
Pokemon: Professor Oak is my cousin

What would you do if you were reborn into the Oak family, particularly as a branch member? And if that weren't enough, you find yourself in the same generation as the great Samuel Oak. Well then, let me show you what I would do in such a scenario. Notice: I do not own pokemon it belongs to its respective owner Cover photo is from Dilan Arrezo

whitepotato · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: I am an Oak

In a white space two ethereal figures faced each other, one big one small one old and weary one young and healthy one having faced enough of life's tribulations one filled with naivety towards the world's horror, yet here they faced each other gazing at each other. The older soul stretched out his hand and in a gentle manner gave the young soul a head pat, sadly this serene visage could not be seen by anyone. Slowly and steadily emotions began to radiate out of the young soul, emotions of sadness and pain of losing someone dear to it.

"Don't feel sad for me young oak, it was a matter of time before it happened so you should be instead happy that my weary soul can finally rest." The old soul said in a grandfatherly tone.

HAHAHA!! He suddenly burst out in laughter.

"Who would have though I would get sent to the Pokémon world, if I was younger, I would have even devoured your soul young one but as of now I'd prefer to have some rest" He continued as his body began fading away. At the sight of this the young oak broke down with intense sorrow, sorrow at the being that had being living inside his head for as long as he could remember. The being who showed him a world different from his, who gave his helpful advice whenever he needed it especially when his mother abandoned him and his father, when his father became crippled, when everyone looked at him and his father with scornful eyes and as the family, he one care for deeply left them for the wolves. Even when his father became withdrawn in regret, he was there but now he is leaving him…Alone.

"I know you are stronger than this and it is not that I am gone completely I will always be in your memory whenever you need me. HAHAHA! Enough of this cringy nonsense." The being consoled the young soul.

"Also, I will leave behind my memories, how you use it I leave it to you." As he said that the remainder of body faded away.

"Thank you, young Oak, for the best last moments of my life" These words echoed through the space as the young soul embraced the sorrow and pain just as he had been showed.




It has been a month since the being in his mind left. Surprisingly, I recovered quickly, which was a good thing since my father had become suspicious that something was up. Though the credit goes to the memories Grandpa Allan left, it made me feel as if he was still with me though not completely. Allan Walker Korir or Grandpa Allen as I called him was a soul sent into my world as he would say he lived in a world called Earth were there were not Pokémon only as a fictional item. He showed me about his life from an early age to his olden days how a man so enamored by Pokémon that he joined the company to work and develop games a more even rising up to a high position in the company. When he died, he did not expect to be reborn in a fetus, a new life in his dream world was in his fingers but upon feeling the young soul in the fetus he denied the thought, so he shielded himself from possessing the body and became a bodiless soul. This came at a cost; a body needs a soul to survive, and a soul needs a body to continue but when he became bodiless only the abnormal soul strength maintained his soul until it was no more. When I asked why he did not possess me hi answer was that he became fond of me, but what can you expect from a bachelor's old soul. Now enough of that since I have recovered enough its time to begin my plans.



<Name: Kevin Oak ♂>

<Age: 8>

<Profession: N A>

<Abilities: Psychic (Unawaken)>

<Bio: He is the only child of Hillary Oak and Marie Hitokage. has pale skin, short red hair, sharp eyes that appear as either mercury or goldish in color. a slender build exceptionally canine teeth. >


<Name: Allan Walker Korir ♂>

<Age: 72>

<Profession: Senior Game Developer, Expert Hacker, Business Manager, Blackbelt Karate practitioner, Otaku>

<Abilities: N A>

<Bio: He is a soul that transverses from Earth to the Pokémon Universe, and became grandfatherly figure Kevin Oak>


<Name: Kevin Oak ♂>

<Age: 8>

<Profession: N A>

<Abilities: Psychic (Unawaken)>

<Bio: He is the only child of Hillary Oak and Marie Hitokage. has pale skin, short red hair, sharp eyes that appear as either mercury or goldish in color. a slender build exceptionally canine teeth. This mix skin gene while hair teeth Hitokage Family.>

<Name: Allan Walker Korir ♂>

<Age: 72>

<Profession: Senior Game Developer, Expert Hacker, Business Manager, Blackbelt Karate practitioner, Otaku>

<Abilities: N A>

<Bio: He is a soul that transverses from Earth to the Pokémon Universe, and became grandfatherly figure Kevin Oak>