Brock, "Steelix sand tomb."
Ash, "Charizard flame thrower."
Casey, "Electivire thunder wave."
Gou, "Water pulse Inteleon."
Gonzalez, "Boys and girls deal with this."
From behind Gonzalez appeared three young adults, two men and one woman who called for Cloyster, Fearrow and Onix ordering them to attack. Gonzalez watched the battle with a slightly crazed look Aah noticed he was eyeing his Charizard with a dark obsession. Ash wanted to gouze his eyeballs out. Charizard is not an object and yet the man was looking at the fire lizard like he was a prize to be collected. Ash felt a surge of protectiveness went through Ash as he called for Aura sphere. Lucario then used aura sphere to disperse the other Pokemon while Charizard got an open path to Gonzalez.
Casey, "Electivire shock wave."
One of Gonzalez's men called, "Graveler rock tomb."
Ash, "Over heat."
Charizard roared as he shot a powerful over heat at Gonzalez only for him to jump out of the way of the attack. Gonzalez was about to taunt him but realized Ash was not looking at him but at what was behind him which was his Alakazam. Gou called for his Alakazam to get ready when he realized the enemy's Alakazam was hurt and probably suffering from burns to focus. Gou's Alakazam called for the other psychic types and Pokemon who could use psychic type moves to get ready to teleport. Abra, Noctowl, Kirlia, Wynaut and Alakazam took charge while the other Pokemon supported them for the mass teleportation.
Ash and Brock quietly used their own auras to boost the move and before Gonzalez realized what was happening they teleported from the area. Ash breath in hard as he looked around where they landed and went to check his Pokemon to make sure they were all accounted for. He would not put it past his Pokemon to try and stay back to fight against Gonzalez just to keep him safe and unhurt. He knew how loyal and protective his Pokemon were towards him and thankful all his Pokemon were there, even the baby Larvitars. Ash then went to check on Max while Brock checked on Gou and Casey making sure they were alright.
Gonzalez screamed, "WHERE ARE THEY?"
The female grunt answered, "Silas, Driod fan out. They should not have teleported far, not with how many they were."
Gonzalez, "Find them! Find my heir! Bring him back to me. This time I will make sure he does not escape. Make sure to have your bug, psychic, dark and steel types with you."
Droid, "Boss, are you sure about having him as your heir? I mean he is just a kid."
Gonzalez looked at the man with a blank face, "Do as you are told. You do not know anything about my nephew."
Silas, "Julie, take the North side, I'll take East, Droid will take South. Boss, what do we do about his friends? We will not be able to touch him as long as they are there."
Gonzalez calmed down, "Yes, my nephew found himself very loyal followers, hasn't he? I should have expected it. Capture them alive, starting from the youngest. I have no doubt they will do anything to keep the baby safe."
Droid shrugged as he left for the Southern area still not understanding why his boss was interested is a child. Gonzalez though knew what Ash was, how could he not, after all the hours of research and obsessive observations he had put in. Gonzalez knew his little nephew was an Aura Guardian, he was sure that was how his little heir escaped from him. The man smirked with a greedy glint in his eyes, all those years of human Pokemon experimentation to create an Aura user and his answer was right there, in his own family. He was a little envious because he did not have Aura but that was not truly important in the long run.
Gonzalez, "You cannot run from me forever my heir. Well, I will make sure you become my official son once I get my hands on you."
Silas walked through the forest listening to the sound of wild Pokemon around him, he had his own suspicions and thoughts about his boss's nephew. The way his boss would sometimes watch the different battles the young trainer took part in was a little bit disturbingly obssessive. But Silas had understood why his boss was obsessed with the teen, the fight in the Orange Archipelago League was a sight to behold. Unlike the rest of the grunts Silas was no fool, he had heard rumours about Aura Guardians, especially the stories and how they were the only ones capable of calming down Legendary Pokemon.
And it was not just Legendary Pokemon they could calm down and control, those Aura Guardians could also make their own Pokemon stronger. Silas had a suspicion about Ash Ketchum being an Aura user and he could not help but grin cruelly at that thought. If Ash truly was an Aura Guardian then, he could use him to not just control Jhoto and Kanto region but also the rest of the world. He was pretty sure there were no other Aura users aside from the dark haired teen so the Legendary Pokemon will listen only to Ash and whoever controlled Ash. But just for safety's sake he should probably keep an eye out for potential Aura Users out there. If one exists there should be others too.
Silas, 'If I can get him for myself, no one can stop me. I will not need Gonzalez anymore either.'
Droid was grumbling as he pushed through the foliage about how Gonzalez was being a weirdo over a child. But it was not his place to question his boss so he searched for the group of brats with one guy almost the same age as him. Droid hid behind a tree as he saw a clutch of angry Tyranitars ahead, they were moving down South from looks of it and he sent a signal to the others. No one can accuse him of putting their mission in jeopardy he always have warnings when danger approached. Droid gave a huff as he climbed up intending on keeping a watch from on top his Fearrow, it would be easier to avoid angry Pokemon and cover a larger area.
Brock looked around, "We are safe for now."
Ash, "I sent a message to the Ranger station about Gonzalez and Team Rocket hiding here."
Gou, "Think they will be able to help us?"
Casey, "I hope so."
Max, "He really wants to mind control Ash, isn't that impossible?"
Ash, "Not if you black mail people. You do not need psychic abilities if you can simply black mail them."
Brock nodded, "I hope we don't have to deal with that. Also let's avoid making a fire for now, I have no doubt they will be on the look out."
Casey, "Cold dinners then."
Max winced, "Well, it's better than going hungry."
Gou, "Hey, do not fret, it is only till we unite Larvitars with their families and get out of here."
Ash nodded, "Yes, we have to head out to Altomare soon."
Charizard, -I saw a clutch of Tyranitars down south. Shall we have a look?-
Lucario, -Meema, what do you think?-
Ash, "Which way they are heading?"
Charizard, -They are heading East and should be crossing this way soon.-
Ash, "Okay, psychic Pokemon get ready to teleport. Larvitars one of your family is heading this way. We will leave you here to see which one it is okay?"
The Larvitars just looked at Ash confused but Ash just smiled patting their heads and asking Charizard how long. Charizard then mentioned they were a few minutes away which prompted them to climb the flying type Pokemon and fly upwards. The clutch approached the three Larvitars who were cooing at each other then sniffed them all before picking two up and leaving. They looked at each other and Charizard landed next to Larvitar who looked sad at being left behind but perked up seeing Ash.
Lokoko, -So, he is from a different clutch then?-
Meowth, "Seems that way."
Ash, "Don't worry, we will find your mama soon okay."
Casey, "I hope Larvitar is happy."
Brock, "Me too."
Gou, "They are back with their families I am sure they will be happy."
Max, "I miss Teddiursa already."
Ash, "One more baby to go and then we are going to Altomare."
Unknown to them they were being spied on by Julie who smirked at not being seen thanks to her ghost type Pokemon hiding her perfectly. Lucario snarled as he turned to where she was making her clam up and hold her breath as she watched the fighting type canine calm down. Ash narrowed his eyes at the surroundings and announced they should leave and started heading to another red zone area towards the North. Julie let out a sigh of relief as those glaring Pokemon eyes left the area and she informed her boss and the other grunts about where their quarry were heading.
Gonzalez, "Meet me there."
Droid, "At the red zone?"
Silas, "Understood boss!"
Julie, "If you say so."
Droid, "Are you even listening to me?"
Gonzalez snapped, "Your worries have been noted, now move."
Droid shut up and cursed inside his head as he left to the danger zone, he would book it out of there if things got hairy. Julie and her ghost Pokemon started to follow the group who were very wary of their surroundings and kept looking at her direction. Okay, she could understand why her boss wanted them, they had very decent situational awareness and were very careful. That was a trait she as the future Admin looked out for, perhaps her boss will give her the girl and the little civvie boy to train personally. From what she knew the child with the glasses did not have his license yet, but he still had Pokemon.
An unlicensed child with Pokemon that were at one Gym badge level, not bad for a civvie without a proper training liscence. But that just made the boy more perfect to train and brain wash into becoming loyal to them, after all he is a child. She became alert as they got closer to the clutch that was a few feet ahead of them and watched as Ash placed Larvitar on a rock. Larvitar was not ready to let go but Ash calmed him down and got him to stay on the rock waiting for the approaching clutch. One of the angry Tyranitars sniffed the little Larvitar growling while Larvitar cooed and then another Tyranitar approached.
Ash gave a sigh of relief as the Tyranitars took Larvitar and left the area, their angry growls going down to protective rumblings instead. Ash took out his phone and sent a message saying mission complete to the Professor and then getting ready to leave the mountain range. As they were leaving they heard loud roars and saw the group of Ursarings and clutch of Tyranitars with the baby Pokemon waving goodbye. Casey and Gou teared up while Ash and Max promised to visit in the future, Brock was just thanking Mew nothing life threatening happened to them.
Ash, "There is the Ranger station."
Gou, "Let's punch out and leave."
Max, "We sure had to deal with a lot."
Casey, "From angry parents to crazy criminals."
Brock, "To angry parents again."
Ash, "Dealing with the angry parents was definitely easier."
Lucario, -Something is wrong.-
Charizard, -What's the matter?-
Lucario, -Gonzalez did not strike me as someone who gave up easily.-
Charizard looked at his trainer, -Especially when his target is someone like Ash. You reckon he is planning something?-
Lucario, -Remember when Ash told us about Altomare?-
Charizard nodded then growled, -The weapon!!!! Do you think he is planning something with it?-
Noctowl, -He would not dare!!-
Lucario, -I would not put it past someone like him.-
Abra, -We must protect Meema at all cost.-
Absol nodded, "Sol."
Eevee, "Vui."
Lokoko, -I think Ash might have come to the same conclusion.-
Meowth, "He is talking to Lance about his encounter and asking about Altomare."
Lucario, 'I hope we can survive this.'
Sorry I cannot update everyday my dear readers. I can only update on Sundays and the 1st and 2nd of the month.
These, are the only days I get a little free time to update my stories.