
Doing things

Ash walked away from the group, he does feel bad about being as brutal as he was but it needed to be done, it's better than the alternative.

When he walked out he was waved down by his friends waving him down, so he walked over waving back at them, "Hey guys, everything good?"

"Yeah, Pallet Town sure knows how to throw a party!" Brock said as he shoved a chicken skewer into his mouth.

"And Ms. Delia's cooking is tasty like always," Yellow said while feeding Chuchu, and Dody sneaked in and stole some of it from her plate.

"You know I was kinda skeptical but color me surprised," Misty said with a fork with a piece of food in her hand, and as she wasn't looking the food glowed and came off of the fork and floated down.

When Misty went in for the bite she bit on the fork realizing it was gone, then she had the munching coming from under the table where Psyduck was stealing food with his powers.

Misty sighed and mumbled, "Well at least he can somewhat control it now…"

"By the way, aren't you going to join the party?" Yellow asked, "This party is for you guys,"

Ash shook his head and smiled, "Sorry, I've gotta do something with the professor, but after I'll come straight back to join the party, promise."

As soon as he said that there was a surprise attack where Green jumped up and grabbed Ash under her arm, "Ha, you better, but after that brutal rejection I don't know how you can continue being so normal,"

"Ehh, you heard it?"

"Yeah, they told us, just had to send Green in and Brown started singing," Gary said walking up.

"Yeah makes sense," Ash said as he broke out of Green's arm, "But it had to be done, better than the alternative."

"I'll say, I'm like 70% sure she tried to send some people to kidnap us, but I took care of those guys on the road," Gary said shaking his head, 

"I mean yeah like she had it coming but you could at least been more gentle, like I wasn't getting rejected and I felt that," Green said shaking her head.

It was at this moment that Yellow cut in, "...um, what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh yeah you guys are here too," Gary said finally noticing them

"Gee, thanks," Misty said, "But yeah what are you talking about, you've got me curious,"

Green grinned and sat down at the table, "Well buck in I'm going to tell you the full story,"

Ash sighed, "Ok, well I need to talk to Oak about something, I'll be back soon enough," 

Gary sighed as he also sat down, "Yeah yeah, we'll wait for you here. I need to ask you something, but it's not urgent."

Ash nodded as he walked away and Green started retelling the story,

Ash walked to the lab after that, when he was inside he could see that Oak was sitting in his lab with a plate of food from the party. He was outside celebrating with everyone but it's been hours since the Party started and he needed to make a call.

As he walked in he could hear the last part of the conversation, "So in conclusion that is the evolutionary method,"

Rowen was on the screen and nodded, "Very well, I shall validate this myself then we can speak about the terms of the presentation, and by the way give my regards to Professor Fraxinus, I hear he and Bill have found some interesting things."

"Will do, thank you for your time," Oak said as he turned the computer off.

Oak cracked his back and turned around where he saw Ash sitting down on one of the chairs and looking through his phone, "So what was that about?"

"Oh Ash, well it was about the evolution method for Annihilape, technically I need another researcher to verify it, and since you, or rather 'Fraxinus', Isn't a licensed researcher I went with the next best option," Oak said.

"If all goes well it will be released before the end of the week, but enough about that what can I do you for?"

Ash nodded, "I see….. So I hear you gave the 5 any Pokemon they wanted as starters,"

Oak felt the color wash out from his face, "Err well…" He said, trying to find an excuse, "Well… *snap* I thought that if you were able to come so far without one of the royal starters then maybe there was a correlation to that!"

Ash and Pikachu both looked at him with a blank expression, "Right…. Sure whatever."

Oak scratched his head, "Err, Oh that reminds me!" Oak said as he ran to the side and ran out with a dark grey egg with purple spots, "Lance told me to give this to you, I suppose it is an extra reward, not that it was needed the prize money that you received was probably plenty."

Ash nodded as he took the egg that Oak handed him, "Yeah, uh I think this year I got about a million poke, for winning."

"Makes sense, although that is more than back in my day, when I won they only gave me 500,000. Oh how the times change," Oak said reminiscing.

"Yeah.." Ash said not paying attention since as soon as he received the Egg his dex rang, so he pulled it up on his Rotom Phone, and he connected them to read what it was saying.

-Ding- Enough Pokemon have been registered, also detecting that user has won the Indigo League, processing rewards-

Ash blinked, "huh, neet."

Oak noticed Ash looking at his phone, "Is something wrong, my boy?"

Ash shook his head, "No, just someone asking for me to go and do an interview, nothing important."

Oak nodded, "Very well, oh and by the way I wanted to ask you something, a favor if you will."

Ash sighed, "Well you know my price,"

Oak chuckled helplessly, "I suppose so, but this is more simple, you see I have a colleague in the Orange Islands,"

"Professor Ivy I'm aware, but what do you need, and can't you just use the teleporter or your Alakazam?"

"Well you see, the teleporters there are outdated, and even if they weren't they can't get this item, a Pokeball through the teleporter anyway, and I can't send Alakazam since I've never actually gone to the Orange Islands nor interacted with Ivy directly."

"So that's it for a Pokeball, well that's not too bad, and I guess it's a way to kill time since I have like a bit less than 2 months before I'm old enough to get my Traner license for Johto." The current time was March 20.

"Alright, so you're willing to do it?" Oak asked

"Yeah sure why not, I'll think about what I want as compensation later, I should get it here in like a week," Ash said as he started walking to the door,

 "Oh by the way, I noticed some of your Pokemon aren't around, where are they did you leave them in your PC?"

"Oh no, I just asked them if they had something they wanted to do and I just let them go with Abra," Ash said casually as he walked out of the door.

"Huh, well that is…. certainly a way to take care of Pokemon," Oak said

{A few minutes later}

Ash was sitting back at the table with everyone, after a bit where he had to explain the situation with Pink that went on for way too long, he finally started having the party like everyone else.

"I mean I still can't believe that happened," Brock said

"Ok, that's enough of that," Ash said crossing his arm into an X position, "This bits gone on way too long, let's talk about something much more productive,"

"Like what?" Gary asked, it seemed like what he wanted to say was more between them

Ash gave a look at Green which she instantly recognized and smiled, "Ok, let's talk about you haven't confessed to Grace already," she said

Gary spat out his drink, "W-w-what are you talking about?"

"Oh come on don't play dumb," Ash said, "Just go say something, it's painfully obvious."

"I...don't know what you're talking about," Gary said, looking away.

So Ash nodded at Green, "Well, in that casssseee, you won't mind if I go ask her out," Ash said holding his hand at his chin, "I'm sure she might be interested in number 1 more than number 2,"

Green slide next to Ash, "You know she is pretty cute, maybe I should try my luck as well~"

The other 3 were understandably confused and shocked at this turn of events and Gary squinted at his 2 idiot friends, "Oh both of you cut it out, fine if it will make you 2 shut up I'll do it one of these days."

Ash and Green smiled and walked next to where Gary was sitting before grabbing him by the arms, "Nope not good enough, you're telling her today," Green said

As Gary was being carried he started trying to escape, "What no, no not now wait nooo-" It was useless as he was carried away his voice fading into the distance.

The other 3 were at the table wondering, and Pikachu was also munching on some food covered in ketchup.

Yellow looked at everyone, "Uh...so did anyone else notice Ash has an Egg?"

{Viridian Forest}

Beedrill, Scizor, Fearow, and Pidgeot appeared in the forest with Abra then she teleported away.

Each of them had a job they wanted to do, Beedrill would be making her nest and subduing the population of Beedrill that have been growing exponentially, and Fearow would go back to route 1 to migrate his large flock here in a more manageable place.

Pidgeot was more going to check the area and make sure the Pidgey population wouldn't fight with the Spearow that would be coming in and Scizor…well let's just say Ash gave him an offer

{Quick flashback}

Ash was lying next to a tree as Scizor was training like always even though the League was over, it was silent and peaceful.

Then out of nowhere, Ash looked over at Scizor, "Hey you want a girlfriend?"

Which made Scizor immediately fall to the ground in surprise at the sudden question

So yeah that's kinda of what he was here for, and when he found one that caught his interest he would just take her back with him with Abra, the idea made his red face even redder, he already had the strength to take on his original clan and to Scythers, strength = attractive.

So just as they were about to split up suddenly a Pidgeotto flew from the sky and landed in front of them.

"[You there, state you business I am the protector of this forest!]" Pidgeotto said and behind her were multiple Pidgey.

No one had any way of knowing this but this was the Pidgeotto that Ash caught in the anime originally, now that she wasn't caught she stayed and became the protector of the forest and the current strongest, she could take on any Pokemon at 3 Gym badge level. 

Scizor raised his claw, "[Hey, we mean the forest no harm, in fact, I was born here in the forest],"

"[As was I]," Beedrill said, "[We are not here to destroy anything, isn't that right you 2,]"

Fearow and Pidgeot both stayed silent for a moment seeing Pidgeotto, then after a moment they puffed up their chest feathers, "[Yes we only want some negotiations, perhaps we can talk about it more…privately]"

Scizor and Beedrill both watched the 2… well love birds try to court this Pidgeotto, making them both sigh and both fly away letting them embarrass themselves.


{Near Mt. Moon}

Nidoking and Machamp were dropped off by Abra, Machamp went in a specific direction and Nidoking chose to follow for a bit.

"[Thanks for following me, this isn't easy]," Machamp said looking down

Nidoking nodded "[Right, because it's…that],"

As they kept walking they made their way into the forest and stopped in a clearing, but not just any clearing, this was the place that still gave Machamp nightmares, the place where he buried his friends.

As he walked close he sat down in front of them and just stayed there for a while, "[Hey guys, I'm back, I know it's been a while but guess what, I'm a champion now…I just wish you guys were around,]"

Nidoking stayed silent for a moment, "[May I ask, you seem to have a closer bond than just friends,]"

Machamp chuckled, "[Yeah you would be able to tell wouldn't you, actually their all my brothers, well half brothers.]"

"[Realy?]" Nidoking said surprised

Machamp nodded, "[Yeah, you see from what my mother and they told me, our father was a ruthless Machamp, he was so strong he did whatever he wanted, and what he wanted the most was a worthy opponent,]"

"[So he went around everywhere having as many children as he could with as many strong Pokemon as he could, I'm pretty sure he stole my mother from a trainer, I'm also sure that I'm the onlyone that was born from another Machamp,]"

"[Really, how does that work?]" Nidoking asked

"[Well apparently my father's genetics are so strong that he can breed with any Pokemon and it is guaranteed to be a male Machop, heck he even cucked the Golem King once. So after a while, we all banded together saying that one day we would fight our old man and win for our mothers.]"

"[I see…]" Nidoking said, "[then in that case-]"

Suddenly as he was saying that a high-pitched voice came from the forest behind them and a Mankey wearing a hat walked out with a scroll, "[Attention! The King of this forest demands to see the intruders! Follow or face the King's wrath!]"

Then he looked over at Nidoking and Machamp who were both larger than the king and immediately almost passed out, "[U-uh, w-will y-y-you be complying or will we n-n-need to send the royal guards?]"

Nidoking sighed and looked at Machamp, "[I'll take care of this, you stay here as long as you need.]"

Machamp nodded, "[Thanks man]"

Nidoking picked up a package he bright with him and walked to the Mankey, "[Well, lead the way,]"

"[B-but what about the other o-one,]" he said shaking

Nidoking stared down, "[I will be going alone, so start walking,]" he said as Mankey almost passed out from the words.

"[R-right, ok]" Mankey said as he quickly started walking with Nidoking behind