
Pokemon Rebirth: Rise of Punit

I jolted awake, my heart hammering like I’d just outrun a Gyarados. The wooden beams above me were etched with carvings of Pokémon, details so crisp it felt wrong, unfamiliar. Panic clawed its way up my throat as my hands gripped a soft, clean bedspread—completely different from the scratchy, cheap sheets I remembered. Where was I? The room was filled with signs of a life that wasn’t mine—Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur posters lining the walls, shelves cluttered with memorabilia. A photo on the dresser stopped me cold—a boy and his parents, all smiles. But the faces...they tugged at something deep inside me, a connection I couldn’t place. When I stumbled to the mirror, it hit me like a freight train. The boy staring back wasn’t me—not the me I remembered. The reflection was younger, smaller, but the sharp intelligence in those midnight-black eyes? That was still mine. I wasn’t just waking up in some random room. I had become someone else, someone living in the Pokémon world. And with the powers I felt coursing through me—unlimited money, instant move learning, rapid evolution—this wasn’t just a new life. It was a chance to rewrite everything. A world to conquer, trainers to defeat. Ash, Gary, Blaze—they didn’t know what was coming. This world was mine now. And no one—no one—was going to stop me.

Vivid_Horizons · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

Chapter 56: Erin's Fear of Pokémon

The smell of apples drifted in the humid air, mingling with the sharp tang of forest soil. I took a slow bite, savoring the crunch, then tossed another apple toward my Pidgeot. He caught it midair, perched on a low branch, wings tucked tight against his body.

"Don't worry, buddy," I said, my voice low, calm. "She's not scared of you. She's just… scared of all Pokémon."

Pidgeot nodded, beak cracking the apple with a satisfying snap, then settled into the rhythm of his meal. I glanced down at Erin, sprawled unconscious on the forest floor, her oversized green hoodie bunched under her like a pillow. She was breathing, at least. That was a good sign.

The quiet didn't last long. Footsteps crunched through the underbrush, and I knew exactly who it was before I turned. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu emerged from the shadows, their Bulbasaur trailing behind, vines brushing against the foliage. Pikachu's gaze flicked nervously toward Erin, but the little guy kept his distance. His soft "Pika…" hung in the air, a note of worry.

Misty stepped forward, her hands already on her hips, eyes sharp. "Is she okay?" she asked, her voice edged with impatience.

I swallowed another bite of apple, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and glanced at Erin again. "Should be," I answered, relaxed. No point in getting worked up. She'd be fine.

"Why are you so relaxed?" Misty demanded, stepping closer. "What if something happens? What would Professor Oak say?"

Her words made me pause, just for a second, and a shiver ran down my spine at the thought of facing Oak's fury. I crouched next to Erin and placed a hand near her nose. Soft breaths. Still breathing.

I sat back, unconcerned. "She's still breathing."

Misty wasn't buying it. Her eyes narrowed. "Why were you flying around on Pidgeot? You know she's terrified of Pokémon."

I threw a look at her, lips curling into a smirk. "We were looking for you, remember? You left us behind." The sarcasm wasn't lost on her.

Pikachu, still worried about Erin, wandered over to Bulbasaur and started chatting—probably telling him to stay away too. Smart move. The last thing we needed was another freak-out.

Brock's voice broke through the tension. "What's the plan, Punit?"

I tossed the apple core over my shoulder. "Plan's simple. We're getting out of this Fucking forest. It's been long enough."

Suddenly, Erin stirred, her voice cutting through the quiet like a knife. "Fucking?"

The word hung awkwardly in the air, as calm and blunt as Erin always was, her honesty so stark it made the rest of us freeze. Then, without thinking, all of us—me, Misty, Ash, Brock, Pikachu—smacked our foreheads in perfect unison.

Erin blinked up at me, still half-dazed, her voice as calm as before. "What's fucking?"

I snorted, shaking my head. "You're fine."

Before I could explain, Pidgeot fluttered down from his perch and nudged her shoulder with his beak. Erin turned her head, saw him looming over her, and immediately fainted again. Great.

I sighed, standing up. Pidgeot looked genuinely confused, his head tilting as he stared at her. "Don't worry," I said, patting his feathers. "I'll explain later. Return."

He vanished into his Pokéball in a flash of light. I turned back to the others, who were all still watching the unconscious Erin with varying degrees of concern. Brock folded his arms, eyes narrowed in thought. "Do you even have a plan to fix her fear?"

I tapped my cheek, pretending to think hard. "We'll ease her into it," I said finally, my tone nonchalant. "Start with small, cute Pokémon. Keep them at a distance at first, let her get used to them. We close the gap bit by bit."

They nodded, though Misty didn't look entirely convinced. "What about now? We still need to get out of the forest."

I gave her a mischievous grin and knelt down, scooping Erin up in my arms with ease. "Let's go," I said, adjusting her weight as if she weighed nothing. "Princess style."

Misty's eyes widened. "Let me carry her," she protested, stepping forward. "She's like my little sister!"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "What if she wakes up and doesn't like you carrying her? Wouldn't want to break your heart, Misty."

Her lips tightened, but she couldn't argue. Ash, who'd been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "What if I carry her?"

Misty's glare was immediate. "Why? Didn't you owe me a bike or something?"

Ash shifted uncomfortably, adjusting his bag and scooping Pikachu onto his shoulder. He recalled Bulbasaur and took off without another word, with Misty chasing after him, grumbling all the way.

That left me, Brock, and the unconscious Erin. Brock gave me a sideways glance. "So, what happens when we get to the next city?"

I shrugged, keeping my pace steady. "We battle, obviously."

Brock smiled, a rare flicker of amusement in his usually serious eyes. "Sure, Punit. But what about her?"

"She'll be fine," I said, my tone as casual as ever. "Just needs some time."

He nodded, trusting me as we walked in silence, following the chaos of Ash and Misty up ahead. I couldn't help but feel a grin tugging at my lips.

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