

Ash, "Lokoko, Harley, are you okay?"

Harley huffed, "A little ruffled up but alive."

Lokoko raised her head proudly, -Those grunts are no match for me at all. I am a high level Pokemon for a reason.-

Lance walked in at that moment, "Ash! Oh Mew Misty, are you two alright?"

Ash, "Still alive."

Misty, "Still kicking. I have no doubt we will feel the bruises and pain soon enough."

Sabrina, "I expect you all to be checked for health and drugs. I would not put it past him to try it."

Harley, "I do not think we have to worry about drugs, we did not eat or drink whatever they gave us."

Sabrina nodded, "I understand but lately there have been rumours of drugs being turned into gaseous form."

Ash frowned, "There was a strange smell in the prison they put us in."

Harley scowled, "Next time I see him, he is dead. Are you heading to Hoenn any time?"

Ash, "Uh... Yeah, I want to work on my travel blog first. My dream well dreams are to create my own book, create an official travel blog for trainers and do my best in Gym and Contest challenges."

Harley's eyes softened for a split second before it became arrogant again, "Alright, when you head to Hoenn, call me. I may not stick around because of my own style, but I would still want to keep an eye out."

Ash grinned happily at him, "Thank you, Harley. I appreciate it."

Misty snorted, "Sounds like you got another older sibling watching out for you."

Harley, "Well, I always wanted a little sibling to bug."

Ash laughed, "Of course, you did."

Lance smiled on seeing the two kids, he considered as his own relax around the flamboyant coordinator. The fact Harley was willing to go out of his way to watch over Ash, while journeying through Hoenn, had filled him with relief. Lance guided them to the medics who checked their health and had confirmed they had been drugged. That had made them all furious but luckily it was mild drugging not a heavy one. Their Pokemon though were not calmed by it, and for the next few days had been very protective of their trainers. Lance meanwhile had sequestered them all at the Blackthorn City clan grounds till the press calmed down.

Both of their absences had not gone unnoticed and the Hoenn League wanted answers. Harley had decided to do a press conference to calm his parents and extended family down back in Hoenn while addressing his fans. Steve, Wallace and Gold were happy to see him safe and sound, when the alarm had been raised they had worried. Harley calmed them down in his own flamboyant way making every fangirl squeal and fanboy grin in relief. Ash was very impressed by his ability, it was obvious he was practiced. For his part, Ash held a conference three days after Harley's conference reassuring everyone he was alright.

He decided to stick to the truth and tell them they caught high level members of Team Rocket and there was an investigation going on. There were many questions that were thrown at him but Ash had sternly told them there was an investigation going on and to not even attempt going after them. They were willing to drug them to use them as leverage, Mew knows what else they might do to get what they wanted. The reporters had taken a step back at that and Ash calmed his Aura down after seeing he got his point across. Lance pulled him away after the time limit hit the watch in his pocket.

Lance, "You did well."

Ash, "Really?"

Lance, "Yes, I am pretty impressed with the 'A' manipulation. I must advise you not to use it too much."

Ash nodded, "I know but... "

Lance, "What's wrong?"

Ash had a bitter look, "Gonzalez knows I can use it."

Lance paused looking back at him, "I see. I suppose it happened during the museum confrontation."

Ash, "Yes, I did not have... Well honestly speaking I lost control of my emotions and attacked him."

Lance hugged him with one arm, "But you did not kill him. You could have very easily but you did not. I am proud of you."

Ash looked up at him and smiled a bit, "I guess so. Thanks Dad."

Lance smiled and directed him to where a car was waiting for them behind a very fancy looking Ferrari. It was the same red Ferrari Lance was rumoured to own, which made Ash snicker at the similar colour of the car and Lance's hair. They however entered the black coloured car and watched the Ferrari as it left with the reporters following behind the decoy. The two of them returned to the clan grounds without anyone following them which filled Ash with relief. The dark haired teen was not sure if he could deal with people following him around at the moment.

Misty, "You are back."

Ash, "Yeah, are you all doing okay?"

Misty, "Kingdra is enjoying himself and your Tyrantrum too."

Lance smiled, "That's good to hear. What do you think about getting a Dragon type for Brock?"

Misty snorted, "You just want to claim the only three Aura users."

Lance, "Maybe?"

Ash laughed, "You Sir, are not being subtle at all."

Lucario saw them, -Meema, you are back.-

Gengar appeared from the shadows, "Gengar."

Ash huffed, "Gengar I know you followed me."

Lucario, -Do not blame him, Meema. I asked him to watch over you.-

Ash, "I am not angry. I just don't want you guys to strain yourself too much. Remember to pace yourself Gengar."

Gengar nodded then hugged him and disappeared, "Gengar."

Misty, "I do not blame him for being worried."

Ash, "I know."

Lance, "Anyway what are your plans moving forward?"

Misty, "The girls and I are returning to Orange archipelago tomorrow. I am training really hard to challenge Drake."

Serena waved at them, "Hey guys!"

Chloe, "You are back."

Melody, "We saw your conference in TV."

Gou, "Are you alright?"

Max, "Yeah."

Lance, "Let's go inside first."

Ash, "Do not worry guys I am okay. Just a little tired from all the nosey reporters asking me questions that I cannot legally answer."

Casey, "Ah! Brock is still at the Pokemon center but I think he should be safe."

Lance, "Do not worry. Blackthorn Pokemon center have some of the strictest policies in the world. He will be safe from those vulture like reporters."

They spent the next few hours as a group sharing plans about what they would do next for their challenges. Of course the day was anything but peaceful when an Unown out of nowhere landed on Max's lap. All of them became wary of the Pokemon, their last encounter with them was not exactly the best experience. Meganium, Typholsion and Croconaw stood in front of Ash watching the Pokemon warily while Misty stood side by side with the girls. Max though was side tracked by the high temperature Unown had and mentioned it to the others which prompted Ash to approach them. Lucario and the others were not happy by the decision but stuck close.

Ash, "Let me see, Max."

Max, "Look he is burning up."

Ash ran his Aura over the letter shaped Pokemon, "I will check if it's an Aura problem."

Misty, "Well?"

Chloe, "Is it?"

Serena, "An Aura user problem?"

Melody, "We are facing?"

Ash, "No, his aura is stable. It is a physical illness. We need a medic."

Brock entered at that moment, "I am back."

Casey, "Brock, great timing as always."

Gou, "The little guy is sick."

Brock, "Claire called me the moment this fella landed here."

Brock checked the Unown over and frowned at the high fever, he used medical tape to hold the thermometer in place. Brock then requested to use the clan medical chamber in order to confine Unown, just in case they carried an unidentified disease. Tyson who had been observing them told Brock to follow him and Ash motioned Max to go along as well. The Unown appeared on top of Max for a reason after all and Max followed Brock to the medical rooms. Misty though looked at Ash with an uneasy look and the ravenette understood her feelings over the matter.

Ash, "Let's just keep an eye on them for now."

Misty, "Yeah well, the last time an Unown appeared you got kidnapped."

Serena, "Yeah, we all got a heart attack seeing it on live television. Gary almost blew a fuse from what I heard."

Chloe, "Misty almost swam to Jhoto region herself to get you back."

Serena, "Yeah, it was only the fact she was too exhausted from her training with Lorelei that stopped her from moving at all."

Max returned after a while with a healthy looking Unown, "It was just fever."

Ash watched the Unown look around curiously, "I see, at least it was not life threatening. I am glad to see you ok. He does not understand human language, does he?"

Brock, "Not one bit. From the readings I got this Unown seems pretty young. So, he probably has not learned yet."

Lucario, -Let us try.-

Brock motioned for them to go ahead and they all saw Unown had visibly perked up at the Pokemon language. It was definitely a baby, the fact made them relax and Lucario and Lokoko found out how the little one ended up in Blackthorn. Turns out there was a disagreement between Dialga and Palkia in Lord Mew's court and that had caused some time and space rapture. Lord Arceus had gotten on their case about carelessness but the ruptures were already there. As the time and space Pokemon of Jhoto, Celebi and Unown had been working on fixing those ruptures but it was exhausting.

Ash, "I wonder if that is how Sammy actually ended up in our time."

Tyson, "I think you may have a point. As far as we have seen most Legendaries stick to their own realms. The only reason they interfere in the normal world is if something drastic happened."

Ash, "Should I call Cynthia and give her a heads up? Arceus, Dialga and Palkia are Legendaries from her region."

Gou, "I think we should."

Misty, "Just to be safe."

Ash, "I will go call her."

Cynthia picked up the call in her private phone, -Hello?-

Ash, "Cynthia, are you sitting down right now?"

Cynthia sounded confused, -Yes, why?-

Ash, "Avoid eating or drinking. I have some interesting news for you."

Cynthia almost choked on her tea once Ash had explained everything, -Are, are you sure?-

Ash, "Got the news from Jhoto's own space Legendary. Admittedly, I was not expecting the effects to spread all the way here. It is what it is I suppose."

Cynthia's voice was strained, -I see. Thank you for giving me the warning Ash. I will be on the look out for anything unusual.-

Ash, "Be careful. I don't want you to get stranded in some weird time period."

Cynthia, -You stay safe as well.-

Ash returned to the group from his call and they proceeded with their plans for a movie night before going separate ways the next day. The Hogwarts Chronicles movie was complete agter months of waiting and was hitting the theaters that evening. Ash and group watched the movie come to life on the big screen enjoying the detailed scenery that were words in a book now on the screen as a picture. Lance when he had found out about it had been shocked at first, he really adored the dragons that were described in the series. The shock soon turned into pride when he found out about the future books and how Ash had the whole series planned out from start to end.

Serena, "The castle looks amazing."

Misty, "Right?"

Ash, "Director Kuroda did an absolutely amazing job."

Gou, "I agree. I really loved the introduction to the Wizarding bank. Those goblins were really cool."

Max, "The troll fight was awesome."

Brock, "You really outdid yourself."

Casey, "Agreed, you should take some credit too Ash."

Melody, "If you had not written the book."

Chloe, "We would not have a movie."

Ash, "Awww! Thank you everyone."