
Kanto - Indigo Plateau

Ash, "Ritchie congratulations!"

Ritchie grinned, "Thanks Ash."

AJ and Mikey nodded their heads in respect to watch other before leaving with the healed Pokemon. The two friends sat in the lobby and watched the next battle which was between Misty and a flying type trainer from Kalos, Raoul. He was older than her by a few years almost closer to Brock's age and was wearing a dark purple shirt and dark blue pants.

Announcer, "Welcome folks to the water arena. Trainers choose your first Pokemon."

Misty, "I chose you Politoed."

Raoul, "Come my lovely Swanna!"

Misty bit down a squeal, 'How beautiful and graceful. I need to get one for myself.'

Announcer, "Begin!"

Misty, "Belly drum."

Raoul, "Aerial ace!"

Misty, "Into the water and continue belly drum, use bubble beam and mud shot as necessary."

Politoed jumped into the pool making Swanna stop mid attack as he continued on using the move belly drum. Swanna squawked in annoyance before she dived in as well to search for Politoed. Politoed grinned at her before shooting her with bubble beam which forced her out of the water. Politoed went to the surface and gave her a grin before shooting mud shots towards her. Swanna narrowed her eyes and flew around the attack dodging them although one mud shot hit the edge of her wing.

Raoul, "Swanna hurricane. Flush him out."

Misty, "No you don't, now bounce Politoed."

Politoed bounced up and got closer to Swanna and Misty called out, "Hypnosis Politoed."

Politoed caught Swanna in hypnosis before she could fly away and started to put her to sleep.

Raoul, "Swanna no, get away from him, quick."

Swanna however had already fallen asleep and didn't hear him.

Announcer, "Swanna is unable to battle, Politoed wins the match."

Misty grinned, "Good job Politoed."

Politoed, "Poli li."

Raoul, "Not bad girlie. But I'm not through yet. I choose my lovely Staraptor."

Staraptor appeared looking very majestic, "Staraptor."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Raoul, "Close combat."

Misty, "Swagger followed by bounce, body slam."

Staraptor attacked Politoed and Politoed used swagger to avoid most of the attacks but he was hit by a few. As the two battled Politoed bounced and came down with a body slam on Staraptor who was calm. Staraptor was waiting for the move and retaliated using take down. The two Pokemon clashed against each other and Staraptor soon over powered Politoed by using close combat to power his take down.

Announcer, "Politoed is unable to battle, Staraptor wins the match. Choose your next Pokemon. Remember you must win to move on to the next round."

Misty sighed, "Return Politoed, thank you for the battle. Now then, Misty chooses Cloyster."

Cloyster appeared, "Cloyster."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Raoul, "Bravebird."

Misty, "Icy wind."

Ash, "Bravebird? Isn't that very powerful?"

Ritchie nodded, "It is, my Pidgeotto is trying to learn it but has not succeeded yet."

Ash, "Neither have my Fearrow nor Pidgeot or Togekiss. I'm still working out how it works."

Misty, "Hail!"

Hail was added to the icy wind and Staraptor flew using bravebird to avoid being hit by the large hail stones. However the cold was starting to affect him and was beginning to lower his stamina. Staraptor gave a shriek that made Raoul nod.

Raoul, "Final Gambit."

Misty, "Iron defense followed by icicle beam."

Cloyster put up an iron defense as Staraptor attacked and got closer on noticing her attacks were bring bounced back. On seeing his opponent get close Cloyster smirked and used a combo of icicle crash and ice beam on Staraptor to trap her in a block of ice.

Announcer, "Staraptor is unable to battle, Cloyster wins the match. Misty will be going to the next round."

Cloyster smirked, "Cloyster!"

Misty, "We won. Great job Cloyster. Now let's get out of here."

Misty rushed off towards the Pokemon centre, "Brock."

Brock nodded, "Congratulations Misty. Ash and Ritchie are watching the battles in cubicle five, if you want to join them."

Misty nodded, "Once my Pokemon heal, I will."

Brock nodded as Chloe and Gou joined her, the two had cheered Ash on before rushing to the water arena to cheer her on. The three of them waited for Misty's Pokemon to get the green for fully recovered before going to the cubicle where Ritchie and Ash were. The two greeted them as they decided to order lunch while watching the other battles. Gary was up against a Fairy type trainer from Galar a girl called Mirta who was battling using Shinotic against Gary's Seviper.

Ash noticed the collar scar, "Is that Seviper... "

Chloe sighed, "Yeah, he is the one Gary saved from smugglers. He was planning on returning him to his previous trainer."

Misty, "But his previous trainer was killed when she refused to give up her Pokemon."

Ritchie, "Poor guy."

Gou, "He is doing better though... I think he is following Gary around because he has a knack of running into smugglers."

Ash, "He wants revenge for his trainer, doesn't he?"

Lucario watched the Seviper who hissed viciously and defeated Shinotic, -Yes, he just said, he'll prove to himself he is stronger than before during this League and hunt down the bitch who killed his trainer.-

To say Mirta was a bit intimidated by Seviper was an understatement. She gulped as she returned Shinotic and chose another fairy type Pokemon.

Misty, "What a cute Azumarill!"

Ash nodded, "Very cute, are you planning on getting one?"

Misty, "Yes, I am. I didn't realize they were Fairy type too though."

Gou, "It was only discovered a few years ago when a coordinator showed off many Fairy type moves using Azumarill."

Back on the television Seviper had wrapped itself around Azumarill and bit her using a poisonous bite. When Seviper let go Azumarill had fainted and not moving giving Gary the win.

Lucario frowned, -Oh Mew! We have to deal with that in the future don't we?-

Ash pat Lucario, "If we make it that far then yes."

Gary entered the centre after a few minutes, "I told you to take it easy Seviper."

Seviper hissed, "Sevvvvvvvvv!"

Gary, "Are you sulking?"

Brock laughed, "Well Gary aside from exhaustion, your Seviper is gonna be just fine."

Gary's Umbreon was pouting at his side, "Bre um breeon."

Seviper gripped, "Viperrrrr."

Ash, "Gary over here! We ordered lunch for you too."

Misty, "Brock join us for lunch."

Brock, "Well it is almost time for my break."

Gary smirked, "Awww missed me Ashy boy~"

Ash rolled his eyes, "Yes! Yes! Now get over here so we can eat."

Gary nodded at the other three, "Ritchie, Chloe, Gou."

Chloe, "Hi!"

Gou, "Seviper good?"

Gary, "Still taking everything seriously as ever, I'm trying to help him relax though. I'm pretty sure I gave my opponent and her Pokemon a trauma."

Ritchie sweat dropped, "Well your Seviper was really intimidating. Like it was using glare constantly."

Gary hummed, "I think it's second nature for Seviper at this point. He didn't have a happy year after all."

Brock, "You are doing well helping him, Gary."

Ash nodded, "If you need help."

Misty, "We are here."

Gary gave a warm smile, "I'll keep that in mind. I saw Paul's battle before Ritchie's started, he is going to the next round too. His Pokemon are very impressive and he has become stronger."

Ash, "I didn't get to battle him properly yet, just a mock training battle. It'll be fun to fight him if we face each other."

Gary nodded and looked at Seviper, "Just try to relax Seviper. We are safe here."

Seviper who was looking around on guard looked at Gary before nodding and eating the pokefeed infront of him. Lucario took that chance to talk to the poison type and although wary in the beginning, Seviper soon got comfortable enough with them to chat with the Pokemon. Banette and Seviper talked quietly about their late humans after moving a bit further from the others.

Chloe, "They'll be okay."

Gary looked away from Seviper who was actually relaxed while talking to Banette, "I.. Yeah, they are strong."

Ash smiled as they ate their food talking about their previous battles and the different opponents, they had faced. Chloe told them she had volunteered to help with crowd control so they would no doubt see her in some of their arenas. Brock spoke of his own experience, so far there had only been one emergency when the fight between two starters went out of hand. Gou winced, that had made hot news for a while and most reporters were covering it.

Brock, "Ash, Yellow has been visiting and giving you check ups lately. Everything okay?"

Ash nodded, "I'm fine, I'm just forbidden from using aura for a month."

Lucario, -And from battling with me and Charizard, as we don't have a proper control on the aura output Ash has.-

Gary, "So you are grounded huh Ashy boy?"

Ash's eyes twitched before he gave a smile, "I'm afraid so.... Gare bear."

Gary, "..."

Gou, "Pfffffffffffffffft!"

Misty snickered, "You had it coming."

Ritchie, "From a mile away."

Not wanting to loose Gary teased Ash even more adding Gou to the teasing making the darker skinned boy's ears turn red. After a while they left to train in Ash, Gary and Misty's case, to meet the supervisor in charge in Chloe's case, to manning the centre in Brock's case and checking the other battles out in Gou's case. Gou was telling them about the other battles once they returned to their accommodation. The next day Ash got the wind arena and a trainer from Hoenn called Alex, while Gary got fighting and Misty got grass, Ritchie got lava and Berk as his opponent.

Announcer, "Welcome to the wind arena folks. Trainers choose your Pokemon."

Alex, "Swellow let's go."

Ash, "Show them what you have got Pidgeot."

Announcer, "Oh my aren't we lucky? Two Shiny Pokemon. Begin!"

Alex, "Work up followed by Bravebird."

Ash, "Mirror move twice!"

Pidgeot nodded and used mirror move on both methods copying Swellow's movements as he attacked. Pidgeot focused on the battle seriously, after this League, she and Fearrow planned on moving to a deeper part of Pallet forest to have chicks. She was determined to win no matter what and attacked adding agility to her moves.

Alex, "Focus energy and aerial ace!"

Ash, "Sky and quick attack."

Pidgeot and Swellow clashed moving at high speed in the air getting gasps from the crowd everytime they clashed loudly. Alex was giddy, it had been a while since he had faced another trainer with strong flying type Pokemon. Most trainers quit trying to be a flying type Master because it took longer for flying types to become heavy hitters unless they were dual types.

Alex, "Use sunny day!"

Ash, "Heat wave, don't let him recover."

Pidgeot gave a shrill screech before attacking Swellow who was using sunny day with heat wave. The heat wave when added to sunny day had a bad effect. It overheated Swellow and he fell to the ground in dead faint.

Alex, "Swellow!"

Ash, "Pidgeot!"

Pidgeot shot after him and grabbed him by the tail feathers before putting him on the ground slowly. Her opponent was already out for the count, no need to add to that.

Announcer, "Swellow is unable to battle, Pidgeot wins the match. Choose your next Pokemon."

Alex, "I must say you are a strong opponent Ash. Is this truly your first year training?"

Ash was getting nuzzled by Pidgeot, "Yes, it is, first time trainer here."

Alex, "And yet you are a Champion?"

Ash, "I have a good group I travel with. We train and push each other to try our best."

Alex smiled, "I see, your turn Honchkrow."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Rest followed by heat wave."

Alex's eyes widened, "Honchkrow beware of her fire attack and use night slash."

Ash, "Agility!"

Pidgeot opened her eyes from rest and before shooting towards Honchkrow and dodging his attack. Pidgeot then attacked Honchkrow with heat wave getting an annoyed sqwack from the dark flying type. Honchkrow didn't back down and attacked using night slash again and again as Pidgeot kept using heat wave.

Alex, "Now use dark pulse."

Ash, "Double team!"

Pidgeot used double team as Honchkrow used dark pulse after dark pulse before finally hitting Pidgeot. Pidgeot faltered but flew up again not willing to use before giving a smirk and attacking using hurricane. Honchkrow retaliated using haze but before it could hit Pidgeot, she had already returned using U - turn.

Ash mumbled, "So you mastered that move after all."

Alex couldn't help but laugh, "Smart! Well are you gonna choose a new Pokemon?"

Ash, "Yes actually, come out Fearrow."

Announcer, "And the battle continues."

Alex gave an appreciative whistle, "That's one handsome Fearrow."

Ash, "Thank you, Fearrow focus energy!"

Alex, "Sucker punch!"

Ash, "Mirror move."

Fearrow used mirror move to retaliate against Honchkrow and delivered a sucker punch of his own. Honchkrow grumped about sadistic couples as he shook the effect of the sucker punch off.

Alex, "Pursuit!"

Ash, "Swagger followed by steel wing."

Fearrow retaliated against the pursuit using swagger before hitting Honchkrow with the steel wing. The crafty dark type managed to avoid getting hit on the wings although he winced when his feet didn't escape.

Alex, "Rain dance!"

Ash, "Sunny day!"

The crowd twitched as the humidity in the air went up thanks to two opposite weather inclined moves being used. Misty who was waiting for her turn snorted before going towards her battle field.

Alex, "Hidden power!"

Ash, "Fearrow use agility and prepare heat wave."

Alex, "Both of them know heat wave?"

Ash shrugged, "They are a couple."

Fearrow used agility to dodge hidden power, most of it before unleashing heat wave on Honchkrow. Honchkrow who was hit by the heat wave which was also powered by the sunny day was blown back. He hit the podium Alex was standing on getting a wince from Fearrow who gave a sqwack to inquire if he was alive. Honchkrow gave an out of it trill saying he was.

Announcer, "That looked like it hurt. *cough* Honchkrow is unable to battle, Fearrow won the match."

[A. N.: I watch the episode where Dawn returned and I love it.

Chloe and Dawn were so adorable together.

My Queen is back.]