
Jhoto - Violet City

Lucario, -Meema calm down.-

Ash, 'Lucario? What's wrong?'

Lucario sighed, -Your aura is acting up again Meema. You need to calm down.-

Ash, 'Shit I didn't realize.... Thanks Lucario, love you.'

Lucario, -Love you too Meema.-

Ash refocused on the battle after Lucario cut the connection off. It had been going on for ten whole minutes now. But neither side wanted to give in and loose. Ash got an idea and smirked which Falkner noticed.

Ash, "Togekiss endure."

Falkner raised an eyebrow, "Aerial ace."

Ash watched as Togekiss endured the attack more than once, "Now focus your strength and yawn loud and clear."

Ash's Togekiss waited for his opponent to hit him again before grabbing on and giving the strongest yawn. Falkner's Togekiss looked at her opponent flabbergasted before she started to feel sleepy and pushed the younger male away.

Falkner, "What the? Ugh! Roost, bring your strength up."

Ash, "Drain punch, steal some of it."

Falkner, "Clever. Using a non combative move like that."

Ash grinned, "Thank you. Now again yawn with all you got."

Max gaped on seeing Ash's Togekiss yawn for the second time and put his opponent to sleep, "How?"

Gou laughed, "That's Ash for you."

Brock snickered, "Wigglytuff taught her brother well."

Casey, "Ugh, this may be hilarious to watch but it's not funny to be on the receiving end of it."

Referee, "Togekiss is refusing to wake up. The winner is Ash and his Togekiss."

Falkner laughed, "I had forgotten one of your nicknames is the 'Trainer who defeats you by putting you to sleep'."

Ash grinned, "We worked so hard to master the move, it would be wrong not to use it. You know?"

Togekiss sat beside Ash completely spent, "To togekiss to."

Ash pat his back, "You did so well buddy. You won against an Ace Pokemon."

Togekiss brightened at that before yawning, "To to."

Ash, "Return buddy. Sleep you deserve it."

Togekiss rubbed Ash's hand as he returned, "Ge."

Falkner, "Now then, Gyarados your turn."

Ash, "Venasaur let's do this."

Referee, "Begin."

Ash, "Vine whip."

Falkner, "Aqua tail."

The two attacks hit and water and green leaves everywhere. Venasaur gave a smirk before attacking with sword dance. Gyarados hissed and used iron tail and ice fang as retaliation to the sword dance. Gyarados got annoyed and attacked using flame thrower which Venasaur dodged.

Ash, "Grassy terrain."

Falkner, "Dragon dance."

The terrain they were on turned green with grass that added an extra boost to Venasaur while Dragon dance enhanced Gyarados's strength. Both Pokemon gave each other a look over after they were powered up and attacked using power whip and iron tail. The resounding smack made Max and Shroomish wince, it sounded painful. Venasaur and Gyarados attacked each other over and over adding sword dance and thrash to the mix.

Ash, "Energy ball."

Falkner, "Fire blast!"

Venasaur created energy ball and then just like the previous times ate it. The energy ball and grassy terrain increased his strength and stamina more. Gyarados attacked using fire blast and Brock, Gou, Max and Casey winced at the smell of burned leaves and flesh. Max wanted to throw up but held it in, then Venasaur stepped out of the attack and jumped using power whip. He used aromatherapy while jumping healing the worst burns before coming down on Gyarados using take down.

Falkner, "Rain dance."

Ash, "Leech seed bomb quick."

Venasaur didn't waste any time and shot a powerful and concentrated leech seed bomb which had multiple seeds at Gyarados who was starting to recover. The multiple leech seeds sprouted and covered Gyarados's form in vines from head to fin and despite his struggles Gyarados was unable to free himself from the tangles. Soon the movement stopped and Gyarados had fallen asleep due to exhaustion from having his strength absorbed.

Referee, "Gyarados is unable to battle Venasaur wins the match."

Falkner, "Return Gyarados. Very good now then let's go Charizard."

Charizard took the stage and roared making Venasaur's eyes light up with interest. He had not fought against another Charizard in a while. The last time, it was at the good old professor's ranch. The grass type looked at Ash who understood what he wanted and nodded letting him battle.

Falkner, "This is my starter and oldest friend, Charizard."

Charizard, "Arrrrrrd."

Ash, "He looks very powerful too. We are excited to battle you."

Referee, "Remember this battle will end with the last Pokemon standing. Begin."

Falkner, "Fire fang."

Ash, "Toxic."

Charizard attacked using fire fang and Venasaur attacked using toxic. The fire type dodged by flying in the air while attacking the grass type. Venasaur dodged the attacks coming at him but he was starting to feel the drain of using moves powered up by energy ball. While ridiculously powerful and a high energy rush, it was also annoyingly draining on the body.

Ash, "Venasaur use solar beam. Give it all you got."

Falkner smirked, "Inferno."

Charizard's eyes gleamed as he shot a very powerful inferno just as Venasaur shot a solar beam at him. Venasaur winced realizing it might have been better to rest first but hindsight is always twenty twenty as his trainer always said. The inferno soon overpowered the solar beam and hit Venasaur creating an explosion. When the dust cleared Venasaur was on the ground out cold.

Referee, "Venasaur is unable to battle. Charizard has won the match."

Ash, "Return Venasaur, thanks buddy. I'll give you a good massage and care later."

Falkner, "I must say I'm impressed by your Venasaur. He has powerful healing abilities despite being primarily a battle Pokemon."

Ash smiled, "Thank you. Now let's go Charizard."

Falkner's eyes gleamed, "Now isn't he a magnificent Pokemon?"

Falkner's Charizard nodded, "Arrrd."

Referee, "Begin."

Falkner, "Air slash."

Ash, "Steel wing."

The two Charizards flew and attacked each other very ferociously not holding back. Ash could feel the power of fire coming from the two Pokemon. Ash's Charizard used aerial ace while Falkner's Charizard used dragon rush to retaliate.

Max, "Wao."

Brock, "Yeah."

Gou, "Charizards are awesome, aren't they?"

Casey, "Right? The Kanto starter Pokemon are the original Golden trio."

Ash's Charizard used sword dance just as Falkner's Charizard used dragon dance to fight each other. They looked beautiful battling each other using those moves, Luke they were dancing. Ash watched them and suddenly got an inspiration for a book or rather he got a flash back of one of the movies he adored. It was called Game of Thrones if he remembered right and was about dragons and a Dragon Queen, a family with wolf partners and of course a corrupt royal family. He could add that to the book he was currently writing but in the past before Hogwarts was even created. He would publish it after the current books have ended first though. He was getting excited again, he couldn't wait to get to writing.

Ash, "Charizard steel armour, go full power."

Falkner gave a smirk, "We are not going down that easily. Dragon dance."

Casey, "They are really into it, aren't they?"

Brock nodded, "Yup, they sure are."

Max was on the edge of his seat, "This is so cool."

Shroomish, "Shroom."

Lucario, 'That look in Meema's eyes. Hmm! I get the feeling it's not just because of the battle.'

Pikachu cheered, "Pika pikapi pika."

Abra, -Go Meema go!-

Eevee, "Vui vui."

Absol barked, "Arf!"

The two Charizards meanwhile fought very zealously, Falkner's Charizard slammed Ash's Charizard on the wall. Ash's Charizard retaliated by hitting him on the face with iron tail, they both used dragon rage after that causing the area to heat up. The two Charizards growled at each other before jumping into the fray again. Falkner was quite impressed by the shiny Charizard and had to give Ash respect on how far the two had come. The start was harsh but they did a wonderful job.

Falkner, "Let's end this Charizard. Dragon rage."

Ash, "Charizard dragon meteor!"

The two attacks collided and created a blast that shook the arena up. When the smoke cleared both Charizards were knocked out on the battlefield.

Referee, "Both Charizards are unable to battle, since Ash still has Togekiss who is unbeaten, Ash has won the match."

Ash walked up to Charizard who was starting to come to, "Great job buddy."

Charizard grumbled, "Arrrrrrd."

Ash, "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. That Charizard is stronger than us and more experienced. The fact you brought this fight to a draw, just shows how strong you have become."

Charizard looked over at the older fire flier and nodded in respect, "Zard."

Falkner's Charizard returned the nod before getting up and rumbling, "Arrr."

Charizard nuzzled Ash as the teen pat his neck, "Arrrd."

Falkner, "Drop by after your Pokemon are healed. I have something important to tell you."

Ash blinked and nodded, "Okay."

Unknown to Ash his second set of battles was recorded live by some of the other trainers who were waiting for their turn to fight Falkner. The video was shared many times and became very popular, something that would come back to irk him later. Ash had no problem with being recorded but being stopped by complete strangers while on the way to Pokemon centre irked him.

Gou, "Okay, that's enough. We are going to the Pokemon center. Stop being entitled asshats."

A girl gasped, "What?"

Another boy, "You can't say that to us."

Casey snorted, "But that is exactly what you are, even after we said we were going to the Pokemon center. Honestly if this is how you are behaving now, you should not even bother getting a Pokemon."

Brock nodded, "Very callous and uncaring. I should probably note this down."

Max, "And you look like you are older than me too."

Lucario, -This way Meema.-

Absol who was being held by Ash again grumbled, "Sol."

Chikorita hissed, "Chiko!"

Ash hushed them, "It's okay pup, Chikorita. Let's go guys."


Ash ignored the call, 'Honestly! I thought entitled people only existed in the internet.'

Max, "Are you okay?"

Ash gave a sigh, "I'm alright. Just irritated really, some people are just so annoying."

Abra, -Want me to prank them later, Meema?-

Eevee, "Vui."

Chikorita smirked, "Chiko chiko."

Ash, "Only if Gengar and Phantump are with you."

Abra gave an eye smile, -We will.-

Nurse Joy took the Pokemon and gave them a check up, "Your Pokemon are alright, they have a bit of exhaustion and Venasaur got burned, but nothing some rest can't take care of."

Ash sighed in relief, "Thank you."

The group then went to one of the private areas outside the Pokemon Centre and released the Pokemon to give them a grooming session. Ash first made sure Heracross was wiped and massaged before letting him go and latch on to the maple tree growing in the field. He then called Chimchar who sat on Ash's Lapras as the dark haired teen brushed and massaged him till he relaxed before letting him go. Lastly Tyrunt sat down infront of Ash still smug from his first official win and Ash first massaged the spikes before heading to the rest of the body.

Next Ash called Togekiss who cooed as Ash started to clean his feathers first before massaging her. Togekiss snuggled up with Ash sighing softly at the attention. After Togekiss was done Ash called Venasaur and started by gently patting the burned areas with a cool solution of Aloe Vera and an ice berry. The berry is not something that could be eaten and is mostly used to treat burns and cuts mostly. Once the burned areas were treated Ash went for the large flower on Venasaur's back and pat the sweet scented water mixture on it then the massaged the rest of the large body.

Venasaur rumbled content through the special treatment he was receiving before it ended and he went to sunbath. Charizard laid down with his wings spread out signaling he wanted his wings taken care of first and Ash obliged. Ash first massaged the wing bones before applying the warm oil on the wing, then Ash went for the claws and tail before massaging the rest of Charizard's body. The fire type loved to push in extra time and honestly that habit had not changed. Ash just grinned fondly and gave Charizard's shoulder extra massage.

[A. N.: My cousin's marriage is tomorrow and I'm uploading this during break time. She saw me type and asked what I was writing for an hour.

I told her and she read my story. She says she loves it. >/////<

She is also a Pokemon fan and has a Pikachu and Eevee plushie.]