
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
256 Chs

Giant Pokemon

After dinner was done Brock went to do the dishes Meanwhile Bill was recounting stories about his youth and what he researched, Misty was mainly the only one listening since Yellow was playing with Alakazam and Abra.

Ash was looking out of the window while thinking about how he was going to get out of this situation, he would have to wait until everyone was busy or asleep so he could feed the rest of his Pokemon, meanwhile, he noticed that a fog started building up, which made him frown knowing what that meant.

Bill also noticed the fog and stopped his story, which was coincidentally about the island of Squirtles. "Well, it seems you are all quite lucky for it is time for that Pokemon to come."

Brock who just came back into the room questioned, "What do you mean that Pokemon?"

"I'll explain in a bit but I have to set everything up, For now, I suggest you all return your Pokemon," Bill said before walking up to the top of the lighthouse.

Everyone did as he said, except Pikachu who refused to go into the ball, and everyone followed him to the top where he was making some adjustments to the light from the lighthouse.

"Um, Mr. Bill, what are you doing?" Yellow asked.

"Well I suppose I owe you all an explanation," Bill said as he turned back to the group and signaled for them to look over at the ocean, "Well you see as a Pokemon researcher it is my goal to study all kinds of Pokemon, but as of recently I have been trying to find and study one Pokemon in particular."

"What kind of Pokemon are you talking about?" Yellow asked as she was looking over the railings, seemingly sensing something approaching but she didn't know what to make of it.

"It is a fascinating specimen, it resembles a Dragonite, however, it is probably the biggest naturally living Pokemon ever, and yet no one has ever properly seen it."

"What do you mean by naturally living Pokemon?" Brock asked.

"Well as far as my research has told me this Pokemon is not the result of experiments or an accident."

Ash thought of something and turned to Bill, "What about the Dynamax phenomenon, is it possible that has something to do with it."

Bill rubbed his chin, "Interesting theory, you would have made a fine researcher, anyway, I never thought about it since it is not my level of expertise and as far as I know the Dynamax phenomenon has not appeared in any other areas besides Galar, but if what you say is true this may give us a hint as to what the origin of Dynamax is."

"Well if you want I recommend you take your research and any pictures you may have and ask Professor Oak to get you into contact with Professor Magnolia, she can probably help you."

"Thank you I will be sure to get in contact with her, but first," Bill said in gratitude before pulling out a Remote from his pocket, and when he pressed it a soothing series of sounds came out of some speakers.

"What is this noise for?" Yellow asked, seemingly understanding a bit of what the sound was saying, and being confused about the remix of sounds.

"Well in my time staying here I was unable to find anything about this Pokemon until one night I heard a sound," Bill said.

"I want- I want to meet you."

"That's what it said to me." Bill said seemingly spacing out, "Some time ago I recorded a similar sound and recorded, then I played it from the lighthouse."

"Let's be friends, I want to meet you."

"One day I heard the same voice calling me from the other side of the ocean."

"I want to meet you too, I want to be friends."

Bill then turned to everyone, "Some foggy night that Pokemon would come in search of a friend that it has been searching for, I want nothing more than to see that Pokemon."

Ash was listening to the story but also scanning around with Aura to see if Team Rocket was around however he did not sense them around, which was a relief.

Meanwhile everyone there's a second sound coming from the ocean catching everyone by surprise but then soothed everyone with the song-like melody.

[distant wailing and humming]

"It's here. The signal." Bill said before pressing a second button sending a gentle sound, and the lights started blinking different colors.

[melodic wailing]

[gentle humming]

[gentle humming]

"Wow, it sounds like it's singing," Misty said enjoying the music.

Meanwhile, Ash pulled Yellow to the side just out of earshot but not far enough to be suspicious, "You understand what they are actually saying don't you." Ash said.


"That isn't what they said is it," Yellow shook her head.

"Do you want to tell me?"

Yellow pulled Ash closer and whispered in his ear, and Ash took a breath, "Yep let's keep that one to ourselves. It will probably break Bill's heart, hearing what his recording is saying."

Brock looked at the two talking and he thought they were flirting, so he smirked and kept everyone else looking at the fog.

Eventually, the large Pokemon approached the lighthouse and stared at everyone, Bill's Alakazam was out and ready in case something happened. With each step it took the ground would tremble.

Bill wanted to talk to it but he couldn't find his words whether it be for adoration or fear.

The Pokemon raised its hand and Alakazam was ready to move until the Pokemon started giving a friendly wave then releasing another melodic sound.

Now that everyone could get a good look at the Pokemon its features were surprising, it had scars, small scars covering its body, and the Pokemon itself looked old, very old.

Ash and presumably Yellow also heard it say something that roughly translated to, [I sleep…Friends gone…me big…new friends]

Ash didn't know what to make of that information, clearly, something happened while it was sleeping, but that raised another question: where had this big behemoth been sleeping, there had to be some idiot that tried to catch this Pokemon if it was just out in the open.

The Pokemon looked happy to see them then after acting like a large child it released another melodic sound and walked back into the ocean.

At this point Bill snapped to his senses, "Wait… don't leave I want to talk to you..!!" but the Dragon either didn't hear him or chose to ignore him.

"Can I meet you again!!" Bill yelled out in a last-ditch effort

The Dragonite made one more sound before leaving, "Of course... we.. are..Friends "

And just like that the giant Pokemon was gone.

After a bit of Bill standing and thinking about life, he eventually returned his Pokemon and turned back to go sit down inside, after he did he released a sigh before looking excited.

"It was even more glorious than I thought, my research was wrong, it was much bigger than I thought, oh How exciting, I should contact Oak right away."

But before Bill could run off Ash caught him, "Oak is probably sleeping by now, and you should too you look like you are going to fall over, when was the last time you had a full 8 hours."

"We need 8 hours?" Bill asked.

"Dude, what are you a depressed college student," Ash said before he realized what he said, 'I just made fun of myself.'

Brock saw Ash going through his midlife crises so he grabbed Bill as well, "It is best if we all go to sleep and you can call the Professor in the morning."

"You're right here I'll lead you all into your rooms," Bill said before showing everyone a spare room which everyone went to except Ash.

"I've heard things from the Professor about your habits so until you fall asleep I am standing by your door." Bill tried to convince him otherwise, mainly because that was exactly what he was going to do but eventually, he agreed and went to sleep.

'Finally' Ash thought before leaving the lighthouse and looking by the cliff again, he took his Pokemon out of hibernation mode and released them to feed all of them.

As they were eating he decided to open his space and check on the berries he planted, Normally these kinds of berries would take a long time to grow but he can speed up and slow down time in there so over the past few months they have been growing. Although they aren't that good since he really doesn't know what he is doing, they are just good enough to make basic Pokeblocks.

'I wish I got that minor in Botanist, but nooo I had to learn Russian. If only I knew how to properly grow and cross-breed berries and potentially Apricorns since I want to make my own Pokeballs eventually, this would all be so much easier. The worst part is I know where I can learn to make balls but I have no idea where to start with growing things. I studied how to be able to open someone up but I can't properly grow some dumb Berries.'

Ash got up and gave himself a slap in the face, 'Welp no point in crying about what a can and should have done. I need to start planning for Surge, then how I am going to get my greedy hands on those eternal evolution stones.'

For the next few hours, Ash pulled up the streams of Lt Surge's battles and did some damage calculations he even needed to pull out the old reliable calculator and notebook. After he came up with a plan he noticed the sun was already rising.

'Oh Fffffff-ine, I haven't pulled an all-nighter like that in a while, well I guess I'll make some coffee then those sugar pancakes to wake me up.'

Most of his Pokemon fell asleep again so Ash put them back in their balls and went back into the lighthouse, to make breakfast for everyone.

Eventually, everyone woke up and went down to see Ash half asleep drinking some coffee and making Pancakes.

"Hey everyone, there's pancakes if you want and coffee," Ash said, bringing another plate to Abra.

"Hey Ash, how long did you sleep?" Brock asked, seeing that he was 3 cups of coffee in.

"There was no sleep, I was doing some research," Ash said, handing Pikachu's Ketchup.

Everyone was surprised to hear that he was up all night and saw his notebook to see what kind of research he was doing, then was surprised to see how in-depth his notes and calculations were, even Bill was surprised seeing it.

"Why are these so in-depth you didn't spend half as much effort preparing for me and Misty," Brock said.

"Well unlike you two he actually uses held items and trained his Pokemon's EVs, so what is your excuse?" Ash said bluntly.

Misty and Brock looked away and whistled, while Yellow sat down with Abra and Bill's Alakazam.

"Anyway besides that Bill, I thought of something about the Pokemon we saw, you noticed it too it looked extremely old."

Bill nodded, "Yes with just a glance I could tell it was the oldest Pokemon I have ever seen, but what is your point?"

"Well there's a law, Bergmann's rule, basically Creatures that live in a cold place grow bigger to preserve heat, I thought it was possible that the Pokemon hibernated in a remote and cold area since it lacked the usual features of Dynamax Pokemon except it's glowing eyes."

"Yes, it certainly is possible but why do you think it hibernated?"

"Well because someone would have tried to catch it if it wasn't sleeping, but something caused it to wake up and leave wherever it was hiding."

Bill thought about it, "This is certainly an interesting theory and it does hold some bases I will have to talk with some more researchers about it"

"Yeah, I would also recommend getting into contact with Professor Juniper as well this fits into her area of expertise."


Hey, I have a question, What is something that as soon as you read will immediately make you drop a story no matter how good it is, you can't just say something obvious like harem or system, you have to be specific.

Mine is simple there has only once been a time I dropped a story, I can take a lot but what happened is this guy reincarnated in One Piece, but immediately announced to the whole world he was reincarnated, then is surprised when everyone is after him, but it isn't even for information it is for his stupid smartphone.