
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
256 Chs

Civil War

After releasing all my Pokemon and giving them all their food I decided to look at Pidgeotto. Pidgey was probably around 6 inches tall, but now that he evolved he is around 4'07"- 4'11". He is around the same height as the average Pidgeot. I wonder how tall he'll be when he evolves again.

Speaking of which, as soon as Spearow saw his frenemy's new form he got even more motivated to evolve to surpass him again. This is giving off Goku and Vegeta vibes.

Ash got snapped out of his thoughts by Yellow.

"Hey Ash what happened with Pidgey and Scyther," Yellow asked as Brock decided to listen in.

So I explained to them the whole battle between Pidgey and Scyther, and how Pidgey evolved.

"Well can't say I would have let you go alone if I knew you were going to battle a Scyther alone, but I guess it worked out, just tell us if you're going to do something like that again" Brock responded as Yellow nodded.

"But never mind that you said you wanted to take a stop on route 3 and here we are, so what is the plan?" Brock asked as he was handing more food to the Pokemon.

"Well I want to catch a Nidoran, and there are a few groups that live around here, so I was going to find one before we get to Mt. Moon," Ash said as he gave Pikachu his food.

Brock nodded as he started cleaning up, and Yellow was playing with her Pokemon.

Ash got up and decided to start cleaning up, he handed his Pokemon their Pokeblokes, even for Magikarp, and packed up everything before moving further down the path until they got to the clearing, at the rate they were going they could probably reach Mt. moon by tomorrow.

When suddenly they heard the sounds of two Pokemon fighting, as the group looked over to see what was making the noise they saw in the forest there was a Nidoran and a Geodude fighting, and looked evenly matched.

Ash and Yellow were both surprised, but Brock seemed to be the most surprised, it makes sense Geodude doesn't normally come this far away from Mt. Moon.

Ash scanned them both.



[Ability: Poison Point Hidden ability: Hustle → Sheer Force]

[Current moves: Poison Sting, Peck, Focus energy, Confusion]

[Mutation detected, Analyzing…. Royal Gene.]

[Geodude (M)]

[Ability: Sturdy.]

[Current moves: Defense curl, Tackle, Rollout]


'Not bad at all, but I don't want to train a Golem, at least not for now. But now that I think about it, didn't Yellow have a Golem in the manga.' Ash looked towards Yellow.

"Hey Yellow, you want to try catching that Geodude while I try to catch the Nidoran?" Ash said, getting a surprised look from Yellow.

"What are you sure, shouldn't you or Brock get it you would probably put it to better use than me," Yellow said trying to reject it.

"Well Brock already has a Geodude, and if I wanted one I'd probably get it in the mountains. Right here it is pretty safe so you can try catching a Pokemon by yourself." Ash said

"Yeah why not, I can even give you some pointers to raise it," Brock said trying to encourage the blond girl.

Yellow thought about it for a bit before giving in, "Ok, I'll catch it, it would be nice to have another friend, so should I use Ratty or Dody."

"Ratty would be better just so you won't have a type disadvantage." Ash gave her the advice before releasing Poliwag.

As both Ash and Yellow got ready they saw the state of the two Pokemon that were fighting, Nidoran was in worse condition, but Geodude was Poisoned.

"Good luck, I'll separate them so you won't have to worry," Ash said before looking towards the Nidoran.

"Poliwag use Double Slap to push the Nidoran away," Ash commanded.

Poliwag rushed forward and used his tail to send the Nidoran flying towards a tree, Ash, Pikachu, and Poliwag went running after it., leaving both Geodude and Nidoran confused as to who these people were.

Before the Geodude could understand what happened, Yellow called out, "Ratty use Quick Attack."

Ratty attacks the Geodude at high speeds, which didn't do too much because of the type disadvantage.

Geodude shook it off before taking some poison damage and retaliating with a rollout to try and hit Ratty.

"Ratty, please doge then try Bite," Yellow commanded, trying to avoid Ratty getting hurt.

Ratty jumped up, then Geodude had to uncurl to turn around, and by then he got a bit, dealing more damage.

At this point, the Geodude was more desperate and went to try a Tackle which Ratty couldn't doge in time.

"Ratty no!" Yellow shouted out, she wanted to ask for help from Brock before she stopped herself and continued, "Ratty one more time, use Super Fang"

Ratty ran forward and his teeth started glowing before clashing with Geodude, along with the Poison Geodude was barely up. So Yellow threw a Pokeball before she heard a ding, and Geodude was caught.


Ash had caught up with the Nidoran, but as soon as he got that far he saw there were more Geodudes and Nidorans, both male and female, fighting.

Ash decided to focus on one thing before seeing his Nido start to get back up, "Poliwag keep your distance, use Bubble Beam."

Poliwag jumped up before shooting bubbles at the small Pin Pokemon. Blasting it back into the tree, Ash threw a Pokeball, and with the injuries that he already had, Nidoran was caught.

Ash returned Poliwag before moving to collect his Pokeball, and as he did a tree fell over revealing a Graveler that got through it by a NidoKing.

Looking around he could see that there were more than just the first form of these Pokemon. There were also some Nidorino and Nidoking. Some Nidorina and Nidoqueen. Then there were also Graveler and some Golem.

And in the middle, there were two giant Pokemon, a large Nidoking with a scar over his Eye and a Golem that had Scratches all over its stone armor.

Scanning them Ash almost yelled in surprise


Nidoking – King

Royal mutation

Golem – King

Royal mutation


This wasn't just a battle, this was an entire civil war, and since he just caught a Nidoran with a Royal mutation, he probably just caught the Prince didn't he?

Ash grabbed Pikachu and started walking away, 'Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Not doing that I am leaving before I die' As he was walking away the battle continued behind them with the King using Earth power and the Golem using Earthquake.

Ash just started running out, by the time Yellow had caught the Geodude and they saw him running towards them.

"Hey, Ash look I caught the Geodude, did you catch your Nidoran?" Yellow asked.

"Yeah I caught it but we need to move now, it is dangerous to be here I can tell you on the way but let's go," Ash said as he grabbed both of his friends by the hand as started walking.

"Wait what happened, why do you seem so Panicked," Brock asked before they heard an explosion coming from where they were.

"Yep, that's why, basically there's a civil war happening between the Nidoran and Geodude evolution lines. And for some reason, their respective kings are clashing over them."

Brock was very surprised to hear this. "What?! Why are all of those Pokemon out here, they hardly ever leave the mountain and they came out here to fight the Nidos."

"Why would they all leave the cave, are they disputing for territory," Yellow asked.

Brock shook his head "Unlikely, Geodudes and even Golem are territorial but they don't actively leave the cave for territory. The only reason why they would leave the cave would be if someone made them leave the cave."

'I swear if I find out those three idiots have something to do with this I am going to through the through a mountain'

(Meanwhile in Mt. Moon)

"Acho", "Do you ever feel like someone is talking about you?" James asked.

"People are always talking about me, your Point" Jessie answered

Currently, they were in the mountain and using a drill along with a bunch of other grunts working alongside them.

"Hey, keep working, I don't want to get on the boss's bad side because you idiots couldn't work a drill," Meowth said as he was sitting on top of the drill.

"Hey you three, stop slacking off," said a fourth voice, and as soon as they heard the voice they all tensed up and looked at where it came from. Behind them stood a man with spikey aquamarine hair, and teal eyes. He wears a long white sleeve shirt with a black undershirt and the Team Rocket emblem printed near his right sleeve. He also wears a black belt, white pants, and white shoes. It was executive Archer.

"This is not the time for you to play, or do I need to remind you three how many resources you spent trying to rob a Pokemon center before you were stopped by children."

"This Job is a direct order from Giovanni, so we can't afford to fix your mess, so you either get your act together or I will have to bring this up with the Boss."

"No, no, no. You don't have to bring this up to the Boss Sir, we will start picking up our slack" Jessie said quickly.

"Well you better hope that is true for all of your sake, we can't afford to fail, dismissed," Archer said as he started walking

"Sir yes sir" X3 the trio said as they started working twice as fast, causing even more tremors on Mt. Moon, but no one cared, no one but the Pokemon.

(Back to Ash)

At this point, the group had gotten to Route 4 and had finally stopped to catch their breath.

"Ok, so tell us everything you saw. If the Golem King was there then that means something big is happening in Mt. Moon" Brock asked as he sat down to rest.

Ash expanded on everything that he saw in the forest and explained what the Golem looked like confirming it was the king.

"So shouldn't we go back to help them?" Yellow said, when suddenly almost on time there was an explosion where they were, it seems like one of them used Self-destruct to take down a few of them.

Ash shook his head, "We aren't strong enough to break up the fight, and if something is happening in Mt. Moon this is a matter of territory we wouldn't be able to talk them out of fighting."

"At most, we can find out what happened to make all of them leave the mountain," Brock continued.

Yellow looked a bit sad as she looked at Geodude's Pokeball.

"But that does bring up another Question," Ash said as Brock and Yellow looked toward him, "If something was strong enough to make the Golem King leave, what else left the mountain."