
I'm feeling Blue

"Ok, let's stop Mr. Jonathan from leaving," Yellow said as she turned around and started running.

But before she could get anywhere Ash grabbed her by the shirt and held her up like a cat, "And how do you expect to do that?"

"Well, we'll tell him that Ms. Edna is pregnant," Yellow said looking 100% serious.

"And let's assume you are let back in after, you know, we got kicked out, why would he believe you?"

Yellow looked like she didn't get it so Ash elaborated, "OK let's assume one day a random kid walks up to us and says that you are their mother, would you believe it."

It took Yellow a few seconds, then she turned red and covered her face with her hat, "I-I guess not, but what should we do?"

Ash took a moment to think and looked into the sky, "Do you still have your Pokemon?"

Yellow felt her belt and saw she still had all of them, so she nodded.

Ash handed her the Necklace and opened up to the picture of Edna, "This is what she looks like, go to the center and ask about an expert in Eggs, then if you can get her here I can take care of the rest."

Yellow looked down at the Necklace and nodded, "OK, I'll do my best."

And with that Yellow and Ash went separate ways.

{POV change.}

A tall, thin young man with light skin, brown eyes, and big tall, brown spiky hair pointing the other direction, he had a black jacket and purple pants, he had a striking resemblance to Gary.

It was Blue, and he currently looked upset, as he was walking out of the Pokemon center. As he left, a weird girl wearing a sunhat almost bumped into him but he ignored her and kept walking.

He was upset because currently he challenged the Gym and lost to Gym leader Koga, a recently placed Gym leader, he also somehow rubbed him the wrong way with the way he spoke like he didn't want to be there. It was weird.

He started this journey with his childhood friend turned rival Red about 4 almost 5 months ago. Obviously as of this point, Red hasn't been able to beat him in a single battle, but he has always been right behind him.

But now he lost, it wasn't his first loss but this one stung more, so he wanted to go train, maybe if he saw the doofus he calls a best friend, Red, he could use him like a training dummy.

As he started walking out of town he saw a Boy with a red hat and a Pikachu on his shoulder, he released a very large Pidgeot as he was setting something up.

He could tell that it wasn't red, for one Red had a red short-sleeved jacket with a white trim, and this one had a Black and red jacket. 

But that didn't change things, he had a Pikachu just like him so he smirked and started walking towards him.

{Back to Ash}

Ash sent out Pidgeot and was setting up his saddle that he got in advance, but he was bigger than he thought so it was slightly too small for Pidgeot.

Pidgeot looked at him with annoyed eyes, "Hey don't blame me, it's your fault for getting so big, You're already twice the size of an average Pidgeot,"

"Purt(▼ヘ▼#)" Pidgeot quietly mumbled.

"Fine I'll get you a new one later, but for now we don't exactly have the luxury of time, it could start raining any moment."

"Purr(*·ω-q)" Pidgeot said with a happier expression.

Just as Pikachu jumped onto Pidgeot and Ash was about to set something else, he heard a voice, "Hey you!"

Looking behind him he saw a boy who had a striking resemblance to Gary, Ash could tell that this was Blue, the rival in the Red and Blue games.

"The name Blue Oak, don't forget it cuz I'm going to be the greatest trainer in the world, consider it an honor because I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle."

The space was silent for a bit before Ash finally said something, "...No."

Blue nearly stumbled as the words hit him, "W-what, no you can't do that!"

"Why not? I'm busy and I don't have a lot of time, it's only natural that I deny a battle."

"No, if two trainers' eyes meet, they have to battle, and there's no running from a Pokemon battle!" Blue yelled back as he held out a Pokeball.

Ash sighed, "Ok fine let's battle."

Blue smiled, "Finally now let us-"

"I surrender, congratulations you won." Ash interrupted

Blue felt as if he was almost turned to stone.

{With Yellow.}

Yellow was running through the streets, she even almost ran into a boy, obviously, she apologized, but he didn't seem to mind.

Eventually, she ran into the Pokemon center and was almost out of breath as she got forward, but she composed herself as she got up to the counter and up to the Joy that was standing there.

"Hello, how may I help you!" The Joy standing at the counter said she looked exactly like the one she met back when she first arrived with everyone.

"Um, I wanted to ask if there were any Egg experts in this town, I came here looking after hearing some rumors," Yellow asked.

Joy smiled, of course, they actually work not far from here, just move through the next street and turn left on the hill, and you'll meet Ms. Edna, just ask for her husband Mr. Jonathan.

"Ok, thank you," Yellow said as she started moving again.

It took a little bit to get to the place, it looked like a nursery with Eggs lining the walls of all sorts of colors. Standing at the counter was a young woman that Yellow recognized from the picture, Edna.

Edna saw Yellow and smiled, "Hello what can I do for you today."

"Um, I was told this is where an Egg expert works, so I wanted to ask if I could speak to them," Yellow asked quickly.

"And what business do you have, do you need help with hatching an egg, or is there some problem," Edna asked.

"Oh well, my friend, he has an egg and he said it looks like it's going to hatch soon, it's glowing and shaking and neither of us knows how to hatch it," Yellow said.

"Oh well in that case, sure it's not uncommon for this to happen, let me get him," Edna said going into the back room, letting Yellow take a sigh of relief.

In the back room, Jonathan would normally be working, however instead there is only a single note left on the table, Edna looked confused and grabbed it to open it.

As she read the note her heart sank, Jonathan was planning on leaving today.

Edna immediately dropped the note and ran out of the room and almost hopped over the counter much to Yellow's surprise.

Yellow quickly asked, "Is something wrong!"

"I'm sorry my Husband isn't here, I need to get to the train station to find him before it's too late!" Edna said as she almost ran outside.

Yellow pulled out a Pokeball, "Then let me help you, go Dody!" out of the ball came a familiar two-headed bird as Yellow jumped on.

"Hop on, we can get there faster," Yellow said as she helped Edna onto the bird.

In the sky, it started to rain, and they only had a few moments to arrive before the train left, so Dody started running With the two on top, and Yellow was left wondering what Ash was doing.

{A few moments earlier}

Ash pulled Wartortle and strapped him onto Pidgeot as well, meanwhile Blue finally recovered from what felt like a punch to the face.

"No, that's not how it works!"

"Sure it is, you challenged me so I forfeited that means I lost and you won, now leave me alone I need to do something," Ash said as he finished the last of the preparations.

"No, we battle now, smell you now, not later!" Blue blurted out making everyone go silent

"… What?"

Blue scratched his nose, "Sorry, I have a nose condition and I blurt that out sometimes. But my point still stands, you can't run from a trainer battle!"

Ash sighed into the air and looked at Wartortle, "Do you think you can do it by yourself?"

Wartortle saluted, "(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧Wartortle![Leave it to me, Boss!]"

Ash nodded and slapped Pidgeot on the back making him fly up, then he turned towards Blue, "Fine, but we are doing a 1 on 1."

Blue smirked and held out a ball, "Fine by me, and it seems like you sent your strongest Pokemon away, what a mistake, let's do this."

Ash looked at Pikachu, "You wanna take this one?"

Pikachu thought to himself for a moment before nodding, "(•̀ω•́)✧Pika!"

"Alright let's make this quick," Ash said as Pikachu humped in front of him.

Blue slightly looked annoyed, "Of course, it's a Pikachu, alright then Machamp let's do this!"

Out from the ball came a large and muscular 4-armed Pokemon, a Machamp who towered over the small mouse.

"I'll start this, Machamp [DynamicPunch]!" Blue commanded while raising his fist into the air.

Machamp's fist started glowing a bluish color as he turned into a blur as he ran at the small mouse.

"Sidestep quick attack into a [Thunder Punch]," Ash commanded.

Pikachu turned into a blur and narrowly dodged the incoming fist using said fist for leverage as he used his tail to slingshot himself into Machamp's face with a glowing fist.

Blue was taken aback, he didn't even know Pikachus could do that but he straightened himself and looked forward, "Shake it off and go for [Stone Edge]!"

Machamp shook his head as he forced his four fists into the ground pulling out 4 large pieces of stone, with his top two hands he threw the stones and ran forward with the other two.

Pikachu jumped from one to another but as he was about to counterattack Machamp used his two free hands to stop him and the two stones to smash into Pikachu from both sides.

Ash frowned as Machamp threw Pikachu aside and seemed to get ready to keep attacking, "Pikachu [Trailblaze]."

Pikachu got covered in a green energy as he started running forward, Machamp tried to grab the mouse but Pikachu started moving in a zigzag motion, after Machamp got confused Pikachu appeared behind him and kicked Machamp from behind.

"Don't let him recover, [Double Kick]" Ash commanded quickly after.

Pikachu takes the momentum from before and uses each of his feet, the first one hits Machamp's arm and the second goes for Machamp's face.

Machamp had to take a step back as he started rubbing his face, Blue was frowning, "Fine let's take it up a notch, Earthquake!"

Machamp raised his upper right fist in the air and punched into the ground with full force causing the ground to shake and sending a strong shockwave at Pikachu.

Ash smiled, "As if, Pikachu, Counter Shield."

Immediately the tone shifted, the shockwave was approaching Pikachu but he went to one arm and started spinning, as it got closer Pikachu went onto his back with electricity coursing through him, and when it was right next to him everything lit up.

Pikachu used his tail and slammed it with the electricity, the barrier caused the shockwave to get dispersed, and then the electricity from the Barrier was shot at Machamp landing a direct hit.

Machamp went to one knee and was panting, meanwhile Blue was starting to panic, none had ever done anything even remotely similar. Meanwhile, the first drop of rain fell, which indicated he didn't have much time.

Blue got up and looked at Ash, "I'll admit that was good, but you're lying to yourself if you think we're out, Machamp Cross Chop!"

"Pikachu we need to end this, Iron Tail!" Ash commanded as more rain started to fall.

Machamp crossed his arms and started running towards Pikachu, meanwhile, Pikachu ran to Machamp, when they got close Pikachu slammed his tail into the ground causing him to jump into the air and over Machamp, then landing an Iron tail on the back of his head.

"This was interesting, but it's time we end this," Ash gave a thumbs up, before putting it down, "Thunder."

From the sky, the clouds started forming, and once they did a singular bolt of lightning fell and struck Machamp down, making him fall with spirals in his eyes and extra crispy.

As the smoke was clearing he connected with his Pokemon and sent them, [It's now or never]

In the sky above the clouds, Wartortle was standing on Pidgeot as they got the message.

Pidgeot looked at the turtle, [You sure this is how you want to do this]

Wartortle looked back, [Of course, if it's not in style what's the point?]

Pidgeot rolled his eyes, [Alright but if you die I'm not going to the funeral.]

Wartortle smiled and put on his new sunglasses, [That's fine because I'm going to live forever!] and after he said that Wartortle jumped off the bird and started falling.

Once he got near the clouds Wartortle went into his shell and started spinning with a [Rapid Spin], once he had the momentum 5 [Ice Beams] came out simultaneously from each opening in his shell going in every direction.

A move worked on that was dubbed, [Glacial Cyclone]

Soon the clouds started getting colder creating a temporary snow storm to be formed.

But that didn't change the fact that there was a Shell currently reaching terminal velocity and approaching the ground quickly catching both Ash and Blue's attention.

However, as the shell approached the ground a blur sped across the ground and caught the turtle before he could find out how strong that shell was.

Ash rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Drama Queen." Then he looked into the sky and saw the gentle snow starting to fall.