
Saffron City: Part 2

The morning light streamed through the suite's expansive glass walls, casting a golden hue over the lavish room. 

Dune woke up from the night's activities, and the sensation of soft lips wrapped around him pulled him from his dreams. 

Looking down into his lower body, Dune saw Gardevoir already performing her morning ritual, sucking on his cock to clean him off from all residual fluids.

Gardevoir knelt on the edge of the bed, her expression focused yet playful as she continued her task, blowing and sucking hungrily on Dune's half-erect cock, her lips making a naughty expression as they sucked into his flesh, while Helena lay beside him, her arms wrapped tightly around his scaly grey torso, a soft smile on her face.

Across the room, Lopunny was busy in the corner, energetically stretching and performing exercises, her toned body glistening with a light sheen of sweat. 

It was like any other day in Dune's life ever since he escaped from that cursed cave, surrounded by luxury and beautiful women...


Where is Salazzle?

Oh, right. Dune had forgotten he left Salazzle to take care of the ranch while he was gone. 

Despite her strange pet fetish, she was more than capable of taking care of large amounts of Pokemon, and it was better than leaving Lopunny in charge.

As Gardevoir finally pulled away, wiping her mouth with a sly grin, Helena shifted to sit up, her hair tousled yet beautiful. "Good morning, everyone," she said playfully, her voice warm and inviting. 

The atmosphere shifted as both Helena and Gardevoir changed into more professional attire. 

Helena donned a fitted blazer that accentuated her figure, while Gardevoir opted for a sleek maid uniform with a hint of sophistication, complete with a frilly apron.

Dune, still naked and relaxed, admired them before shifting his focus back to Lopunny. "You going to stay in your Luxury Ball today?" he asked teasingly.

Dune knew very well one would first catch Lopunny and Gardevoir acting as friends rather than Lopunny wearing more than 3 pieces of cloth.

Lopunny nodded, giving Dune a condescending smirk, her ears perking up. 

"I'll be ready whenever you need me," she replied cheerfully before hopping inside her ball, the device clicking shut.

With a content sigh, Dune stretched and moved to join Helena, who was checking her reflection in the mirror. "Ready for your meeting?" he asked his tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Of course," she replied, adjusting her collar. "But I want to hear what's on your mind first."

As they prepared to leave, Dune's expression turned serious. "You know about the Game Corner in Celadon, right? The connection to Team Rocket?"

Helena nodded, her brow furrowing slightly. "Yeah, what about it?"

"I've been thinking," he began, his voice low. "What if Team Rocket is just a front? Like, what if they're working with Silph Co.? They supply rare Pokemon as prizes, right? It's odd how they operate without much interference."

Helena paused, considering his words. "You think Silph Co. is using Team Rocket as a scapegoat?"

"No, I think they are one and the same."

In his previous life, he had seen all sorts of weird and cracked theories made by fans, but one of his favorites was the Sylph C.O. mafia.

"They exploit Pokémon for profit, but if everyone's focused on Team Rocket's criminal activities, they can continue their questionable practices in the shadows," Dune explained, his tone earnest. "It's like a distraction—laundry; they do all their shady practices and experiments in the cover of Team Rocket to maintain their public image while hiding their true intentions."

Helena's eyes widened, processing his theory. "That would explain a lot. Silph Co. has a lot of power and influence. They are the world's most valuable company, yet they keep themselves close to the outside."

"Not only that, but they are leaders in the development of artificial Pokemon despite not having any official carried experiments; it could tarnish their reputation if they're involved in shady dealings."

"Right? Who would question their methods if they're seen as the corporate heroes fighting Team Rocket?" Dune continued. 

"Agreed," she said, her expression shifting from surprise to determination. "I'll keep this in mind during the meeting. We need to dig deeper if there's any truth to what you're saying."

As they made their way out, Dune felt a sense of willful, happy ignorance; even if his theory was false, he would again prove the taste of life meat today.

Today, Team Rocket will try to take over Saffron City.

Dune and Helena walked side by side, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floor of the Lumina Grand Hotel as they headed toward the imposing Silph Co. office building, a sleek skyscraper that towered just beside their luxurious accommodations. 

Dune couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. 'You know, considering Kanto just came out of a war a few years ago, it's wild how we're now drowning in all this luxury,' Dune said through Gardevoir's telepathy", gesturing toward the opulent buildings around them.

Helena laughed lightly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's like a different world, isn't it? People move on fast when it comes to money." 

As they entered Silph Co.'s grand lobby, the atmosphere shifted. The air was filled with corporate seriousness, devoid of fragrance, and employees rushed around, busy with their daily tasks. 

Just as they approached the main elevator, a stern-looking man in a suit stepped in front of them, arms crossed.

"Excuse me, but he can't just walk around here," the man said, directing his gaze at Dune with a hint of disdain.

Dune and Helena exchanged a quick glance, then turned to the man, their expressions unwavering. 

The intensity of their glares made the man take a step back, and he quickly relented. "ehem... right. Just follow me," he muttered, leading them to the elevator.

They rode the elevator to one of the top floors, the tension from the encounter fading as they arrived in a spacious waiting area lined with glass walls. 

From this height, they had a stunning view of Saffron City, the bustling streets and shiny buildings sprawling below them.

'looks like we're early,' Dune said, glancing at Helena's PokeNav. 

Helena smiled but kept her focus on the room. "Let's just make sure we present ourselves well. This partnership with Landshark could be crucial for us."" 

Moments later, they were greeted into a sleek conference room, where several executives from Silph Co. were already seated, shuffling papers and exchanging hushed conversations. 

As Dune and Helena took their seats, the atmosphere grew tense with anticipation.

The meeting began, and discussions about a potential partnership unfolded. 

"With Landshark's rising influence in the public sector, new software proposals, and our technological advancements," one of the executives said, "we can dominate the market together. Effectively creating a monopoly in the technological sector, the Paldeand and Galarian market won't be able to compete again." 

Just as Helena was about to respond, a loud explosion echoed through the building, shaking the walls and rattling the glass. 

Gasps filled the room as the executives exchanged worried glances.

Then, a chilling and ominous voice crackled through the speakers: "Team Rocket has taken over Saffron City. Do not resist."

Helena's expression turned from focused determination to shock, her eyes wide as she processed the implications. "This isn't just a takeover," she whispered to Dune, her voice tense. "They're coming for Silph Co. too."

Dune clenched his claws in excitement. It was about time he had the opportunity to eat Zubats yet again. 

Helena stood up from her seat and raised her hand. "We need to move, ow. If they're targeting this building, we can't wait for backup."

As panic spread among the executives, Dune and Helena exchanged a knowing glance; both knew they needed to act fast to uncover the truth behind this sudden chaos.