot, Fearrow I need to know."

Fearrow tilted his head, "Row?"

Pidgeot cooed, "Ot?"

Ash, "Are you two getting together?"

Fearrow looked smug while Pidgeot blushed and Ash continued, "If you are getting together then tell me okay? We have to adjust a little bit but we can add a new little one to our family no problem. Also I think Phantump would be really happy to have a new sibling, you know."

Fearrow cawed and Lucario translated, -They will start having chicks at the end of five full moon cycles. That is once you have returned home to Pallet town.-

Ash, "How long is that exactly?"

Lucario, -More or less five months.-

Ash thought about it, "Well all I need is three badges now I suppose and one ribbon which I will hopefully win at the Fuchisa contest. Wait you want to wait for me to have your chicks? Seriously?"

Lucario, -Chick Pokemon unlike Bug Pokemon take two human years to mature, it takes three months for them to be able to see, after that another six to stand, almost a year and a half to grow feathers and then another six months to fly. So yes they want to wait till you return home.-

Ash was touched and hugged both the flying types thanking them and cooing soft praises making them coo back and hug him softly using their wings. Ash teased Misty later on and said Psyduck probably chose her because she knew the orangette was a good water type trainer. Misty blushed at the teasing before looking at Psyduck and wondering how she could even help the psychic water type. It was a very well known fact Psyduck were ridiculously powerful dual type Pokemon. As evening fell, Brock requested to visit Caesar street as it was very well known for it's professional breeders.

Brock, "Here it is, Koron salon!"

A voice came from inside, "Do come again!"

A customer by the looks of it answered, "Of course darling, you did a fabulous job."

A very familiar face came out, "Welcome to Koron salon, how may I help you?"

Misty pointed at her, "Ah!"

Ash smiled, "It's Suzie!"

Horace looked curious, "Who?"

Gou grinned, "We met in the Nautilus. Fancy seeing you here."

Ritchie pointed at Brock, "Guys..."

Brock was already on one knee, "Suzie, we meet again, your beauty is a wwlcccgfgfgh...."

Zubat pulled Brock away annoyed with her trainer's lack of common sense, "Zu zu zu!"

Jessilina snorted, "Haven't seen that in awhile."

Jameson snickered, "He is quite something huh?"

Ash sweatdropped, "He never learns, anyway how have you been Suzie."

Suzie grinned, "I have been wonderful, my salon has had more customers than I could handle all on my own as you can see. I had to hire extra hands to help out."

Ash looked around, "Wao, this place is bigger in the inside."

Ritchie, "Yeah, so many Pokemon."

Lucario, -They all look relaxed.-

Phantump, "Phaaaaaa!"

Suzie tapped Ash's shoulder, "Ash may I talk to please?"

Ash nodded, "Sure."

Brock pouted when he noticed the two, "No fair, Zubat!"

Zubat hit him with her wing before scolding him more, "Zu zu zu zu! Zubat zu zu zu!"

Misty, "Pfffffffffft, serves you right!"

Ritchie shook his head, "You really should know better than to piss off Zubat Brock."

Gou released his Pokemon, "Excuse me!"

One of the attendants, Peter smiled, "Yes?"

Gou, "I got the oils that my Pokemon prefer here, I was wondering if... well.. "

Peter, "Don't worry, a lot of trainers come here with their own oil for their Pokemon. We simply provide the massage service to them in that scenario as well as show them how to massage their Pokemon on their own in case they are unable to get to a massage parlour."

Horace, "Really? That's cool, you hear that guys?"

Their Pokemon gave a cry before picking up the bottles containing their chosen massage oils and making a line. There were five seats and five attendants who would attend to them, Brock had to go outside to attend to his Onix first as she was a little large for the room but after she was done and relaxed, he returned for his other Pokemon. Misty started up a chat or if Ash was not reading it wrong started to flirt with the only female attendant making Brock grumble. He snorted at her revenge tactic and looks like the woman, Kaylee caught on to what Misty was doing if the amused look was something to go by.

Suzie walked to a private corner with Ash, "Is that Phantump yours?"

Ash, "He is my little one, yes, why?"

Suzie clapped, "I have heard that the oil extracted from a Phantump's leaves is one of the best oils for massages. I was wondering, when your Phantump sheds, may I buy the leaves please?"

Ash looked surprised at that, "Oh... Um sure I guess, although I'm not sure how much it'll cost or anything. I have not had the time to research it yet."

Suzie, "Well six leaves cost around one fifty pokedollars, which is twenty five pokedollars for each leaf. I'm willing to buy them for one eighty pokedollars, that is thirty pokedollars each, if you agree to it."

Ash hummed, 'She does not have a reason to lie about the price as it'll be available in the pharmacy', "What do you think Phantump?"

Phantump looked at Ash then at the pretty lady's hopeful face before nodding, "Phaaa."

Suzie gasped as one leaf fell off and she caught it, "You'll sell it to me then?"

Phantump nodded, "Aaa!"

Suzie squealed, "Thank you Phantump and Ash, how about in return I give your Pokemon a massage with a 10% discount, in the price and your friends a 5% discount."

Ash smiled discounts were rare in the Pokemon world, "Thanks Suzie, we were planning on staying the night in the town centre anyway. If I can get my Pokemon some relaxation and rest while here, that's just a bonus, in my book."

Pikachu perked up, "Pikapi, pika."

Lucario, -Sounds good to me too.-

Phantump giggles, "Phaaa."

The group settled down and the Pokemon were treated to some really good professional care and Brock was busy taking down notes listening to the other breeders talk. Ash and the others got a discount for their Pokemon, and Lucario and the others were completely relaxed and stress free for the rest of the evening and night. Ash and Ritchie had decided to try sleeping separately as honestly speaking, they could not depend on each other forever to get some sleep. It was a little odd at first to not have another person next to them but they shrugged it off and hugged their Pokemon. Ritchie half decided to get himself a Drowzee remembering their talk from before, maybe he'll find one in the safari zone, that would be a nice addition to his team, it was about time he had a Psychic Pokemon added to his roster.

[A. N.: I wanted to sum up these two episodes in one chapter as it happened just outside Celadon City.

Plus without Jessie, James and Meowth causing trouble, I don't think much would have happened here.

I hope it was not confusing to read.]