
Jhoto - Mahogany Town

Pryce looked around, "Well then, we should move to another ice field for our Ace level battle. This one is completely totalled."

Ash, "Sorry about that."

Pryce waved the apology away, "No, don't apologize. It was a fun battle all things considered."

Lucario, -I think Casey wants to battle first.-

Ash, "Yeah, all yours Casey."

Casey, "Thanks Ash, I am all pumped up for my battle after watching your fight."

Sheila, "This way challengers. There is another ice field prepared for you."

Casey looked around, "It's colder in here."

Sheila, "This is the old gym battlefield. It's only used for higher level battles than badge battles. The open area allows the Pokemon to move more freely which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on perspective."

Casey, "I love it, can't wait to battle."

Sheila, "I'll be the one referring the Axe battles. Now take your places and choose your first Pokemon."

Pryce, "Come and play Dewgong."

Casey, "Let's go Beedrill."

Sheila, "Begin."

Casey, "Agility."

Pryce, "Icy wind."

Beedrill used agility to get close to drag to attack him but Dewgong used icy wind to create a barrier around him. Beedrill eyed the cold barrier as he zipped around the battle field, it would not be easy but he would try his level best to weaken Dewgong. Even before the battle started Beedrill could feel the strength coming from the ice type. That level of strength was what he and his comrades were aiming to achieve something that their trainer would never be hurt again.

Casey, "Toxic spikes on the ground."

Beedrill nodded as he shot the poison spikes on the ground while Pryce calmly called for water gun. The water that hit the spikes froze over trapping the poison inside making Beedrill tch but didn't stop him from attacking his opponent. Dewgong had to give his opponent respect, most Pokemon would be shivering from the cold but the clever little bug had found a way to keep most of the cold off of him. Agility is a very useful move indeed, by moving at fast speed the little bug could avoid a nasty first bite.

Ash, "Wao, just look at Beedrill go."

Magmar nodded, "Mag mag."

Max had called his Beedrill out, "Yeah, so fast. Casey has been holding out on us."

Max's Beedrill eyed his tutor, "Bzzzzz.

Gou, "Don't be upset buddy. They are training you right. You will be just as fast or maybe faster then him in the future."

Beedrill perked up, "Bzzzzz."

Lucario eyed Dewgong, -That Dewgong has seen many battles.-

Brock looked at Dewgong closely, "You are right."

Green, "I can see the scars if I squint though they are not easily visible."

Pikachu, "Pikapi."

Dewgong was enjoying the battle but there was a limit on how long Beedrill could hold out in the freezing cold. Dewgong attacked and took Beedrill down knocking him out from the fight. Casey thanked Beedrill returning him and chose her next Pokemon which was her Gyarados who roared excited. Dewgong eyed his new opponent with an excited glint in his eyes and the high level battle restarted all over again.

Gou, "I have not seen her Gyarados fight since the Indigo conference."

Green, "Wasn't he busy with mating and caring for the younger Pokemon."

Brock, "He was actually."

Cyndaquill who had joined them now looked at Gyarados starry eyed, "Quilllll."

Ash smiled at him, "No rush buddy, take your time okay."

Cyndaquill nodded grinning, "Cynda."

Bayleef, "Bay bay."

Ash, "Thanks Bayleef, Brock."

Brock, "Don't mention it. Healing our Pokemon is good practice for me."

Gou, "You are getting better at it too."

Brock, "Thanks."

Casey, "Dragon rage Gyarados."

Pryce, "Avalanche stop that storm."

The audience could feel both the cold and the power coming from the two attacks as they collided with each other. The dragon rage and avalanche fighting for being the most destructive among them. Cyndaquill and Magmar narrowed their eyes combining their heat to cover the others. Pryce and Sheila looked unfazed though Ash noticed Casey was clenching her teeth as she stood her ground. Gyarados was giving his best and looks like she was as well if her stubborn stance in front of the dangerous and cold situation was anything to speak of.

Casey, "Finish it Gyarados."

Pryce, "Do your worst."

Gyarados roared loudly as he attacked while Dewgong clapped in excitement. The dragon rage was soon taken over by the avalanche and the battle field was covered in a layer of white ice. Casey looked around and called for Gyarados realizing Dewgong was missing as well. She was worried about where the two Pokemon were and that attack was Gyarados's strongest. Dewgong appeared happily clapping his hands followed by Gyarados that looked exhausted. Dewgong attacked Gyarados with aqua ring which knocked Gyarados out.

Casey, "Gyarados, no."

Sheila, "Gyarados is unable to battle, Dewgong has won the match."

Ash, "So powerful."

Lucario, -Indeed Meema. This is future goals.-

Gou, "Yeah."

Cinderace, "Ace cinder ace."

Max, "One day I will be a strong Gym Leader like that."

Breloom, "Loom loom breloom."

Brock, "I have no doubt you guys will one day achieve it."

Casey, "Thank you Gyarados. Rest up."

Sheila, "Choose your final Pokemon."

Casey, "Let's go Meganium."

Meganium, "Mega mega meganium."

Sheila, "Begin."

Pryce, "Icy wind."

Casey, "Not this time use sunny day."

The sunny day reflected on the ice making Dewgong and everyone else flinch from the bright reflection. Meganium then charged at Dewgong and tackled him though Dewgong didn't go down easily. Casey adjusted her hat determined to defeat the high level Pokemon no matter what happens. Meganium was standing determined to fight as well and attacked using razor leaf when Dewgong used hail. The razor leaf cut through the hail stones that were hurting towards her and fall on the ice field.

Casey, "Meganium another sunny day."

Pryce, "Icy wind. Freeze her."

The sunny day and icy wind clashed making a cool breeze blow through the stadium. On other days it would have been really nice but after almost freezing even cool wind felt icy cold on the skin. Cyndaquill snuggled with Max and Breloom while Magmar increased his body heat to comfort the others. Brock muttered about checkung Casey for frostbite and hypothermia before letting her off. Inside her pokeball Lapras was getting very excited, he had felt the power and the cold from inside and couldn't wait for his turn.

Casey, "Now use leech bomb."

Green's eyes widened, "Leech bomb? Isn't that?"

Max, "Venasaur's speciality?"

Ash, "Venasaur was happy to teach Meganium that particular move. But there is a problem."

Brock, "Venasaur is biologically suited for this move but Meganium has a recovery period."

Gou, "Hopefully it'll work out though."

Meganium attacked with the leech bomb while Dewgong prepared icicle shard. As Ash had thought, the leech bomb was pretty powerful and large. Also thanks to the sunny day giving Meganium a boost it covered Dewgong up despite the cold freezing the outer branches. It didn't stop the inner branches from taking away Dewgong's energy and strength weakening him. Dewgong stayed strong but the leech bomb was stronger. Also seeing how much Meganium was panting Ash could bet she put all her strength into that one move.

Sheila observed the fallen Dewgong who was not moving, "Dewgong is unable to battle. The winner is Meganium."

Meganium who was panting hard was feeling the frost bite and cold seep into her and fell with a tired huff, "Mega."

Casey rushed towards her, "Meganium, are you alright?"

Meganium smiled at her with pride despite the exhaustion, "Meganium."

Ash, "It's the cold."

Brock, "Meganium has hypothermia and exhaustion. She won't be battling for a while."

Casey nodded, "I understand. It's okay though, Meganium deserves a break."

Meganium nuzzled her trainer as Bayleef helped Brock, "Mega mega."

Bayleef deadpanned at her older counter part, she was just as battle crazy as her two boys were and suspected she will try to get into battle before fully healed. Bayleef made a mental note to keep a close eye on Meganium to make sure she was fully healed, she knows she can't stop the older female. She can however make sure that she was healed and taken care of before she thinks about jumping into battling again. Bayleef half wondered if she was the only sane Pokemon not obsessed with battles currently in the group.

Pryce, "We have anti frost potions, you can use the healing chambers."

Brock, "Really? I appreciate it."

Pryce, "I have heard about your interest in healing. No matter how many healers are there, it never seems to be enough."

Sheila nodded, "I have some hot soup prepared for you too lass. It'll make you feel better and recover faster."

Casey had not realized it but she was shivering from the cold and wet clothes, "Yeah, good idea."

Ash, "Remember to change into dry clothes Casey."

Green, "I'll help her. Don't worry."

Brock, "While I take care of her Pokemon. Just focus on your Ace battle."

Pryce, "Shall we, young man?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, I'm ready to battle and my Pokemon are very excited as well."

Pryce, "Great, let's get to it then."

Brock and Green stated at the healing chambers to fuss over their friend and Pokemon making sure everything was okay and they were eating. Green helped a shivering Casey change into a more dry outfit and if she saw a familiar disguise poking out, didn't comment on it. Bayleef helped Brock with healing Beedrill and Gyarados who were still dazed though they both curled around Casey and Meganium. It was sweet if not for the hypothermia they were all having, which now had Bayleef worrying for her trainer.

Ash stood on his side of the field, "Magmar I will be fine. Promise."

Magmar shook his head, "Mag magmar."

Lucario, -Ah... Very well. Pikachu and I will be on the audience seat. If you promised Bayleef to keep Meema safe then, who am I to stop you.-

Ash, "Really?"

Magmar nodded, "Mag."

Ash, "Alright then. Stay close to me though."

Pryce, "Overprotective, ain't he?"

Ash, "A bit, yes though I think fighting in a frozen arena might also be a reason."

Sheila, "Welcome to the third arena."

Ash looked around, 'Pillars again, with ice based landscape. Impressive.'

Max, "Woah!"

Gou, "Very impressive."

Sheila, "This will be an Ace battle between the challenger Ash and Gym Leader Pryce. Now, choose your first Pokemon."

Pryce, "Come Lapras."

Lapras appeared, "Laaaaap."

Ash, "Annihilape, ready to rumble?"

Annihilape appeared from Ash's shadow, having finally learned to hide in it, "Ape."

Pryce, "That's interesting."

Sheila, "Begin."

Ash, "Night shade."

Pryce, "Ice beam."

Gou looked on as the dark colour of night shade and the icy blue colour of ice beam filled the arena. Annihilape was in his opinion a very neutral choice only put at a disadvantage due to the environment in which they are battling. Annihilape had been training with Lapras though and even though this opponent was more experienced, the previous training helped him stay in the game. The Lapras looked at him with a challenging look on his face and shot another ice beam, this time at his right. The ice formed a pillar keeping him from moving easily though it didn't stop Annihilape from using curse.

Pryce, "Mist cover everything."

Ash, "Annihilape, stay calm and focus on your hearing."

Annihilape, "Ann."

Ash, "Everything has a living pulse. As a ghost type you can hear them. Focus."

Pryce, "Will you have the time though? Water pulse Lapras."

Ash, "Stay calm buddy listen where it's coming from and jump, followed by fire punch to clear this mist."

Annihilape focused on the surroundings and could hear his trainer's steady and calm heart beat as well as Magmar's strong one. He moved on from them to the rest of the surroundings and felt a powerful pulse in front of him. It was heading closer to him at a fast rate, then he jumped and as he came down he used fire punch to disperse the mist in the air. Lapras was eyeing him with a little bit of interest now and decided to take him seriously.

[A. N.: Have a wonderful week everyone.

After rain a rainbow came out today. It's been a long time since I saw a rainbow. It was really beautiful.]